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Pacifica Forum meets on Friday afternoons, usually in the Walnut Room of EMU.

Pacifica Forum Topics
October 9, 2009 -- "9-11-2001: More Controversy" -- Update by Dan Ahearn -- EMU, Board Room

October 2, 2009 -- "Pacifica Forum Revisited" -- By Orval Etter

09/18/2009 -- "Radical Centrism: A New Political Philosophy for Independent Voters" -- by Billy Rojas, 3pm. -- University of Oregon, EMU, Walnut Room

09/04/2009 -- "The Goddess that Failed: Poisonous Fruits of Radical Feminism". Part 3, Lecture by Valdas Anelauskas, 3pm. -- University of Oregon, EMU, Walnut Room

08/28/2009 -- "The Goddess that Failed: Marxist Roots of Radical Feminism, Part 2" Lecture by Valdas Anelauskas,

08/21/2009 -- "The Goddess That Failed: Marxist Roots of Radical Feminism". Lecture by Valdas Anelauskas -- EMU, Walnut Room

08/14/2009 -- "Comparative Holocausts -- WWII and the Jews, India under Muslim rule, Armenia, the Assyrians and others". Presentation by Billy Rojas, --

07/07/2009 -- "Trial by Indymedia - Anti-racism or anti-freedom?" -- Recent attempts by anti-racists in Portland to undermine freedom of speech, -- Rod McLaughlin

07/31/2009 -- Human relations consultant, creative thinking catalyst, and conflict mediator Vytas Stoskus will share his views on how humanistic psychology has impacted our world since the 1960s --

07/24/2009 -- Continuing discussion of 'bigotry' and First Amendment issues, with updates on recent events. - EMU, Century Room D -

07/17/2009 -- 'Bigotry' and First Amendment Issues - continuing discussion - EMU, Century Room D

07/10/2009 -- "The Curious Beginnings of the Word 'Racism'" - Lecture by Valdas Anelauskas --

06/05/2009 -- "Thinking Out Sexual Orientation: Everything you think you know about homosexuality is wrong" - Presentation by Billy Rojas

05/29, 2009 -- "The Frankfurt School and Cultural Marxism," - Part 2 - by Valdas Anelauskas
Portland lecture

05/22/2009 -- "A discussion of the Frankfurt School and Cultural Marxism by Valdas Anelauskas"

05/15/2009 -- "I Too, Am Eugene: Local history through the multicultural story" - a presentation by Sherri Turpin and Mark Harris. In the EMU Board Room

05/08/2009 -- "Firsthand Impressions of the KKK in EUGENE in the 20's and 30's" with speaker George Behnke. In the EMU Alsea Room

04/24/2009 -- "POVERTY PALACE: - Deconstructing the Southern Poverty Law Center," Part 2 - held in the EMU Walnut Room

04/17/2009 -- "POVERTY PALACE: Deconstructing the Southern Poverty Law Center" - held in the Ben Linder Room of the EMU

04/03/2009 -- "Get Over It" - The Frohnmayer Doctine of Tolerance in Human Affairs" - Orval Etter comments on UO President Frohnmayer's statement

03/13/2009 -- "Reflections on a Changing Europe: An informal presentation by Valdas Anelauskas"

03/06/2009 -- "9-11 Citizens' Inquiries: Recent Developments" - a presentation by Dan Athearn

02/13/2009 -- "Art and Ideas - Using Graphic Art to Advance Social and Cultural Causes" - a presentation by Billy Rojas

02/06/2009 -- "Free Speech Today - Would Galileo Survive on Campus?" - a presentation by George Beres.

01/30/2009 -- "Remembering the Mahatma" - A Commemoration of Mohandas Gandhi by Orval Etter

01/23/2009 -- "The Star of David and the swastika" - with George Beres.

01/16/2009 -- "Israel Commits Suicide by Slaughtering Gazans." - Moderator will be George Beres.

11/07/2008 -- 'The Mass Psychology of Anti-Fascism - Fake Hate Crimes, Censorship and the Israel Lobby' - a presentation by Jay Knott

10/31/2008 -- Discussion of the recent SPLC and ADL pieces on Pacific Forum.

09/12/2008 -- "Free Speech, Intellectual Elbows and Sept. 11, 2007" - a presentation by Orval Etter.

09/05/2008 -- "Swastikas: A Personal Passion" Presentation by Billy Rojas, former comparative religion teacher, founder of "The Swastika Club of America".

08/29/2008 -- "Shining a Light on the AIPAC Espionage Trial: 2002 to 2008". Review of the public record. Discussion follows.

