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Simple Embed

iPaper's simple embed is the easiest way to publish documents on your website. Here's how:

Upload your documents to Scribd

After you sign up for a free Scribd account, you're ready to go. Visit our Upload page and select one or more documents to upload and convert to iPaper. Don't forget to describe and tag your documents so others can easily find them!


Copy the document's embed code

Once your document is converted to iPaper, it's ready for you to embed it. From the document's page on Scribd, click the Embed tab above the iPaper window and copy the embed code. To customize your embedded document's size and default view mode, click Advanced.

Paste the document's embed code in the HTML code of your web page

Once you've configured iPaper and copied the embed code, paste it in the area of your web page, blog, or profile that you'd like it to appear. Save and republish your webpage and voilà - your document renders beautifully in your webpage.

Embed Documents