A Compendium of equivalent words and phrases used in the "American English" and the "English English" languages


Yeah: Rule Britannia and all that! Now, if SOME of you take this all too seriously you will be disappointed! No apologies for the funny regionalisms etc. OK? Don't get upset if this isn't PRO quality. I just did it for fun mostly! Life is too short to worry!

E-mail me at:


I did this for FUN!!!
Critics need not apply!!

Note - words that need defining in the other dialect are sometimes indicated by an asterisk or quotation marks!





Body Parts






Eating out





Fire Fighting






Household Items











Personal Belongings

Personal Grooming





Public Places

Radio & TV




Sport / Sports


Time & Date






Pronunciation Guide

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American                              English


Bug                                   Insect
Fishes                                Fish (pl.)
Hog                                   Pig
House Fly (Large)                     Blow Fly
Rooster                               Cockerel
Shedding (fur)                        Moulting
Small crow                            Jack-daw
Spiney fish                           Stickleback *
Water surface insect                  Waterboatman

vacuum cleaner                        Hoover
TV                                    Telly or TV
Frigidaire, ice box, fridge           Refrigerator, fridge

Baby, infant                          Nipper, Little 'un (slangs)
Baby carriage or Baby buggy           Perambulator or "Pram"
Diaper                                Nappy
Formula                               Bottle of baby milk
Pacifier, fooler                      Dummy
Stroller                              Push chair

Body parts:
Ass                                   Arse
Belly, stomach                        Tummy (occasionally belly/stomach)
Bod *                                 Body, as in gorgeous
Booty *                               Bottom, buttocks
Butt, tush, fanny                     Bum
Ear                                   Ear, lug-hole, Lug (slangs)
Fanny *                               Bottom, buttocks
Gams                                  Legs, usu. a woman's
Hand                                  Mitt (slang)
Head                                  Bonce (slang), nut.
Hooters *                             breasts
Jaw or chin                           Bracket (slang)
Kisser                                mouth
Lap                                   knee or lap
Mouth                                 mouth, "gob, trap, cake-hole" (slangs)
Nose                                  "hooter"
Pinky                                 little finger
Testicles                             Goolies, knackers, pillochs, bollocks
Vagina                                Fanny *
Zit                                   Spot
(Okay, enough of that! I could go on, but...)

Backyard                              Garden (small)
Building site                         Building plot
Platte                                Map (of land)
Precinct station                      Constabulary
Realty, property                      Property
Realtor, real estate agent            Estate agent
Shack                                 Shed
Snack shop                            Tuck shop
Stoop                                 A small porch
Swath (of land)                       Swathe
Yard                                  Garden

A type of material                    Fairisle
Apron                                 Pinnie or Pinnafore *
Jackboots                             Bovver boots, hobnail boots
Clothes hanger                        Coat hanger
Clothes pin                           Peg
Cuffs (pants)                         Turn-ups
Garter belt                           Suspender belt
Hose                                  Stockings
Knickerbockers                        Shorts
Lacy                                  Frilly
Long Johns                            Combinations
Pants                                 Trousers
Panties                               knickers
Pantyhose                             Tights
Pinnafore *                           A style of woman's dress
Robe                                  Dressing gown
Run                                   Ladder
Pumps                                 Shoes
Rain hat                              Sou'wester
Slacks, casual pants                  Trews
Sneakers                              Trainers
Sox                                   Socks
Stockings                             Nylons, stockings
Suspenders                            Braces
Straight pin                          pin
Suit                                  Suite (furniture)
************                          Donkey jacket
Sou'wester                            Bad storm from the southwest
Sweater                               Jumper,jersey, sweater, woolly
Sweats                                Tracksuit
Tee shirt                             Vest
Tennis shoes                          Plimsolls
Underpants or panties                 Pants, drawers, skivvies or knickers
Vest                                  Waistcoat
Walk shorts                           Shorts
Well-dressed                          Smart (or dressed-up)
Yarn                                  Wool (or yarn)
Zipper                                Zip

Assignment                            Homework
Assignment                            Lesson
College Student                       Student
Elementary School/Grade School        Junior School
Eraser                                Rubber
Freshman                              1st year undergraduate
Grade (as in 1st)                     Class (e.g. Class 10) (used to be
Grade (points)                        Score
High School                           Senior School
Jock                                  Athletic pupil
Junior                                3rd year undergraduate
Junior High School                    Middle School
Math                                  Maths
Majoring in                           reading (at Univ.)
Public school                         state school
Preschool                             private nursery school
Primmer                               Primer
Principal                             headmaster/mistress
Private school gofer                  Fag
Senior                                4th year undergraduate
Sophomore                             2nd year undergraduate
Student                               Pupil
Undergraduate school                  College/University
Write offs                            Lines
Zero                                  Nought

Font                                  Fount

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Eating out:

Check                                 Bill
Ice cream cone                        Ice cream cornet
Popsicle                              Lolly
Napkin                                Serviette
To go                                 Take out, take away

