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Recently Posted About Switzerland

And the Winner Is? - A Tennis Calling Card for Travelers

Apr 14, 2008

A couple of summers ago, I found myself in the thin air of one of those flower-bedecked Swiss valley hamlets, in this case, Arosa. Arosa sits at 6,500 feet above sea level, and 4,500 feet above the lightly-traveled Graubunden canton's capital city of Chur. Whether you take the train from... continue reading

The Sanctuaries of Sport: Museums in Europe (Part II)

Dec 21, 2007

My previous entry in this space included many of the fascinating and somewhat obscure sports museums in Europe. I covered those in Austria, Britain, Finland and France. Let’s follow the alphabet and take at look at some of Europe’s other gems: Germany:The Hunting and Fishing Museum (Jagd- und Fischereimuseum) in... continue reading

Lusanne: An Olympic Moment To Savor All Day

Dec 4, 2007

My first clear memory of the Olympics was the 1960 Summer Games in Rome. The mind-expanding modern architecture of its stadiums. Cassius Clay and Wilma Rudolph destroying everything in sight. The heat. The joy. And Russia vs. the United States. It was a taste I wanted more of. [The Lausanne... continue reading

When 'Bad' Is Good: Taking the Plunge in the Spas of Old Europe

Nov 9, 2007

I’m not a skier. Our son Riley Morton, the skiing and mountain climbing filmmaker, fills me in on the hot new mountain sports destinations when I feel the need to write about snow sports. As for me, I’ve had a lifetime experiencing the great snow resorts of North America and... continue reading

Hingis Retires: See You Around, We Hope

Nov 2, 2007

Before there was a Roger Federer, there was Martina Hingis. Tiny Switzerland pole-vaulted to the peak of Europe's tennis world with these two brilliant champions—but Martina came first.Yesterday she announced her retirement from the active tennis tour and championships, under a the cloud of a positive drug test for cocaine... continue reading

A Big Game's Afoot in Europe's Tennis Hideaways

Oct 31, 2007

I learned a tough lesson very early in my life of travel. We had planned a week’s vacation in Denmark including four days in Copenhagen.We had a great time visiting design boutiques, eating open-faced sandwiches at sidewalk cafes, touring the Tuborg beer plant, and exploring cobblestone alleys on rented bikes.... continue reading

The Author

Bill Morton Photo

Bill Morton

Writer and Speaker

For two decades Bill Morton has used his travel and writings to uncover the themes of humanity in art, music, cuisine, couture and sports. He is the founder of Second Half Strategies of Bellevue, Wash.