Crunchy Con

GLSEN Santa has gay sex with Geppetto

Monday December 7, 2009

Categories: Homosexuality

If you find yourself in Manhattan tomorrow night, and are looking for some heartwarming Christmas fare on the stage, here's a possibility. Excerpt:

Developed at Penguin Rep Theatre, SANTA CLAUS IS COMING OUT, a theatrical mock-u-mentary, is about the worldwide scandal surrounding the outing of Santa Claus. Writer-performer Jeffrey Solomon traces the intensely personal struggle of the great holiday icon, as he tries to reconcile his love relationship with Italian toy maker Giovanni Geppetto with his passion for giving to the world's children.

Yes, nothing says Merry Christmas like the thought of Santa Claus sodomizing Pinocchio's father. This is not, by the way, a John Waters trash-culture extravaganza. This is a fundraiser for -- wait for it -- GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network. The pervy organization, whose disgusting, pornographic reading list for students we talked about over the weekend, passes itself off as advocates for kids. Really, they do. And the administration thinks so highly of GLSEN that it named the organization's founder and longtime director America's safe schools czar.

The reader who forwarded this to me writes:

Now, I am sure that this production will not be obscene or vulgar. What I am sure of is that it will be completely and utterly banal. Nevertheless, it is stunning that it was written and performed. Let me repeat-- this is a play about a gay Santa and his lover Geppetto. The entire thing sounds like something a right wingnut like Malkin or Rush would make up to spoof the gay movement. Yet is real. I need no more evidence to conclude that our entire society has become a complete caricature of itself. It's hard to see much hope for the future here. We have simply become collectively stupid and insane, there is almost no where to turn to escape it.

Feel free to post, but I request that my name/address be witheld due to the current postition I occupy. I can't afford charges of homophobia.

Interesting that the idea that public disapproval of a play in which Santa Claus discusses his gay relationship with Geppetto could be construed as homophobia and imperil one's career. But the reader is right to be cautious.

December 9, 2009 9:02 AM


You really need to apologize for the ridiculous, sensational, and entirely inaccurate title you gave this post. There is no indication that "gay sex" is in any way a part of this play.

December 9, 2009 12:00 PM

kevin s.
I've been reading this recently. Is it now going to be argued that Obama did not appoint czars, based on some technicality by which czars cannot be appointed? Have at that, my man.

He cannot appoint czars because there's no such thing as czars. It's just what the media, and, at this point, the government when talking to the media, calls people running various offices.

Why do I have to explain this? Oh, yeah. Glenn Beck.

Correct. He has not explained the nature of these appointments.

I just said a lot of these czars are put in positions Congress created. If you want to know why Obama appointed people there, perhaps you should look at the job description of the office that Congress created. By law, Obama is supposed to fill them. Does he need to explain why he follows the law?

In fact, by law, they're filled anyway...whoever was in their previously, or the deputy if they resigned. Obama has no power at all to not have someone in that job, all he can do is put someone in there, or have someone be in there by default.

Sometimes these Congressional-created positions require Senate confirmation, sometimes not, it's whether or not Congress chooses that when it creates the job.

Man, people on the right really don't understand how the executive branch works, do they? They really think it's out there operating by itself, which under Bush gave it the power to do whatever it wanted, and under Obama gives them the ability to complain about whatever the executive is doing...even if Congress has decreed he do that by law. (Which is helped by their utter lack of any sort of memory. I halfway expect them to complain about Obama calling it the 'Department of Defense' instead of the 'Department of War'.)

Now, the rest of the 'czars' are in offices created by executive orders of former administrations, usually as a presidential liaison to an existing sub agency buried somewhere deep, or between two sub agencies in entirely different areas of the executive.

Obama technically doesn't have to fill those offices, he could randomly dissolve the office via executive order if he wanted...but is that your complaint? He didn't instantly undo what previous administrations did, and instead went along with it?

And the others 'czars' are just policy advisers to himself, who have no power at all. They're part of his personal staff, not part of the executive branch that can actually do things. Generally, the president has whatever staff he wants. The media calling them 'czars' makes no sense, considering they invented the term for people with broad power, and presidential policy advisers have no power at all, but it does.

