July 2004 Archives

Meth Dragon video download

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meth dragon

This video is the first one on sixthseal.com that has post-production work done on it. The video shows veritas smoking methamphetamine crystals (otherwise known as ice, shabu/syabu, batu etc) from a make shift glass bottle design. I've been tinkering with video editing software and this is the end result:

Download: Meth dragon [sixthseal.com]

You will need the DivX 5.2 codec to play the video, older versions causes a couple of quirks. Please tell me if you have any problems with the video.

The original .MOV file was converted to DivX using the DivX 5.2 codec before minor post production work was done on it. The changes made to the original video are documented below:

1. Gamma (brightness) adjustment. The video is actually BRIGHT for a change!
2. Nifty fade in, fade out "sixthseal.com" text at the lower right corner.
3. Scrambled "Meth Dragon" title dropping down in the intro.
4. Audio track replaced several seconds into the video by one of my favorite tweaking anthems.

It's amateur stuff, but I had a lot of fun doing it, and it made a cleaner video.

Credit goes to crystalcallas [bluelight.nu] for inspiring this video from the photos with her exhaling impressively solid plumes of methamphetamine smoke. I remember something about "dragon" being a local slang for tweakers there due to the amount of smoke they exhale.

meth dragon smoke

She hails from Spun-derland, my friend and neighbor from the east. She has probably accidentally dropped more meth crystals than most of you have ever smoked. Legendary. Oh, and yes, that's what I'm going to call the place now, since God has blessed it with flowing rivers of...wait, that doesn't sound right. Sand dunes, then. Sand dunes of methamphetamine.

Anyway, before any tweakers catch me on technicalities, let me explain...there are several factors to consider while watching the video, namely:

#1 I was pretty fucked up at this point
I usually do a high payload IV and then start smoking continuously. This is take number god-knows-what. Excuse me for not caring whether I burn my meth or waste it.

#2 I am not known for my patience
I'm well aware that applying a small flame indirectly will result in maximum yield and minimal wastage, and that's what I usually do...when I'm about to run out. "Waste not, want not" is lost on me.
Though I must admit, I've been known to crawl the floor for shiny bits of stuff that looks like meth crystals when I'm out. Hey, you wanted to know...

#3 It's shot for a video
That means aesthetics takes precedence. It should be stated that my digicam is only capable of recording 60 second video clips, so I had to somehow squeeze in two inhales in that time slot. So yes, I didn't care if the flame got too close or if I wasted a lot of meth, it's art, mate. ;) I was going for maximum volume of smoke, so direct heat is applied with minimal rotation. Oh, and I had to pre-heat the meth before I started filming too.

meth dragon reload

Disclaimer: The author wishes to make it known that an insidious computer virus keeps on replacing the string "harmless sugar crystals" with "methamphetamine crystals". My apologies for any misunderstanding stemming from the automatic parsing activity. No illicit drugs were consumed at any point, and the author does not possess anything illegal.

He does have a couple of free sugar sachets from Coffee Bean though...

P/S - I know posting this up will catch me a lot of grief, and you may wonder why I do it anyway. The answer is quite simple actually - my mom dropped me on the head when I was a baby. ;)

Link: Meth Dragon Reloaded video download [castitas.com]
This is the twin post with the meth pipe making instructions and another different video for download.

Hornbill's Corner Cafe

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hornbills corner cafe

Hornbill's Corner Cafe is a popular steamboat eatery. The steamboat at this place is not just the soup bowl kind, but the type with a hot grill flanking it, as is the norm nowadays.

hornbills steamboat

I went there with six other friends for dinner and I liked the buffet style food layout where you take a plate and pile it up with whatever strikes your fancy from the many food option areas:

hornbills seafood

There's a seafood counter with whole fishes in a variety of marinates as well as other seafood fare like cuttlefish, squid, clams, crabs etc.

hornbills meat

The meat counter has beef, lamb, chicken, pork and other more esoteric fare like liver, gizzards and so forth.

hornbills balls

There's also all kinds of balls, pardon the unsavory association.

hornbills greens

There's even a vegetable counter where all sorts of greens are available. There's also fruits like watermelon. I was surprised at the sheer options this eating establishment provides.

hornbills sauces

The requisite sauces are also provided, as well as butter for cooking on the hot plates. There's also spare utensils for the clumsy ones amongst us...I swear I dropped my chopsticks four times that night...

hornbills ice cream

Finally, there's also an ice cream bar where you can something sweet to finish off your meal.

This place is usually very packed and business is very brisk...food gets eaten at a rapid rate and it's only replenished several times before they close for the night. The way it operates is that your plate is tabulated transparently when you go to the food counters and you get billed at the end of the meal.

hornbills table

What I mean by this is that, it's not a buffet ie eat all you can for a set price, but rather, a self service steamboat where the waiters unobtrusively adds to your bill when you stock up on food. I find that this is a good system because all this is done transparently. [Edit: My mistake, this establishment is a buffet style bbq steamboat for a set price.]

hornbills fish

I loved the place, the ambience is wonderful and the food is great. Do try their marinated whole fish. It's delicious!

hornbills crabs

The crabs are good too. Steamboat and beer...mmm...

hornbills raspberry ice cream

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!

hornbills join us

Join us!

Delicious sandwich!

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delicious sandwich

Best damn sandwich I ever had.

best damn sandwich

Very juicy, with interesting textures.

I had to wait 3 odd weeks for it to be ready to eat, but it was well worth the wait.

Hot Pot Herbs & Spices Mutton Soup

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hot pot herbs and spices mutton soup

This is Hot Pot Herbs & Spices Mutton Soup, the newly opened outlet which caught my attention when I went past during lunch hour. It's located in front of Ang Cheng Ho and the signage can be easily seen while driving down Jalan Padungan. I decided to drop by and sample their mutton soup just because I liked the sign board so much.

hot pot vivid

This is the very vivid mascot (of sorts) of the place. It's a harmless little sheep in a bathtub. The imagery couldn't be more gruesome - the sheep is not enjoying a luxurious hot bath, as its shower cap would lead you to believe...it's being boiled alive! You killed it when you ordered your soup! Yes kids, mutton comes from sheep, not your local butcher. ;)

hot pot counter

The counter of this eating establishment is adorned with sample dishes from their menu offerings. I opted for their specialty - the Herbs & Spices Mutton Soup at RM 8. I must also mention that this establishment gets two thumbs up for being photographer friendly. The proprietor (photo above) jokingly asked for a copy of the prints since she noticed me taking photos of everything. :)

hot pot clean

Back to the ambience, the place was full of the typical crowd of 9-5 workers (except I'm 8 am - 5 pm), it's common for newly established outlets to be packed with people wanting to try the latest and greatest. The seating arrangements consist of mostly 6 person glass tables, and they were thoughtful enough to leave a Kimberly-Clark tissue dispenser and a glass ashtray on every table. You won't be seeing any unsightly metal flimsy ashtrays or tissue boxes over here.

hot pot meal drink

It's worthy to note that they do not serve conventional drinks, only "natural drinks" which includes things like red bean drink, green bean drink, barley drink and the like. I opted for the barley. The food turnaround was very slow, but that's because they cook every single pot individually as can be seen in the open kitchen. I estimate it took about 30 minutes for mine to arrive.

hot pot herbs spices mutton soup

The soup can only be described with a single word - divine! It is spicy and hot and very substantial. This isn't watered down broth...it's (very) hearty soup! I can only imagine about what goes into the hot pot but I could detect a plethora of different spice notes, and all of them good. The mutton was generous, there's much more mutton than can be seen from the photo, the dish is well worth the RM 8 and it comes with rice. There is a variety of different cuts in the pot, so if there's one you particularly favor, it's likely to be in there.

hot pot mutton rice

Hot Pot Herbs & Spices Mutton Soup. i'm lovin' it.

