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10 Steps To A Meaningful Performance Review

Strategic Analysis,
Strategic Planning Process
Center For Simplified Strategic Planning,
Marketing Research,
Swot analysis
Center for Simplified Strategic Planning

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Overview: People make a lot of the SWOT analysis in strategic planning. As a rudimentary approach to thinking about strategy, the SWOT works pretty well. There is so much more to great strategy than a simple SWOT analysis. Sure, it's a great buzzword. There are three main reasons. First, the SWOT methodology creates unnecessary friction around the weaknesses and threats. Second, SWOT-based strategies seldom push the management team hard enough on creating a truly distinctive competitive advantage. And third, there has been little, if any, effort put into making the SWOT analysis more data-based (by most practitioners).

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Format: HTML | Date: Jan 2009 | Pages: 2


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