Affirmative                           Yes
Add up, total                         Total up, tott up
Afterward                             Afterwards
Agin                                  Against
Aks (ethnic Afro-american)            Ask
All of it, everything                 The whole ball of wax, whole nine
                                      yards, whole megillah.
Alls (not universally used)           All
Angry or a little irritated           Cross
Annoying fellow, bad character        Sod (as in sodomy, also an expletive)
Backward                              Backwards
Bad, problematic                      Dodgey
Bad ass (verb OR adj.)                A threatening, violent man
Be encouraged!                        Buck up *
Beaten (in a race)                    Pipped at the post
Beep                                  Pip or stroke
Belly up                              Failure, shut down (a business etc.)
"Best/Bests" (verb)                   Beats the others
Blob, n.                              Wodge, n.         
Bone up *                             Study
Boner                                 Silly idea, blunder, error
Brickbat *                            A complaint
Brook (verb)                          Tolerate
Built-in                              Fitted
Bump                                  Remove someone's plane reservation
Bumper music                          Introductory music on a radio talk show
Bunch                                 Large quantity
Bunk                                  Nonsense
Butt of The Joke *                    Brunt of the Joke
Came over, came to visit              Popped round, popped over, in
Carry to the store                    Take to the shops
Catty-corner *                        Diagonally across
Chase off or deflect                  See off (e.g. dog)
Chatting, talking                     Nattering, gassing
Cheat in business, swindle            Diddle
Check (mark)                          Tick
Compulsive house cleaning             Houseproud (adj)
Chr-st! (Euphemism) Wow!              Crikey! *
Clumsy                                Cack-handed
Coat check                            Cloakroom
Cold cock                             Hit someone hard
Conk out                              Cronk out
Cool your jets!                       Calm down!
Copasthetic *                         All OK
Counter-clockwise                     Anti-clockwise
Coverage (insurance)                  Cover
Cranky                                In a bad mood
Crashed & died                        Bought it
Crazy, bananas                        Round the loop, loopy
Cut to the chase                      Get to the point
Dandy (adj.)                          Clever, good
Dandy (n. Fancy dresser, show-off)    Spiv
Dang!                                 Blimey! Bollocks!
Dang (Adj.)                           Very, or very bad
Darn well                             Bloomin' well, bleedin' well (sl. coarse)
Durn                                  Very, or very bad
Defective                             Duff (sl.)
Dispatch                              Despatch
Do me a favor!                        Do us a favour! (more cockney)
Doggone!                              Blow!
Doggone (adj.)                        Darned, Bloomin'
Duff (sl.)                            Buttocks
Done                                  Finished
Each                                  a throw (example, "They only cost 5 pounds a throw!")
Easy, something easy                  A doddle *
Eat                                   Tuck in *
Elevator                              Lift
End of your rope                      End of your tether
Enjoy the heck out of                 Enjoy greatly
Exactly!                              Quite!
Excerpt                               Extract
Exclamation or surprise               Blimey! (From lit. "Blind me!")
Exclamation or surprise               Stone the crows!
Excuse me                             Sorry
Fast (going very fast)                Like the clappers *
Favors (verb)                         Looks like (people)
Feeling your oats-gloating in success (No equiv.) - see sowing wild oats
Fight                                 'Punch-up'
Figure out                            'Suss' (typically means to figure out a person)
Fish or cut bait                      Get on with it
Fix *                                 Prepare
Fixing to *                           Preparing to, about to
Flattering (phoney)                   Smarmy (sl.)
Forward                               Forwards
Fraidy Cat                            Scaredy Cat
Freight elevator                      Goods lift
From the get go *                     From the beginning/start
Fubar ("foobar") *                    Crude acronym for "Messed" Up Beyond All Recognition
Funnest *                             The most fun, most enjoyable
Furnish                               Supply, provide, fit
Gawk                                  To stare stupidly
Get a holt of                         Cop hold of
Get going!                            On your bicycle! *
Get lost!                             Get knotted! Get stuffed!
Get more exercise                     Take more exercise
G.I.G.O. *                            Garbage in, Garbage out (computers)
Give it a try                         Have a go
Go away!                              Bugger off! *
Go away!                              Piss off! *
Go away!                              Push off *
Go crazy                              go potty (or crazy)
Go potty                              go to the loo
Go to bat for                         Stick up for
Go very fast!                         'Go like the clappers!' *
Good for you!                         Bully for you!
Goodbye, bye                          Cheerio, tata
Goof, goof up                         'Drop a clanger'
Gorgeous, beautiful, cute             Dishy, dolly (adj.)
Gotten                                Got, obtained, become or acquired
Goes a ways                           Goes a fair amount
Great! Neat, Neato!                   Super! (Some say "SYOO-PER" in snob english)
Gross *                               Disgusting
Grumble, complain, whimper            Grizzle *
Guess                                 Suppose, think
Half staff (flag)                     Half mast
Hanging out *                         Lolling around, hanging around
Harm (bodily)                         Mischief *
Harm yourself                         Do yourself a mischief *
Have a gander at it!                  Take a look at it!
Heck with you, I'm OK!                I'm alright, JACK! *
He'p, hope (both South.)              Help
Here you go                           Here you are
Hey! (salutation)                     What ho! Watch yer!
Hey! (getting attention)              Oy! Hoy!
Hey! or Hi!                           Hello!
Hicky *                               Mark on skin from excessive kiss
Hit                                   Dotted *
Hit him                               Dotted 'im one *
Hold                                  Cop hold of
Hooey (slang)                         Nonsense
Horse!(slang)                         A man (joking or friendly term)
Horsing around                        Mucking about
Horseplay, horsing around             Rough, boisterous fun
Hush!                                 Shush! (Pronounced like "Bush")
I agree!                              "here here!"
I don't have                          I haven't got
I have                                I've got
Idiot                                 Clot, Clod, loony, bint
Illicit sex                           Sowing wild oats
I'm telling you!                      Believe you me!
In point of fact                      In fact
Insane                                Bonkers, Mad 
Installed                             fitted
Intimidate and threaten               Bother "A bit of bovver"
Irregardless (error)                  Regardless
Jury rig or kluge                     Jerry rig
Keep your chin up!                    Keep your pecker up!
Kudos                                 Good show, well done!
Let us know, speak up                 Sing out
Liar!                                 Lying Hound! Lying Toad!
Listen up!                            Listen here!
Loading dock                          Goods entrance
Look out for something                Keep your eyes skinned, peeled
"Low-life" (person)                   "Scruff" or "Urchin"
Might could (Sou.)                    Could possibly be able to
Most any                              Almost any
Most every                            Almost every
Mostly                                In the main
Mad                                   Angry
Make a face                           Pull a face
Make like                             Act like, pretend to be
Making fun                            Taking the Mick(ey) (slang)
Make it                               Succeed, arrive, have sex
Make the grade                        Succeed
Make out                              Succeed
Making out, affection                 Snogging
Mash (Southern slang)                 Press (as in button)
Mean or contemptible fellow           Blighter
Messing around                        Mucking about
Mums (slang / flowers)                Chrysants (abbr.)
Mum's the word                        Keep this quiet
Muss                                  Mess
"Nanny nanny boo boo!"                Nah nah nah-nah nah -OR-
                                      "Cry baby bunting!"
Nearly                                Nigh-on (e.g. N-o impossible)
Neat, Neat-o!                         Fabulous
Negative, negatory                    No
No good                               A fat lot of good
"No way!"                             "I should Coco!" *,  "Not on your nelly!" *
No problem                            Right oh, then!
Nub * (noun)                          Protuberance, lump, stub
Nuh-uh!                               No
Odor                                  Pong (slang) *
Odor                                  Odour
OK                                    Right then
On accident                           By accident
On purpose                            On purpose
On time                               Bang on schedule
Organize                              Organise
Out front                             Out in the front
Panties in a wad                      Knickers in a twist
Parentheses                           Brackets
Partial trade                         Part exchange
Pass up                               Go past
Paydirt                               A profitable discovery or event.
Penny                                 A Cent
Penny-anny or penny ante              Petty, insignificant
Perceive                              Make out
Period                                Full stop
Pick up (the house)                   Tidy up
Piss off                              Annoy
Point up                              Point out
Pollyanna                             Optimistic (person)
Problematic, bad                      Dodgy *
Prosecuted                            Summonsed, had up
Questionable or illicit activity      "Shilly-shally"
Rain check *                          When shopping - a chit that let's you get the 
                                      discount later if they have run out of an item.
Recognize                             Recognise
Rent                                  Hire
Resolute, Spirited                    Plucky
Right good (Sou.)                     Excellent (adj.) or Well (Adv.)
Rock                                  Stone
Run for it                            Bunk, Scarper (slang) or scarper off
Sack *                                Bag
Smarts (verb)                         Hurts
Smarts (slang noun)                   Intelligence
Snafu *                                   (Another crude acronym)
Snowed under (regional)               Extremely busy, overwhelmed
Sod                                   Turf
Sorry                                 Inadequate, pathetic, inferior
Spiffy                                POSH (fr. Port out Starboard Home)
Stay at home                          Stop at home (e.g. from work)
Stole my thuunder                     Said what I was going to before I could
Stop Smoking                          Pack it up *
Stopped up                            Bunged up
Stories or "white lies"               Fibs
Stuck with an uncmfortable            Lumbered
Sarcastic                             Sarkey *
Sassy                                 Cheeky or saucy
Scody, Scuzzy                         Scruffy, untidy
Segue' ("Seg-way") *                  Shift, change, maneuver, transition
Slash or slant                        Stroke (i.e. /)
Sleep in (late)                       Lie in
Snicker                               Snigger
Snob, or rich guy                     Toff (Old London expression)
Specter                               Spectre
Stand in line                         Queue or "queue up"
Steal                                 Nick, knock off
Step up                               Belly up (e.g. - to the bar)
Stomp                                 Stamp (foot)
Suspicious                            Dodgey
Tacky                                 Tatty, scruffy, cheap, low class
Take a  look                          Take a  decko
Take a turn                           Have a go (as in a game)
Talk with, flirt with, persuasively   Chat up
Talkative fellow                      Gas bag
A Tattle-tale, n.                     Grass , n.
To Tattle, v.                         To grass on, v.
The skinny                            The inside story, scoop
Through                               Up to and including
Tell me about it!                     I know all about it!
Thanks, thank you                     Ta! (slang), much-obliged!
That's his loss                       That's his funeral
That's strange!                       Oooow er!
The hospital                          Hospital
There you go                          There you are
Tote                                  Carry
Toward                                Towards
Trade                                 Exchange or "Part Exchange"
Trickery, deception                   Jiggery-pokery
Two weeks                             fortnight
Uh-huh                                yes
Uh-oh                                 oh dear
Uh-uh                                 no
Untidy                                Scruff (adj.)
Untidy person                         Scruff (n.)
"Up the Ante"                         Increase  your bet or risk
Urinate                               Spend a penny, take a slash, take a wazz
Very                                  Ever so, bloomin'
Very weak                             Weak as water
Visit with                            Talk to/chat
Wait on line                          Queue, or Queue Up
Wait up                               Wait
Wake UP!!!                            Wakey wakey!
Wanted                                Fancied
Wasted                                Frittered away
Way to go!                            Well done!  Keep it up!
Well done, nice job, congratulations  "Bully for you!" (sometimes sarcastic)
What a bod!                           She's gorgeous!
What time to you have?                What time do you make it?
While                                 Whilst
Winningest (player, coach)            Most successful
Wonderful, lovely                     Glorious
Wriggle                               Fidget
Yo!                                   Hey!
You got suckered!                     More fool you!
Your slip is showing!                 "Charlie's dead!"
You're finished! (as in a card game)  On your bicycle!, bicycles! *
You've got it made                    Bob's your uncle *
Zee                                   Zed
Zip                                   Zero, nothing
Heck with you!                        I'm alright, Jack! / Blow you!
Wake me up                    Knock me up

