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October 13, 2005

Saturday, October 15th, 2005 – running time 39:27
Canon camera detects smiles, Blockbuster Could Have Bought Netflix, Hack-A-Day goes independent, Wolf 3D in Flash, Google Wallet, iWood, WoW Spyware, New Apple products, and Hacking Myspace

World of Warcraft ( 10:25, 10:25 ) high definition ( 8:12, 8:12 ) hard drive ( 27:10, 27:10 ) Cingular ( 24:16, 24:22, 24:27, 24:29, 24:42, 24:16, 24:22, 24:27, 24:29, 24:42 ) World of Warcraft ( 10:25, 10:25 ) high definition ( 8:12, 8:12 ) hard drive ( 27:10, 27:10 ) Cingular ( 24:16, 24:22, 24:27, 24:29, 24:42, 24:16, 24:22, 24:27, 24:29, 24:42 )

Automatically Generated Transcript(may not be 100% accurate) ( more )

" This is episode of Diggnation is back to you by -- the open season. That's really -- glad."

" And welcome to dig nation. That Diggnation episode number sixty and I'm Alex --"

" And Kevin -- thing is of course covers all the weekly top stories are a -- the top stories here on now the social news website is the IGG dot com as -- honestly we're coming view from my apartment again I guess Los Angeles annually campaign -- noticed -- a great flight all right and didn't need yes he did not just. -- We don't do we had a problem him out into another problem lies -- freaking out there was no problem I it was automatic 88. Oh lord oh my aren't we were too low -- I didn't know what he's doing it anyway he's gonna try to get a number well trust me I would whom are everywhere Herrera yours ideas. We decide to go it's stock stuff that we can keep and I had your footage and ran out on the show and I think Leo that's -- and the pyramid and a half -- I can see that right. There's a license learn -- in this half a high have to bison has a vice Hillary. Is -- we put our rules -- women in their that you know having the idea I have almonds and avocado but -- Now redundant is not the right what it. We can't got a -- here I'll potato salad you do not seeing mental shock you and your pace -- watermelon."

" Not good we'll be right here guacamole."

" theory means you're -- it's no good. Explorer I'll Chuckie let's unlock the."

" Indeed no -- for the first story lies and Apple releases new thinner iMac with built in camera."

" This sort of an overarching story not the only about the -- but what are."

" Why 460. People that the story submitted by any DM double 07 who has an eight your report so he's gonna make -- infants up. The audio iMac has three new features it's thinner. It's got an eyesight video camera built in and -- and it's got a new app called phone photo Booth. The funniest app we've ever written double what the hell that means that basically. Well we thought was gonna happen in the last episode we talked about it. Actually did happen right -- you video iPod although it's now that and this is did you think I thought they were gonna have the video iPod and then the regular iPod now."

" The iPod now is that right so it's not -- the -- it -- well it's an older I assumed it was -- the iPod but you get the old iPod you get -- I don't."

" All we know where to -- the second in Canada -- I know it did it's now just -- and your iPod in his. There is no longer believe -- cool new iPod this is Glasgow has got the store. And see what I'm sure you by the back -- lines. I see it teaches iPod and -- DC. Interesting so this was the new deal for me so exciting for me anyway."

" And then how great is that think think Mac or whatever was called Apple he thinks it secrets with like Odierno we've we'd had converted or not and and totally denied there -- it -- that I'm shedding any announcement jobs so grandma. Saying hey guess what I going to work for me though I think secret is now let said the -- me look."

" Completes the look at will cycle I you know that there -- all oh no no you don't know is are you. Welcome the line a lot of rumors right in the past. And not for Apple that's how rumors are -- I mean sometimes you us you know deliver nobody -- missing uses just stupid. Well that's probably thicker now a -- let's talk about these everything's okay first days in new iMac. Yeah button don't really care myself. It's -- it's good to college students yes integrated camera."

" Are gonna get -- I mean do people still can't picture will especially now."

" Then the last generation just before they announced this one yeah. I never liked it looked like a really thick LCD needs to look right into the wanted to hag in the twit -- area the one I don't know what you mean like that lamp shade -- The order during Iran and what was of most other -- recently -- just flat direct it still flat but it's it's a little thinner now on this kind of -- the edges and -- camera in front. I know I think is a good machine but there's still using the are these processors in -- way to the -- matter. You know -- I mean I did it. What are now it's a hard sell people in the know because if you know they Intel processor is gonna come on six months now I must I know it'll be twice as fast and half is cheap and you -- also be that -- you know -- know doesn't you know and they're -- the prices."

" Is that Apple it's like yeah the hardware no Apple's as if he's getting a bunny might email me it is being called I product."

" Is that this spoof those allies and neighbors -- like I'll buy anything -- Apple and."

" You'll feel good about it's you know like what so. -- look at my belt would you buy one of those slick idea I may go no old maybe you can go lost I got the first of Jennifer buck 99 I am free every week to download up to them. I don't know my idea rumors about buck 99 and resurrect presently know it is very telegraph acknowledge -- not for a for a minute short attack."

" Okay well let's think about this how many shows do you does an average you're allowed to ask you -- you'll -- zero but an average you I watch. Probably two shows to primetime shows and -- Okay you're different to me that right now I'm -- average watcher writes you -- now you've gotta say that's four dollars a night. Right -- times thirty. Is a lot more money in your cable that in the Senate or so there's no way that I'm downloading all of my TV show this way."

" Okay now what about. Eight minute yeah they should is that you do ala carte. That you are our carte Blanche. Some sort of Carter where it's how I think it's currently all of the ball -- words cannot. You know Mara park supermarket now."

" Bob -- bunch where you can you pay forty dollars a month and you can download any video you want 400 I agree I think that's as the way to do it in the -- thank. -- sales gorgeous concert and -- say -- nobody it would be great if you'd have like forty osmond's all of your stuff and on your iPod as on you can watch it on your CBS shift is it's -- be able to -- said that you need output you TV it's right at light speed."

" Now he's not gonna be I mean the prior -- downloading. -- there's mole rats electric equipment to -- my -- and a high risk file so. I asserted I was watching my computer and it looks fine I was watching lost but -- skillet you know like -- to present your present minister is -- all -- like there."

" And it's a high definition show in any place you lied when I download off torrent and put my Xbox right. That I have guidance and input who."

" Here's that here's the problem the -- this is the thing. This is step one for Apple yes one and it's standard issue is clearly going to they had to do it this is the time they've kind of they've they've showed they're hand now this is the this that they area in the direction of the moving. I you know. -- well I -- he would dig nation looks like yeah. What Diggnation a look at what we're gonna start releasing zinc Bernadie US bonds ended. One thing real quick tears now if they have this widescreen. Like PS beasts -- and a lot thinner smaller there has let me be HDMI out he can do the high Def right directly to your TV -- you first."

" Optimize -- it's I come on a hard I've gotten huge this although I will say that. Hourlong shows in high Def. Are compressed I think X didn't mostly on the like that in many agenda 72706. Some better off."

" Imagine you could heard this or that their new with a little they had Mikey gave her Brazil is no yes yes and in the how 10050 outlets and so I don't know. Let's get first let me go to the black. The black and why does lyrics yeah isn't it loud say out of sixty -- That is sixteen here it through sixty out."

