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Posted on April 1, 2006 by Sima Fontanilla | Posted under   Recreation and Sports

8 Tips to Stretching Before and After Bike Riding

You've got the bike, you've got the time, your ready to go right? Wrong! If you forget to stretch, you are going to be sorry! Stretching will make you less likely to sustain an injury and it will also help loosen your muscles for the work ahead so you won't be sore after your ride. The following 8 tips to stretching before and after bike riding will keep your body much happier!


1. Stretch 1Stand beside your bike and hold onto the handlebars with your left hand. Put your right foot up on top of the seat and point your toes upwards. Place your right hand on the seat to balance you, then lean slowly towards your foot. Hold the stretch for 10 seconds. Then switch sides and repeat.

2. Stretch 2Stand beside your bike. With both hands grab the top side of the tube. Stretch your arms out and bend at the waist while keeping your back nice and straight. Bend as far as you can comfortably then hold for 10 seconds. Repeat once.

3. Stretch 3Straddle the bike, hold your right arm at the bottom of the elbow with your left hand, then gently push your right arm out from the side of the body. Switch arms and repeat

4. Stretch 4Shrug your shoulders then roll them back and hold the stretch for 10 seconds. Relax, then stretch your neck to the right, hold for 5 seconds, return to center, then stretch your neck left and hold for 5 seconds, then return to center. Now touch your chin to your sternum, hold 5 seconds.

That's it, you're ready to ride off into the sunset! But read on to find out what stretches you need to do after your bike ride.


Stretch 1Sit down with both feet touching, then pull them towards your crotch. Now gently try to lower your knees. Do not force, stop when it becomes uncomfortable.

Stretch 2Spread your legs, bend over and reach towards your right foot, if you can touch it, great, if not go as far as you can without overextending. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat but reach towards your left foot, then hold for 10 seconds.

Stretch 3Put both legs together in front of you then bend your right leg at the knee and slide your right foot back towards your side while keeping your leg on the ground. Stop when you can feel the stretch in the thigh. Repeat with other leg.

Stretch 4Lie on your back and grab your legs at the back of knees. Gently pull your legs towards your chest, then slowly straighten your legs as far as you can. Make sure your back stays flat on the ground throughout the exercise.

That's it, now you're ready to call it a day. Hopefully you've had a great bike ride and enjoyed some wonderful sights and sounds. Following these 8 stretches will have you ready to ride again tomorrow!

About The Author:
Sima Fontanilla is the Editor and Publisher of Article Click. For more FREE articles for your ezine and websites visit -


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