The Secrets of Staying Motivated and Maintaining Fitness

Everybody begins an exercise program with the intention of sticking to it faithfully. However, inclement weather conditions, clashes with work or school schedules, or any number of other distractions can quickly make us forget our goal of fitness. What can you do to stay on track? Read on for some simple ways to make an exercise program a permanent part of your lifestyle.

Set aside the time. Unless you make a conscious effort to set aside time for exercise, it can be tough to fit into your schedule. Try to fit thirty minutes or more into your calendar at least a few times a week. But be realistic; don’t try to fit your workout between two meetings or at a time when you’ll likely have to cancel it. It doesn’t matter when you exercise. Just find a time that works for you and do your best to stick to it.

Engage in an activity YOU enjoy. One of the primary reasons people quit exercising is because they don’t enjoy their workout. They have either selected an activity that they don’t enjoy or they have simply become bored. Don’t be afraid to change your routine periodically and try new activities. Try a fitness class, ride a bike, go for a swim, take up a sport. There are many options to choose from so don’t let yourself get stuck in a fitness routine that you dread.

Be flexible when you’re not motivated. Everyone makes excuses to not exercise. Find a reason to negate the excuse. Remind yourself of your priority to do something good for yourself. Resist ineffective excuses to cancel, and remember it's okay to adjust your activity when you’re feeling tired.

Get a buddy. Get your friends and family to join you in your exercise routine. Not only will they provide companionship and even a pleasant distraction while you exercise, they will also be a great motivator on days when you are tempted to skip your exercise routine.

Let simple pleasures motivate you. We know the many benefits of physical activity. However, it can be difficult to continue to work out if you don’t see immediate results. Focus on the small, positive changes that you receive from exercise. You may feel and look better, have more energy, sleep more restfully, and much more!

Be patient with yourself. A new exercise plan may take a while to become a permanent part of your lifestyle. Keep track of your progress and accomplishments. If you’ve been away from your routine for a while, add an incentive, such as a massage, to get you going again.

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