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Aluminum foil, tin foil               Silver paper, tinfoil.
Baking pan                            Baking tin
Baking soda                           Bicarbonate of soda, "Bicarb"
Beets or red beets                    Beetroot
Bell Pepper                           Green pepper
Black-currant cordial                 Ribena
Broil                                 Grill or roast (e.g. chicken)
Cabbage & potatoes fried              Bubble & Squeak
Can                                   Tin, Tin can
Candy apple                           Toffee apple
Catsup                                Ketchup or tomato sauce
Cheerios                              Circular cereal (no equivalent!)
Cigarettes                            Fags
Candy                                 Sweets
Coaster                               Beer mat
Cobbler                               Crumble
Cookies                               Biscuits
Cornstarch                            Cornflour
Dessert                               Sweet, pudding or afters
Eggplant                              Aubergine
Food                                  "Tuck"
Fruit juice (diluted)                 Squash
Golden Raisins                        Sultanas
Goobers                               Peanuts
Ground meat                           Minced meat
Heaping (spoon)                       Heaped
Hot tea                               Char, tea
Iced tea                              Cold tea with no milk.
Jawbreaker                            Gobstopper
Jello                                 Jelly
Jello pudding (similar)               Blanc-mange ("Bl'monj")
Jelly                                 Jam
Lite beer                             Diluted beer
Lunch                                 Dinner or lunch
Maraschino Cherries                   Glace' cherries
Marmite                               A savory spread (no equivalent)
Mashed Potatoes                       Mash
No equivalent                         Sherbet (powder sweets)
No equivalent (sparkling drink)       Tizer
No equivalent (blackcurrant drink)    Ribena
Orange Drink                          Orange Squash
Pancake syrup                         Golden syrup
Pie crust, pie shell                  Pastry
Plastic wrap                          Cling film
Popsicles                             Ice lollies
Powdered sugar                        Icing sugar
Pudding                               Instant Whip
Raisin                                Sultana
Roast (n)                             Joint (or roast)
Root beer                             Germoline flavoured drink
Rhutabaga                             Swede
Salad dressing                        Salad cream
Sausage                               Banger
Scallion                              Spring onion
Seeds (in fruit)                      Pips
Semi-sweet chocolate                  Plain chocolate
Sherbet                               Sorbet
Shrimp                                Prawns
Silverware/flatware                   Cutlery
Soda or sodapop                       Fizzy or pop
Soda                                  Fizzy drinks
soft candy                            Wine gums
Spaghetti sauce                       Bolognese sauce
Spaghetti with meat sauce             Spaghetti bolognese
Spatula                               Fish slice
Stealing apples                       Scrumping
String beans                          Runner beans
Suckers                               Lollipops
Supper, dinner                        Tea
Teakettle                             Kettle
Three Musketeers (candy)              Milky Way
Tomato Sauce                          Bolognese sauce
Tuna fish                             Tuna
Waxed paper                           Greaseproof paper
Whole wheat bread                     Wholemeal bread
Worchestershire sauce                 Worchester sauce ("Wooster")
Yorkshire pudding with sausages in.   "Toad in the Hole"
No equivalent                         Treacle
No equivalent                         "Shandy" = Brown ale & 7-UP

