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National Equality March - Now Is The Time

Official Website: http://www.NationalEquality... Facebook Fan Page: Twitter: On October 10-11, 2009, we will gather in Washington D...

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clubindiana4 (1 month ago) Show Hide
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Nice try.....didn't it REQUIRE legislation before whitey was willing to share his public restrooms? Was it all that long ago that we had ALL white sports teams? Clearly this issue requires government intervention as well.
broyomama (1 month ago) Show Hide
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My point is that you will never, ever see gay groups or feminist groups calling out for true gender equality. Professional sports teams are only one example. I - a male - cannot join the women's tennis team. That is fair, but certainly not equal. "Equality" is the simply the wrong word. "Fairness" is more accurate. And, comparing white/black issues with male/female issues is a very weak argument. Weak arguments and incorrect use of "equality" does not help your cause.
clubindiana4 (1 month ago) Show Hide
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Black, gay, female.....I'm sure it pretty much feels the same when a majoity is stepping on your neck. Nit-picking over that the best you've got?
broyomama (1 month ago) Show Hide
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Actually, females are in the majority, because there are more women than men. Even white males are discriminated against. It happens to everyone. It is time for people to get out of victim mentality and making excuses and take responsibility for their lives. So-called leaders - like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton - profit by keeping their people in the victim mindset. They live off of fostering racism.
clubindiana4 (1 month ago) Show Hide
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I'm intrigued by this "white male discrimination" theory of yours. Please explain.
broyomama (1 month ago) Show Hide
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Not a theory! I have personally experienced it a multitude of times. Where I work and live, white males are in the minority (racially and gender).
clubindiana4 (4 weeks ago) Show Hide
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So move. Changing color or sex/sexuality isn't quite so easy. You chose your adress.
broyomama (4 weeks ago) Show Hide
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Moving is always an option, but I have the philosophy that such experiences are ok, just part of life. They are no big deal as compared to the persecution of others down through history. Sort of "deal with it and move on." Everyone is discriminated against in one way or another.
WomackKOA (1 month ago) Show Hide
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Yeah, but your not the Fruit in office are you. Obama hasn't gotten around to your crap, thats what you are whining about. I'm sure he will deal with your GAY stuff before the next election so you will shut up and give him your vote. There are SOOOO many more important things than you and your "life partner". So, deal with it.
clubindiana4 (1 month ago) Show Hide
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Its heart warming to know that you have so much faith in the current administration. Thanks for the vote of confidence!

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