Joe's Fetish Story Page

updated: 2006-01-15

For some people, winter is the season they like most. They love to wear those cozy winter clothes. And they love to see the ones they adore, wearing a Fur coat, Down jacket, Parka or a woolen sweater. This excites them even sexually...

Other people love bad girls. They love to see it, when young female felons are locked up securely and punished hard for their crimes. And they love it even more to see a beautiful young prisoner executed in public for the sake of deterrence...

...The stories and photo-compositions presented here, are dedicated to those who are into both of the above topics. Imagine this scene: A young female prisoner, dressed in some dull prison dress, is lead out of her cell. She is taken to a special room, where she is prepared for her execution. The prison officials give her her own clothes to wear and she puts on blue jeans, her favorite sweater and her puffy winter jacket. Then she is pinioned and led out to the gallows. Soon, she will hang by the neck until she is dead...

Do you like this scene? Then these stories are for you:

The Au Pair Girl text taken from various stories of unknown authors
The Death of Cheryl text by "Cheryl_127"
Eirene's Execution text was taken from the web and edited, original author unknown
The School winter-fetish-version of a well known story taken from "GallowsHill"
A Winter Execution text by "Inmate_Tania"
WinterAdventures.pdf all the above stories (with all pics) as a single printer-friendly PDF-File (1Mbyte)
Melissa's Fate
Melissa's Fate (pdf)

A new story by "Inmate_Tania"

all photo-manipulations by "Joe"

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