Zachary Quinto in "Star Trek"/©Paramount
Daniel Radcliffe in "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince"/©Warner Bros. Pictures
"Earth"/©Walt Disney
The crew of the Enterprise in "Star Trek"/©Paramount
The band Anvil/©Vespa/
Anvil! The Story of Anvil

This rock doc might be the most unlikely hit of the year

Miley Cyrus in "Hannah Montana: The Movie"/©Walt Disney
Entertainment Mailbag
Find out what readers think of Miley Cyrus as a role model
Robert Downey Jr. in "The Soloist"/©Paramount
Who Was That Masked Man?
Robert Downey Jr. puts on 10 of his best movie faces
Zachary Quinto in "Star Trek"/©Paramount
Hollywood Hitlist
We double our Spock and Pine for Kirk, Abrams hits a bull’s-eye, Caine is still able and more

Check out MSN Entertainment's new celebrity site
Fergie's "shunglasses" and more fashion flubs
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Weekend Estimates (5/11/2009)
Star Trek $76.5M
Earth $2.4M
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