" It's in -- blackened -- have the black nano."

" Piano like it yet it's -- really cool and grow and -- like -- story -- for the biggest story of the year but. Let's move on. Right."

" Next RA will the warcraft spyware 1860. People like this Dorismond by -- 79. Blizzard is looking for more than just your fifteen dollars a month. This is really interesting basically. What happened is I go to -- story it's it links to rootkit dot com. With this guy spent some time actually analyze what blizzard is doing on your machine what you've agreed to. In the -- end user license agreement in the terms of service is basically you go owl blizzard. To read information from every. On your computer. Now here's just a reason here is what they're saying the reason they're doing this so as a playing World of Warcraft it's going -- it's taking a look at what. Types of processes running on your computer because."

" There's a lot of blocks so optimize it. Oh Bob hey dad -- the bought stuff because there were not no cheating because. They know there's this certain deals running if there's certain like yeah there's there's a bunch of zero X three crafts. In -- there's a bunch of like this -- is -- as seven don't god is going I don't know if this goes and scans but it it does not like you use those I eat up your guy right exactly so that they're trying to combat this by looking at what's on your machine and this is how they're able to tell if you're seeing this is and then they go in later and -- and you know that's in here like oh well -- and they 5000 people."

" So -- that we'll have to keep religion does that I don't know this is the way to do it it's kind of freaky this guy -- He he actually he went to need to recorded time and winter and talked about all the different things that scanning for looking and and here. But it can look at you know wet night you know web browsers are open and they -- list he lets -- a bunch of things they can do. But it's it's kind of freaking dumb and it is -- worried."

" A little bit I mean I sort of stop playing homework wraps and not that match the other night you can it to be happening in galaxies mean it it -- have any -- would ignite another. But you need is inevitable there. Well yet does worry me a little bit me -- there's of the wanna ask you go geek goes popular on MySpace. 118 he will that this story submitted by -- but as easy capitalize NV an item make the am so it's actually I. -- Who let -- like nausea and -- saint mystic. Looks like this guy really wants to be popular on MySpace actually kind of instinct if you read it heat -- know that last part is anywhere it so the deal is this guy was it was absent. Got an MySpace and as a little bit pissed that he couldn't add as much stuff that you want to add to my stated they wanted to do. A bigger type tool and Mike Moore -- to masa since they started really looking into. How they limit your html used to not nothing. Well they got found out what he did."

" you -- this yeah. We're."

" ER Biden sync it up and a little separate container have -- yeah. Converting the great things she can slow it's a -- yeah I'm gonna take a listen really good spicy fried chicken at the bottom I don't want fried chicken or the two progress -- what edited they're gonna -- it. Brilliant and you out there that's around one of them just want this to can -- what happens anyway."

" Let's."

" Moon can."

" It's like a set of both friend again be whenever."

" The I would not only not only did have the person who is viewing that person -- his hero RB it may -- there hero. But every person that's a friend with that person. Also be makes him they're zero. So this is weird exponential thing he's getting emails from people saying like we stop it they don't wanna be friends with him but and he will keep viewing and it went crazy was like basically a warm. Because everybody that was there -- different they're getting 900. And eight teen 920664. -- And that and then he said if you miss that every first it was one point 005 million. Friends requests he was like tired of girls and burning them as friends is yeah well he's clearly got some stuff -- the this is a way he talks about you like -- seems funny enough but like he talked about like like it's -- are all cotton and they wouldn't."

" Except my profile then I got mad and so than I had a burrito and it's like what it's yeah it's very stream constantly. Guarded and it's very Internet line that. This guy is where you this I know I signed up I have done."

" Friends of -- that are on MySpace I just signed up and some girl -- Heather. Sent me a random one I noted usually your girlfriend and now random girl is like on your budget and MySpace and so. Reading this story -- like to check out MySpace I wanna MySpace luggage and you want my MySpace thing we're gonna tell people -- he says. I'm minus slash Diggnation Alex to going to make it easy we'll. At ten years which is yours is Slash sinful nation yeah. So I see your friends maybe we'll say yes."

" I hope we get inundated we'll be -- there you go yes yes yes yes yes I guess it -- figured out -- anyway that's that's where we are and I had to say it's fun because like my friend Emily."

" Was on -- And she started to think I she was on she's like desolate collins' eyes open up a chat thing and she minimized his firm -- nine months and months and months as you know about the chat. So I start popping up my house talking earlier like this yeah it's different yeah. -- yes -- friend of -- right there so little on -- met -- yet but she's online. You need -- picture and it's. If she's online and -- are lining do like initiate -- I am a desperate medical that this like Java -- our areas it's a pretty -- us -- her beloved about. Yes -- the couple friends not --"

" Old girls -- your profile that's how I roll all you don't read as I go over goes it goes for a fat."

" But she's not huge it is similar. Now. So -- picture we -- she's not. Anyway out. Yes it is guys who clearly a lot of time I was so facility candidates log in to -- pretty going to puts more pictures of she -- niche in this."

" I haven't it'll split -- release the code for it though because it's no this at home yet figured out yet you're not exhibited regularly at least dual although. You watch out because he -- major people like I don't know who you are stopped stocking need that Canada yeah. He's -- whatever products. Our next our see here the I would nano. IPod case made from a 100% natural wallet. What does is sellers and cut people that the stores and I know from my Indians here there's not a dude I Titanic is the next guy. Alpert you know he might be an -- routine now. Maybe it's the I -- this is the I would. Nano. Available what does it say the I would nano available varieties of -- available -- is such as maple mahogany pair. And while that's parents is card from a single piece of wood. It has a hinged lid this is really looks really really -- if you didn't. And assume a description there basically it's a case for your Nana yeah out of work out of -- and you think would you know stupid crass. Crap you are talking about never losing crap there isn't humor go to those areas this."

" Lot need to look at like eight though I've made this out of -- everything's in the urine and no -- there's like I hate those. Get rid of like laser at skin like because this fully on top that you can still put your around it's still put the headphones through the what it's like a tiny little like political elites -- the -- like in -- and I don't want that jeans I'm assuming it's their company how you could probably do your -- when there weren't going that he would like to burn the Diggnation on going to know that would be -- also that it doesn't do."

" Do you anyway check this out it's it's definitely something that you've probably never seen true you went iPod needs nature. Danger and seems that's right it's than it was desolate cool those who want to -- let's go yeah -- we can't do audio if you work for a company sent us come. Hello I don't have an -- but then -- forget when the guided city McCartney's happens and you lose the goodness of our stuff. Not harmed by hand that she can only be it could not some old man named rhetoric you really don't really get them -- is her. And I made that play it would block a tiny just assume is that my laser. How do you know that card but with a laser. Like Google's little. Trammell known until now must I act like steadily louder -- a little lost. Let me tell you -- and they don't tell -- and -- always on video is really don't think it is not a -- the public until -- make you know I want -- wondering now but that the war."

