Why The Vitamin Industry Did So Well In The Recession

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First Posted: 10-30-09 01:22 PM   |   Updated: 10-30-09 03:41 PM

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The Big Money:

On Thursday, the government declared the recession over, which means it's time to figure out who won. During the past several months, I've been identifying companies that thrived during the downturn, such as McDonald's (MCD) and the guns-and-ammo manufacturer Freedom Group.

Another group that seems to have had the right business model for a downturn is vitamin companies.

Read the whole story: The Big Money

On Thursday, the government declared the recession over, which means it's time to figure out who won. During the past several months, I've been identifying companies that thrived during the downturn, ...
On Thursday, the government declared the recession over, which means it's time to figure out who won. During the past several months, I've been identifying companies that thrived during the downturn, ...
Filed by Grace Kiser  |  Report Corrections
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- New marijam I'm a Fan of marijam 34 fans permalink

People just don't realize that their vitamins and aspirin come from China now.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 06:49 AM on 11/01/2009
- ssfahrer I'm a Fan of ssfahrer 5 fans permalink

We'd be much better off if ALL DRUGS were made over the counter-- no prescription needed!

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 09:18 PM on 10/31/2009

Beware the Codex Alimentarus it will try to tell you what you can and cant take.

Fall of the Republic;
please email this URL far and wide.


    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 03:34 PM on 10/31/2009

We baby boomers are very narcissistic! We just keep scarfing those vitamins down!

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 02:02 PM on 10/31/2009
- Dameocrat I'm a Fan of Dameocrat 2 fans permalink

If you're living on Raman noodles you have to do something to compensate for the complete lack of nutrients, and the salt. Also they have found that people who take vitamin d are less likely to get swine flu.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 01:47 PM on 10/31/2009
- drjasonmd I'm a Fan of drjasonmd 12 fans permalink

Who's "they"?

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 05:00 PM on 10/31/2009
- SamKnause I'm a Fan of SamKnause 66 fans permalink

The recession must be over in D.C. and on Wall Street, but I don't think it is over in the rest of the U.S. I think this recession is going to be the gift that keeps on giving for a long time to come.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 12:59 PM on 10/31/2009
- jsarets I'm a Fan of jsarets 132 fans permalink

Many studies have found numerous correlations between nutrient deficiencies and various health problems. However, most studies have been unable to find any correlation between the consumption of dietary supplements and improved health.

There are some exceptions. Dietary supplements have been shown to be beneficial for underprivileged people with especially poor diets. Also, supplementary folate has been shown to be beneficial in pregnant women for reducing the risk of birth defects.

But most Americans who buy dietary supplements are mainly supplementing their urine. The body isn't designed to absorb nutrients from pills. The body is designed to absorb nutrients from food. Just because you swallow nutrients doesn't mean they do you any good.

This is why nutrient deficiencies can't often be solved with nutrient supplements. It seems like it would work this way, but it doesn't -- for most people and most circumstances.

If you're looking for good nutrition, you'll find it mostly around the edges of the supermarket, not in the dietary supplement aisle.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 11:11 AM on 10/31/2009
- drjasonmd I'm a Fan of drjasonmd 12 fans permalink


    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 05:01 PM on 10/31/2009
- Humanistic I'm a Fan of Humanistic 18 fans permalink

Poppycock! My personal experience has proved that multi-vita­min-minera­l supplements boost my immune system. The result has been the suppression of Herpes Simplex virus, which had been an awful recurring problem prior to my taking high quality supplements daily. Now, I almost never have outbreaks, and when I rarely get a cold the symptoms are a lot milder. At times, when I couldn't afford to buy this rather expensive product and I stopped taking it, the outbreaks would resume. There have been other benefits, such as fewer or no blemishes on my skin, improved sleep, and generally feeling better. I must emphasize "high quality" natural vitamin supplements, not the so-called "high potency" junk that is manufactured by Big Phrma.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 01:24 AM on 11/01/2009

3.5%GDP growth cruses estimates, but the GOP talking heads will try to downplay it this weekend.

good articles http://financeopinionss.blogspot.com

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 09:06 AM on 10/31/2009
- desertman I'm a Fan of desertman 14 fans permalink

While it seems very flashy, 3.5% growth is far from a trend-setter. Look at Japan. Since 1990, it has enjoyed no fewer than 19 of these 3.5%-or-better GDP growth quarters. That is almost 25% of the time, by the way. And we know with hindsight that this was noise around the fundamental downtrend because the Japanese economy has experienced four recessions and the equity market is down more than 70% from the peak. What is important for the future is whether the U.S. economy can manage to sustain that 3.5% growth performance in the absence of ongoing massive government stimulus. In other words, it may be a little early to uncork the champagne.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 09:39 AM on 10/31/2009
- VivaZapata I'm a Fan of VivaZapata 61 fans permalink

The headline speaks of the recession in the past tense. If that is true the economic indicators and the accompanying language have no real value to the general public. If that is the case why do the networks present these indicators so religiously? Are they trying to con us into thinking everything's going to be alright when it obviously isn't. Why? I have some ideas, but I'd like to hear others.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 07:17 AM on 10/31/2009
- coveark I'm a Fan of coveark 33 fans permalink

Because people in America have been fed so many lies for so long that they believe anything. Look at senior's against government medical programs.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 09:23 AM on 10/31/2009
- kamachanda I'm a Fan of kamachanda 24 fans permalink

Somewhere over the Rainbow, the recession is over.
Everyone else should just remember to take their vitamins, try to stay healthy and hang on for that robust public health care option.
Never ever forget.
Mission Accomplished.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 09:59 PM on 10/30/2009

People have to have vitamins to go with the shoe leather they're eating.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 09:52 PM on 10/30/2009
- L0ve PEace I'm a Fan of L0ve PEace 13 fans permalink

Vitamins help with cardboard too. BTW cardboard is a good source of fiber. Add some peanut butter and/or beans for protein and you have a pretty much fat free diet.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 01:31 AM on 10/31/2009
- drjasonmd I'm a Fan of drjasonmd 12 fans permalink

Amazing. A product that does absolutely nothing thrives when money is tight.

I wonder how the pet rock industry is doing?

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 07:58 PM on 10/30/2009
- coveark I'm a Fan of coveark 33 fans permalink

Dr,Jason..­........yo­u know not of what you speak

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 09:25 AM on 10/31/2009
- drjasonmd I'm a Fan of drjasonmd 12 fans permalink

Show me the studies.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 01:56 PM on 10/31/2009

REAL unemployment is DOUBLE the 'official' statistics. Government has been playing major games with all stats for a while now - both parties are to blame.

good articles to http://financeopinionss.blogspot.com

Also Barney Frank sucks.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 06:36 PM on 10/30/2009

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