Roy Rogers RM 5 set lunch promotion

roy rogers kuching

It came to my attention that there was a banner promoting the new RM 5 set lunch promotion flapping under the local Roy Rogers signage. It sounded like a great deal so I dropped by with one of my coworkers for lunch just now.

roy rogers decor

This is what the interior of Roy Rogers looks like. There are a few quirky contrasting design motifs like the tribal mask to the far right together with the heyday pop culture mini soda cans in the middle to the general diner style, locally interpreted, in the seating arrangements. I have no idea what I just said but it sounds pretentious as fuck and confuses me something awful after I wrote it. ;)

Anyway, back to the food, the RM 5 set lunch promotion is a main dish with fried rice, a side of veggies and an egg. There are several options to choose from, namely:

roy rogers menu

Roy Roger Fried Chicken
Fish Steak
Grilled chicken chop
Chicken Breast Italian Style
Lamb Chop
Boneless Chicken with Vegetables
B.B.Q Steak
Mixed Grill with B.B.Q Sauce

All served with brown rice & egg.

I also noticed that the usual retail price is RM 5.95 which makes the new "RM 5 set lunch promotion" not that big a deal since it's just a mere 95 cent reduction in price.

roy rogers interior

Nevertheless, I opted for the B.B.Q Steak and my coworker had the Roy Roger Fried Chicken. I also had two glasses of coke (the drink) float. The food turnaround was quite fast since the place was nearly devoid of customers even during peak lunch hour. It took about 10 minutes or so for food to appear on our table.

roy rogers bbq steak

This is the B.B.Q steak option. The word "steak" is grossly misleading - I would not call the minute baby-bite-sized pieces of meat "steak". I would hesitate to even describe it as "chunks" and to call this "steak" would require a huge stretch of imagination. That, or false advertising.

The dish does taste good though, if it were not overshadowed by the magnificent Roy Rogers chicken (more about that later). The "BBQ Steak" was infused with delicious notes of wine, leaving a wonderful aftertaste. The brown rice had bits of ham in it and the runny sunny side up (just the way I like it!) egg was perfect. And my psychiatrist told me to work on my (over)use of superlatives.

roy rogers fried chicken

The Roy Rogers Fried Chicken option however, was truly great. This is the one my coworker ordered and I helped myself to some of the chicken from the generous portion. The chicken is fried to perfection and it was peppered with...er, black pepper. It came out piping hot and crunchy, and the whole black pepper seeds provided a wonderful mouth-feel and interesting textures when eaten with the rice.

I'm afraid that I must stop now, before I undo years of therapy. All kidding aside though, the set lunch is a pretty good deal and the food is good. I recommend the Roy Rogers Fried Chicken option.

Oh, and I saw another table with two working females and noticed that one of them did not touch her rice at all. I went over and took a photo when they went to pay the bill and they smiled curiously at me when they left.

roy rogers atkins

"Atkins?", I asked, and one of them nodded.

Breakfast at Tok Janggut Cafe


Tok Janggut Cafe (literally - Uncle Beard) is at Chong Lin Park.

tok janggut curry mee

This is curry mee and teh tarik.

It's a good meal to start off the day and speed up bowel movements.

Tak nak

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tak nak

"Tak nak!", Bob blurted automatically.

I eyed him wearily and said:

"I wasn't even going to offer you one."

Radioactive orange toilet fungi

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I first noticed the splotches of orange on the toilet bowl.

orange fungi toilet

I didn't think much of it then...it could be paint, blood, the stains of an orange plastic bag. It was an unused toilet bowl after all.

However, as the days go by, I found it harder and harder to ignore the spreading of the stains. I found it slithering down the porcelain throne while in the shower one day.

orange fungi creeping

It started to grow on the walls. I'm certain that this is no benign matter by then. This had to be organic...it seems to be...fungi.

orange fungi wall

Overnight, a particularly nasty orange red colony decided to settle on a patch of the bathroom floor. I tried to wash it away, but it wouldn't wash away.

orange fungi colony

I watched with trepidation as the fungi seem to grow over and infect anything it touches.

I resolved not to make contact with the surface in any way.

This morning, I found that it has taken over the drainage system...orange splatters burst from the floor.

orange fungi drain

It was fast...too fast...

...and if I listen really hard, I can hear a cacophony of voices from the orange fungi colonies.

"Braaaiiinnnss...", they groaned.

Fear gripped me and I stumbled out of the bathroom, knocking my hip painfully and scraping my arm along the sink.

I turned and watched with growing horror as the radioactive orange toilet fungi spread to the sink.

How long has it been there?!?

Could I...could I have, touched it?

orange fungi sink

Sheer terror set into me as the implications of this became clear...blind panic from the horrible realization, the certainty of what would become of me.

I have touched the orange toilet fungi.

I have touched the orange toilet fungi!

I fearfully looked at my arm.

I'm creeping death...

DJ Mix flavored cigarettes - Iced Green Apple

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dj mix apple cigs

This is the iced green apple flavored cigarettes by DJ Mix. The box has a decidedly cheesy tagline - "Special Feel" imprinted with the brand. The green apple cigarettes are apparently menthol lights, which do not earn it any points with me, since I detest menthols and lights, and nothing irks me more than a combination of the two. It's like sacrilege made exponential.

dj tobbaco

DJ Mix is made by DJ Tobacco Company Limited. This seems to be a tobacco factory based in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. The box is light green, with a pattern of embossed white "DJ Mix" characters recurring and an acorn for the logo. The nicotine and tar listings seem to be the same as regulation cigarettes, though it has a note appended to the bottom saying "Lowered tar and nicotine".

dj mix apple

The packaging does not seem to be airtight, as wafts of green apple could be detected as the cigarette box was packed. The assault of green apple flavor was apparent upon opening up the box, and not in a good way. I would liken it more to the air freshener industry's interpretation of "green apple" instead of an actual fruit.

iced green apple cigarettes

The cigarettes did not taste well too. There is a hint of green apple with each inhale but I did not like the tobacco blend. There is an interesting anomaly with the filters too. Note the corona particle distribution on the filter:

apple filter

This is inconsistant with what a Marlboro filter produces:

marlboro filter

The filter shows discoloration towards the fringes opposed to the trend of concentrating in the middle like Marlboro (and other) filters. I don't know what this seems to indicate though. I however, would suggest giving these cigarettes a wide berth. They taste wrong.