06/24/2008 - "Homo Americanus; Child of the Postmodern Age" - a lecture by Tomislav Sunic in the EMU Walnut Room

06/09/2008 - "Political Imprisonment in Modern Europe" - David Irving in the EMU Walnut Room

02/15/2008 - "Holocaust Denial: Exploited Ambiguity" -

12/07/2007 - "Remember Pearl Harbor II" - review of claims and counter-claims about the 1941 attack

11/30 - "Remember Pearl Harbor I" - viewing and critique of video interview of Gregory Douglas

11/16 - "Elie Wiesel's HATE" - analysis of the doctrine of hate enunciated by the Nobel Peace Laureate

11/09 - "Kristallnacht Remembered" Orval talks on the 69th anniversary of the pogrom in which Jewish property was widely destroyed in Germany. Reference to Ingrid Weckert's book, Flashpoint

11/3 - in the Fir Room - "The Israel Lobby: How Powerful is it?" - A lecture by Mark Weber, Director of the IHR


10/26 - George Beres continues talk on the Mearsheimer-Walt book and recent Portland appearance.

10/19 - A review of Mearsheimer-Walt book, The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy

10/12 - video - "Hijacking Catastrophe: 9/11, Fear & the Selling of American Empire"

10/5 - anniversary of Gandhi's birth - field trip to Knight library

9/28 - The Spiritual Basis of 9/11 and the 'War' on Terror -(Orval Etter)

9/21 - Post-Mortem on the Tolerance/Intolerance Breakfast, (reports and discussion)

Jack Dresser and Mariah Leung are no longer affiliated with Pacifica Forum.
08/17, - "The Pacifica Forum examines itself," with Jack Dresser and Mariah Leung

The Pacifica Forum Road Show - Oregon Commentator, June 27, 2009

Pacifying Pacifica - April 29, 2009 - Daily Emerald

R-G Editorial: Pacifica hits the big time - March 15, 2009

Pacifica Forum lands on list of hate groups - March 13, Register-Guard

A critique of Pacifica Forum by the Anti-Defamation League

Anti-Semitism Goes to School - from the SPLC Fall 2008 Intelligence Report

Pacifica Forum reflects on itself at meeting - August 11, Daily Emerald

Cabal criticizes Pacifica Forum by Dawn Coslow

Group holds protest vigil in reaction to hate crimes - June 24, Daily Emerald

Protesters see link to recent hate crimes - June 24, Register-Guard

"Different Paths: How Many?" - a response by Orval Etter

"Two Different Paths" - June 11 editorial in the Register-Guard

Holocaust denier David Irving hosted on UO campus - June 13, Jewish Review

Low-key protest marks historian's UO visit - June 10, Register-Guard

Interview with UO History Professor David Leubke about the writings of David Irving - June 6, KLCC

Vigil planned to protest lecture by controversial historian - June 8, Register-Guard

Pacifica Forum has lost its way - May 5, Register-Guard

Pacifica Forum responds to Frohnmayer - Oregon Commentator, April 28

Comment on Emerald Web site brings attention to Pacific Forum - April 28, The Daily Emerald

Frohnmayer denounces 'gutter bigotry' at forums - from the April 18 Register-Guard.

PF lecturer calls MLK 'moral leper and communist dupe' - Jan 20, 2008 - Oregon Commentator

Pacifica Forum Outrage - from the Oregon Commentator, Nov 30, 2007

Opinions page - letters to the editor...

Jeff Wright's October 11th, 2006 article from the Register-Guard.
Four Meetings: What Really Goes On at the Pacifica Forum - Eugene Weekly 12/20/07

Pacifica Forum by Mark Robinowitz

Just How Powerful Is The Israeli Lobby? - by Sherwood Ross

The Anelauskas Lectures: OPINION by Orval Etter
Lectures tested freedom of speech

Past Programs - - - Pacifica Forum archives

Pacifica Forum meets weekly
at 3:00 pm, in the EMU.
13th and Kincaid
The U of Oregon Amphitheater is located next to the EMU. We meet in the Walnut Room.

International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network


Resources for Palestinian Awareness
United For Peace and Justice

The fact that Israel used U.S.-supplied weapons in its attacks on Lebanon and Gaza means we in the U.S. have both the responsibility and leverage to prevent new wars of aggression. If we act now to curtail U.S. support for Israel, we can reduce the chances of another all-out war in the Middle East.


1. Demand that Congress halt arms shipments to Israel and require Israel to fully abide by the cease-fire: Call the Capitol Hill Switchboard at 202-224-3121 and ask to be connected to your Senators' and your Representative's offices.

Other Resources

Our program in behalf of impeachment (June 17) was a success! Jim Weaver, U.S. Congressman from this district for 12 years (1975-1987), called for immediate start of legislative committee hearings that would lead to impeachment of President George Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney.

Speaking in support of Weaver's call for action was the University's most distinguished science professor, Frank Stahl. For the past year, Stahl has been distributing on campus flyers that describe the Iraq war as illegal and unconstitutional.

Should the U.S. End Aid to Israel? by Alison Weir

End the Occupation
last update 10/10/09
Pacifica Forum * * * We meet in the Walnut Room at EMU. * * * Friday at 3 pm