" There are all different colors so. The busily at work on my hand congratulations. If not. Send us how to. So target ads tourists are let's move. Sign up page for Google wallet 1160 people that -- trillion the actual sign up page for the much anticipated Google payment service has been. Discovered so this is. Has been sort abounded about that Google was going to come up with 88. A rival -- PayPal. Mean and now somebody has actually found the page. That shows -- and it says purchase they don't purchase dot Google dot com and purchased dot Google dot com. Purchase is guy who would like comment purchased Doug -- icon for but this added that now it's like this. It says so welcome to purchase welcome back email before using purchase is -- you know little bit more value additional information. If you're a person apart as separate Google accounts he can change it to the editor -- account."

" But they outage they actually remove the page editing people of certain to go hey look it's that we you've got it up everything's I think this over this then."

" Dude it's so big get it they get it. You mean like they get had a leak they get easily edit or easy."

" Course they were ordered the first ones to kind of like. Just throw everything out there you know do these crazy -- surgeons were certain keywords came up. Fun little things you can view you know I leafs beat Google and nineties little hidden beat it features the they understand the viral like yes there's gonna be a huge leg fortune 500 company and this you know like it's like a group -- like twelve guys working they exact which is key to this yes."

" You will less what you want to keep you want to keep the business side business he's seen make money right and anonymous inside non business easy keep that continent -- users. Because it's like you coming any time something goes corporate it people think it goes corporate they like we're out I mean with sweat were totally never gonna go corporate."

" And that's because unless we need you could."

" Borrowing get a lot of money doing it you don't mind but that's just -- it yes. So as necessary yeah."

" Attacks excellence Google. Can -- for the -- a big big competitor of PayPal -- say well that's getting out -- grey but it's like -- one topic is because here they're -- meaning there's like PayPal to with a -- There was another one they even -- for -- calls and a -- anyway what Google wallet. No that was okay -- the next one right right."

" Canon camera detects smiles in her voice and be able to -- submitted by. --"

" This is called -- and her out. -- sure I know. Is deference -- they'll know it sounds familiar I know I've. That's another thing he didn't know I had no idea ever and the man Allard does what it says is this is cool they cure has artificial intelligence system that waits for smiles and bright eyes that -- for it snaps the pictures. How crazy is that it's -- how fat that -- well it could have a few things a real advantage. That's right an alien figure -- blurred -- the video version is seeking Xeon is making. -- yes so it's a new technology can. Hey you know what you technologies. Yes opera I don't know what to say about this really in the -- gonna say a lot and ugly people didn't know this is -- of those things where is it sounds good on paper. You know Diana we -- send it to look down and well we did this technology can. That they captures the smiled at the peak but doesn't really work and first up what it's like a group of people are smiling blinking in different orders -- like sixteen pictures not acted. And that works I don't know either I think what's it by yourself when really they had some guy told me is like. He is that you need this opens the best what themselves and not simply so yeah they're great they're awesome and he's like. This the we want because you can just push a button in -- begin to it. And it will do voice recognition convert that's attacks in the US message to someone. I didn't try to make this is not gonna work and sorry no I'm not by by this -- into -- on the --"

" not -- the brain you're you know this little tiny legs blown up -- I'm gonna do you know party's agenda message to Alex."

" I got the the black razor but grazer is your hip to be square. It's cool phone it is but -- singular sound camera so -- and -- as you've seen the ads it's all about the network there because they had."

" In the west coast and these -- around but he's coast or anywhere else in the world. But that's a good yeah don't know about Internet. But opponents say you don't as a little -- known world rising to exactly -- because each grade there's -- unable flows."

" The time mobile phones portable phones that's the problem Cingular and there -- out of -- the Razr is coming up -- you have no idea he then the next interracial get on Cingular -- the -- could have two megapixel oh yeah those go to Japan we're gonna get Cingular anybody is remembered when I'm in Cingular -- me money I'll just. You should like here's what ever it's not -- I can't because it wouldn't do. And this beautiful phone it doesn't freely network anywhere let me let me -- modern home mom mom -- Cingular is that bad they're good. They're just not rise yeah. It doesn't do story now. Okay DC I -- you see shadows proof that -- it us on that fact that did I was so African that was pretty funny. Leading up for yourself when -- right there -- the -- you're talking now there's a downloadable show. It's all about like hacking link she's -- but it's a Hak5 look like H a K got is Asia Canada but due to insert and go check out this isn't some kids are like I don't know amid warnings as I got select edit it. Just acknowledge out there that are pretty cool chill them. Continental is and how much here one is I didn't watch the full last episode but the -- before is that how they actually how to put a list and on your PC oh yeah -- in big cities -- space does that which is highly illegal but they haven't -- to -- you know -- give them an -- our podcast in -- screwed --"

" is. I just love the the -- so well last is more like you're now gonna go to. -- there are no related India on and on down -- let's -- up."

" Excellent Wolfenstein 3-D created with flash 8080. He'll let the story submitted by beat Digital's B as in that BE Dickens to new. Digital this is fluent powerful play -- inside radio online this is so much on is no idea costs and how they were able to do this."

" Go how -- go. Go this you're likely get a flash app where I want or I'm trying to go lives go. Refresh refresh refresh they recommend it refresh so here's the lot of -- like that. --"

" I opened the door. -- that stupid."

" With the gunmen who shot to -- This is great -- quite a -- I give -- the as they read the Senate would be. Okay but now. The facility -- yeah you have no idea or thirty is what led to the whole revelation of first person you. They did this was like I remember playing -- I was a kid might like stricken. 386. -- 616 I NL wish. And had IB MPS one yeah. Which is great. Excellent reform as prison did floppy disk that you know it was gone are right now -- running out more men I thought I was cleaning up files my hard drive never and I deleted the DOS directory -- oh yeah now that was one of my things back and make an epidemic. And its viewers are doing and others is DOS -- but -- Kevin Rose clearance lives there again -- three on the computer flash love it."

" This before doing so if you're -- dealer just got into a check up this is what kind of the guys I think some -- work to do this process right. And -- want to create Duma the this is an apogee it was offer. Was that it cannot really -- now what is it will -- it was and is it was absolutely there was you know and at first it. I think it was a but I think some guys are just -- our great. Now you can do -- great for quick can do to acquaint trained. I'm wolf greedy hacks and I taxing to know why did you outweigh what can I do do do -- Texan. How -- the thing is -- and and was have moved to with a first and."

" then put any what are they don't already be at an apology is of the first person -- don't. Which clearly we have -- but I think it's fun now I'm assuming -- can you download the actual flash. Application -- and locally stored locally. Little. Just checking because I wanted to plan on plan."

" I probably load it you are -- bastard you load the of the Coca. I'll try shut you make your computer asleep shut my computer and then we got -- playing stereo --"

" You find that there is a good."

" Next door -- they are independent. 1020. People. That's the -- by Molly Hackett. Hack hack hack and he wasn't part of the deal when AOL bought weblogs -- It's they'll continue to do what they've always done independent of any network that is."

" Big because we talked about this last week. -- last week writes about the fact that web blogger Blogspot what was it when it got Bob may allow."

" But of -- get a -- I analyst at Yasser that this was a part of the weblogs -- network. But they're saying they want to keep it independent we've always wanted."