ABC Special to go

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abc special to go

There is little that can compare to the pleasure of drinking from a large pack of takeaway ABC Special in front of the office workstation. Even on a cold day. ;)

abc special to go thaw

Anyway, the trick to drinkable (through a straw) ABC Special is to get the proprietor to agitate the concoction (or in less pretentious terms, shake the damn thing) beforehand. It may be necessary to leave the bag standing beside your monitor to thaw out at some point. This is perfectly normal and you'll know when to start drinking again when the bag starts to tip over, indicating a state change into liquid.

interior coffee bean kuching
The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf

strawberry cheesecake display
Ordering Strawberry Cheese Cake @ RM 7.50 per slice
A Coffee Bean original! Strawberries "berried" in luscious cheese cake on a crunchy shortcake base.

strawberry cheesecake

The strawberry cheese cake was nice, with the strawberry flavor distinctively discernable through the cheese cake and a very thin base, which is always good in a cheese cake. I like my cheese cake to be less dense and have a creamier mouth-feel though.

norwegian salmon sandwich
Smoked Norwegian Salmon sandwich with a side of green salad @ RM 13.90

norwegian salmon closeup

There was nothing aesthetically wrong with this "gourmet sandwich". The salad greens were nicely and evenly coated with dressing and the sandwich is flanked by warm bread which has a crunchy crust but yields to softer pastry. There were egg, smoked salmon and onions, dressed with herb sauce. I just want more smoked salmon.

pseudo intel pretentious fucks

Coffee Bean/Starbucks/Some other "gourmet coffee" chain": The favorite haunt of pseudo intellectual pretentious fucks everywhere.

Unless you're grabbing one to go. ;)

The definitive 7th mile teh c peng

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fresh food court

Our quest for the definitive 7th mile (Kota Sentosa) teh c peng did not start out easily, with feedback ranging from "It doesn't really matter now coz every place there does it the same way once it took off" (Yes, but we wanted to find the pioneering coffee shop) to "It's the one beside the 4D outlet" (It would be great if there was only one place which meets that criteria). It was finally established that Fresh Food Court was the one that introduced the multiple layer teh c peng that has become all the rage now.

kota sentosa teh c peng

We managed to come to this conclusion based on the existing criteria's and several other vague ones (has a kolo mee stall, good roti canai) and thus our party of four made ourselves comfortable and ordered the revered beverage. It helped that most other patrons was imbibing the very same drink, as can be seen from the glasses on their tables, and from the endless stream of waitresses carrying out the signature three distinctive layer teh c peng from the beverage counter.

7 mile kolo mee stall

I also had the kolo mee, which was really good and highly recommended. It should be noted that all kolo mee needs to have "char siew yew" or char siew oil - the oil that comes from making char siew (BBQ pork slices) added for the taste to shine through.

7 mile kolo mee

This is the kolo mee - I don't think I've had a bowl that tasted as good as this, but then again, I was really hungry.

7 mile roti canai stall

The roti canai should not be missed either. I find that eating kolo mee and then roti canai is the correct way to go about it, though others prefer to reverse that gastronomical sequence.

7 mile roti canai

Here's a shot of the roti canai - slightly sweet bread and good composition.

7 mile teh c peng

Lest we forget, the teh c peng was very good - the three layers were distinctive and the concoction was very thick and sweet and strong. One glass retails for just RM 1.20 - a price which is unheard of in Kuching city proper. It was sublime...I had three glasses. The ambience of the place is nice too. It gives off a "Sunday breakfast bustle" feeling even though it was evening when we got there.

special for customer

There is a washbasin specially set up for you, too.

DJ Mix flavored cigarettes

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dj mix girl

This is one of the DJ Mix promoters that we saw during dinner earlier in the night. They were selling a relatively new brand of flavored cigarettes at a promotional price.

dj mix cigarettes

They usually retail for RM 5.40 per packet, but the promo girls were selling three for RM 11. There were three flavors - lemon fresh, strawberry and iced green apple. I shall report on them later, I've had the strawberry flavor ones a couple of months ago and that was good.

Final exit

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"Suicide is not chosen; it happens when pain exceeds resources for coping with pain."

Suicide: Read This First [metanoia.org]

I'm not a psychiatrist too, but what I do know is that this is a damn good page. It's practical and useful and it should be in the first search engine results page.

Kafe Alkautzar

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kafe alkautzar

Kafe Alkautzar is located at the 3rd Mile Bazaar and serves really good Malay food. The place was packed during lunch hour and all the other patrons seem to be Malay, and you know what they say about the relation between the quality of the food and the percentage of patrons being of the same persuasion of the cuisine they serve.

kafe alkautzar food

This place has a different menu everyday, which is great for variety. I had the nasi kerabu goreng instead of steamed rice together with ayam masak merah, beef rendang and bamboo cooked in santan. It's self serve, you take the portions of the dishes you want yourself, which is not the norm here, though it's becoming more widespread.

kafe alkautzar condiments

There's also a condiments area where you can add on other stuff. They have uncooked vegetables (apologies, forgot the Malay word for this) that's meant to be eaten before the main meal too.

kafe alkautzar dish

This is what my dish looked like. It was delicious! You can't go wrong with Kafe Alkautzar. Lunch hour tends to be packed though, so you may have to wait for a table to free up.

Shocking behavior by Malaysian traffic police

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It was appalling. I felt traumatized and I'm still trying to come to terms with what happened. I could not believe that this...this, totally unacceptable behavior is being practiced within the ranks of the traffic police in Malaysia, but now that I've witnessed it first hand, I fear I would never look at them in the same way.

711 groceries ticket

Let me start from the beginning. I was driving home from work and decided to stop by the nearest 7-Eleven to get my usual purchase - two packet drinks with two straws, one Livita ("energy drink" which comes in a perfectly shaped glass bottle), a pack of Marlboro Reds and five lighters. I patronize this outlet often, always with the same purchases, so no one asked me about my apparent fondness for lighters after the third or forth time, since I always answer "I keep on forgetting where I put them", and if they though it was rather amazing for someone to lose an average of two lighters a day, they did not comment on that part.

I thought today was just another day, dropping in to get some stuff on my way home. I parked at my usual spot, right opposite the road (that's the traffic flow from my route home). This is not a designated parking area, since it has the potential to cause a 50% decrease in traffic flow throughout put, since you...well, basically occupy the left lane of the two lane road. I've never had any problems before, I know where they display the items I want so it's a 3 minute, in and out situation.

People here are used to irresponsible drivers taking up one lane as parking space, that always happens in the exit from my workplace too, we actually have to take turns to pass, two way traffic running on just one lane since the other is full of parked vehicles. You might as well save yourself some time, since they will just merge into the one free road. I have to turn around and go back using a longer route if I choose to park on the same side, so I never bothered, since it's quick anyway. I just get out of the car, cross the road to the other side, get my stuff and I'm back in my car within minutes.

