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Happy Lacing,
Amy Crowder

Tightlacer's Diet

Daily waist training involves many changes in one's life. One of the most important is diet. Some people supplement their weight loss regimen with a corset. While a corset can help loose weight by limiting your intake of food at every meal, it does not mean that the wearer can eat anything they want and loose unwanted pounds. Besides, wearing a corset on the sole notion of loosing weight is not the best way to go about waist training. You must enjoy wearing a corset to make progress with waist training. You may notice that many of these diet tips for the tightlacer mirror proper dietary ideas that are used in commercial weight-loss programs.

Wearing a corset does not mean starving yourself or giving up food. True, you cannot eat as much when you are laced into a corset. In most western countries, we tend to eat 2-3 large meals a day. This is just not possible for the tightlacer. It is easier on the body to eat 4-5 smaller meals. It allows the digestive tract to keep a constant flow of material running through. If you were to eat 2 large meals a day, your body would have a large bulky mass to pass through at intervals. This usually results in painful cramps and sometimes heartburn.

When eating your meal, try to avoid cold beverages. The reason for this is that the cold liquid will numb the nerves in your stomach. With the nerves numb, your stomach cannot tell you when you are full. Instead, try to drink 15 to 30 minuets before eating.

Drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday. This does not have to be straight water, but beverages that include water. This insures that there is plenty of fluid in the upper and lower intestine. Thus, the possibility of cramps or production of painful gas is minimized.

Avoid carbonated beverages. This includes soda, beer, and Champagne. Carbonated beverages may not be a problem for you when you first start to reduce your waist. As you reduce your waist, there is less room for the carbonated bubbles to distribute. This results in pockets of gas in your stomach or intestine. What happens then is either a long stretch of belching, or painful cramps.

Avoid foods that cause heartburn or gas. These foods include, but are not limited to; beans, onions, and cucumbers.

Some foods expand in your stomach when introduced to water. Rice, potatoes, and pastas.

Foods such as red meat, take quite a while for your body to digest. This results in a tired, run down feeling. The dedicated tightlacer limits their intake of red meat. Instead eating light foods such as salads, vegetables, breads, fish, and poultry actually.

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