" What -- what. They are they still on by mail not out of there muscle Layla like that went into agent who know me and weren't in my career in the know say well this. I just don't know I mean I don't think you'll wanted the site in the first place. Zero saying it's carrier contents. They've always kind of like -- some border relying. Illegal -- really illegal stuff the stuff that like you know -- cleaning he was in the area -- thinking is -- saying we don't want hat today and then coming out and we didn't want to be bought by -- I don't know -- this case. But he's not -- I'm not saying it's. But isn't that what you're not say I don't know what happened not what I had to type my friend is -- words over there I I don't know what with the deal is but I'm glad they're independent because. You know if you well how do like sensor. The hardware hacking site -- all over it would be like how we need your Xbox controller right guy he asked to produce like I just hurricane. Yes so I'm glad that there there Indian in who flew continue to make some money some room. --"

" hack that -- of this aspect that's. Next story blockbuster could have bought Netflix for fifty million dollars 876 people that the story dies submitted by hacking Netflix. Ironic. And one of the biggest business blunders yet variety is reporting that blockbuster could have bought Netflix. For fifty million dollars sounds like a lot now Netflix is worth one point four billion dollars. And blockbusters market cap is about 815. Million this is the little happy. Well makes you happy because Netflix gets to be as cool as it -- it just heats blockbuster you blockbuster. Do you remember arrows to do this and heralds the video store. Now in Virginia there really two things it was arrows on the blockbuster Keenan and it was always like doing go to arrow through their blockbuster blockbuster just slaughtered barrels just came in and his horse. But I'm happy that Netflix is like you know what you don't need a Franken. You don't need a storefront right and that's great I'm glad that somebody is making good job with an idea that you don't need to store for a well but the fact that blockbuster could about it and it's so clearly was just not forward thinking it was clearly like -- why would we want plywood on -- online now backtrack. You know flash forward -- like we're."

" Almost exactly and that's the problem is like blockbuster. With so concerned about how much money they can school route you out of the longest time yet. There when the -- Netflix they were just like forget this what we we don't want anything to do it and they're returning late -- right -- where interest in their business model we'll have more fronts right he's still didn't want."

" Exactly. Guys they're another selectively closing stores blockbuster is is not long for -- the only times I've been screwed by blockbuster do you Tony and I don't think anybody to have a blockbuster membership and and doesn't have a bad story about blockbuster."

" I've been screwed like you are seriously spent a couple hundred dollars because of leaf -- I -- forgotten and also make. And then say okay he's gonna -- what they call your opponent in a letter or your yeah obviously you -- letters and -- it's even worse now so now if you don't return your blockbuster movie discharge -- to --"

" Right. I don't think case it scrapped because the real -- right I don't want. And they're their -- there's only. Is only a couple of years left."

" Yes I don't live in Leicester let's that is something but -- go -- in June usability she's but but they have Milwaukee so that's good."

" That and -- That it does this could be we're done well let's do you want. Do you net."

" Use your email yes okay so here's the -- yes -- thoughts it would be pretty cool given the into each episode we do some kind of viewer email when you turn on your answers and questions -- so the real question. Four -- about computers technology dating. Gadgets see here be your burger cheese. Would just about Mars."

" Green teas loathing. Key in the more peace. That's I think I seatbelt until going to -- questions hype machine. Watch his. Cell phones can be. He's up to get retiring around your house and like tell clothing can be and where where we can read over there."

" The game at the case program --"

" Anyway I cannot -- to questions where's he's want to make a comment about the show whatever you want to do. Sending TU -- Diggnation fans at and yes we have not checking that this is so busy but we will we will hold our tech and now in the subject line cook like a question of the show yeah. That way we know or something more specific."

" Question for the show. It's so that it."

" It's I think that -- magazines like that's the president as part okay so question Benicio Colin whatever you want to. Exactly and then we'll go through that and we will one. Because it was still working on a trip to Tokyo this free T shirt."

" The -- this little is standard but as it may lose their shirts ever since it isn't your watching the video version Alex is not showing you."

" His Diggnation shirt and now."

" It is a little small onion well it's it's my had little sisters shared."

" And I just put it on Alec who can fitted inside aware. So Posey I will send you your shared in the nano want to see you next. And listening and he sent enhances those bargains Olivia and -- and make other it's like go. To."

" That's."

" I'm so we are working on the Tokyo think we've got your emails if you sent this in house. Offering step up for Tokyo we got that. We got them world look at your old one guy was from not."

" Dolby -- Tokyo."

" This frenzy Jack now that's it's friend who's like digging common use their equipment may be Sheen and Italy in Tokyo to be hot. And -- some guy opens like a studio slash -- space in Tokyo she's that we can use easily easily easily -- looks great we're probably gonna shoot there then we're just trying to get everything coordinated we don't know how we're gonna hate for any of this."

" But we're all very excited so anybody I mean if there -- many companies out there that are in Tokyo that want to ask you know."

" We deeds and you have been sponsored a show for that we by sending Assad's Tokyo I don't -- a big deal."

" Anybody knows of any hotels networks in a hotel network airliner anything that we can do hasn't really want to -- the visits were out there are and a dozen mostly because we are got a couple of those -- of people got from a Kyoto. Want us to got to Kyoto Osaka. Yes and really fun so sort try to like. We try to coordinate it for a weakening -- and I can take a vacation and she -- right -- there. So probably end up."

" Beer is an. I haven't taken a vacation cents a cup fired for like six months and didn't work stores at military leaders the letter -- say that it added that it hasn't been an occasion is when they get going to go away let's alert yeah -- but this down. Who meeting with the new with some new voice over agents. Say cynically cartoons that when China morning you know on in of that. Had a voice -- for allowed Luxembourg couple different cartoons. Anything did we know where nothing that cannot yet having a couple things for adult swim -- so -- that but down my voice are you -- F five I had no idea is that audition but it was like Acer here but it was a great thing here well. As an out and it changed since I screwed and I got a couple meetings are very excited. This and he needs to escalate into it."

" New -- there and details until the quality the world about whether I. No let's keep. Us so let's hit the -- sponsored."

" Com we had been sponsoring this show for her almost three weeks suggest that like that."

" And that they -- has and we love out of there -- job at city Tuesday wanted to spices they're they're added is the quote that we have their at it again. First it was the one dollar and one bottom dollar and and I sent domains now that I promise I'll bring. Rock bottom prices on hosting plans -- and -- prices started just 395 a month. All the plans include no setup fee and no annual commitment and 99 point 9% up time guaranteed that's pretty cool. Three forms blocks photo gallery is a much much more as a special offer for -- Dig nation listening you can take an additional five dollars up any."

" Thirty dollar or more purchase."

" All you need enters the code and decode this week gays Alex. Eight L. You lose those I don't --"

" Oh you -- rock thought I had no idea that I'd pray here you Melanie was like you're using new copy of late check out what good news source code is -- like I did --"

" They have a huge hosting business to which I am going -- initially they just domain registrations generally lot of those as of now which is cool. Still if you do run on aren't so. And it helps to glow so what you're else I probably stories to -- com slash top stories is where you'll find some this stuff like there's a bunch of other -- never talk about and -- there's like you know fifty or sixty top stories of the week we only cover eight or nine yeah and so and then doing Dick -- slash Kevin Rose in two."

" Dig -- you just -- Alex Albrecht promised up that we dug throughout the week and I'm certain added more. Took a little hiatus at Iowa and it it."