Today was different though...it was the first of the strange events that occurred - a traffic police in uniform and actually patrolling during after office rush hour! I chided myself for being silly and imagining things. Traffic police do not work during periods where traffic management is needed, their work hours varies, but most of them seem to prefer night patrols from what I see. I know they definitely avoid peak hour, where they would have to do actual work, like directing traffic. ;)

711 saman
The parking ticket

I went back to the drinks fridge and grabbed two Milo packet drinks from the fridge. I'm not particular about the drinks per se, I just want the straws. I was reaching for a glass bottle of Livita when I heard the store supervisor call to me, "Hey, isn't that your car?" Indeed it was, as the transparent shop front revealed to me. I could see a man dressed in standard issue Malaysian traffic police garb. He seemed to be writing down the license plate of the car in front of me and I cracked "Wah, sekarang polis cepat saman, huh?" (Wow, the police are getting more efficient in issuing out parking tickets/traffic summons nowdays, huh?) to the supervisor, who grinned.

I wasn't bothered about the traffic policeman. Yes, I was legally not supposed to park there, and yes, theoretically, it would affect the traffic flow. It won't affect the individual much, probably just a couple of seconds as the left lane merges into right. Also, most Malaysians tend to prefer "on the spot fines" for minor traffic infractions, and the enforcement officers naturally does not find this arrangement to be objectionable, for obvious reasons.

I have extensive experience in situations like these and I'm also familiar with the current going rates for "ticket less fines", made payable to the acting traffic policeman, if you catch my drift. I just use my standard fishing for a bribe settlement, though most times the police suggest it first. ;) Nothing I would mind parting with, off my memory, the last experience was quite recent, stopped by a traffic patrol somewhere at night in King Center, the violation was the horrific crime of not wearing seatbelts. They have to draft up legislation like that since they know what's best for us, you see. That last time was RM 20, I think, for the both of us, negotiated down from the initial price. He also mentioned using cell phones while driving, which was true, but I didn't know he knew so I obviously didn't bring it up.

He let that one go, but I can still vividly remember him going on about how this is not even close to the fine we would have to pay if he wrote a ticket, which was rather moot, since we all know he'll prefer the former over the latter any day. Heh. I have long since marveled at the apparently amazing optical feats that they seem to be capable of performing. It was night, with just a couple of ambient street lights, and the car has tinted windows, and he was still able to notice the infraction(s). He did not miss his calling, I'll tell you that. ;)

Going further back in history, I think the most expensive Kopi-O (roughly translated as "black coffee", used in the literal context, i.e. buying someone a drink - a euphemism for the rampant bribery here that has made it into a socially acceptable practice, nay, the norm, for many years) I ever shelled out was RM 50 for a measly illegal U-turn infraction. That's the problem - I only had one single note of currency inside my wallet then and it's a RM 50 bill, and you can't exactly ask for change while bribing someone. That was when I was in Kuching many years ago, when I did my college here, before dropping out.

The reason I had to pay that much then (1997, I think) was due to the fact that my driver's license just got reinstated after being suspended for too many traffic infractions. I can either take the ticket, which would be more expensive, and get recorded for another infraction so soon after I got my license back, or I can just bribe them and it goes off the record. I was still on probation then. This is similar to the probationary driver system most countries have, ours is two years, and if you accumulate too many over a short period of time, you lose your license, which was what happened to me.

Heck, I even had an accident on the very first day I started driving. :) I'm not the cautious type that goes slow, so I went to a more reasonable speed and er...crashed into my own front gate pillar. I got ticketed soon after that because I made the mistake of swerving into the lane of a patrol car and cutting them off, so they had to brake to avoid me. I reckon they weren't too pleased about that. It didn't go unnoticed that I didn't stop before coming out at the Stop sign, and that was my first ticket. I got another one for going above the speed limit soon after that and one for running a red light, and that's it. Three non-static traffic violations were all it took. My driver's license was revoked after that, and I had to write several letters of appeal to get it back.

It took quite a while too, and I didn't have a valid license while driving for a couple of months. It's not hard to get in back, I've never heard of anyone having their appeal turned down, unless it was an accident with fatalities or DUI/DWI which you have to be real careful about while on probation. I did get several static parking tickets after that but no other traffic related offenses on record (several off record "fines" made payable to the officer, minor ones, except for the time I had to bribe myself out of a DUI, but it was worth it). Chinese New Year was also quite inauspicious, but amusing. I was stopped several times in a two day period and had to bribe the police officers (which was what they wanted, that's why they come out full force during certain holidays).

The funny thing is, I didn't know I did anything in all three times during the Lunar New Year. The first one was when I was stopped for going through a No Entry sign and driving the wrong way down the road. I remember arguing with the officers coz I didn't know that they changed the damn road configurations, and after a couple of exchanges, my friends (went with Diana and Ting Chuan) told me that I had indeed gone through a No Entry sign and has been driving down the wrong lane during the last turning. I gave them RM 10 or RM 20, wasn't sure.

Now, the worst bit is when I went through the same road, forgot the road change and did the same mistake AND was stopped by the same team again. "You lagi, kah?" ("You again?"), went one of the police. It was funny in a stupid sort of way, driving down the same route you got stopped for coz it was against traffic only a couple of hours ago. That's another RM 10 - 20 in bribes, it's cheap since they don't usually stop you for such minor transgressions anyway, they just did it coz they were there to tax the Chinese population. ;)

The second night wasn't so funny though, coz it was in the middle of the night (3 AM or 4 AM) and the police insinuated that I was somehow involved with crime coz I was out at that hour and coz they still do that old "tattoos = criminals" profiling thing. Probably coz it only involves one constant, wouldn't be an effort to remember that, I imagine. ;) We could not agree on the bribe though. This was the police, not traffic patrol, who are generally more pleasant to deal with. He started hinting that he and his team could search my car and drag us down for "suspicious behavior", whatever the fuck that means, if we couldn't agree on the sum.

I remember he was asking for RM 350, a figure around that range anyway. I knew they were not just doing regular road blocks - they had an operation going on that night due to a homicide and a drug sting, as I read in the papers the next day. He wanted that amount in exchange for not giving me a ticket (No Entry again, damn signs, make them bigger!) AND for not checking my car, which was why the price tag was so high. This is a ridiculous amount to solicit for just going through a No Entry and driving the wrong way down a deserted road.

I only had to use RM 200 to convince the police who stopped me during a routine road block (a separate incident) that I was simply to tired to walk a straight line, so no, you wouldn't need to use the breathalyzer, coz I'm perfectly sober. ;) They're not very big on getting DUI's over here anyway, but I thought it was worth it, since the officer knew I wasn't sober, and I didn't want him to start thinking about what exactly it is that I was on when the breathalyzer shows I haven't been drinking.

The operations police team on that New Year's night assumed I had something to hide, so they imposed an uncharacteristically high bribe. I told him that I didn't have that much money, I only had a RM 5 note and I showed him my wallet. I actually have several hundred dollars, but wisely left all my money with my friend except for the RM 5 note coz I could see that they were harassing the other people they stopped - shining bright lights in their eyes and questioning them and other miscellaneous bullshit.

