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Descriptions of Registered Cultivars 
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Acacia 'Ruby Tips'

Acacia acinacea 'Ruby Tips'

NOTE: Originally 'Red Tips'

ORIGIN: Acacia 'Ruby Tips' was selected from the wild in Kingower State Forest by Mr D Pocock of Bindelong Nursery, Victoria, in 1988. It is a form of Acacia acinacea. The cultivar was first received in June 1988. Registration applied for by Mr D Pocock, Wandin North, Victoria.

DESCRIPTION: Acacia 'Ruby Tips' is a small to medium shrub; branches often arching, phyllodes 0.5-2.5cm x 0.5-1cm, oblong or oval, smooth or hairy, dense, each with a distinctly recurved point; flower heads globular, small and golden yellow, profuse; peduncles 1-2 per axil; pods 2-5 x up to 0.3cm, curved or straight, slightly constricted between seeds.

DIAGNOSIS: The distinguishing feature of this cultivar is the bright red colour of the new growth.

CULTIVATION: Grows in moist, well drained gravels and soils, but adapts to heavy clays. Likes dappled shade, partial or full sun. Acacia acinacea is a widely planted ornamental species that is also suitable for low windbreaks. Frost tolerant and moderately drought resistant. Some low growing forms sucker, as does this cultivar, to provide a dense ground cover with age. Propagation must be by vegetative means to preserve the cultivar form.

COLOUR CODE: RHS Colour Chart 1966

old leaves: Yellow-Green Group 147B

margins of old leaves: Red Group 43A

new leaves: Red-Purple Group 59A