Title: A Moral Act Author: dtg Email: dgoggans@earthlink.net Website: http://home.earthlink.net/~dgoggans/ Rating: PG Keywords: missing scene Spoiler: Gethsemane Archive: After the Fact, Ephemeral. Anywhere else, please contact me first. Disclaimer: The characters belong to 1013, Fox and Chris Carter. No copyright infringement is intended. Summary: A thousand rationalizations couldn't dim the horror of having done this to him. Author's Notes:This missing scene from Gethsemane was written for the After the Fact post ep challenge list. Thanks to my beta sisters Michelle, Vickie and Sally. ~~~~~~~~~~ "Belief is a moral act for which the believer must be held responsible." -- H. A. Hodges ~~~~~~~~~~ *Mulder, the only lie here is the one that you continue to believe.* *He said that the men behind this hoax...behind these lies...gave me this disease to make you believe.* Two statements spoken in angry desperation to make him see how hopelessly deluded he had become, how much danger he would put both of them in if he continued on this path. She knew her words would hurt him. Four years spent forming a bond so close that their very thoughts seemed to jump the space between them as if spoken aloud had given her that knowledge. She could pierce his heart with a look, just as she knew he could do with her. It was one of the uncountable differences between them that he had never intentionally done so, and she knew he never would. She spoke the words quickly, hating the bitter taste they left behind, but believing they were her last chance to get through to him. She was hurting him to help them both. Inflicting a little pain now was vastly preferable to watching him slowly destroy himself, as he would surely do if she kept silent. She was going to die soon, and there would be no one to keep him safe. She had to make him see, before it was too late. But then she saw the pain in his eyes, and realized that a thousand rationalizations couldn't dim the horror of having done this to him. It was as if she'd reached inside and ripped away everything that was holding him together. He turned away from her, but not before the grief in his eyes scalded her with shame. She stood motionless for a long time after his car had pulled away, tires screaming against pavement in his haste to put physical distance between them to match the emotional gulf she'd just created. Suddenly, it was as if she could see herself though his eyes, could hear her own words hurled at his heart like daggers, and the enormity of what she had done made her physically ill. She reached blindly for a hand hold to keep herself upright while she breathed against the nausea. He was lost to her now, as she soon would be to him. As irrevocable as death, but made all the more horrible by the knowledge that it was by her own hand. A suicide of the soul. ~~~~~ The flickering images of the muted video sent his own shadow dancing over the wall behind him, waxing and waning with the changing scenes. He didn't need to hear the words again, they mocked him from memory. The echoes of those voices multiplied in his mind into a shrieking condemnation of a wasted life. He knew what he was doing, knew full well that it could only make the pain more intense, and he welcomed each wrenching wave of it with open arms. No amount of suffering would ever be fair retribution for what he'd done to her. She had tried so many times to make him see. At their first meeting, she'd countered his smug challenge with such innocent sincerity-- and he'd blown her off. He'd been a fool, so certain that only *he* understood, so confident that everyone else was wrong. It was a pattern he'd clung to for four years, and now it had ended two lives: hers, in a few short months... his, tonight. In a final act of cowardice, he would now leave her to face the consequences of his betrayal alone. He had no illusions that he could have offered her any comfort, but he owed her the satisfaction of leaving him behind to face his empty life. And now he was denying her even that. His fingers curled around the weapon, its familiar weight taunting him with a long-buried memory. He was standing on the firing range for the first time, hands shaking with the adrenaline rush. The weapon clutched in his hands was as much a symbol of power as the badge that came with it. The power to do good, to right the wrongs, defend the innocent. Had anyone been here to see him now, they might have wondered at the bitter smile he wore. The only wrong he would ever be able to make right was to erase his miserable existence from the planet. If his death could reverse the tragedies his life had caused, he would gladly die a thousand times. He swiped impatiently at the tears, refusing to allow himself the meager release they offered, as he raised the muzzle to his head. "I'm so sorry, Scully," he whispered as his finger tightened against the trigger-- -- when the ringing phone clanged along his raw nerves, jerking the gun away from his temple with the violence of reflex. He stared, counting the rings, and felt the shame of relief. Another few moments of life, deserved or not, were his. ~~~~~~~ The End