Fire fighting:
Fire truck                            Fire engine
Fire Department                       Fire Brigade
Rescue squad                          St. Johns Ambulance Brigade
Firecracker                           Banger
Fuse (on firecracker)                 Blue touch paper

Blackjack                             Pontoon
Bumper cars                           Dodgems
Checkers                              Draughts
Clue (game)                           Cluedo
Curve ball                            A googly
Firecracker                           Banger
"Hit me!" (in Blackjack)              "Twist!" (in Pontoon)
Hold (hand of cards)                  Stick (playing cards)
Parcheesi                             Ludo
Pickup-sticks                         Pick-a-stix
Pitch                                 Throw
Solitaire                             Patience (card game)
Stay (in cards)                       Stick
Teeter-totter                         See-saw
Tic-tac-toe                           Noughts and crosses
Trouble (game)                        Frustration (game)
Wading (pool)                         Paddling (pool)
Your turn                             Your go

Bug                                   Insect
Cat Tail                              Bullrush
Horse Chestnut                        Conker (sl.)
Horticulture                          Gardening
Queen Anne's Lace                     Cow Parsley
Antiseptic cream                      Germoline
Back ache                             Lumbago
Band Aid                              Plaster
Brush your teeth                      Clean your teeth
Cavity                                Tooth decay
Cotton                                Cotton wool
Disease                               Mange *
Emergency Room                        Casualty, or Casualty Ward
Gauze                                 Lint
Lint                                  Cotton or thread
Listerine                             Dettol
PMS                                   PMT
Rubber                                Condom, sheath, French letter
Shot (injection)                      Jab
Sick at your stomach                  Tummy ache
Tylenol                               Paracetamol
Wash up                               Wash hands

Public holiday                       Bank holiday
Santa Claus                          Father Christmas
Thanksgiving                         No equivalent
Labor Day
No equivalent                        Whitsun

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Household items:

Boat anchor                           Large piece of junk radio equipment
Chifferobe                            Wardrobe
Coal scoop                            Hod *
Coal bin                              Coal bunker
Garbage or trash                      Rubbish
Garbage can                           Dustbin
Ink pen                               Pen
Living room                           Sitting room
Plastic mug                           Beaker
Polyethylene                          Polythene (plastic)
Radio                                 Wireless or radio
Record player or phonograph (old)     Recordplayer, Gramophone (old)
Shifferobe                            Wardrobe
Skillet                               Frying pan
Stove                                 Cooker
Styrofoam                             Polystyrene
Straight pin                          Pin
Suit                                  Suite (furniture)
Thread                                Cotton (or thread)
Thumb tacks                           Drawing pins
Trash can                             Waste paper basket

