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Afghanistan Runoff Accepted By Hamid Karzai, Will Be November 7

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Here's one for you die-hard Obama fans. I've already addressed how Obama is throwing his decision on increasing troops numbers to whether or not he pleases his base on healthcare. I've also explained to many who think military commanders don't take into account the interagency and international strategic implications of all instruments of national power in their assessments. That is, most liberals think military generals who know little about the world and are just yes men who take orders without honest dissent. So you've learned today by what I've posted below. Don't worry, no charge. But here's one to leave you with: What are the odds of Obama announcing to the world that he will increase troop, escalate in Aghanistan...before he accepts his peace prize in November. Hmmmm? This is why you heard it from me last week he was foolish..very foolsh, to accept the peace prize before he has peace. And it shows amazing weak leadership that 9 months into his term, he has not national defense strategy. Zero. Zilch. Talk about making us look weak in the world. So it's our job to push him to be commander-in-chief, not politician or peace prize poster child.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 07:23 PM on 10/20/2009
- New postman66 I'm a Fan of postman66 254 fans permalink

You can keep that sorry arsed conspiracy to yourself. The Nobel means very little to Obama

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 07:37 PM on 10/20/2009

He wasn't elected to keep the Bushies happy. You lost leave it at that dusch.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 08:14 PM on 10/20/2009
- KarateKid I'm a Fan of KarateKid 176 fans permalink

In ten years, the USSR military lost 15,000 + soldiers and 35,000 + wounded and _killed 1 million Afghans. What a price to pay for leaving with their tails between their legs, and did their puppet government last?

Do we want to go the same route, to go after ONE man, who will not live forever? Is _vengeance THAT important? Will it bring the people who perished on 9/11 back?

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 06:43 PM on 10/20/2009
- BradSmith I'm a Fan of BradSmith 112 fans permalink

Have you read this report? How Jimmy Carter and I Started the Mujahideen.

The most interesting point is that Carter started funding what is now the Taliban, BEFORE Russia invaded and that we just wanted to give them a black eye. Russia said they invaded because we were interfearing in their backyard and we denied it for years.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 07:09 PM on 10/20/2009

If I remember right, Afghanistan collapsed the Soviet Union.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 08:15 PM on 10/20/2009

The breakdown of the Soviet Union surprised most scholars of international relations, comparative politics, and Soviet politics. Existing explanations attribute the breakdown of the Soviet Union to the reformist leadership of Gorbachev, and/or to systemic factors. These explanations do not focus on the key contribution of the war in Afghanistan. This is surprising since many scholars view wars as key causal factors in empire breakdown and regime change. We argue that the war in Afghanistan was a key factor, though not the only cause, in the breakdown of the Soviet Union. The war impacted Soviet politics in four reinforcing ways: (1) Perception effects: it changed the perceptions of leaders about the efficacy of using the military to hold the empire together and to intervene in foreign countries; (2) Military effects: it discredited the Red Army, created cleavage between the party and the military, and demonstrated that the Red Army was not invincible, which emboldened the non Russian republics to push for independence; (3) Legitimacy effects: it provided non-Russians with a common cause to demand independence since they viewed this war as a Russian war fought by non Russians against Afghans; and (4) Participation effects: it created new forms of political participation, started to transform the press/media before glasnost, initiated the first shots of glasnost, and created a significant mass of war veterans (Afghansti) who formed new civil organizations weakening the political hegemony of the communist party.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 08:17 PM on 10/20/2009
- noesis I'm a Fan of noesis 58 fans permalink

Building of Camp Leatherneck.

"The escalation of the war against the Taliban has raised concerns among some in Obama's own party that the administration could be drawn into an open-ended mission.

But US commanders and officials say their aim is to train Afghan forces to eventually take over security duties."

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 06:40 PM on 10/20/2009
- BradSmith I'm a Fan of BradSmith 112 fans permalink

This kind of makes it hard to believe we are leaving any time soon.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 07:13 PM on 10/20/2009

Fact the 400,000 man Afghan army the Pentagon has dreamed up would cost 500% more than the GDP of the country.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 08:19 PM on 10/20/2009

And heres an idea on the writer of that article...
Syed Saleem Shahzad
Saleem is also known for his in-depth research articles which often reveal facts which have not been reported by other news agencies and are difficult to corroborate or verify.

Difficult to corroberate or verify.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 06:13 PM on 10/20/2009
- Khirad I'm a Fan of Khirad 227 fans permalink

Well, Devil's Advocate would ask, how WOULD you corroborate him trekking to meet with Ilyas Kashmiri?

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 06:17 PM on 10/20/2009

He seems to have a HISTORY of it.....a teeny bit interesting no?

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 07:02 PM on 10/20/2009

Thanks interesting little think tank.....

Dr. Hoffmann is the author of two standard books about nuclear weapons ("Atomkrieg, Atomfrieden: Technik, Strategie, AbrĂ¼stung" 1980; "Die Atompartner: Washington - Bonn und die Modernisierung der taktischen Kernwaffen", 1986).

In 2004 he published a book about his mentor of 25 years "Fritz Kraemer On Excellence. Missionary, Mentor and Pentagon Strategist " (with Contributions from Alexander M. Haig Jr., Henry A. Kissinger, Madeleine Kraemer Bryant; Sven Kraemer, Wilhelm-Karl von Preussen, Edward L. Rowny and Donald Rumsfeld).

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 07:01 PM on 10/20/2009

An interesting little group...I wonder if Hume works there.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 07:11 PM on 10/20/2009

This doesn't leave much time for ACORN and SEIU to rig the election!

How many jets are being chartered with porkulus money to get their battalions of community agitators over there?

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 06:09 PM on 10/20/2009
- Khirad I'm a Fan of Khirad 227 fans permalink

Tell us, who would they rig it for, in your opinion, numbnutz?

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 06:13 PM on 10/20/2009

Whoever Barry tells them to.

Like Simon Says, Afghan style.

He won the Nobel Peace Prize, did you know that?

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 06:18 PM on 10/20/2009
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