" Now digging more comment yet so that's it for this edition of Diggnation thank you so much for listening I'm Alex Albrecht -- I'm. Well I you ready to move out and welcome -- Diggnation episode number sixteen. Ide despite the audio and I'm Alex O'Brien. Welcome to -- episode number sixteen I'm Alex Albrecht."

" What do you think you're ahead like their -- because it's important it's ruining. So really fast is it means little."

" They dig nation and the cinema sixteen idea surprised myself an -- I'm off."

" This is episode of Diggnation is back to you by -- the open season. That's really -- glad."

" And welcome to dig nation. That Diggnation episode number sixty and I'm Alex --"

" And Kevin -- thing is of course covers all the weekly top stories are a -- the top stories here on now the social news website is the IGG dot com as -- honestly we're coming view from my apartment again I guess Los Angeles annually campaign -- noticed -- a great flight all right and didn't need yes he did not just. -- We don't do we had a problem him out into another problem lies -- freaking out there was no problem I it was automatic 88. Oh lord oh my aren't we were too low -- I didn't know what he's doing it anyway he's gonna try to get a number well trust me I would whom are everywhere Herrera yours ideas. We decide to go it's stock stuff that we can keep and I had your footage and ran out on the show and I think Leo that's -- and the pyramid and a half -- I can see that right. There's a license learn -- in this half a high have to bison has a vice Hillary. Is -- we put our rules -- women in their that you know having the idea I have almonds and avocado but -- Now redundant is not the right what it. We can't got a -- here I'll potato salad you do not seeing mental shock you and your pace -- watermelon."

" Not good we'll be right here guacamole."

" theory means you're -- it's no good. Explorer I'll Chuckie let's unlock the."

" Indeed no -- for the first story lies and Apple releases new thinner iMac with built in camera."

" This sort of an overarching story not the only about the -- but what are."

" Why 460. People that the story submitted by any DM double 07 who has an eight your report so he's gonna make -- infants up. The audio iMac has three new features it's thinner. It's got an eyesight video camera built in and -- and it's got a new app called phone photo Booth. The funniest app we've ever written double what the hell that means that basically. Well we thought was gonna happen in the last episode we talked about it. Actually did happen right -- you video iPod although it's now that and this is did you think I thought they were gonna have the video iPod and then the regular iPod now."

" The iPod now is that right so it's not -- the -- it -- well it's an older I assumed it was -- the iPod but you get the old iPod you get -- I don't."

" All we know where to -- the second in Canada -- I know it did it's now just -- and your iPod in his. There is no longer believe -- cool new iPod this is Glasgow has got the store. And see what I'm sure you by the back -- lines. I see it teaches iPod and -- DC. Interesting so this was the new deal for me so exciting for me anyway."

" And then how great is that think think Mac or whatever was called Apple he thinks it secrets with like Odierno we've we'd had converted or not and and totally denied there -- it -- that I'm shedding any announcement jobs so grandma. Saying hey guess what I going to work for me though I think secret is now let said the -- me look."

" Completes the look at will cycle I you know that there -- all oh no no you don't know is are you. Welcome the line a lot of rumors right in the past. And not for Apple that's how rumors are -- I mean sometimes you us you know deliver nobody -- missing uses just stupid. Well that's probably thicker now a -- let's talk about these everything's okay first days in new iMac. Yeah button don't really care myself. It's -- it's good to college students yes integrated camera."

" Are gonna get -- I mean do people still can't picture will especially now."

" Then the last generation just before they announced this one yeah. I never liked it looked like a really thick LCD needs to look right into the wanted to hag in the twit -- area the one I don't know what you mean like that lamp shade -- The order during Iran and what was of most other -- recently -- just flat direct it still flat but it's it's a little thinner now on this kind of -- the edges and -- camera in front. I know I think is a good machine but there's still using the are these processors in -- way to the -- matter. You know -- I mean I did it. What are now it's a hard sell people in the know because if you know they Intel processor is gonna come on six months now I must I know it'll be twice as fast and half is cheap and you -- also be that -- you know -- know doesn't you know and they're -- the prices."

" Is that Apple it's like yeah the hardware no Apple's as if he's getting a bunny might email me it is being called I product."

" Is that this spoof those allies and neighbors -- like I'll buy anything -- Apple and."

" You'll feel good about it's you know like what so. -- look at my belt would you buy one of those slick idea I may go no old maybe you can go lost I got the first of Jennifer buck 99 I am free every week to download up to them. I don't know my idea rumors about buck 99 and resurrect presently know it is very telegraph acknowledge -- not for a for a minute short attack."

" Okay well let's think about this how many shows do you does an average you're allowed to ask you -- you'll -- zero but an average you I watch. Probably two shows to primetime shows and -- Okay you're different to me that right now I'm -- average watcher writes you -- now you've gotta say that's four dollars a night. Right -- times thirty. Is a lot more money in your cable that in the Senate or so there's no way that I'm downloading all of my TV show this way."

" Okay now what about. Eight minute yeah they should is that you do ala carte. That you are our carte Blanche. Some sort of Carter where it's how I think it's currently all of the ball -- words cannot. You know Mara park supermarket now."

" Bob -- bunch where you can you pay forty dollars a month and you can download any video you want 400 I agree I think that's as the way to do it in the -- thank. -- sales gorgeous concert and -- say -- nobody it would be great if you'd have like forty osmond's all of your stuff and on your iPod as on you can watch it on your CBS shift is it's -- be able to -- said that you need output you TV it's right at light speed."

" Now he's not gonna be I mean the prior -- downloading. -- there's mole rats electric equipment to -- my -- and a high risk file so. I asserted I was watching my computer and it looks fine I was watching lost but -- skillet you know like -- to present your present minister is -- all -- like there."

" And it's a high definition show in any place you lied when I download off torrent and put my Xbox right. That I have guidance and input who."

" Here's that here's the problem the -- this is the thing. This is step one for Apple yes one and it's standard issue is clearly going to they had to do it this is the time they've kind of they've they've showed they're hand now this is the this that they area in the direction of the moving. I you know. -- well I -- he would dig nation looks like yeah. What Diggnation a look at what we're gonna start releasing zinc Bernadie US bonds ended. One thing real quick tears now if they have this widescreen. Like PS beasts -- and a lot thinner smaller there has let me be HDMI out he can do the high Def right directly to your TV -- you first."

" Optimize -- it's I come on a hard I've gotten huge this although I will say that. Hourlong shows in high Def. Are compressed I think X didn't mostly on the like that in many agenda 72706. Some better off."

" Imagine you could heard this or that their new with a little they had Mikey gave her Brazil is no yes yes and in the how 10050 outlets and so I don't know. Let's get first let me go to the black. The black and why does lyrics yeah isn't it loud say out of sixty -- That is sixteen here it through sixty out."

" It's in -- blackened -- have the black nano."

" Piano like it yet it's -- really cool and grow and -- like -- story -- for the biggest story of the year but. Let's move on. Right."

