some apartment buildings, grass, trees, and birdcages




Gossip-Free Zone

August 2009
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    Autistic Pride Day — and taking things personally.

    June 18th is apparently Autistic Pride Day.
    It’s come to my attention that the people who initially put it together think that there’s been some kind of collossal snub [edit:  Amy says they didn't say "colossal snub", but I was told they thought it was something negative towards them at any rate] on the part of [...]

    Barnard Power

    It’s Blogging Against Disablism Day. This is my entry. There may be more, but this is my first.
    I once attended a segregated gifted program (yes, I’ve attended both gifted and special ed programs, and been considered both gifted and a writeoff at different times, get used to it, both are to me illusions). [...]

    Temple Grandin devalues us again, in print this time.

    This is an unfortunate addition to my previous post, Temple Grandin, displaying near-textbook “HFA/AS elitism”. Because I have obtained Temple Grandin’s expanded tenth-anniversary edition of Thinking in Pictures. Here are some quotes.
    Page 56:
    There is concern among people with Asperger’s that genetic testing could eliminate them. This would be a terrible price to pay. [...]

    The “right” to freedom from disagreement.

    While I was approving comments today (and marking half the comments I got as spam, ugh) I came across a comment on one of my older entries, Suicide and Autism Severity. The commenter said that the person I was disagreeing with in that entry has done a lot for our community, and that the amount [...]

    Suicide and autism ’severity’

    I recently engaged in a private conversation with someone, where we were discussing various stereotypes of the ‘ends’ of the autistic ’spectrum’. One thing I brought up was that someone had once told me that only ‘high functioning’ people consider or commit suicide.
    Given this conversation the other day, it was a little stunning to see [...]

    Why do you think I must want to be like you?

    [I can now tell from the first comment that people who do not want all autistics to be of the same general type may take offense at the question. If you're not doing this, you're not the person I'm asking the question of. There are plenty of autistic people who do think that all other [...]