

If you are a ZCom member or Sustainer, please log in to get all your benefits. If you aren't either, consider our Sustainer/Member Information. Benefits include updates, commentaries, discounts, your blog, commenting, forums, rss, chat, and more.

General Notes...

Please send suggestions for new features, innovative design improvements, and new links to

Try our ZCom Site Help Videos and Z Video Shorts.

Sustainers, members, and writers, please enter your locale and also your jobs and other information so everyone can search by these variables. Thus, if you go to the writers, members, or sustainers link under the ZSpace tab - you can search to see list of people by city, or country, job, interest, etc. Please update your account pages with this information! A video tutorial for this can be found here.

Depending on your sustainer level - you can chat with folks in chat rooms - you can messenger folks online or especially your ZSpace friends. Please take polls and sustainers can place a poll on your own ZSpace page. Sustainers can upload photos into photo albums - very elegant and efficient - and everyone can see them.

So far our preferences features have been very clunky - but we will soon improve them dramatically, allowing sustainers to enter preferences for books and films very easily, tallying these, incorporating means of reviewing, viewing, and much more. Keep watching the site. For now you can view a video tutorial on how to manage your preferences here.