" Next RA will the warcraft spyware 1860. People like this Dorismond by -- 79. Blizzard is looking for more than just your fifteen dollars a month. This is really interesting basically. What happened is I go to -- story it's it links to rootkit dot com. With this guy spent some time actually analyze what blizzard is doing on your machine what you've agreed to. In the -- end user license agreement in the terms of service is basically you go owl blizzard. To read information from every. On your computer. Now here's just a reason here is what they're saying the reason they're doing this so as a playing World of Warcraft it's going -- it's taking a look at what. Types of processes running on your computer because."

" There's a lot of blocks so optimize it. Oh Bob hey dad -- the bought stuff because there were not no cheating because. They know there's this certain deals running if there's certain like yeah there's there's a bunch of zero X three crafts. In -- there's a bunch of like this -- is -- as seven don't god is going I don't know if this goes and scans but it it does not like you use those I eat up your guy right exactly so that they're trying to combat this by looking at what's on your machine and this is how they're able to tell if you're seeing this is and then they go in later and -- and you know that's in here like oh well -- and they 5000 people."

" So -- that we'll have to keep religion does that I don't know this is the way to do it it's kind of freaky this guy -- He he actually he went to need to recorded time and winter and talked about all the different things that scanning for looking and and here. But it can look at you know wet night you know web browsers are open and they -- list he lets -- a bunch of things they can do. But it's it's kind of freaking dumb and it is -- worried."

" A little bit I mean I sort of stop playing homework wraps and not that match the other night you can it to be happening in galaxies mean it it -- have any -- would ignite another. But you need is inevitable there. Well yet does worry me a little bit me -- there's of the wanna ask you go geek goes popular on MySpace. 118 he will that this story submitted by -- but as easy capitalize NV an item make the am so it's actually I. -- Who let -- like nausea and -- saint mystic. Looks like this guy really wants to be popular on MySpace actually kind of instinct if you read it heat -- know that last part is anywhere it so the deal is this guy was it was absent. Got an MySpace and as a little bit pissed that he couldn't add as much stuff that you want to add to my stated they wanted to do. A bigger type tool and Mike Moore -- to masa since they started really looking into. How they limit your html used to not nothing. Well they got found out what he did."

" you -- this yeah. We're."

" ER Biden sync it up and a little separate container have -- yeah. Converting the great things she can slow it's a -- yeah I'm gonna take a listen really good spicy fried chicken at the bottom I don't want fried chicken or the two progress -- what edited they're gonna -- it. Brilliant and you out there that's around one of them just want this to can -- what happens anyway."

" Let's."

" Moon can."

" It's like a set of both friend again be whenever."

" The I would not only not only did have the person who is viewing that person -- his hero RB it may -- there hero. But every person that's a friend with that person. Also be makes him they're zero. So this is weird exponential thing he's getting emails from people saying like we stop it they don't wanna be friends with him but and he will keep viewing and it went crazy was like basically a warm. Because everybody that was there -- different they're getting 900. And eight teen 920664. -- And that and then he said if you miss that every first it was one point 005 million. Friends requests he was like tired of girls and burning them as friends is yeah well he's clearly got some stuff -- the this is a way he talks about you like -- seems funny enough but like he talked about like like it's -- are all cotton and they wouldn't."

" Except my profile then I got mad and so than I had a burrito and it's like what it's yeah it's very stream constantly. Guarded and it's very Internet line that. This guy is where you this I know I signed up I have done."

" Friends of -- that are on MySpace I just signed up and some girl -- Heather. Sent me a random one I noted usually your girlfriend and now random girl is like on your budget and MySpace and so. Reading this story -- like to check out MySpace I wanna MySpace luggage and you want my MySpace thing we're gonna tell people -- he says. I'm minus slash Diggnation Alex to going to make it easy we'll. At ten years which is yours is Slash sinful nation yeah. So I see your friends maybe we'll say yes."

" I hope we get inundated we'll be -- there you go yes yes yes yes yes I guess it -- figured out -- anyway that's that's where we are and I had to say it's fun because like my friend Emily."

" Was on -- And she started to think I she was on she's like desolate collins' eyes open up a chat thing and she minimized his firm -- nine months and months and months as you know about the chat. So I start popping up my house talking earlier like this yeah it's different yeah. -- yes -- friend of -- right there so little on -- met -- yet but she's online. You need -- picture and it's. If she's online and -- are lining do like initiate -- I am a desperate medical that this like Java -- our areas it's a pretty -- us -- her beloved about. Yes -- the couple friends not --"

" Old girls -- your profile that's how I roll all you don't read as I go over goes it goes for a fat."

" But she's not huge it is similar. Now. So -- picture we -- she's not. Anyway out. Yes it is guys who clearly a lot of time I was so facility candidates log in to -- pretty going to puts more pictures of she -- niche in this."

" I haven't it'll split -- release the code for it though because it's no this at home yet figured out yet you're not exhibited regularly at least dual although. You watch out because he -- major people like I don't know who you are stopped stocking need that Canada yeah. He's -- whatever products. Our next our see here the I would nano. IPod case made from a 100% natural wallet. What does is sellers and cut people that the stores and I know from my Indians here there's not a dude I Titanic is the next guy. Alpert you know he might be an -- routine now. Maybe it's the I -- this is the I would. Nano. Available what does it say the I would nano available varieties of -- available -- is such as maple mahogany pair. And while that's parents is card from a single piece of wood. It has a hinged lid this is really looks really really -- if you didn't. And assume a description there basically it's a case for your Nana yeah out of work out of -- and you think would you know stupid crass. Crap you are talking about never losing crap there isn't humor go to those areas this."

" Lot need to look at like eight though I've made this out of -- everything's in the urine and no -- there's like I hate those. Get rid of like laser at skin like because this fully on top that you can still put your around it's still put the headphones through the what it's like a tiny little like political elites -- the -- like in -- and I don't want that jeans I'm assuming it's their company how you could probably do your -- when there weren't going that he would like to burn the Diggnation on going to know that would be -- also that it doesn't do."

" Do you anyway check this out it's it's definitely something that you've probably never seen true you went iPod needs nature. Danger and seems that's right it's than it was desolate cool those who want to -- let's go yeah -- we can't do audio if you work for a company sent us come. Hello I don't have an -- but then -- forget when the guided city McCartney's happens and you lose the goodness of our stuff. Not harmed by hand that she can only be it could not some old man named rhetoric you really don't really get them -- is her. And I made that play it would block a tiny just assume is that my laser. How do you know that card but with a laser. Like Google's little. Trammell known until now must I act like steadily louder -- a little lost. Let me tell you -- and they don't tell -- and -- always on video is really don't think it is not a -- the public until -- make you know I want -- wondering now but that the war."

" There are all different colors so. The busily at work on my hand congratulations. If not. Send us how to. So target ads tourists are let's move. Sign up page for Google wallet 1160 people that -- trillion the actual sign up page for the much anticipated Google payment service has been. Discovered so this is. Has been sort abounded about that Google was going to come up with 88. A rival -- PayPal. Mean and now somebody has actually found the page. That shows -- and it says purchase they don't purchase dot Google dot com and purchased dot Google dot com. Purchase is guy who would like comment purchased Doug -- icon for but this added that now it's like this. It says so welcome to purchase welcome back email before using purchase is -- you know little bit more value additional information. If you're a person apart as separate Google accounts he can change it to the editor -- account."

" But they outage they actually remove the page editing people of certain to go hey look it's that we you've got it up everything's I think this over this then."