He told me to ask my friend for more money, coz RM 5 is not going to do it. This was just for a very minor traffic infraction, mind. This pissed me off since it was starting to look a lot like they were shaking me down so I just told them that my friend did not bring his wallet, RM 5 is all I have, basically, take it or leave it. It's not my fault they have an operation which requires them to work through the night, and although I don't mind bribes (meaning I don't have ethical or moral stances against it, it's good for both parties when it's willing), this one is more like extortion. A more senior officer heard our exchange and came over, and after listening to the younger police, told him to just take the RM 5 and waved us away.

That is the cheapest bribe I ever gave, and though I have no doubt that he wouldn't have bothered to take us in, he would have held us up (and for quite some time too, know some people who were also stopped by this block sitting by the road, and they told me they've been there for nearly two hours!) by interrogating us and searching the car, just to be an asshole, like some other officers were doing with the other people who were stopped. This is not as blatant as one of my ex gf's experience where all the five people in the car were shaken down for ALL their money except RM 20 which they insisted they needed for petrol. It was a DUI charge, driver was drunk, but this was in KL, so the police bribe, er...extortion would be a better word, totaled more than RM 1,000 to let the guy off.

711 parking ticket
7-Eleven parking ticket

Anyway, I've not had problems with traffic police, all the ones I've the misfortune of encountering were always polite. Back to the 7-Eleven parking ticket, I had expected him to loaf around for a while, and just as I opened the 7-Eleven door to exit, the traffic patrol got back on his motorbike and promptly drove off! I nearly dropped my bag of groceries in shock. I felt a wave of unfamiliarity blow over me and I looked around, totally disoriented. Where am I? I felt lost and totally confused! Can this be Malaysia? It looks the same, it feels the same...but yet, it's not. Did some infernal forces transfer me to another Malaysia in a parallel universe, one where the corruption index was lower?

711 parking block
Mine falls under Causing unnecessary obstruction of traffic.

Such businesslike procedures, it seemed that he just alighted and wrote a parking ticket, put that under my wipers and promptly left...it was amazing. I didn't even get a chance to talk to him. I would have preferred paying him. Like I said, this manifestation of corruption doesn't bother me if it works out for both parties, its just commerce. I don't have time to go around paying traffic tickets. Now that it's been issued, I would have to fill out the details and submit it, which I don't have time for.

711 saman list
The list of traffic rules.

It seems that I had violated Rule #2 in the List of Offences at the back. It's the one for "Causing unnecessary obstruction of traffic". Well, no shit, Sherlock. I disagree though, in my defense, there was...er, one completely free lane left after my vehicle occupied the other one. :p It wasn't like I was going for an extended Sabbatical, just getting a couple of items, will be out of the way in minutes. I thought it would go better under another category, so I did just that. ;)

711 me kopi o
I added in another rule

I noticed they didn't have entries from Rule #14 onwards, even though there's space for six more. I presume this is to give the officer more discretion in issuing out parking tickets. Has anyone got a "Rule #15 - Inane parking ticket to reach my quota."? I crossed out his Rule #2 and replaced it with my own Rule #15, which says "Tidak sempat bagi Kopi O" (Did not get the chance to bribe the officer). It would have been funny if I sent that one in.

711 parking ticket back
This are the added rules. The first one goes Rule #15 Did not get the chance to bribe the officer.

However, I'm not going to pay this parking ticket. I used the parking ticket as scrap paper, since I don't seem to have any paper and I wouldn't have any pens either if it weren't for the expo, where people were giving me pens left and right. :)

711 saman scrap

I did not go to 7-Eleven for their Any purchase on a single receipt gets a FREE parking ticket promotion, anyway.

It'll be easier to pay when the vehicle registration gets into the JPJ blacklist. Besides, this parking ticket would be considered invalid, with all my scribbling on it. ;)

Like, I said...I was appalled. I sure hope it's an isolated incident meant for reaching his quotas. The noticeably improved efficiency! The behavioral change, gone is the norm of lingering around to see if the owner turns up anytime soon. It totally breaks the status quo. It's too much to absorb in one day. ;)

RM 10 Digi reload coupons

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digi rm10 reload coupon

Did you know that Digi (016) has RM 10 prepaid reload coupons for sale? I was flabbergasted when I found out - I thought they phased out the smaller denomination cards after the initial test market many years ago.

digi rm10 5 days

The airtime validity is only 5 days, so I don't see how useful this would be, but I got one anyway, just coz I haven't seen it around for AGES! It would be interesting to keep, and it wouldn't hurt to have it around when you run low on credit. I heard it just came out not long ago.

Other misc stuff:

I've been putting this track on repeat...it's an old favorite. I love this song, you really need to download the MP3 and listen to it, it's great!

1. One o one point one Fahrenheit

Strung Out - Ultimate Devotion [sixthseal.com]
[192 KBPS STEREO 44.1KHZ 2.89 MB .mp3]
Download me!

devil with angel face

101.1 Fahrenheit
to some it's a fever, to her it's just right
and I can't hold her,
and it's bringing me down...

Her blood runs hot but her heart beats cold
She's a devil with an angel's face, I've been told
I think I'll push my luck next time around

I'd walk through fire for you
I'd burn in hell to make it all true,
but I never loved anyone else in this world but you...

A thousand reasons why I try
to prove to you I'm not the other guy
I don't give a damn what other people think.

A flair for the strange and a temper like a whip,
a soft hand clutches a riding crop grip...
the smell of latex rubber - it drives me insane!

Beat him once then send him on his way
there's no room in your life for anyone to stay
engrave your moniker in welts of pain...

There's nothing I wouldn't do to prove
to make these words I promised true
I'd rather live my life alone than without you...

You know I'd rather die then to fuck this up
wouldn't get another try.
Got one chance, there's nothing I wouldn't do...

You be my master, I'll be your servant
on my knees I beg to be abused.
You can take the skin right off my back
with a riding crop or a leather strap...

I'd take it all just to be with you...

You're my goddess and I worship you.

2. Updated Lainie's photos

lainie cat

I just realized that Lainie sent me five photos instead of one! Here's the original post, with the four new photos added in:

Fansign from Lainie [sixthseal.com]

Thanks! :)

I did not even know she sent me an email because I haven't logged onto my Gmail account since...er, the last time I sent out invites. I have to say that I don't use that mail account, I use my domain's MX server, so I don't log in there unless I have something to do...which was how I found the four new photos...

3. Gmail swap

It's technically against the T&C but I was bored and decided to grab a couple of invites (which was when I saw the email from Lainie) and swap them for a custom photo at Gmail swap. Anyway, before you make any assumptions...I got a guy to do it. There! Bet you didn't expect that. :p

john gswap sign
This is John, who hails from the states.

