Become a Blogcritics Writer

Express yourself and publish to millions of readers

Are you a writer? Would you like to reach a large and growing audience, and join a community of fellow writers? Then Blogcritics — the original content unit of Technorati — may be for you. is an online magazine covering everything from music, books, film, TV, video, politics, culture, sports, gaming, science, and technology, to celebrity and the internet. We’re interested in original reviews, news, and commentary on any of these subjects, or most anything else interesting and well-written. Articles must be in English, and we suggest that you try to contribute at least once a week — the more you contribute, the more you get back.

Now, as a Blogcritic, you can gain even wider exposure: your article may appear on a tag page, a compilation of blogosphere content around a specific topic.

Take a look around the site to get a feel for how we approach things. If you don’t have a blog, we’re still happy to work with you, but please send on an example or two of your writing.

If this makes sense for you, just use the form below to apply. Thanks very much and I look forward to hearing from you!

Eric Olsen

Blogcritics Magazine Technorati
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