The Clash
of Civilizations

Map AI Model

Model Description

How will the AI be able to interact with the terrain on the Clash world map? Read on maestro!

      Map AI Model Team
  • Team Lead: JimC
  • Coder: JimC
  • Last Update: 06/01/02
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Map AI

Here's my take on how to give AI players a functional grasp of geography.  Its written with world-scale geography in mind, but others might find the same ideas useful for battle-scale terrain evaluation.  I have coded none of this yet, so although I think its correct, keep in mind that it may be worth what you paid for it.


  1. AI must understand large-scale geography
    • Which features are contiguous on either land or water
    • In the absence of enemy forces what is the most efficient way to get from A to B
    • If the best route is blocked, decide alternates and be able to decide whether to capture the blocked waypoint, or go some other way
    • Use large-scale geographic knowledge to determine good defensive lines, reasonable limits of expansion.  Hopefully this will help limit strategic over-extension
  2. For good Military strategy AI must understand local geography
    • Identify road and rail junctions, mountain passes etc.
    • Assess how quickly enemy and friendly force can be applied to a given point
Proposed Method:

Use a background thread to perform detailed map analysis.  This first pass to promote geographical understanding by the AI will see the whole map.  The Idea is that in using it only AI players that can see selected portions of the map get the background information.  For instance using the Americas as an example, an AI player that only sees only South America will not know the importance of  the isthmus of Panama.  An AI player that can see all of the Americas up to and including Mexico will know that Panama is an important bridge between South and North America, and in fact is the only land path between the two.  It still won't know just how important since it doesn't yet know the complete size of the American landmass.  The exact amount of background information needed to reach this understanding is undetermined, but will be heavily dependent on seeing the isthmus or waypoint clearly, and also having knowledge of substantial geography on each side of it.

The details for obtaining geographic knowledge for an arbitrarily designed world are given below

1. Determine all contiguous map regions using a floodfill algorithm.  Keep going until all the map is covered.  Label the edges of each region.  Each feature is assigned a unique identifier (One-square features are assigned 0 and get no further processing since the label one-square (=0) plus the terrain type tells all.)  In the rare occasion when you might want to label a one-square feature it can be labeled as larger ones are.  Can use a Byte variable for the identifier, with + numbers indicating land features, and - water features.
2. For each contiguous map region calculate:
  • its size in squares
  • its "center of gravity" (this need not actually be in the feature)
  • other regions that abut it (using edges recorded above)
3. Sub-divide each large contiguous feature into regions.  This is difficult to do in a "human" way but I think it can be done reasonably.  The key idea is to use a shortest path algorithm e.g. A*... on a moderately large number of pairs of randomly chosen points.   The number of paths for which a square is on or very near the shortest path will tell you where the "hotspots" are.

The figure above left shows a sample continental landmass.  It is divided into two large pieces separated by an isthmus (the red region at top right).  The dark lines indicate the best paths between four pairs of points. (terrain features other than major rivers aren't shown)   If we did 100 paths instead, a very large proportion of them would run through the neck.  If we take the area fraction of part A to be a, and B b  we get trivially that the fraction of paths staying in A is a2 .  Assuming the neck is small those running through the neck will be ~ 1 - a2 - b2 =  2a(1-a).  If a ~ 50% the neck "path intensity" will be almost 50% of all paths, decreasing to about 20% of paths if a ~ 10% of the area.
    I will use the areas with very high path intensity as dividers between the large, more uniform continental regions.  In the case of the figure above the AI can, after this procedure, recognize that the continent is divided by the neck into regions A and B.  Further the peninsula beneath the letter B in the figure cannot confuse the issue using this procedure.  Since the peninsula is at most 5% of the total area of continent A-B the path weighting of it will be less than 2(.05)(.95) ~ 10%  so that the values at the base of the peninsula will be less than 1/5 that on the main A-B neck.

JimC has coded up a demonstration to show how these path intensity ideas work in practice. Here is a link to the MapAI demo, and the thread that discusses it is Map AI so far. I have used the demo to construct a continent that looks somewhat like the one shown in the figures above. The results of the tests are shown in the two figures below. In the first plot, blue is water and green is land. The small numbers, if you can make them out, show the path intensity values that come out of the demo. By far the highest intensity occurs on the neck between the A and B regions of the continent. Note: The values are smoothed a little bit to remove some artifacts that originate because of using relatively few points. That results in there being some intensity on a few sea squares. The second picture just shows in red-tones the path intensity itself that comes out of the demo. You can see that the area around the neck by far has the highest values.