The disproportionate number of XY photos has been effectively nullified by this one, so I can once again claim, that here at sixthseal.com, we always aim to please. ;)

...and we make concessions for our female readership as well. :p

P/S - The track above is really good, download it and give it a listen. I couldn't host large files permanently before, but now that I have my own VPS, I've taken to hosting video and audio files. Oh, and it's a really good song, have I mentioned that? :)

Mild Seven PitParty 2004

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mermaid music cafe

Our entourage of about 15 people attended this event - the Mild Seven Pit Party 2004 at Mermaid Music Cafe, which is organized to broadcast the Renault F1 team finals live. The event is invitation only; the tickets were obtained through one of my friends who works with JT Tobacco (which has Mild Seven, Salem and Winston amongst other brands under its banner).

door check

The Mild Seven Brand Ambassadors (an euphemism for customer/public relations) were out in full force - mostly local girls. We had a tag around our wrists upon entry. I was told that they get RM 200 for 4 hours - not bad pay at all...heck, it's more than my hourly salary. :) One of them is a friend of a friend and she told us that they have quotas to fill - we helped her out, I bought two limited edition Mild Seven Renault F1 Team promotional packs.

mild seven limited edition

It costs RM 10 each - cheaper than the retail price of RM 5.40 per pack, plus you get a free drinks coupon with each purchase. It's a pity I'm a Marlboro smoker, but it was good to get these for my collection anyway. Anyway, we got a free drink redemption coupon (valid for beer only, not distilled liquor) upon entry...however, there was a little loophole that gave us free flow liquor. ;)

mild seven pit party pic

Basically...there were a couple of BA's (Brand Ambassadors) going around, asking if we have got a drinks coupon, when they saw a can of this limited edition pack on our table. The correct answer is "No". ;) I got four drink coupons for each can, instead of one - that gives me eight drinks (not including the jugs of beer that my friend shouted), plus JT Tobacco gave each table a free jug of beer, so I was less than sober by the end of the night, considering I pound my beers instead of sipping them.

Here's a couple of shots of the BA's before I continue my post, just to keep the interest of the male population out there:

brand ambassador friend
I forgot her name, she's a friend of a friend.

mild seven ba first
I didn't get the name of this one either...

mild seven ba smile oy
I took six (!) photos with this one, and she was smiling, but never did manage to capture it on the shot, and I gave up after six tries...

mild seven ba friend full
This is the same one from photo #1.

Anyway, there were also two simulation F1 cars for entertainment:

f1 sim cars

I went for a spin on one of them...didn't keep my attention for long though, and if my performance on that track is anything to judge my sobriety by, I'm glad I wasn't the designated driver tonight. ;)

sim machines

Here's a first person perspective of the simulator:

fps sim

There were other contests as well, but the night was a blur to be honest...the two that I remember was:

mild seven limbo
Limbo contest - two jugs of beer on the house for everyone who gets through, one jar paid to the house for failed attempts.

contest vrrroomm
The contest where they got people to emulate the F1 engine sound.

There was also (terrible) food supplied for the patrons. I could barely choke down my plate.

pit party food

Here are more shots of the Mild Seven Brand Ambassadors:

mild seven ba friend
It's hard to track who is who after a while...

mild seven ba smile smile
It's very bizarre, I took about 10 (some were shots of her with my friends), but never could capture her smiling on the photo, even though she did IRL.

...and here's a video from the night:

Download: Mild Seven PitParty 2004, Kuching [sixthseal.com]

mild seven f1

The person with the impaired auditory function that was singing in a generally unacceptably loud volume (not that anyone cared, since most of the patrons were not sober) would be me, I'm afraid. My apologies. :p

This is a partial group shot of our entourage:

pit party partial group
I'm the only XY chromosome in the photo, so I don't need to point out which one is me. I'm wearing the Mild Seven polo T-shirt.

me ah girl
This is a shot of me and Ah Girl, we came together.

It was a fun night, I haven't had an ethanol fuelled debauchery (the tame kind) night out in quite a while, and I thoroughly enjoyed this one. It's a pity it was a Sunday night instead of a Saturday night.

Weekend update

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soho eric

I met up with Eric, whom I met through the blog, to introduce him to one of my friends here. Eric is a Singaporean who flew in to Kuching for a couple of days and I met up with him for dinner at Hot Seat.

hot seat taj mahal

This is Taj Mahal - a rice dish sauteed with curry powder, sliced onions and chicken served with a sweet mango chutney, popadams and banana prawn. It was good - the prawns were crunchy enough to eat whole.

soho kuching

We adjourned to SOHO for some drinks while waiting for my friend to finish work and we ended up talking the rest of the night with him.

eric sample liquor

Eric was also kind enough to furnish me with some samples of his product line, which will be reviewed in due time (which is to say very soon since I drink daily).

pit party04 ticket

I will be going to an event soon, so I'll have to run.

mild seven pit party

It's dubbed a Pit Party and I was given a ticket and a t-shirt by my friend. All I know is there will be free flow alcohol and that's as good of a reason to attend as any. Catch you all later. :)

Huge bowl of noodles

fried cooked noodle ha

This is the largest bowl of noodles I've ever had - Foochow style aka "chau chu mien" (fried cooked noodles, literally). It's noodles that are fried before being broiled (?) in a thick gravy. Late lunch with co-workers - it took about 30 minutes to come out even though four out of the five of us ordered the same thing. I guess they didn't have a large enough wok to cook it in.

I'm extremely tired from work, going to sleep. My apologies for the sparse updates.

mcd new wave menu

McDonald's is having two new items on its New Wave Menu - Crispy Prawn Burger and Prawn Wrappers makes up the New Wave Prawn Menu.

mcd prawn burger

It sounds like the New Tastes Menu concept in McDonald's, Australia. I've had the fish items already so this time I went for the new prawn offerings. They can be ordered separately or as part of a McValue Meal.

mcd prawn wrapper

The prawn wrappers are also available at the discounted price of RM 2.95 when ordered with each meal, though this comes in a 4 piece set instead of the regular 6 piece set.

crispy prawn burger

This is the crispy prawn burger. It's actually surprisingly good. I was expecting a prawn patty inside a bun, and technically, that was what it was, but it tasted better than I expected.

prawn burger

Here's a close up of the McDonald's Crispy Prawn Burger. It's made with real prawns, or at least, it tasted like prawns were used, you never know with the advances in the food flavor industry nowadays. Note the pieces of green inside the soft burger prawn patty - they actually have veggies inside, a nice attention to detail.

The lettuce was fresh and crispy and I loved the bun it came in - very nice, recommended!

mcdonalds prawn wrappers

This is the prawn wrappers. It's the regular 6 piece set and it comes with Thai Sweet Chilli Sauce.

6prawn wrappers

Here's a look inside the box.

prawn wrapper dipping

I didn't like the sauce though - it overwhelmed the prawn's taste.

prawn wrapper closeup

Here's the close-up of the McDonald's Prawn Wrappers. Its individual prawns dipped in batter and deep fried to perfection. The batter didn't overwhelm the prawns and the insides were warm but still moist while the tail end of the prawn was crispy enough that you could eat it!

