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Political Market
It's where you get a chance to predict the future of 2008 presidential politics. Start trading now!
The Campaign Trail
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Super Tuesday
On Super Tuesday 24 states went to the polls, the largest single day of voting in the nomination process
Jargonbuster defines all those terms you've been hearing on the campaign trail but were afraid to ask about
Meet the superdelegates
Who are the Democratic superdelegates for your state and who do they support?
War for the White House
A biting parody of the candidates, the issues and the race for president from The Onion
Transition to Power
Get the latest news as President-elect Obama builds his White House administration.
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Voter Hotline
See where problems were reported with registration, missing ballots, polling station access or voting machine use.
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Election Express Yourself
CNN's Election Express is touring the country talking to voters about their concerns and experiences during the 2008 election.
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Issue #1: America's Money
Record oil prices, rising foreclosures and a slumping dollar -- what does the #1 political issue in the polls mean to you, and who has the answers?
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