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Recently Posted About Missouri

SPORTSLOVERS: Route 66, Harley-Style

A group of business executives are meeting in Chicago soon to head out on a novel kind of road trip: They're traveling the length of old U.S. Route 66 -- on their Harleys.  LEARN MORE...

Jun. 16, 2008

BIRDING: No Wobble in These Warblers

125Hooded warbler2.jpgWarblers return unerringly from winter homes in South America to the north where they were born, a mysterious process that has some plausible explanations, but few definitive answers.  LEARN MORE...
May. 15, 2008

SPIRITS: Vodka's Gold Goes Green

You can't turn around today without running into another high end vodka. But a 150-year-old distillery in the historic river town of Weston, Mo., may have found a twist that adds civic values to its premium taste.  LEARN MORE...

Feb. 26, 2008

BIRDING: Tale of the Tails

Blacktailed Gullthumb2.jpgIt doesn't take much to get an avid birder out of bed and on the road for a chance to see a rare migratory bird. John O'Neill of Birding Beat high-tailed it across Missouri and Iowa this month to catch a glimpse of the Blacktailed Gull, which was hanging out in Saylorville. But also catching the bug was a novice who managed to score a life list two-fer.

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Nov. 28, 2007