Rainy days

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kasuma resort

Rainy days and melancholic tunes, driving down a tree lined street under gray cloudy skies on a weekday morning, as the light drizzle joins the soft refrain of the forlorn female vocals...

It's beautiful...

rainy days

Download: Rainy days [sixthseal.com]

The photo above shows Kasuma Resort - the premier lakeside suite in Kuching where we went on a site visit this morning.

Anyway, I finally got around to putting a recent photo of myself in the "About me" section in the sidebar. This was taken a couple of minutes ago, to replace the previous one which was meant for castitas.com. I must say though, I'm very tardy in updating the static intro pages - the most recent update was nearly half a year ago! The daily posts is where the new content is.

A feast for the ants...

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the ants feast

This is what the ants are going to have for dinner.

An army of ants descended upon a fallen bug and hauled it away like...er, a pig on a skewer.

moveable feast

Download: A moveable feast [sixthseal.com]

Dine well, my industrious friends! Bon appetit!

ICT 2004: Day 4 - Logitech girl and expo roundup

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ict04 exhibitor

Today was the last day of ICT 2004, Kuching. It has been a great expo - I had more fun than in the previous one, although the company benefited more from the previous expo coz this one doesn't attract our target market. I've just returned from packing up all our stuff and moving it to the showroom and here's the writeup of the final day of ICT 2004.

me and ivy apacer

This is Ivy from the booth opposite ours. I've got to know her during this expo, and I'm glad I did. She's really nice and seems to be happy all the time, a quality I very much admire, since I'm severely lacking it. She reminds me of one of my friends. Here's a short clip of me bothering her with my digicam. ;)

ivy video

Download: Ivy video [sixthseal.com]

That gives a better picture of what she's like, photos doesn't preserve the character of someone.

Logitech girl

logitech models

This one is for the male (or female, if you swing that way) readers. The same three models, this time with the theme "Logitech girl". I didn't enter the contest though, coz I had to fix the network problem at the booth so I left without entering.

shirley pre logitech shoot

Here's a pre-session photo of Shirley. We talked about which photo I entered yesterday for the Kodak contest.

logitech shirley

Again, I mainly took photos of Shirley - she's the one with the sex appeal (easy to see from the pre-shoot product demonstration) and she has a great personality.

logitech model 2

This is the second model. She's a little too "stiff" and self-conscious, IMHO. She's alright in the looks department, but she needs some help in other aspects. I find it hard to work with her - she the type of model that poses the way she wants, not the way you want.

logitech model 3 first

This is the third model. She's not hard to work with per se, but she's more of the "girl next door" type, personality wise. I do not get the feeling that she's 100% comfortable with her body.

logitech model 3 second

Here's another shot of the third model. She seems to be popular with the other photographers, for reasons which elude me.

shirley comfortable

Shirley, on the other hand, is comfortable with her body and much easier to work with. There's no self-consciousness in her poses, which is good.

shirley logitech close

Here's a close-up of her. I would have entered this for the competition, except I had work to do. The photo doesn't have the Logitech product in it, anyway, but I thought it was a good one, told her to bend down a bit for a shot with more sexual appeal and took it at body level (instead of from above, which would make the photo look undignified instead of provocative - a fine line to toe).

Anyway, like I said, I didn't enter the contest this time coz I had to run back to the booth. I did not win the Kodak contest either, but IMNSHO, the winning entry wasn't good at all - it was washed out and unfocused. There were heaps of other more deserving entries (not mine, this time they were pros with digital SLR's fitted with the proper lenses), but I'm not the judge anyway. I had a very similar photo though, and I didn't even think about submitting it.

ICT 2004 - Day 4 (last day) video

ict04 day4

Download: ICT 2004, Day 4 [sixthseal.com]

This covers Hall B, the outside hall. The customary daily walk through, this is the final one.

Convention food

kikyo tei 1

kikyo tei 2

The canteen was stocked with food from Kikyo-Tei, a Japanese restaurant, but it tasted terrible...typical sloppy convention food.

sloppy expo food

...which I had to eat anyway due to a booth manning shortage.

Ragnarok: DreamSky Online giveaway

ro stuff

This booth is just to the side of us. I've been looking at the cute balloons with a less than benign eye for a while, but something else caught my attention - a plush pink one with the same design! It was even better than the balloon. I got it in the giveaway. :)

ro giveaway

It was the first item up and the question was "What booth is RO occupying?". The first guy who answered got it wrong, and I stepped up and said "19-23", which was a wild guess, and the wrong answer, as I later found out when I looked at the map. However, props to the RO reps from Penang, they knew I wanted it (asked if it was for sale previously, it wasn't, it was for the contest) so they let me have it.

ro mc

The MC was going "Is that the right answer?" to the RO reps, and they said "Give it to him", even though I was wrong (didn't even say I was wrong, though they didn't answer then the MC asked if it was the correct answer, coz it wasn't). Cheers! :) It's the one that everyone wanted, it's just so cute! I said so too, I went "Thanks, this was what I wanted." ;)

ro lucky draw

They were giving away all sorts of RO merchandize from lunch boxes to jackets. However, that's the lucky draw prizes though - you need to buy something to be eligible. I did get an RO pen from the group contest where we were divided into three groups and see who could collectively shout "RO" the loudest.

ro prizes

Our group was by far the loudest one, everyone was enthusiastic, joining in for good fun. I was offered more pens later though, but I declined coz I just wanted one. I did ask for a poster (which was supposed to be a giveaway) but the girl (same one I took the photo with on the first day) was kind enough to just give it to me.

my ro stuff

This is the RO stuff I got...I don't know what the CD is, it's given free to everyone who passes by their booth.

Other points of interest

wcg04 war3 playback

WCG 2004 East Malaysia preliminaries were held and finished today at the expo. I don't know the results, didn't follow the games. I noticed it had ended when I saw this group of people sitting around watching the winner's recorded game. This is Warcraft III: Frozen Throne. The winners were announced after the photography contest, but I didn't stick around for that.

boh fill er up

Free Boh iced tea. I finally just took my big water bottle along and asked nicely for them to fill it instead of taking one small cup after another. They were kind enough to oblige.

benq sodas

BenQ wins the Most Ingenious Profit Generating Idea award. They were selling sodas right inside their booth. It was popular - I had several Vanilla Cokes myself.

keyboard touch me

This keyboard that has a "Please touch me" sign. It's just so wrong on so many levels...

too much fast furious

There was a projector showing The Fast and The Furious over and over again in the booth a little to the left and opposite ours. It was entertainment, but I watched it so many times, I swear I can memorize half the script (not the full script, Ivy, but I'm getting there, and if the convention went for much longer...). I had hoped that they would show Finding Nemo (which they did for a little while in the first day), but they went back to The Fast and The Furious...turns out that it was the only licensed DVD they had, when I asked. We had taken to calling the movie "Too Much, Too Furious!" by the end of the expo.

Jesus, I can see Vin Diesel in my dreams...



