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alt title(s): Epileptic Tree; Crackpot Theory
Theory #2342 - The trees are a herd of Sudowoodo.

A term for wild, off-the-wall theories. Named after a leading tinfoil-hat theory explaining the mysterious shaking, rustling trees on Lost during the first season of that program. The theory? The trees are having epileptic fits.

Not only common, but expected for Mind Screw series. A major species of Tree is Everyone Is Jesus In Purgatory. An ongoing series which uses Chekhov's Guns to the point of becoming a Chekhov's Armoury encourages Trees because all newly introduced objects/people/skills/etc will be suspected of being a Chekhov's Gun.

Epileptic Trees suggested by characters are a sign of Scully Syndrome. When an Epileptic Tree is rendered null and void by the official Canon, it's said to be Jossed. When an Epileptic Tree becomes Canon, you're allowed to say, "I Knew It!" See also Inferred Survival, Schala Lives and Schrodinger's Butterfly.

If you'd like to see the wiki contributors' own personal epileptic garden, check out our Wild Mass Guessing page. Don't waste your tree here. Plant it in Wild Mass Guessing.

Not to be confused with the patient on House who had epileptic testicles.

These are also commonly referred to as "crackpot theories" by fans.