Apartment                             Flat
Government housing                    Council house or Council
Duplex                                Semi-detached house
Manufactured housing                  Prefabs
Nuthouse (mental institution)         Loony bin
Ranch house                           Bungalow
Trailer, House trailer                Caravan
Development or Subdivision            Estate, Housing estate
(or projects)
Dumpster                              Skip

Redneck, hick                         Country boy, rural male
Jerk, Dummy, dum-dum, dolt            Twit, twerp or loony
Slang  for 'Bastard'                  Basket
Bum                                   Tramp
Nitwit                                Nit
Idiot                                 Oaf
Dumb                                  Dozy, thick, gormless *
Crazy                                 Daft or barmy
Nerd                                  Square person with thick glasses
Sodomizer                             Sod

Shipping                              Carriage
Mailman                               Postman
Mail box                              Letter box
U.S. Postal Service                   Royal Mail

Lieutenant                            Lieutenant, pronounced "Leftenant"
Cannon (pl)                           Cannons
Mil-uh-terry                          MIL-itry

Device for crossing a farm fence      Stile
Journal                               Diary
Liter                                 Litre
Center                                Centre

Billfold                              Wallet
Check                                 Cheque
Credit                                The Never-Never
Bill (dollar)                         Note (pound)
Check                                 Bill (of sale)
Money                                 Lolly, Dosh, Knicker
Mutual fund                           Unit trust
Penny                                 American slang for 'one cent'
Pound                                 Knicker, Quid
Pocketbook                            Wallet
Bottom dollar                         Your last dollar
Not even a red cent                   Not even one cent
Threepenny piece                      Thru'pence, Nickel (archaic)
Sixpence                              Tanner (archaic)
A shilling                            A bob
A florin                              A two bob bit
A pound                               Knicker (also plural = "knicker")
A pound                               Quid (also plural = "quid")
Musical / Entertainment:
Alto                                  Contralto
Band, combo                           Group
Bumper music                          Introductory music on a radio talk show
Diatonic accordion                    Concertina, squeeze box
Flutist or flute player               Flautist
"G Rated"                             "Certificate G"
Guitar                                Box (slang)
Harmonica                             Mouth organ (or harmonica)
Magician                              Conjurer
Movies                                Pictures or flicks
Pantomimed                    Mimed (pretended to sing,  i.e. mouthed the words for TV)
Phonograph                            Gramophone, record player
"R Rated"                             "Certificate A"
Sax player                            Saxophonist
Song that is becoming more popular    "Climber"
Subway musician (begging)             Busker, busking
The Show or Picture show              Cinema
Theatre                               Cinema
Timpani                               Kettle drums
Traditional Jazz                      Trad or Trad Jazz
Trailer                               Ad for a film
Tuning peg                            Machine head (guitar)
Whammy bar                            Tremolo arm (guitar)

Office & Business:
Cash Register                         Till
Materials, needles, threads etc.      Haberdashery (Dept. in stores)
Paper cutter                          Guillotine
Receipt or voucher, or any            Chit *
small piece of paper, such as a requisition.
Shipping                              Carriage
Single item or product                "One off"
Small retail shop or booth            Kiosk (often at a station)
Stand, booth                          Stall (at an exhibition)
Wholesale                             Trade or Wholesale
Yours Truly                           Yours sincerely
Trade (verb)                          To buy or sell

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Americans                             Yanks, Yankies
Anthony ("th")                        Anthony ("T")
Bad guy                               "Swine"
Boss                                  Governor (guvner" or "guv")
Bum                                   Tramp
Guys, dudes                           Blokes, chaps, chappies
Buddy, friend                         Mate, friend
Cop, Police officer, Pig,             Policeman, Copper, Bobby, Rozzer
(Fuzz, The Man etc.)
Dandy                                 Spiv
Effeminate man, homosexual            Poof
Garbage man or "Sanitary Engineer"    Dustman
Girl, chick                           Bird
Dude                                  Person, city slicker
City Slicker                          Sophisticated person
Handicapped person                    Invalid, spastic
kook, nut                             Loony, nutcase, 'nana (short for banana!)
Loose woman, tramp, slut              Tart, slut
Old man                               Geezer
Person                                "Bod"
Person who stays out late             "Dirty old stop out" (slang)
Person Born Within the Sound          "Cockney" (stricter meaning)
of Bow Bells
Person with Cockney accent            "Cockney" (looser meaning)
(from London)
Shady Dealer                          Wide Boy  OR Spiv
Shady dealer or show-off              Spiv
Teens                                 Teenagers
Thief                                 Twocker *
Aunt ("ANT")                          Auntie
Black person or oriental              "Wog" (impolite)
Mom                                   Mum
Person, old man                       Geyser
Yankee                                American from the North, Yank
Yokel                                 Local Yokel (Regional personage)

Personal belongings:
Billfold                              Wallet
Clothes                               Togs
pocket book                           purse
Purse                                 Handbag
Shades *, sunglasses                  Sunglasses
Shoe strings                          Shoe laces
Check                                 cheque
Bill (dollar)                         Note (pound)
Coin purse                            Purse
Canvas bag                            Duffle bag
Wallet (for ladies)                   purse
Watch band                            Watch strap

Personal grooming:
Bangs *                               Fringe
Barrette                              Hair clip
Bobby pin                             Hair grip
Grow your hair out                    Let it grow longer
Rollers                               Curlers
Spritz *                              Spray
Tease your hair                       Back-comb your hair
Tote sack                             Duffle bag
Wash cloth                            Face flannel or Flannel

