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What is it ?
Hashish is the most potent form of cannabis (marijuana). Hash is made from resin which is extracted from the flow clusters and the top leaves of the marijuana plant. Hashish does not include plant material such as leaves, stems and seed which causes marijuana to be less potent then hashish. This is not to say that hashish is always stronger or of higher quality then marijuana, certain strains of high quality marijuana may be more potent then certain strains of low quality hashish. Most hashish imported into the United States has been stepped (diluted/cut) by dealers making it very difficult to obtain high quality hash. The Middle East, North Africa, and Pakistan / Afghanistan are the main sources of hashish. The THC content of hashish that reached the United States, where demand is limited, averaged 6% in the 1990s.

What does it look like ?
Hashish consists of the THC-rich resinous material of the cannabis plant, which is collected, dried, and then compressed into a variety of forms, such as balls, cakes, or cookie-like sheets.

How is it used ?
Pieces are broken off, placed in pipes, and smoked or eaten.

Federal Classification
Schedule I