News Archive January 21st 2009

Okay, I've been a bit on the lazy side lately so we've not seen any new updates for the past couple of days, sure, but I assure you, I'm not gonna go on a 6 months long binge anymore. There will be updates soon... real soon. Anyways, the real reason I'm posting this new news today is because of something that's occurring with a comic company I used to work with called White Lightnight Productions. I used to do a sexy fight comic called Maid Attack for them which is available to be seen online in that link there. We've been wanting to turn it into a graphic novel but financial situations as it is... but now I found out that YOU can help. You, my fans and readers, can help make this graphic novel a reality. See, I love this comic, I really do, I'm proud how Maid Attack turned out even if I'm cringing over the artwork (I always cringe over my old artworks) but I really like how I actually finished it. To help make it into a graphic novel, all you have to do is donate here. Everyone who uses that link to donate WILL get a copy if and when the thing prints and a thank-you shoutout in the indicia notes, too! Your name in a book! Anyways, if you want to see this in print, help a guy out. Support the small print industries.

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The Webcomic Hotness group - an unofficial group of webcomic artists on one pavilion at the Baltimore Comic Con - featuring Jennie Breeden of Devil's Panties, Danielle Corsetto of Girls With Slingshots, Christi Johnson of In The Puddle, James Hatton of In His Likeness, Brooke Spangler of A Girl And Her Fed, Bill Ellis of Silver Rage, Evan Keeling of Ataxia Overdrive, Mara Maguire of Black As White, Greg Carter of Abandon, and Matt Rawson of Cottage Three

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