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FFXI to get three new expansions News

News by Oli Welsh

24 November, 2008

Square Enix has announced that it's going to be supporting Final Fantasy XI, the massively multiplayer edition in its classic RPG series, with three new expansions.

The expansions will be sold online through a digital distribution service, starting in spring 2009 and "every few months thereafter". Pricing hasn't been confirmed yet.

They've been created by Square veteran Masato Kato, who worked as director and scenario writer on the likes of Chrono Trigger, Xenogears and the original release of FFXI.

The first expansion will be called A Crystalline Prophecy - Ode of Life Bestowing, in which players will "unravel the mysteries" of a giant primordial crystal hanging in the skies above the world.

After that will come A Moogle Kupo d'Etat - Evil in Small Doses. "It all started with an innocent drop of rainwater and a rickety, ramshackle Mog House desperately in need of repairs," says the press release. "Little did anyone suspect that this was only the beginning of a harrowing nightmare unheard of in the annals of moogle-kind."

Finally there's A Shantotto Ascension - The Legend Torn, Her Empire Born, about a mad professor who declares herself ruler of her own empire.

According to Square Enix, Final Fantasy XI still has over half a million active users, which is none too shabby for a six-year-old MMO. It's available for PS2 and Xbox 360 as well as PC.

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