Tag archive for ‘Worship’

Reflections - Juz 17

Reflections - Juz 17

Juz 17 brings us to the magnificent surah entitled al-Anbiyaa’ - the Prophets. This surah has many well known and often quoted verses specifically on the subject of scientific evidences of the Quran and also because it contains the famous and oft-quoted verse, “And we have sent you (O’ Muhammad) naught else as a mercy to the universe.” [21:107] Yet, the main theme of this great surah is the various struggles of the different Prophets and their eventual success and victory over their people, hence the name of the surah. It is this point that we shall consider today due to its significance in the surah and in our own lives as Muslims dealing with our own challenges and trials from Allah.

Ramadan Sin-O-Meter: The Results

Ramadan Sin-O-Meter: The Results

Now that Eid has come and gone, I thought it might be worth briefly revisiting my recent Ramadan: The Ultimate Sin-O-Meter post with a post-Ramadan self-assessment.
Ever since publishing the entry - first to a small, intimate audience on my personal blog, then to a much larger one here, on MuslimMatters - I have experienced such [...]

Ramadan Reflections - Juz 14

Ramadan Reflections - Juz 14

 For all parts, up to and including this one, click “Ramadan Reflections: The Daily Journey“
Ramadan Reflections – Juz 14 Juz 14 – Surat al-Hijr
In the today’s juz, we will insha’Allah reflect upon a portion of Surat al-Hijr. From this surah, we shall take two selections, reflecting upon the latter before the former. [...]

Ramadan Reflection Juz 13

Ramadan Reflection Juz 13

 For all parts, up to and including this one, click “Ramadan Reflections: The Daily Journey“
Ramadan Reflections – Juz 13
Juz 13 – Surat Yusuf
Today we come to what has been aptly described in the Quran as the “We relate unto you the best of stories through Our Revelations unto you” in surat [...]

Ramadan Reflections - Juz 12

Ramadan Reflections - Juz 12

For all parts, up to and including this one, click “Ramadan Reflections: The Daily Journey“
Ramadan Reflections - Juz 12
Juz 12 - Surat Hud
In today’s reflection, we will discuss a beautiful ayah from surat Hud that will be the foundation for us to learn the ways by which a Muslim can expiate his [...]

Ramadan Reflections - Juz 9

Ramadan Reflections - Juz 9

 For all parts, up to and including this one, click “Ramadan Reflections: The Daily Journey“
Ramadan Reflections - Juz 9
Juz 9 - Surat al-Anfaal
Surat al-Anfaal is a tremendous surah, revealed with much guidance regarding the great Battle of Badr which occured approximately on the 17th of Ramadan in the first year after the Hijrah. In it [...]

Ramadan Reflections - Juz 11

Ramadan Reflections - Juz 11

For all parts, up to and including this one, click “Ramadan Reflections: The Daily Journey“
Ramadan Reflections - Juz 11
Juz 11 - Surat at-TawbahAmong the beautiful ayaat in this tremendous surah is one which brings the reader who understands its depths to tears in its discussion of repentance. It is also associated with one of the [...]

Ramadan Reflections - Juz 8

Ramadan Reflections - Juz 8

For all parts, up to and including this one, click “Ramadan Reflections: The Daily Journey“
Ramadan Reflections – Juz 8
Juz 8 – Surat al-A’raaf
In today’s reflection we will spend some time discussing the matter of clothing briefly as it is a subject in the early part of surat al-A’raaf. Allah states:


Ramadan Reflections - Juz 10

Ramadan Reflections - Juz 10

For all parts, up to and including this one, click “Ramadan Reflections: The Daily Journey“
Ramadan Reflections - Juz 10
Juz 10 – Surahs al-Anfaal and at-Tawbah

إِلاَّ تَنصُرُوهُ فَقَدْ نَصَرَهُ اللّهُ إِذْ أَخْرَجَهُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ ثَانِيَ اثْنَيْنِ إِذْ هُمَا فِي الْغَارِ إِذْ يَقُولُ لِصَاحِبِهِ لاَ تَحْزَنْ إِنَّ اللّهَ مَعَنَا فَأَنزَلَ اللّهُ سَكِينَتَهُ عَلَيْهِ وَأَيَّدَهُ بِجُنُودٍ لَّمْ [...]

Ramadan Reflections - Juz 6/7

Ramadan Reflections - Juz 6/7

For all parts, up to and including this one, click “Ramadan Reflections: The Daily Journey“
Ramadan Reflections Juz 6/7
Juz 6/7 – Surahs al-Maa’idah and al-An’aam
Unfortunately due to some travel I had to make and the delay in writing that ensued, I have decided to combine sections for the next few days insha’Allah.
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ [...]