Vox Populi
Category: Vox Populi
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Product Code: 2019
Availability: In stock.
Price: $1.95

"The Marian dogma that is to come is important, and all are surely called to reflect on it and prepare for it... ’
— His Eminence,
Edouard Cardinal Gagnon,
President of the Pontifical Committee

Product Code: 3231
ISBN: 1-882972-30-9
Availability: In stock.
Price: $8.50
The many apparitions of Mary during the last 150 years tell us we are at the pinnacle of the Era of Mary. In Fatima, Mary predicted the final victory of Her Immaculate Heart. The full truth of Mary’s role in God’s plan for Salvation will be defined in the last Marian Dogma, in which Mary will be proclaimed as Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate for the People of God. This book is meant to be in support of this Dogma and to act as a layman’s guide to Mary’s expanding role in the Church.

Product Code: 2020
ISBN: 1-57918-125-2
Availability: In stock.
Price: $12.50
Theological Foundations III
"I am more than pleased to give my highest possible recommendation to this book...which contains the most recent theological works supporting the petition we have addressed to His Holiness through the years pleading for the dogma…" — His Eminence, Cardinal Ernesto Corripio Ahumada
Archbishop Emeritus, Primate of Mexico

Product Code: 2037S
ISBN: 1-57918-227-5
Availability: In stock.
Price: $1.95

Product Code: 2037
ISBN: 1-57918-220-8
Availability: In stock.
Price: $1.95

Product Code: 3101
ISBN: 1-882972-06-6
Availability: In stock.
Price: $12.95
The newly revised, Introduction to Mary, offers us the opportunity to experience the truth about the person of Mary, our Spiritual Mother, through learning about Marian doctrine and devotion. Also offers answers to ten of the more common objections to Mary. Written by a Professor of Theology and Mariology at Franciscan University at Steubenville. Imprimatur.

Product Code: 2038i
Availability: In stock.
Price: $1.95

Product Code: 2035s
ISBN: 1-57918-194-5
Availability: In stock.
Price: $15.00
La riqueza de ideas, principios, pendientes y exposición teológica se refleja en este volumen, el trabajo de un excepcional equipo internacional de teólogos y mariologists, pide el obispo contemporáneo, pastor, teólogo, o establecer líder a dedicar tiempo y atención a esta importante labor y tema, a fin de ser debidamente informados y agradecida por la reciente Mariológico desarrollo de la doctrina mariana de coredemption dentro de la Iglesia de hoy.
En nuestra situación actual del mundo, en medio de tanto sufrimiento humano y el malestar mundial, es la pertinencia de la doctrina de María Co-redemptrix no resulta evidente para nosotros? ¿Qué doctrina transmite mejor el misterio cristiano del valor sobrenatural del sufrimiento humano bajo cualquier condición, incluidas las condiciones más allá de nuestro control terrenal, que no sea la de María Co-redemptrix?
--- - Edouard Cardenal Gagnon, P.S.S.

Product Code: 2035
ISBN: 1-57918-176-7
Availability: In stock.
Price: $15.00
The wealth of ideas, principles, and outstanding theological exposition reflected in this volume, the work of an exceptional international team of theologians and mariologists, calls the contemporary bishop, pastor, theologian, or lay leader to dedicate time and attention to this important work and topic, so as to be properly informed and appreciative of the recent mariological development of the doctrine of Marian coredemption within the Church today.
In our present world situation, in the midst of so much human suffering and global unrest, is the relevance of the doctrine of Mary Co-redemptrix not obvious to us? What doctrine better conveys the Christian mystery of the supernatural value of human suffering under any condition, including conditions beyond our earthly control, than that of Mary Co-redemptrix?
--- -— Edouard Cardinal Gagnon, P.S.S.


Product Code: 8MM003
Availability: In stock.
Price: $13.95
Introduction to Mary Audio Series by Dr. Mark Miravalle
Introduction to Mariology is a series of live classroom lectures that offers you the unique opportunity to learn Marian doctrine and devotion. Noted professor and author, Dr. Miravalle explains in laymen’s terms the essential aspects of Mary’s role in the Church and our lives. This audio series will undoubtedly inspire you to become closer to Mary in a most beautiful and profound way.

Covers Mary Coredemptrix in Scripture, Mary Coredemptrix: The Mother Suffering, The Suffering Mother Also Nourishes: Mary Coredemptrix, Mediatrix Mary, Mediatrix of all Graces, The Mother Interceding: Mary, Advocate for the People of God, Coredeemers in Christ: Mary Coredemptrix as Model of the Church. Three Audio Cassette Tapes.

Category: Vox Populi
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