Since the whole 'czar' thing is bogus, can you advise who first introduced the term?

The media under, as far as we can tell, invented it under Woodrow Wilson. Although records are spotty, it appears that Woodrow Wilson had someone referred by the media as at least once as the 'industry czar'. (He ran the War Industries Board.)

However, it wasn't until FDR, during the second world war, that the use of the term appears to have become common. According to Wikipedia, there was a transportation czar, a manpower czar, a production czar, a shipping czar, and a synthetic rubber czar

Unless you're very old, the media has been referring to such positions as czars your entire life.

And, yet, somehow, you've instantly become concerned about a vague term the media applies to a bunch of disparate positions in the executive branch. (Heck, it's escaped the executive branch now...the chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel for TARP is now called the oversight czar.)

Sorry, you are repeating a talking point, whether or not you know it.

December 9, 2009 12:41 PM

DavidTC, you are wasting your breath. Most of the rabid anti-Obamaites really do not care for the facts of any given situation. It's not that they are ignorant...far from it. They want this President, and by extension this nation, to fail. They believe that in having the nation fail they can see their philosophy, their leaders, and their desires elevated.

With these folks it's party over all, and to heck with the consequences.

So save your explanation for someone who may actually care. Rabies has infected a wing of the GOP, and there is no reason to try to explain anything to them. They don't want an answer. They simply want to foam at the mouth. one of them post their usual "well, the left did it too" argument, illustrating once again the truth behind the warning about hatred...that you can become that which you hate.

kevin s.
December 9, 2009 1:41 PM

"He cannot appoint czars because there's no such thing as czars. It's just what the media, and, at this point, the government when talking to the media, calls people running various offices."

Right, that's why I'm calling them czars. It's also why I call eggs, "eggs", because that's what we know them as. Helps ease confusion, you know, language.

"Why do I have to explain this? Oh, yeah. Glenn Beck."

By your own admission, you have to "explain" (though I am not at all sure what it is you are trying to explain... You and I seem to have the same understanding of what a czar is and isn't) because of the media and the government.

"If you want to know why Obama appointed people there, perhaps you should look at the job description of the office that Congress created."

I said that Obama has done a poor job of explaining these positions. I am aware that Obama appoints people. It's a shame he appointed this guy.

"And, yet, somehow, you've instantly become concerned about a vague term the media applies to a bunch of disparate positions in the executive branch."

I fail to see where I have demonstrated that much concern about the terminology. My concern is that Kevin Jennings is the safe schools czar, not that the media calls things czars.

I do think Obama has given too much power to ad hoc coalitions, and it is curious that he has made no effort to clarify the term (if that indeed is his desire) but that's a different discussion.

"Sorry, you are repeating a talking point, whether or not you know it."

What talking point might that be? And if I inadvertently reiterate a talking point, how is that instructive? Appealing to Glenn Beck as some sort of ubiquitous bogeyman from which all conservative thought emanates is hardly original or constructive.

"Rabies has infected a wing of the GOP"

Thanks for that sentiment.

Siarlys Jenkins
December 9, 2009 2:11 PM

I think Kevin S. may have half of a good point somewhere, but as he's appointed himself a spokesperson for The Main Stream Media (TMSM) by adopting their peculiar nomenclature, its going to be impossible to find.

Incidentally, nobody would care about the term "czar" except that it is now being used to imply that there is something illicit about the appointments. The real meaning of czar is the hereditary autocrat of the Russian Empire, until the last man to hold that position, and all his immediate heirs, fell down a well and died. Just as, the real meaning of eggs is, fertilized or unfertilized embryos that pop out of birds.

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Rod Dreher is an editorial columnist for the Dallas Morning News, and author of "Crunchy Cons" (Crown Forum), a nonfiction book about conservatives, most of them religious, whose faith and political convictions sometimes put them at odds with mainstream conservatives. The views expressed in this blog are his own.

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