Site Credits and Technical Information


Webmaster Craig Berry
Art Director/Information Architect Cindy Weinstein
Librarian Craig Dickson
Emeritus members Paul Clark
Kayla Block


The Magus

This site is hosted at ViaVerio on a FreeBSD virtual private server running the Apache webserver.

All pages are dynamically generated using Mason. Some pages (for example, the US local bodies contact list) include data obtained from a MySQL database. Site search is powered by Perlfect Search.

All pages are valid under the HTML 4.01 Transitional standard. The site makes heavy use of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to control its presentation. All style sheets are valid under the CSS2 specification.

It is our goal for the entire site to conform to the W3C's "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0" at level Triple-A. Evaluation against this goal is ongoing; many of the guidelines cannot be checked automatically.

Our site makes limited use of Unicode non-ASCII character entities to display Greek and Hebrew characters. Most modern browsers handle these properly. If you see your browser's "unknown character" indicator (e.g., an empty rectangle under Microsoft Internet Explorer) in the midst of other text, it probably indicates that your browser cannot display a particular Unicode character. Try hovering your mouse above the marker; some browsers will display a "tool tip" giving the English name of the character, or the English transliteration of the word in which it occurs.

Given our adherence to the above standards and guidelines, we are confident that all visitors to the site will be able to view and enjoy it without problems. If you do experience difficulties, please send a description of your problem to Be sure to indicate what browser and operating system (including versions for both) you are using.