Here's a video showing the end of ICT 2004.

ict04 end

Download: ICT 2004 ends [sixthseal.com]

This is one to cap off the expo...it shows the exhibitors packing up. ICT 2004 - a great expo, and a fun filled four days.

ICT 2004: Day 3 - Kodak girl

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kodak models
The three Kodak models at a pre-shoot session

me kodak models
...and this is the one with me.

There was a photo shooting competition with the theme "Kodak Girl" today. Basically, there were three models, no post production (immediate CF Card submission) and the best three will get digital cameras as a prize. I did not enter to win, so I politely refused to submit the whole set of photos, like the others. I like retaining the copyrights to my photos, and submitting it would transfer my intellectual property to them. Here are some of the photos I took. I can't put up the whole series coz it would take up too much space.

kodak shot

I think I submitted this one. I'm not sure, but if I did, I'm an idiot coz this is not the best one from the series.

model two

This is the second model, got her to pose for a "camera tag" shot.

model three

This is the third model.

models interacting

Here's one with the models interacting but since the theme seems to be singular i.e. Kodal girl vs Kodak girls, I did not put this one in, though it's a good one, IMHO. Hmm...come to think of it, can you really use "IMHO" in the context of your own work?

kodak like

Here's the photo that I really like - I did not submit this though, coz I realized her left hand obscured the Kodak top. Her name is Shirley. If you think she looks familiar, you would be right. She was at BTS 2004 too and she remembered me from that expo. You can see as the SlideHide model here [sixthseal.com]. I talked to her after the session, more about that later.

shirley dark

This is another one I like - the image came out with a mysterious aura. I mainly worked with Shirley coz she's a good model i.e. she's responsive to the photographer. It takes good photographer-model interaction to create good shots.

me shirley

Anyway, I talked to her after all that, she's really friendly like I mentioned previously, I pitched the pengsan.com advertisement concept to her, told her it would involve drugs and I would need to have a model release form signed upon completion of the assignment. I like to work with her but I was apprehensive coz she said she was a college student at first, but it turns out that it's not a college here, so I guess that's okay. I do not want to jeopardize the academic prospects of anyone on the account of the controversial pengsan.com ad I'm going to push out.

She said she will be leaving Kuching next week, so the photo shoot needs to be done early next week if it's going to be with her, but regardless, she told me she'll hook me up with her other model friends if I can't do it early next week. I'm not sure, I could if it's at night, but night shots doesn't have the effect that I want. I got her number and I told her to think about it, we'll be meeting tomorrow anyway.

Oh, and before I forget...

This is today's ICT 2004 video:

ict04 day3

Download: ICT 2004, Day 3 [sixthseal.com]

ICT 2004: Day 2 - Blackout!

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bts blackout

We had a power failure lasting about 30 minutes during the second day of the ICT 04, Kuching expo. It was complete darkness for several seconds before the backup generators kicked in and the emergency lights went on. That dim light sources were all we had until power was restored.


This is Ivy from the booth opposite ours. She's very friendly and nice, considering the way I was taking advantage of their candy bowl:

candy bowl

The blue ones are the best, caramel, pure blast of sugar...mmm...

Here are some photos from day two:

case mod
This is a beautiful blue neon transparent case mod with a large flat screen LCD.

flat projectors
Flat video screens...

old skool
Old skool lobby style pitching...all of whom scattered upon seeing my digicam. ;)

wcg04 nfs
WCG 2004 contestants playing Need for Speed: Underground.

case mods
Here's another case mod...a nice aquarium design with plastic fishes and a water system enclosed on one side.

There was also free Boh tea being served. Umph!

...and the customary video walkthrough


Download: ICT 2004, Day 2 [sixthseal.com]

ICT 2004: Day 1 - Doing what I do best

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ida girls

...and it's not pitching. ;) I'm not into doing that. I'm the systems engineer so I'm just helping out. The two people above are with IDA, the organizers of this expo and the previous one, so I know them from the previous expo we had a booth in just two weeks ago.

me joanne

This is me and Joanne.

ro reps

The Ragnarok Online booth had representatives from Penang.

me with ro girl

I didn't get her name. I was really exhausted (aka coming down really hard) yesterday since I only got 4 hours of sleep the night before and no sleep at all for several days before that.

girls unknown booth

This was even worse...

me with girls unknown

...I can't even remember which booth they were from.

me foaf

She's a friend of a friend, which reminds me, she wanted the photo, will have to remember to get it developed at one of them kiosks tomorrow.

Here's the video from Day 1 of ICT 2004:

ict 04 day 1

Download: ICT 2004, Day 1 [sixthseal.com]

The Day 2 writeup will be up next, and we have models coming in for a photo shoot tomorrow, so you can expect more of this. My apologies for alienating my female audience, we shall have this sort of posts in moderation here at sixthseal.com in the future. ;)

Steam iron

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max and collection

This is Max & Collection in Jalan Song Thian Cheok. It's the one with the nifty fiber optic light box controlled sign board. Max & Collection is an apparel franchise and I went there to get my Huygens Asia shirt steam ironed after setting up our booth today. I don't have an iron. I've never felt the need for combs, irons, shampoo...things which I consider superfluous. However, I wanted to iron the company shirt for the first day of the expo tomorrow, since it wrinkles without ironing.

Anyway, if you're wondering, no, it's not standard practice to waltz into a shop and get personal items ironed over here...the Max & Collection chain of shops in Kuching is another business that Alex, my CTO owns. He was kind enough to go with me after I told him about my company shirt wrinkle woes. Now, I've seen steam irons before, but I've never used one and I managed to experiment with one today.

steam iron

Download: Steam iron use [sixthseal.com]

Most apparel shops have one of these...it's used to iron the articles of clothing after customers wrinkle them. I had a bit of a trouble operating it at first, but I must say, this is a handy device - it's ready to go after a short warm up period, and you just need to hang the item you want to iron on a hanger and run the steam iron over it. However, I have to say that I'm not a big fan of ironing, which is why I like no-iron wrinkle free shirts and T-shirts (which doesn't wrinkle anyway).

I wanted to try the steam iron but I didn't expect one article of clothing to take so long to straighten so I only ironed one of my two company shirts. I'm going to bring the un-ironed one to AT & A tomorrow and get it ironed by someone there and buy them lunch in return.

steam iron shirt

This is a photo of me (in the infamous red T-shirt), Alex and one of the sales personnel.
Naturally, I asked the most aesthetically pleasing one to come into the shot. ;)

I learnt that the only way to avoid an ironed shirt from wrinkling again is to told it properly like a coat. I gingerly held it by the collar and I'm happy to report that the shirt is still wrinkle free. :)

Tomorrow will be the first day of the ICT 2004. Who's going? I still haven't eaten, so I'm likely to starve to death if no one comes bearing food.

Okay, today is crashdown day, I can barely stop myself from falling asleep on the keyboard...will reply all comments tomorrow. :)

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Hello there! I am Huai Bin and I'm a 27 year old working professional living in Petaling Jaya. I can be reached at sixthseal@gmail.com if you feel a burning urge to contact me.

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