" Dude it's so big get it they get it. You mean like they get had a leak they get easily edit or easy."

" Course they were ordered the first ones to kind of like. Just throw everything out there you know do these crazy -- surgeons were certain keywords came up. Fun little things you can view you know I leafs beat Google and nineties little hidden beat it features the they understand the viral like yes there's gonna be a huge leg fortune 500 company and this you know like it's like a group -- like twelve guys working they exact which is key to this yes."

" You will less what you want to keep you want to keep the business side business he's seen make money right and anonymous inside non business easy keep that continent -- users. Because it's like you coming any time something goes corporate it people think it goes corporate they like we're out I mean with sweat were totally never gonna go corporate."

" And that's because unless we need you could."

" Borrowing get a lot of money doing it you don't mind but that's just -- it yes. So as necessary yeah."

" Attacks excellence Google. Can -- for the -- a big big competitor of PayPal -- say well that's getting out -- grey but it's like -- one topic is because here they're -- meaning there's like PayPal to with a -- There was another one they even -- for -- calls and a -- anyway what Google wallet. No that was okay -- the next one right right."

" Canon camera detects smiles in her voice and be able to -- submitted by. --"

" This is called -- and her out. -- sure I know. Is deference -- they'll know it sounds familiar I know I've. That's another thing he didn't know I had no idea ever and the man Allard does what it says is this is cool they cure has artificial intelligence system that waits for smiles and bright eyes that -- for it snaps the pictures. How crazy is that it's -- how fat that -- well it could have a few things a real advantage. That's right an alien figure -- blurred -- the video version is seeking Xeon is making. -- yes so it's a new technology can. Hey you know what you technologies. Yes opera I don't know what to say about this really in the -- gonna say a lot and ugly people didn't know this is -- of those things where is it sounds good on paper. You know Diana we -- send it to look down and well we did this technology can. That they captures the smiled at the peak but doesn't really work and first up what it's like a group of people are smiling blinking in different orders -- like sixteen pictures not acted. And that works I don't know either I think what's it by yourself when really they had some guy told me is like. He is that you need this opens the best what themselves and not simply so yeah they're great they're awesome and he's like. This the we want because you can just push a button in -- begin to it. And it will do voice recognition convert that's attacks in the US message to someone. I didn't try to make this is not gonna work and sorry no I'm not by by this -- into -- on the --"

" not -- the brain you're you know this little tiny legs blown up -- I'm gonna do you know party's agenda message to Alex."

" I got the the black razor but grazer is your hip to be square. It's cool phone it is but -- singular sound camera so -- and -- as you've seen the ads it's all about the network there because they had."

" In the west coast and these -- around but he's coast or anywhere else in the world. But that's a good yeah don't know about Internet. But opponents say you don't as a little -- known world rising to exactly -- because each grade there's -- unable flows."

" The time mobile phones portable phones that's the problem Cingular and there -- out of -- the Razr is coming up -- you have no idea he then the next interracial get on Cingular -- the -- could have two megapixel oh yeah those go to Japan we're gonna get Cingular anybody is remembered when I'm in Cingular -- me money I'll just. You should like here's what ever it's not -- I can't because it wouldn't do. And this beautiful phone it doesn't freely network anywhere let me let me -- modern home mom mom -- Cingular is that bad they're good. They're just not rise yeah. It doesn't do story now. Okay DC I -- you see shadows proof that -- it us on that fact that did I was so African that was pretty funny. Leading up for yourself when -- right there -- the -- you're talking now there's a downloadable show. It's all about like hacking link she's -- but it's a Hak5 look like H a K got is Asia Canada but due to insert and go check out this isn't some kids are like I don't know amid warnings as I got select edit it. Just acknowledge out there that are pretty cool chill them. Continental is and how much here one is I didn't watch the full last episode but the -- before is that how they actually how to put a list and on your PC oh yeah -- in big cities -- space does that which is highly illegal but they haven't -- to -- you know -- give them an -- our podcast in -- screwed --"

" is. I just love the the -- so well last is more like you're now gonna go to. -- there are no related India on and on down -- let's -- up."

" Excellent Wolfenstein 3-D created with flash 8080. He'll let the story submitted by beat Digital's B as in that BE Dickens to new. Digital this is fluent powerful play -- inside radio online this is so much on is no idea costs and how they were able to do this."

" Go how -- go. Go this you're likely get a flash app where I want or I'm trying to go lives go. Refresh refresh refresh they recommend it refresh so here's the lot of -- like that. --"

" I opened the door. -- that stupid."

" With the gunmen who shot to -- This is great -- quite a -- I give -- the as they read the Senate would be. Okay but now. The facility -- yeah you have no idea or thirty is what led to the whole revelation of first person you. They did this was like I remember playing -- I was a kid might like stricken. 386. -- 616 I NL wish. And had IB MPS one yeah. Which is great. Excellent reform as prison did floppy disk that you know it was gone are right now -- running out more men I thought I was cleaning up files my hard drive never and I deleted the DOS directory -- oh yeah now that was one of my things back and make an epidemic. And its viewers are doing and others is DOS -- but -- Kevin Rose clearance lives there again -- three on the computer flash love it."

" This before doing so if you're -- dealer just got into a check up this is what kind of the guys I think some -- work to do this process right. And -- want to create Duma the this is an apogee it was offer. Was that it cannot really -- now what is it will -- it was and is it was absolutely there was you know and at first it. I think it was a but I think some guys are just -- our great. Now you can do -- great for quick can do to acquaint trained. I'm wolf greedy hacks and I taxing to know why did you outweigh what can I do do do -- Texan. How -- the thing is -- and and was have moved to with a first and."

" then put any what are they don't already be at an apology is of the first person -- don't. Which clearly we have -- but I think it's fun now I'm assuming -- can you download the actual flash. Application -- and locally stored locally. Little. Just checking because I wanted to plan on plan."

" I probably load it you are -- bastard you load the of the Coca. I'll try shut you make your computer asleep shut my computer and then we got -- playing stereo --"

" You find that there is a good."

" Next door -- they are independent. 1020. People. That's the -- by Molly Hackett. Hack hack hack and he wasn't part of the deal when AOL bought weblogs -- It's they'll continue to do what they've always done independent of any network that is."

" Big because we talked about this last week. -- last week writes about the fact that web blogger Blogspot what was it when it got Bob may allow."

" But of -- get a -- I analyst at Yasser that this was a part of the weblogs -- network. But they're saying they want to keep it independent we've always wanted."