Bathtub                               Bath
Commode                               Toilet, khazi
Faucet                                Tap
Restroom, bathroom                    Lavatory, loo, bog, W.C.
Public restroom                       Public convenience
Sink                                  Basin, sink
Water heater (electric)               Immersion heater
Water heater (gas)                    Geyser
Wash dishes                           Wash up

Congress                              Parliament
Fillibuster                           Lengthy speech to halt progress
Gerrymander                           Manipulate boundaries to gain advantage
Gubernatorial                         No equivalent (means having to do)
Mayor's wife                          Mayoress
Lawyer, Attorney                      Sollicitor, barrister
House of Commons                      House of Representatives
House of Lords                        Senate
Run (for public office)               Stand
Secretary                             Minister
This administration                   This government

Public places:
Beach                                 Seaside
City                                  Town
In the hospital                       In Hospital
Jail, Pokey                           Gaol or Jail, clink
Landfill, garbage dump                Rubbish tip
Someplace *                           Somewhere
South England                         The South of England
Small wooded area                     Copse
Town with a cathedral                 City
Wharf or pier                         Quay * or pier

Radio & TV/Electronics:
Antenna                               Aerial
Filter Capacitor                      Smoothing Capacitor
Front panel                           Escutcheon
Ground                                Earth
Meter (length)                        Metre
Radio                                 Wireless or radio
Schematic drawing                     Circuit diagram
Show                                  Program
Telephone                             The blower
Telephone pole                        Telegraph pole
Tube                                  Valve
VCR                                   Video machine

Aay-men                               Aaah-men
Vespers                               Evensong
Pastor                                Vicar

Shopping/Public places:
Alley                                 Alleyway
Beautician or cosmetologist           Hair dresser
Cafe                                  Caff (regional)
Drug store                            Chemist's
Flyer (leaflet)                       Circular
Line                                  Queue
Pharmacist or druggist                Chemist
Portable sales cart                   Barrow
Rain check *                          When shopping - a chit that let's you get the 
                                      discount later if they have run out of an item.
Receipt                               Bill
Sack                                  Bag
Second floor                          First floor
Shipping                              Carriage
Shopping cart                         Trolley, Shopping trolley
Store                                 Shop
Tote bag, tote                        Shopping bag
Trade (verb)                          To buy or sell
Waiting in line                       Queueing up

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A Bet, wager                          A Flutter
Blinders (horse)                      Blinkers
College & High School Wrestling       Graeco-Roman wrestling
Defense                               Defence
Derby ("Derby")                       Derby (pronounced "DAAABY")
Fake                                  Feint
Football                              American football
Field, course                         Pitch (Cricket, football)
Field hockey                          Hockey ("Shinty" in Scotland!)
Football                              American football
Gymkhana - gymnastics event           Gymkhana - a horse show event!
Handlebar                             Handlebars (bike)
Professional Wrestling                All-in wrestling
Rugby                                 Rugger or Rugby
Soccer                                Football or soccer
Sky box                               High up seating box in a stadium
Sports                                Sport
Vs (versus)                           V. (note, the British are VERY particular
                                      about use of a full stop after an
                                      abbreviation, whereas Americans often
                                      do not bother with one.)
"Winningest coach"                    Awful Americanism used by
                                      Radio & TV announcers
Wrasslin' (rural sl.)                 Wrestling

Call                                  Ring up, give you a bell or a tinkle
Collect call                          Reverse the charges
Hang up                               Ring off
Long distance                         Trunk call
Information  (411)                    Directory Inquiries

Time & dates:
Fifteen OF/Quarter of/till            Quarter to
Five after                            Five past
Ten OF                                Ten to
1905 "Nineteen Five"                  "Nineteen Oh Five"
  or "Nineteen Ought Five"
A week from Tuesday                   A week on Tuesday
Two weeks                             A fortnight

Boxcar                                Truck
Caboose                               Guards van
car (on train)                        carriage, truck
conductor (train)                     guard
Crossing                              Level-crossing
Engineer (train)                      driver
Freight car                           truck 
Freight train                         Goods train
Passenger car                         Carriage
Railroad                              Railway

Airplane                              Aeroplane
Aluminum                              Aluminium
Auto                                  Car or motor
Automobile                            Motor car
Beltway                               Ring road
Blacktop                              Tarmac
Blinker                               Indicator
Blow the horn                         Beep or hoot
Boxcar                                Truck
Bus                                   Omnibus, charabang, bus
Bus, private                          Coach
Candy apple red (paint job)           Fire engine red
Car for the handicapped               Invalid carriage
Cars (railroad)                       Railway Carriages
Circle                                Roundabout
Crosswalk w/black & white stripes     Zebra Crossing, crossing
Dead-end                              Cul-de-sac
Deflate a tire                        Let down a tyre
Defroster                             Demister
Detour                                Diversion
Dim headlights                        Dip headlights
Divided Highway                       Dual Carriageway
Elevator                              Lift
Fender                                Wing
Flat Tire                             Puncture
Freeway / interstate                  Motorway
Freight Car                           Truck
gas pedal                             Accelerator
gas station                           Filling station
Gasoline  or gas                      Petrol
Give a ride or Carry (to)             Give a lift
Hitch hike, hitch a ride              Thumb a lift, hitch hike, thumb it
Hood                                  Bonnet
Horn                                  Hooter  (or horn)
Intersection                          Crossroads
Jalopy                                Cronk *
Kerosene                              Paraffin
Knapsack, backpack                    Rucksack
Lifters                               Tappets
Median (in road)                      Central reservation
Metro or subway                       Underground or tube
Muffler (car)                         Silencer
Motor                                 Engine
monkey wrench                         Spanner
No equivalent, flashing yellow        Belisha Beacon *
lights on poles at Zebra Crossing.
Odometer                              Mileometer
Overpass                              Flyover, bridge
Pavement                              Road surface
Pedestrian crossing                   Zebra crossing
Race car                              Racing car
Railroad                              Railway
Railroad ties                         Sleepers
Reflectors in the road                Cats Eyes *
Red light, stop light, traffic light  Traffic light
rowboat                               Rowing boat
Sedan                                 Saloon
Semi-truck / Tractor-trailer          Articulated Lorry
Sidewalk                              Pavement or path
Station Wagon                         Shooting brake or Estate Car
Street car                            Trolley bus, Tram
Street sign                           Signpost
Ticket (noun)                         Summons (noun) (for speeding etc.)
Given a ticket                        Summonsed, had up
Ticket (verb)                         Given a summons
Tire                                  Tyre
Traffic Circle                        Roundabout
Traffic laws                          Highway Code
Truck                                 Lorry, pantechnicon
Trailer (home type)                   Caravan
Trailer (utility)                     Wagon
transmission                          Gear box
Trunk                                 Boot
Turn-out                              Lay-by
Turn Indicator                        Indicator
Underpass (pedestrian tunnel)         Subway
VW Bug                                VW Beetle
Windshield                            Windscreen
Wreck, fender bender, accident        Crash, prang
Wreck, crock, old car                 Old heap, old cronk, old banger
*****                                 Lay-by

