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Managing Purposeful Change: How to support change by making people part of the solution rather than part of the problem.

The Assessment Process: How to use Baldrige assessments to drive continuous improvement.

The Life Cycle of a Successful Team: How to launch and support teams so that they succeed and deliver results.

ISO 9000 Standards: An introduction to these standards, how they compare with Baldrige, when to use them (and when not to), and implementation tips.

The Auditor as Change Agent: How auditors can become more effective as catalysts for change. (From a keynote speech)

Benchmarking: An introduction to benchmarking, how it is used to improve performance, and implementation tips.

Hoshin Planning: An introduction to this advanced methodology for creating organizational breakthroughs.

QFD – Quality Function Deployment: A primer on this advanced methodology for translating customer requirements into design requirements.

Overcoming Management Fads: How to recognize when your organization is in the grip of a management fad, rather than implementing a sound methodology.