Melancon Endorses Anti-Rape Law, After Vitter Opposed It

Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) and Rep. Charles Melancon (D-LA)


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In the wake of Sen. David Vitter's (R-LA) vote against the Franken Amendment -- which seeks to guarantee access to the court system, rather than private arbitration, for military contractor employees who are sexually assaulted -- Vitter's Democratic opponent, Rep. Charlie Melancon, has released a statement strongly endorsing it.

Melancon has released a letter through his Congressional office, urging that the Franken Amendment be kept in the final conference report for the Defense Appropriations bill. He does not directly address Vitter's opposition, as this was released through his Congressional office and not his campaign. However, he does have some strong language against those who oppose it.

Let this be a clear signal: Democrats fully intend to hang this vote around Vitter's neck, as well as any other Republicans who opposed a measure designed to protect rape victims. Check out the key quote from Melancon's letter, after the jump.

It is our responsibility to make sure this horrific event can never happen again. No American citizen should have to sign away his or her right to due process of law. And not a dime of taxpayer money should go to a company that would rather sweep an assault under the rug than allow our justice system to work.


There are members in both chambers who will argue that the Jones story is an isolated incident and that this is a measure to single out and punish one contractor. They will caution against including this provision in conference. I care not to speculate on their motives, nor do I have any interest in singling out one company over another. But if we fail to enact this measure, we will have failed to protect the rights and values we were sworn to uphold when we took our oath of office.

(Emphasis ours.)

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October 9, 2009 5:21 PM   

urging that the Franken Amendment be kept in the final conference report for the Defense Authorization bill

For the record, the Franken Amendment is an amendment to the Defense Appropriations bill, not the Defense Authorization bill. The final conference report for the Authorization bill has already been completed and passed by the House. The Melancon letter identifies the Appropriations bill correctly.

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October 9, 2009 5:27 PM    in reply to mcc

Thank you very much, it has been corrected.

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October 9, 2009 5:34 PM    in reply to Eric Kleefeld


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October 9, 2009 7:15 PM   

Go Blue Dogs! Sic 'm Charlie!

This signals a fighting campaign from our man, Charlie Melancon. A strong campaign usually results in a strong electoral showing. Vitter is very, very vulnerable to a determined, relentless exposure of his hypocritical and insufferable neglect of any positive attempt to better the lives of average Americans. Melancon seems like the perfect thoughtful moderate Blue Dog Democrat to grab Vitter by the leg and just wear him down through the long year until the election. I am feeling quite positive about our chances here if Charlie can stay focused and aggressive through the long haul in the manner he is showing here. Just think how much more of an improvement he would be in the Senate for the long suffering citizens of Louisiana!

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