Here's how to do the A, B... division of the continent into regions:

1) Identify the N most important necks by their value.  And mark them as neck 1-N
(for a small continent maybe only a few are needed, for a Asia-Europe-Africa type
continent probably 5 or 6 would not be unreasonable.)
2) Select a non-neck point and arbitrarily define it as in region A.
3) Any point that can be reached from A without going through one of the necks is also part of A
(use a simple floodfill algorithm)
4) do 2-3 again but for points that do not lie in A or a neck, call this B
5) Keep doing above until all land belongs either to a "region" (A, B, C...) or a neck 1-N

In this way the algorithm will produce the areas of necks and labelled regions.
Note: you could also do the neck and region membership as fuzzy sets to not make the neck-region distinction so abrupt.

 A few more details.

  • In addition to large weights at necks, this method will also give large values at the edges of interior features, for instance inland seas.  Since such bands of large numbers of shortest path crossings aren't generally strategically significant (you can just move around the sea at a distance from the shore, for instance) we want to give "pretty good" paths equal weights with shortest paths. Pretty good paths can be obtained by using a weighted A* algorithm.  With an evaluation function f = g + xh where x >= 1 we change from shortest paths to simply pretty good ones.  With this modification with x maybe 2 or so we'll get a random good path rather than the shortest one.
  • Another way to accomplish this (suggested by Tim Smith) is to use previous "path intensity" (from previous paths crossing a square) as an additional cost of moving into the square.  This will spread out "path intensity" across necks without significantly changing anything, and yet prevent shores of interior seas from racking up huge scores.  This type of treatment will give results like those shown in the figure above on the right side.
  • We'll need to do some consistency checks on the regions (like A and B) that the algorithm has divided large landmasses and oceans into.  These sub-regions should now be able to meet some reasonable constraints if we are to be able to really trust them.  I'll need to experiment around but an obvious one is that the continent sections should be fairly compact.  At any rate they must be more compact than the whole original landmass.  Something like a best-fit rectangle or circle overlay of the same area as the region should get 70% of the region's squares within it.  I'll just have to experiment.
  • The choke points for the main body of ocean, if there is one, will be a little more difficult.  Need to experiment around with it.  We may get several possibilities at to what makes sense for the major oceans.  The bullet point immediately above will help in that a body of water with reasonably good compactness will satisfy most practical definitions of an ocean
4.   Now do for regions what we did for contiguous areas, calculate:
  • its size in squares, figure edge squares for each region
  • its "center of gravity" (this will now most likely be in the feature)
  • other regions that abut it including necks (using edges recorded above)
  • Figure additional very-close contacts, e.g. islands within a 2-square sea voyage.  Nearby landmasses will be indicated by necks in the ocean and vice versa.  For nearby ones we'll also need to record the distance.  I plan to use 100 as the movement cost for the "opposite" type, so when considering moving over a narrow sea bridge the cost will usually be multiples of 100.  For instance Pas de Calais to southern England might be recorded as 100 since it requires a one-square sea voyage.  This value will be modified by friendly and enemy seapower effects when an AI player actually uses it.
The upshot of all this work will, I think, allow the AI to look at a map in a way that is relatively similar to the way we do.  For instance, when the AI plans an attack from continent A to continent B in the map above it will know that there are 3 basic choices: thru the neck, via the "North Sea"or the "South Sea".  These three choices come out of the list of geographic pointers that tell it what features are adjacent to region A and B. The AI can then assess enemy strength along the 3 different paths in a simplified way like you or I would.  In other words if the neck is defensible and the enemy controls it the AI should look to either of the amphibious attack options.  The results of these quick calculations will, of course, have to be checked in detail using finer-scale algorithms.  But I think that giving the AI a chance to prune the possible solutions down to a few cases for detailed investigation will help alot.

My apologies, but I've only written down the ideas for the first half of the "Issues" list at the top of this page.  Eventually I'll get the rest written up.

To do list for implementation:

  1. floodfill algorithm
  2. Data structures that hold:
    • feature number (each mapsquare) and sub-features, eg A or the neck
    • feature number of adjacent region for edges (each mapsquare)
    • pointers to all adjacent land an sea regions
  3. shortest-path algorithm
  4. center-of mass algorithm
  5. algorithm to decide if an AI Player knows about a certain geographic feature

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