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Recently Posted About Washington, D.C.

Travel Expo: Making Friends From Around the World

Apr 6, 2008

The Adventures in Travel Expo, a trade show that came to Washington for two days last week, is a smorgasbord of information about fascinating places to go and things to do. It's also a global village in its own right, full of interesting people  with different stories to tell.[Aruba... continue reading

Baltimore/Washington Waterways: Underwater Adventures for Everyone

Mar 21, 2008

My love affair with sea creatures probably began with my first two goldfish. I watched mesmerized as they flashed through the water and grieved when they died a couple of weeks later. A succession of goldfish followed with none much luckier than the first pair. But my fascination with creatures... continue reading

Closer to Home: Wildlife Habitats Far From the Crowds

Feb 21, 2008

When we think of travel, my husband Greg and I often think of exotic destinations and long plane trips. But weekend trips 50, 100 or even 200 miles can be equally inspiring and much less stressful than traveling thousands of miles. [Snowy Egret, Back Bay Wildlife Refuge](Photo: Fish and Wildlife... continue reading

The Author

Roberta Knussman Photo

Roberta Knussmann

Writer and Animal Lover

Roberta Knussmann practiced psychotherapy in metro Washington, D.C., for many years. She indulges her passion for travel by seeking out wonders of nature in all corners of the world.