" What -- what. They are they still on by mail not out of there muscle Layla like that went into agent who know me and weren't in my career in the know say well this. I just don't know I mean I don't think you'll wanted the site in the first place. Zero saying it's carrier contents. They've always kind of like -- some border relying. Illegal -- really illegal stuff the stuff that like you know -- cleaning he was in the area -- thinking is -- saying we don't want hat today and then coming out and we didn't want to be bought by -- I don't know -- this case. But he's not -- I'm not saying it's. But isn't that what you're not say I don't know what happened not what I had to type my friend is -- words over there I I don't know what with the deal is but I'm glad they're independent because. You know if you well how do like sensor. The hardware hacking site -- all over it would be like how we need your Xbox controller right guy he asked to produce like I just hurricane. Yes so I'm glad that there there Indian in who flew continue to make some money some room. --"

" hack that -- of this aspect that's. Next story blockbuster could have bought Netflix for fifty million dollars 876 people that the story dies submitted by hacking Netflix. Ironic. And one of the biggest business blunders yet variety is reporting that blockbuster could have bought Netflix. For fifty million dollars sounds like a lot now Netflix is worth one point four billion dollars. And blockbusters market cap is about 815. Million this is the little happy. Well makes you happy because Netflix gets to be as cool as it -- it just heats blockbuster you blockbuster. Do you remember arrows to do this and heralds the video store. Now in Virginia there really two things it was arrows on the blockbuster Keenan and it was always like doing go to arrow through their blockbuster blockbuster just slaughtered barrels just came in and his horse. But I'm happy that Netflix is like you know what you don't need a Franken. You don't need a storefront right and that's great I'm glad that somebody is making good job with an idea that you don't need to store for a well but the fact that blockbuster could about it and it's so clearly was just not forward thinking it was clearly like -- why would we want plywood on -- online now backtrack. You know flash forward -- like we're."

" Almost exactly and that's the problem is like blockbuster. With so concerned about how much money they can school route you out of the longest time yet. There when the -- Netflix they were just like forget this what we we don't want anything to do it and they're returning late -- right -- where interest in their business model we'll have more fronts right he's still didn't want."

" Exactly. Guys they're another selectively closing stores blockbuster is is not long for -- the only times I've been screwed by blockbuster do you Tony and I don't think anybody to have a blockbuster membership and and doesn't have a bad story about blockbuster."

" I've been screwed like you are seriously spent a couple hundred dollars because of leaf -- I -- forgotten and also make. And then say okay he's gonna -- what they call your opponent in a letter or your yeah obviously you -- letters and -- it's even worse now so now if you don't return your blockbuster movie discharge -- to --"

" Right. I don't think case it scrapped because the real -- right I don't want. And they're their -- there's only. Is only a couple of years left."

" Yes I don't live in Leicester let's that is something but -- go -- in June usability she's but but they have Milwaukee so that's good."

" That and -- That it does this could be we're done well let's do you want. Do you net."

" Use your email yes okay so here's the -- yes -- thoughts it would be pretty cool given the into each episode we do some kind of viewer email when you turn on your answers and questions -- so the real question. Four -- about computers technology dating. Gadgets see here be your burger cheese. Would just about Mars."

" Green teas loathing. Key in the more peace. That's I think I seatbelt until going to -- questions hype machine. Watch his. Cell phones can be. He's up to get retiring around your house and like tell clothing can be and where where we can read over there."

" The game at the case program --"

" Anyway I cannot -- to questions where's he's want to make a comment about the show whatever you want to do. Sending TU -- Diggnation fans at and yes we have not checking that this is so busy but we will we will hold our tech and now in the subject line cook like a question of the show yeah. That way we know or something more specific."

" Question for the show. It's so that it."

" It's I think that -- magazines like that's the president as part okay so question Benicio Colin whatever you want to. Exactly and then we'll go through that and we will one. Because it was still working on a trip to Tokyo this free T shirt."

" The -- this little is standard but as it may lose their shirts ever since it isn't your watching the video version Alex is not showing you."

" His Diggnation shirt and now."

" It is a little small onion well it's it's my had little sisters shared."

" And I just put it on Alec who can fitted inside aware. So Posey I will send you your shared in the nano want to see you next. And listening and he sent enhances those bargains Olivia and -- and make other it's like go. To."

" That's."

" I'm so we are working on the Tokyo think we've got your emails if you sent this in house. Offering step up for Tokyo we got that. We got them world look at your old one guy was from not."

" Dolby -- Tokyo."

" This frenzy Jack now that's it's friend who's like digging common use their equipment may be Sheen and Italy in Tokyo to be hot. And -- some guy opens like a studio slash -- space in Tokyo she's that we can use easily easily easily -- looks great we're probably gonna shoot there then we're just trying to get everything coordinated we don't know how we're gonna hate for any of this."

" But we're all very excited so anybody I mean if there -- many companies out there that are in Tokyo that want to ask you know."

" We deeds and you have been sponsored a show for that we by sending Assad's Tokyo I don't -- a big deal."

" Anybody knows of any hotels networks in a hotel network airliner anything that we can do hasn't really want to -- the visits were out there are and a dozen mostly because we are got a couple of those -- of people got from a Kyoto. Want us to got to Kyoto Osaka. Yes and really fun so sort try to like. We try to coordinate it for a weakening -- and I can take a vacation and she -- right -- there. So probably end up."

" Beer is an. I haven't taken a vacation cents a cup fired for like six months and didn't work stores at military leaders the letter -- say that it added that it hasn't been an occasion is when they get going to go away let's alert yeah -- but this down. Who meeting with the new with some new voice over agents. Say cynically cartoons that when China morning you know on in of that. Had a voice -- for allowed Luxembourg couple different cartoons. Anything did we know where nothing that cannot yet having a couple things for adult swim -- so -- that but down my voice are you -- F five I had no idea is that audition but it was like Acer here but it was a great thing here well. As an out and it changed since I screwed and I got a couple meetings are very excited. This and he needs to escalate into it."

" New -- there and details until the quality the world about whether I. No let's keep. Us so let's hit the -- sponsored."

" Com we had been sponsoring this show for her almost three weeks suggest that like that."

" And that they -- has and we love out of there -- job at city Tuesday wanted to spices they're they're added is the quote that we have their at it again. First it was the one dollar and one bottom dollar and and I sent domains now that I promise I'll bring. Rock bottom prices on hosting plans -- and -- prices started just 395 a month. All the plans include no setup fee and no annual commitment and 99 point 9% up time guaranteed that's pretty cool. Three forms blocks photo gallery is a much much more as a special offer for -- Dig nation listening you can take an additional five dollars up any."

" Thirty dollar or more purchase."

" All you need enters the code and decode this week gays Alex. Eight L. You lose those I don't --"

" Oh you -- rock thought I had no idea that I'd pray here you Melanie was like you're using new copy of late check out what good news source code is -- like I did --"

" They have a huge hosting business to which I am going -- initially they just domain registrations generally lot of those as of now which is cool. Still if you do run on aren't so. And it helps to glow so what you're else I probably stories to -- com slash top stories is where you'll find some this stuff like there's a bunch of other -- never talk about and -- there's like you know fifty or sixty top stories of the week we only cover eight or nine yeah and so and then doing Dick -- slash Kevin Rose in two."

" Dig -- you just -- Alex Albrecht promised up that we dug throughout the week and I'm certain added more. Took a little hiatus at Iowa and it it."

" Now digging more comment yet so that's it for this edition of Diggnation thank you so much for listening I'm Alex Albrecht -- I'm. Well I you ready to move out and welcome -- Diggnation episode number sixteen. Ide despite the audio and I'm Alex O'Brien. Welcome to -- episode number sixteen I'm Alex Albrecht."

" What do you think you're ahead like their -- because it's important it's ruining. So really fast is it means little."

" They dig nation and the cinema sixteen idea surprised myself an -- I'm off."