Today’s Goal: No Television

Today I will attempt to go the entire waking day without television. While I already do not watch much TV throughout the week, I would like to narrow my watching time down to a few days each week. On those few days, maybe watch a total of 2-3 hours worth of viewing pleasure.

Eventually I would like to completely rid television from my life. Well, maybe all except some educational shows and the occasional major news event. My life should be much more productive.

So come on all you goal setters, join me and unplug your boob tube for a day.

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Well, I did wake up extra early so I would have time to meditate, but everything did not go as planned. I tried to sit and meditate, but I just could not concentrate. My mind was running 50 mph and I had a hard time focusing. Now I know that meditating is supposed to clear you of all your woes that are in your mind, but how do you get to the state where it all goes away?

Start Meditating


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By the time you are reading this, I will have probably already meditated starting day 1 of my goal to meditate each day. For the first day, I will try waking a little earlier to meditate in the morning. It will be an experiment to see at what time of the day is best for my meditation. Read the rest of the story

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So I just finished a four hour stint working on my speaking paper for class. While I did not completely finish the speech outline, I did get the research portion of it done which is due Monday.

Stop Procrastinating

Stop Procrastinating

Why was this goal important you might ask? Read the rest of the story

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I am a little ashamed that I have been putting something off now for about 10 days. I have a speech due soon for Public Speaking class that I should have almost done by now.

I think procrastination has much to do with fear really. We put things off because we fear something to do with the task. Read the rest of the story

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