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Awaken someone                        Knock up
Knock up                              Copulate, make pregnant

Wind-chill factor                     Degrees of frost

Work & Employment:
Cafeteria                             Canteen
Lunch room or snack shop              Canteen
Quitting time                         Going-home time.
Raise                                 Rise

Pronunciation Guide:

American                              English
--------                              -------
Albino "Al-buy-no"                    "Al-bean-o"
Allies "uh-LIES" (like "decries")     like "PAL+flies"
Ambulance like "AM-bl-ants"           AM-byoo-lns
Anti like "BAN tie"                   ANT + ee
Arctic "Ardic"                        Ark + tick
Arthritis "Arthur-itis" (So.)          "arthritis"
Attache' "Add-a-SHAY:                 A-TATCH-EE or A-TASH-EE
Attitude "Adda-tood"                  Attit-tyewd
Avenue "Avva-Noo"                     Avvin-yoo
Banana, like "bandana"                "buh-naa-nuh"
(First "a" always long and nasal)
Beta "Bay-duh"                        "Bee-tuh"
Buoy like "BOO-EE"                    BOY
Car "COARR"                           "CAAH"
Caramel "CAR-mul"                     CA-ruh-mel
Charades "Sh'-RAIDS"                  "Sh'-RAADS"
Chassis "Chass-iss"                   "Shass-ee"
Clerk ("CLERK")                       Clerk (pronounced "CLAAAK")
Compost (like "Tom-Toast")            Like "Tom-lost"
Concord (like "CONQUERED")            "Con-kawd"
Consortium "K'n-sorr-shum"            "K'n-saaw-tee-um"
Dance like "ants"                     Daans like "Aah"
(same for most -ance words)
Daschaund "Docks'nd"                  "Dash Hound"
Data "Dadd+uh"                        "Day-tuh"
Details "Duh+TAILS"                   "DEE+tails"
Due and dew ("DOO")                   "DYEW" or "DJOO"
Era "Erra"                            "Ear-uh"
Error "E'-roar"                       "Erra"
Fraykus                               Frakkus (commotion)
God "Gahd"                            God (shorter 'o')
Harem "Hair-um"                       "Harr-um"
Herbs ('Rrbs)                         Herbs (softer "R")
Him ("'m" or "um"(short 'u' reg.)     "Him"
Inquiries "IN-kw'rees"                "ink-WYE-rees"
Khaki like "KAKKY"                    KAAH-key
Human "YOO-MAN" (regional N.Y.)       HYOO-m'n
Humor (regional to N.Y. YOOMUR)       HYOOmuh (softer "R")
Iodine like "EYE-a-dine"             "EYE-a-dean"
Jaguar "JAG+wahr" or "wohr"           "JAG+you+wuh"
Laboratory "LAB-ruh-tory              La-BO-ruh-tree
Lavatory "LAV-uh-tory"                LAV-uh-tree
Leisure like "LEE+sure"               LEZ + yur like "pleasure"
Liason "LAY-a-zon"                    Lee-AY-zon
Library "Lie+BRARE+ee"               "LIE-bree"
Liquer "l'COOR" or "l'KER"           "Lik+KYEUR"
Master "MASS-TURR"                    MAAS-Tuh
Medieval "Meed-eevul" or "Med-evul"   "Meddy-evul"
Missile "Mistle                       MISS-aisle
Mustache "Must Ash"                   "m'STOSH"
Newt "Noot"                           NYEWT
Notre Dame "NODER DAYME"              Notra Daahm
Nuclear "NOOWK-YA-LUR"                Nyew-klee-er
Poem "pome" or "po'm"                 "Po-im"
Privacy "Pry-vuh-see"                 "Priv-uh-see
Program like"PRO-grm"                 "PRO-gram"
Progress like "DOG+dress"             "DOUGH+dress"
Quasi like "KWAZE+eye"                "KWAH+zee"
Quinnine Like "Why-Mine"              Like "Pin-bean"
Recluse like "WRECK+loose"            "Ri-KLOOS"
Records(noun) "RECKerds"              "RECKawds"
Route "Rowte"                         "Roote"
Schedule (SKED-yule)                  SHED-yule
Semi like "SEM + eye"                 SEMMy
{ The (before a word starting with a vowel)                         }
{ "The" (short "e")                   "Thee" (medium length "ee") }
Shire (like "HIRE")                   "SHEER"
Stalagtite "St'LAG-tite"              "STA-l'g-tite"
Status "STADD+us"                     STAY-tus
Strichnine "STRICK+nine"              "STRICK-neen"
Tournament "TOUR-na-m'nt"             "Taaw-na-m'nt"
Transmit like "TANS it"               Traans-MIT
Tuesday "Tooz-day"                    Tyewz-day, Tyewz-dee, Choozday/dee
Van Gogh "Van Go"                     "Van Goff"
Zero "Zee-roh"                         Z-ear-oh
Z "Zee"                               "Zed"

