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Overview Game List Discography Composers

Mistwalker Date of Formation: 2004
Location: Tokyo
President: Hinorobu Sakaguchi
Head Composer: Nobuo Uematsu
Productions: Blue Dragon series, Lost Odyssey, A.S.H. -Archaic
Sealed Heat-, Away: Shuffle Dungeon, Cry on

Mistwalker is a video game development studio formed by Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi in 2004. It focuses on designing games as opposed to coding and publishing them. It has formed a relationship with Microsoft, resulting in the Xbox 360 RPGs Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey. It also a designer of the DS' A.S.H. -Archaic Sealed Heat-.

Their main composer is freelancer Nobuo Uematsu; his works are mostly arranged by orchestrator Hiroyuki Nakayama and rock musician Satoshi Henmi before they are released. Other associated composers are Hitoshi Sakimoto and Masaharu Iwata, who scored A.S.H. -Archaic Sealed Heat-, and Megumi Ohashi, who scored the Blue Dragon anime.

Their designed games are developed by other companies such as Artoon, Racjin, FeelPlus, Brownie Brown, and Cavia. They have also engaged in anime, concert, and drama productions. Their output and prominence is gradually increasing. Their upcoming game works include Blue Dragon DS, Away: Shuffle Dungeon, and Cry On. Sakaguchi is also planning Blue Dragon 2 and an untitled MMORPG.