Workplace Bullying Institute

Help for Bullied Individuals, "Targets" not Victims!

Ways that WBI CAN help you; we do:
  • Validate your experience to restore your sanity (just when you thought you were going crazy). We were the people who introduced "Workplace Bullying" to the U.S. If you hear people saying now, it's because we started in 1998.

  • Provide the largest and most diverse collection of information about every aspect of workplace bullying found on the web

  • Give advice in posted articles about what to do, unlike others who tell you to still trust your employer to stop the bullies and the bullying

  • Offer personal, confidential coaching by telephone by the experts -- unlike therapeutic and legal advice

  • Write books on the topic, making DVDs for 2008

  • Surveys, having conducted largest, scientific national survey to demonstrate to employers, the courts, and lawmakers that bullying is real, prevalent and harmful and have been doing surveys since 1998

  • Give speeches around the country educating the public, employers, unions, professional groups

  • Serve as the bullying movement spokespersons to national and local media: TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, online outlets

  • Connect targets with media when they are ready to tell their stories publicly

  • Collect personal tales of bullying for inclusion in a colleague's forthcoming book. It's your turn to be heard!

  • Help your attorney help you when he or she engages our Expert Witness services

  • Provide guidelines to help you select attorneys and safe mental health counselors in your area

  • Present research findings at conferences, further legitimizing the topic

  • Post research by university academics who advance the movement in that arena

  • Can go to your employer's site to solve the bullying problem with a policy and enforcement procedures. We offer a research-consulting combination for employers who want to save money.

  • Offer support and guidance to graduate students completing theses or dissertations on workplace bullying (Director is former research professor)

  • Through a separate division, the WBI-Legislative Campaign, a national grassroots movement is coordinated to pass anti-bullying Healthy Workplace laws in U.S. states

  • Consulting and training services for employers only, now specializing in the correction and prevention of workplace bullying. Our family-run company since 1985: Work Doctor® Inc.

  • Things that WBI CAN NOT do; we:
  • do not give legal advice (we are not attorneys)

  • do not refer you to specific lawyers unless we know them or have a good recommendation from experienced targets (but here is how to select one)

  • do not give psychological counseling or treatment or prepare diagnostic assessment reports

  • do not yet have a list of capable mental health professionals proficient at helping bullied targets (this should change in 2008 as we train and certify MHPs) until we have a list of approved providers, we do not make referrals (but here's how to find an effective and safe one)

  • do not give personalized advice via e-mail -- that's what our websites and coaching services accomplish

  • do not have funds to help with your legal defense or any other project. We have survived on a shoestring (and sometimes down to the eyelets on the shoes themselves) for a decade. Sorry, we are broke. If you can direct donors to WBI to support existing and make possible new projects, we will be able to accept charitable tax-exempt contributions in 2008!