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################################################ COCKNEY RHYMING SLANG EXAMPLES: Phrase Meaning Apples and Pears Stairs Bottle of Beer Queer Dog and bone Phone Gottle of geer Ventriloquist talk for "Bottle-of-beer" Read and laugh Bath Trouble and Strife Wife

For more cool information on this, check out the English/Cockney Rhyming Slang Dictionary!!

Or, IF you are a more experienced Cockney Slang-speaker - try the COCKNEY RHYMING SLANG QUIZ ( tee hee!)

American                          British

alphabetized                      in alphabetical order

billfold                          wallet (for men)
billion (thousand million)        billion (million million)
binky or pacifier                 dummy or comforter
birthed                           bore/gave birth
biscuits                          scones
bomb (disaster)                   bomb (success)
braces                            brace (on teeth)

call collect                      reverse charges
call/phone                        ring up/phone
can (of food)                     tin
candied cherries                  glace cherries
cheap                             second-rate
checkers                          draughts
chips (potato)                    crisps
chocolate                         milk chocolate
chronic fatigue syndrome          post viral syndrome
cigarette                         fag (or cigarette)
closet (hanging clothes)          Cupboard, built-in wardrobe
Mononucleosis                     Glandular fever
club                              truncheon
collar button                     collar stud
comforter                         quilt or duvet
commercials (on TV)               adverts
concentrated                      neat (as in Dettol or other fluids)
concert seating                   Stand wherever you can find a spot
cookie                            biscuit (sweet)
cookie tray                       baking sheet
cornstarch                        cornflour
cotton                            cotton wool
cream of wheat                    semolina
cupcakes                          iced fairy cakes
dishwashing liquid                washing-up li
drapes                            curtains

editorial                         leader (or editorial)
eggplant                          aubergine

eyeball (v.)                      visually position

Fall (season)                     Autumn
fanny                             bum/bottom
fanny pack                        belt bag/bum bag
faucet                            tap
Fig Newtons                       fig rolls
figure out                        work out
first floor                       ground floor
flashlight                        torch
french fries                      chips
frosting                          icing
furnace                           boiler

go figure!                        work that one out!
granola                           muesli (approx)
grill                             barbecue
grocery cart                      trolley
Soapbox cart                      trolley
grocery store                     supermarket
ground beef                       minced beef

hamburger                         beefburger
hamburger (meat)                  mince
hamburger bun                     bap
hand                              Mitt (slang)
hardware store                    ironmonger
hockey                            ice hockey
homely  (ugly)                    homely (pleasant)
horny                             randy
hot tub (or jacuzzi)              jacuzzi
hutch                             welsh dresser

I could care less                 I couldn't care less
ice chest                         cool box
incorporated                      limited
inexpensive                       cheap
irritable                         ratty

Jell-O                            jelly
jelly                             jam without pips
jelly roll                        Swiss roll

kettle                            large saucepan
Kleenex                           tissue
knickers                          plus-fours

I really like it                  I don't half like it.
It makes me no never mind         I don't care
legal holiday                     bank holiday
license plate                     number plate
liquor                            spirits
long distance                     trunk call
lousy                             grotty
loveseat                          2-person sofa

mail (n.)                         post
mail box                          letter box
mail box/mail drop                pillar box
mail slot                         letter box (in door)
mailman                           postman
markers                           felt tip pens
meat market                       butcher
Milky Way (candy)                 Mars Bar
mononucleosis                     glandular fever
mouth                             Gob (slang)
mute                              dumb

neat                              good idea
nightstand                        bedside table
nightstick                        truncheon
Nutrasweet                        aspartame

orchestra seats                   stalls

pit (fruit)                       stone
pitcher                           jug
plastic mug                       beaker
purse                             handbag

Quik                              NesQuik
raincoat                          mackintosh
rubbers                           Wellington Boots

scotch tape                       sellotape
shift stick                       gear lever
shop vac                          Aquavac/Vax
sliver/splinter                       splinter
spear                             lance (or spear)
stomach flu                       gastroenteritis

trapper keeper                    ring binder

Pad or crib                       Digs
Go over to visit                  Pop over
Big time                          -----
Pop tart                          A flat rectangular pastry made to go
                                  in an electric toaster.

Bell weather                      Future indicator
Suicide Jockey                    Petrol Tanker Driver
Teamster                          Lorry Driver (Union)
Midway or Carnival                Fair
Calliope                          Steam organ
Pass up, go past or pass by       Overshoot, go beyond, go past
Riff raff                         Disreputable persons
Rip rap                           Wall made of broken stones
Hooch (slang)                     Alcoholic beverage (as in moonshine)
Hootchie Cootchie                 Drinking, ribald dancing and/or music
Right triangle                    Right angle triangle
Every which way                   Every possible way, in many directions.
with or without? (milk in coffee) black or white? (milk in

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============================================== Notes: ------ Other particulars: Periods/fullstops (after initials) This is ALWAYS done in the U.K. but rarely in the U.S. * = More unusual term that needs explaining sl. = Slang Reg.- Reginal So. = Southern

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