Cemeteries & More
in Clark County, Ohio

helping you research your family tree.

    My name is Dorene Carse and I am the Cemetery Coordinator for Clark County, Ohio.  Most of these cemeteries
have not been researched at this time, but remember that your research could help others.  So, if you have done any
research on any one of these cemeteries and would like to share it, please drop me a note.   At this time I would like to
thank the fellow researchers who have helped me bring you this site: Cindi Robbins, Sara Greer, Sandi Evilsizer, Marcia
Dudley, and especially the late Cyndy Ralphin and her mother. I also want to acknowledge the efforts of other unnamed
people who have submitted helpful tidbits and corrections. This page would not be possible without a lot of their help.

    As some of you may be aware, Rootsweb (a free genealogical service and home of the US GenWeb Project) was recently acquired by Ancestry.com (a pay service). At this time, the only change announced by Ancestry is the merging of the message boards for both systems. However, some of the contributors to the Clark County site have expressed concern over what the future holds for the work they have contributed. For that reason, I have agreed to house some of their work on this site. So keep checking back: we're having (good) growing pains!

Thanks and Happy Huntin'



Funeral Homes

Marriage License
Volume 3 Part 1 May 27, 1845 - December 31, 1850

Springfield High School
 -   Class of 1935
 -   Class of 1936

For those of you who would like to drop a line or
send a cemetery file, please e-mail me at
Dorene Carse

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Site Created and Maintained by Dorene Carse
Copyright c 1997 -  2001.  All rights reserved.
This site may be freely linked to but not duplicated in any fashion without my consent.