• amy winehouse

    Loose Lips

    Amy Winehouse is allegedly addicted to a new substance that makes your teeth fall out. No, it's not meth! It's candy. "The troubled singer has bought a pink candy floss maker, a £1,000 Slush Puppy machine and an old-fashioned sweet counter with jars of boiled sweets to decorate her Camden home," the Daily Mail reports. • Thank Jebus that Abigail Breslin still sounds like a normal, sweet girl. She says her acting idol is Meryl Streep, her favorite movie is the Devil Wears Prada, working with Cameron Diaz was "really nice" and her biggest influences are "My brothers, my parents, my whole family." • An ex-Scientologist in Florida is suing Tom Cruise and the Church of Scientology for $265 million. According to Fishbowl LA Peter Letterese "claimed that Cruise and Scientology bribed and improperly influenced a federal judge, a Florida state judge and a federal bankruptcy trustee to tie up his original law suit [also against the religion] in bankruptcy court."

    [Daily Mail, The Star, FBLA]

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