NENA Membership

Add your voice to “The Voice of 9-1-1!”

NENA Gets You Informed – As a member, you have access to the most comprehensive and up-to-date information about all things 9-1-1 available anywhere 24x7x365. In addition, when you join, you will receive a complimentary subscription to ENP Magazine – our highly regarded official publication – which delivers in-depth coverage of our industry to you nine times a year.
NENA Gets You Networked – Membership automatically makes you part of the 7,000 strong 9-1-1 family and entitles you to network at our outstanding meetings, discussion forums and our “must attend” Annual 9-1-1 Conference and Trade Show held each June. Membership enrolls you in your local NENA Chapter.
NENA Gives You the Tools for Career Advancement – Our widely recognized education program offers professional development and the latest training on all aspects of 9-1-1 technology and Public Safety Answering Point operations either in formal classes from an extensive catalogue of courses or in our new direct-to-your laptop Webinar programming. This continuing 9-1-1 education may lead to the prestigious Emergency Number Professional Certification.
NENA Gives You the Chance to Make a Difference – Whether it is helping create new technological standards or operating procedures or assessing the impact of pending federal legislation on the 9-1-1 community, participation in state chapter or national NENA events, gives you the opportunity to directly impact key policies and programs.

NENA’s leadership team represents our diverse membership, and collectively, the 9-1-1 industry. NENA is an organization dedicated to saving lives through the improvement of 9-1-1 services in North America, and beyond. We are committed to making a difference through our work and our collective 9-1-1 association - NENA.

Membership in NENA represents the ultimate way to increase your knowledge as a 9-1-1 industry professional. Scanning through the NENA Web Site will give you a glimpse of the many benefits we offer NENA embers. Your membership investment return begins immediately upon enrollment:
Also, when you join you get a full year subscription to Emergency Number Professional magazine! Your return on investment will exceed your expectations! Apply for membership today using NENA's secure Online Membership Application form, or download the Adobe PDF version at the bottom of this page. 
NENA membership is based on the calendar year and all memberships expire December 31 of the year joined unless payment is received after October 1, in which case your membership will be valid through December 31 of the following year. All members automatically become members of their local NENA chapter if one exists (10% of dues paid goes to support your local chapter).

Membership Categories — All memberships are individual

$120 Public Sector/Government Voting Member

People employed by, or appointed or elected to a government or quasi-government agency who are or have been responsible for some aspect of design, promotion, construction, installation, maintenance, command and/or operation of public safety emergency communications systems, including those who have retired from such positions.

$150 Private Sector/Commercial Voting Member

People who provide products and services related to public safety emergency systems and the public safety emergency communications field, including both for-profit and non-profit organizations, and including those who have retired from such positions.

$75 Emergency Dispatcher*

People who are certified, engaged in, employed as, or retired from non-management and non-supervisory positions, including call-takers, who wish to further their career in the emergency communications industry and support the goals and objectives of NENA.

$75 Associate*

People who are not eligible for public sector or private sector membership but who wish to support the goals and objectives of NENA.

*This is a non-voting membership category with restrictions

Application for NENA Membership254.27 KB
Resource Guide1.91 MB