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Poster: Brad Leblanc Date: May 23, 2006 10:19:37am
Forum: etree Subject: Uploaders - Fixing your Chipmunked uploads
This was a bug in the deriver between 5/11/2006 and 5/22/2006. Anything uploaded between those 2 dates that had 64kbit MP3's generated will need this fix. Any old uploads that had derivatives added between those 2 dates will also need to be fixed.

Attached are instructions for fixing your uploads. Please reply with questions about this.

This post was modified by Brad Leblanc on 2006-05-23 17:19:37

Attachment: Fixing_Chipmunks.pdf

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Poster: xtifr Date: May 22, 2006 11:16:22am
Forum: etree Subject: what about the messed-up m3u files?
Thanks Brad, glad you guys managed to find the problem.

This doesn't address the VBR.m3u files that contain links to both the VBR and 64k MP3s, though. Has that problem also been solved, and if so, do we use basically the same fix? (Check out, delete the VBR m3u, check back in and re-derive?)

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Poster: Diana Hamilton Date: May 22, 2006 09:50:00pm
Forum: etree Subject: Re: what about the messed-up m3u files?
This doesn't address the VBR.m3u files that contain links to both the VBR and 64k MP3s

From what I can tell, that is apparently a separate, new-system-wide problem (not just this collection) that existed pre LMA-cutover. It's already on the list to look at.

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Poster: xtifr Date: May 23, 2006 02:50:11pm
Forum: etree Subject: o-o-ok, but when they do fix it, could they add Oggs? :)
Thanks, Diana. I'll just go ahead and be patient then. I can live with the fact that I'll probably have to fix some of my uploads again in the not-too-distant future. And, as for my own listening pleasure, well, I've already added a strip-the-64k-mp3s feature to my switch-mp3-to-ogg script.

But--speaking of that last--while I'm here, I'd like to ask one more time, in my most plaintive tone of voice, if the engineers couldn't, please, please, please, finally add ogg m3u's. As long as they're going to be tinkering with the m3u creation anyway. It's a guaranteed win-win: users get slightly better sound, and the Archive uses slightly less bandwidth. And the oggs are just sitting there--why not make it easy for people to stream them, if they can?

I know, I know, it's a long shot, but I had to ask. :)

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Poster: Diana Hamilton Date: May 23, 2006 09:36:32pm
Forum: etree Subject: Re: o-o-ok, but when they do fix it, could they add Oggs? :)
Ogg streams are on the to-do list, I think.

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Poster: Tyler Date: May 23, 2006 05:32:05am
Forum: etree Subject: Re: Uploaders - Fixing your Chipmunked uploads
Can we do a query to look for shows in that date range that had derivs made, just so we can 'tick mark' them off as the uploaders fix them? More specifically, I know that I manually re-derived a few shows that had been asking for it for a while. I recall most of them off the top of my head but I know there are at least 3-4 that I couldn't tell you which date they were if I tried. If that data could be dug up in my user history (or like a 'last modified by: tyler' thing, that would be helpful so I know what shows to go in and do the fix on manually. thanks brad!


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Poster: Tyler Date: June 23, 2007 09:50:15am
Forum: etree Subject: Re: Uploaders - Fixing your Chipmunked uploads
As of April 2007, all the 'chipmunk' shows should be fixed by Tracey's auto-doing. If you find one that has the 'chipmunk' sound on the in-page 64k stream player, please post to the forum with a link to it. Thanks!

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