An Onymous Lefty

Teenager killed by police taser use

25 March, 2009 · 11 Comments

Categories: Crime and Punishment
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11 responses so far ↓

  • LGWS // 25 March, 2009 at 10:51 am

    2 one sentence posts with a hyperlink in them in one morning.

    isn’t that how a certain couple of news limited’s finest do it?

  • Jeremy // 25 March, 2009 at 10:55 am


    LGWS has a problem with short posts.

  • Jeremy // 25 March, 2009 at 10:57 am

    Seriously, I used up my blogging time this morning writing a retort to Albrechtsen for Pure Poison.

  • LGWS // 25 March, 2009 at 11:14 am

    2 things.

    1. my post was 2 sentences, not 1.
    2. my post didn’t contain a hyperlink.

    so, um, poo to you sir.

  • Jeremy // 25 March, 2009 at 11:29 am

    You weren’t the target of the mockery, dude.

    Also, seriously, get a gravatar.

  • Anthony_ // 25 March, 2009 at 12:16 pm

    Hmm my gravatar only works from home. On my work laptop it goes awol?

  • Sans Blog // 25 March, 2009 at 12:35 pm

    In NSW the police dept is arguing for one of these in every police car.

    And someone else is arguing for machine guns for airport police.

    What is happening to Australia? Poor fellow my country.

  • philiptravers // 25 March, 2009 at 8:41 pm

    I think Scipione the Commissioner of Police in N.S.W. whilst being highly motivated for the Force, has lost the plot. But shit, I cannot blame him sometimes with glass and other stuff becoming more prevalent. Who would want others to go through some of those experiences!? I am in a moral bind about it. And the more crazy happenings in film video and news reports from overseas the more likely victims of possible taser use will behave badly beforehand. Perhaps they need to look for something else,and maintain some dignity by accepting the taser is a dangerous weapon by chance circumstances.

  • philiptravers // 25 March, 2009 at 8:59 pm

    On that The Australian writer with the first name Janet,what sort of conceited shit allows this woman to moralise about all sorts of U.S.A. citizen attitudes in a paper for Australians!? And then the other constipated meanderings which declare they , Australians and to a lesser extent Americans are fighting the faithful of Islam for her!? Lot of lazy pollution coming from that woman. So it seems if you are opposed to us [ Australians] in Afghanistan,and cannot accept descriptions of bomb laying as terrorism,you would be anti-freedom and pro Australian death and injury! The reason terrorism is the wrong tag,is that the word terrorist cannot be covered by actions alone,where forensic evidence is the last consideration in the propogandising of the we and the enemy! The Australian newspaper isn’t printed for the common good of Australians,it is Murdoch of some more than thirty years ago.

  • philiptravers // 25 March, 2009 at 11:24 pm

    I have just been accosted by the Homeland Security garbage again SMH. 8.44, by none other than AtholYates ,whoever he maybe the poor bastard.So the teenagers staying at home will only knock things off in a three kilometer radius,or as the local crow flies. The government,Ruddboys are paying this organization for these wonderful insights. In bad economic times teenager boys young men equal all the law breaking because they stay at home.Now if they lived in a flat next door to mum’s they wouldn’t be doing it,because they would have an inflatable doll to play fashion Police with,or teach it to bungee jump from the flat window,or have it watch videos with you all night on a RetraVision TV.Maybe this overpaid zealot of Homeland Security could simply ask,what if some of his money personally was put tosome good use rather than it sitting around for superannuation reasons.After all said youth could be the security neighbours for the area covering the crow flying. And a host of little jobs here and there just to look after him,so he can piss off on weekends somewhere.But while we have the homing pigeons of Homeland Security all that they will try to do is be the most intelligent crows,picking the eyes out of youth.What a waste of money.Why not Customs offer him a job during the week if near ports.If the only thing a dedicated organization to National Security can do is point out the possible criminal behaviour of young men,and ,they think they have worked.Jobs are getting to easy.Compare with the N.S.W. Police and Citizens Youth Club movement.Outrageously lazy bastards at Homeland Security.

  • Lefty pwned « An Onymous Lefty // 26 March, 2009 at 8:16 am

    [...] 25 March, 2009 · 2 Comments If he’s so critical of the technique, why would he do the same thing? [...]

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