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November 10, 2005

Friday, November 11th, 2005 – running time 45:55
Ghostbusters 3, Hong Kong's Architechture, Secret note for 2025, Family Guy Creators 1995 Film, First iPod Comments, Torrent Finder, AMD passes Intel, How a scientist changed the NBA, and Sony's Root Kit.

Ben Stiller ( 13:13, 13:27, 13:37, 13:55, 13:13, 13:27, 13:37, 13:55 ) Bill Murray ( 17:14, 17:14 ) Diggnation ( 0:17, 0:47, 9:59, 37:03, 38:03, 39:52, 41:33, 44:02, 44:35, 0:17, 0:47, 9:59, 37:03, 38:03, 39:52, 41:33, 44:02, 44:35 ) Xanadu ( 43:48, 43:48 ) Ben Stiller ( 13:13, 13:27, 13:37, 13:55, 13:13, 13:27, 13:37, 13:55 ) Bill Murray ( 17:14, 17:14 ) Diggnation ( 0:17, 0:47, 9:59, 37:03, 38:03, 39:52, 41:33, 44:02, 44:35, 0:17, 0:47, 9:59, 37:03, 38:03, 39:52, 41:33, 44:02, 44:35 ) Xanadu ( 43:48, 43:48 )

Automatically Generated Transcript(may not be 100% accurate) ( more )

" These reserves -- to dig nation back to you by Godaddy I tell you. You know. And welcome to Diggnation. "

" We got back."


" Hello and welcome to Diggnation episode number twenty I and Alex Albrecht have Kevin Rose dig nation of course covers some of the weekly top story. On that's the IGG dot com yes and we're on number twenty yes twenty jumping to zero technically is is we haven't really had the week off. Oh never this for twenty weeks were up twenty weeks in a row and we don't. And so we're for the first time and now we're starting soberly as I we're gonna be very articulate and -- points right away but let's talk about where are located -- this week we're in San Francisco -- again."

" We're gonna be next week in Chattanooga."

" Which we'll talk about the festival right yeah next week and -- we -- that is Thanksgiving which we have a special special show for special show we got and that that we're in Japan Japan or Japanese show Japanese John and back in -- yeah."

" A -- you're gonna do though the footage of us in Japan when my beautiful that's a little clips here and narrow maybe. -- through some of the later episodes were a little bit -- pimple below her eye and -- burn through little later episodes and found them up."

" Alright here's illiteracy yes but we made a point."

" That we're gonna take a little bit of time and then not spilled beer all over my laptop and then lastly yes although we have a nice email from someone in Scotland is helping out there yes both are about."

" So."

" We've been trying out some I'm actually a big IP --"

" On these is actually court yes I know it's gotta freaking argument that dynasty -- I'm first tennis courts. -- course is that is his offensive is you get you get access Santa was a case of this is."

" I'm gonna say. Did you."

" Because he is. --"

" solutions I'm just not gonna it is good thank you Keith good purveyor of all. There is is an age he's Indian -- you had excellent."

" So lot of Minnesota's so this is that lobbyists maximize I don't know I show it to you because you can't really see it. But it's an IPA and I'm a big fan the idea you don't really like -- which -- the Indian parallel."

" You know I'm sorry -- like it more and more really good in my. And we have to like to get in the halfway into the beer before you lose are enjoying it well hopefully won't need your beer won't have you know the -- taste as it did last time. So this is -- on brewed in Petaluma. So local do look at this year it's it's purple that's not beer it's. This -- its web gallery here oh what I like to try some flavor -- is that you need fruity and I mean I know literally fruity here. How do you say that these in this one it's Israel do you fear no I don't know. Was this. One. Graham was a limb where I'm sure it's that if the bill to mail. It says malt beverage with raspberry is added. This is actually sounds really good because you know we're not for beer probes. Noble we like only like Billy well we know we like it and we know what's the local shop and they know I I don't always know that read the not a good one well. That's I would do I would the shop -- a little bit about it says he knows me from local bar of Barley in Belgium and it's like aged in okay you know these all the keyword Israel I know -- go by that was good so -- very beat. This is actually really get. Let's get that -- to bring Kenosha. That's really -- it's got it's it's a little lab. Throws well as he hasn't really been in contrast beginning idea. -- got the football couldn't country chooses this -- a book content to its packet. A all. I just -- yeah. I can't read an anti does that lol I know like I don't got I got. Click on the guts doesn't it -- like it is a sour raspberry see if -- raspberry that you think are cool they're -- like a forest annuity check. And yes I think you know I'm regular -- and buries the -- a man. And you picked a very even many many. It -- adds up and up on. I warned that but the well report you know -- just didn't know you know this really is I don't pass no seriously it tastes like the -- certainly did anything. You have Doug -- the flavor certainly gone out yeah but without the goodness. -- and that's stands up and it's something I hop is better than that they're well lately because sometimes you get my laser of links and then didn't boo berry is well I'll go through it we'll see what the effects look we're not like. Well or certain things I've moved back to dinner Beers and that's good we've tried to -- experimental it'd get. We get that Budweiser select and I wanted to know why didn't want that actually the ones and we got actually -- was -- wasn't -- The girl though they grow is that the daughter of the guy on both the rendering her amber recommends -- of the license as they raise them. Schools -- I I would say this -- ago with this and I like eight if you like the add Diego for this lead going -- in the raspberry and that's not touch it all right. For story -- first 10 -- This is big news this big and we we picked ones are -- covered."

" By a bunch of different stories this week but we just picked one. And the more kind go ahead and talk about it but Sony's rootkit saga continues. At thirteen 109 people dug this story submitted by a I'm just getting my rang in my back pocket not anything else -- submitted by. SATA esteem million mark for -- shot of HMOs say Russian -- refresh did it sure looks at. Talks about Sony not wanting you to uninstalled there -- software. Great read if you guys have not been picking up finance. This is this sub in turn us is internals mom -- guy. It came out. That Sony. Has been and -- installing root kits onto people's computers. When they. Bob put -- the CD's that they buy from Sony music right into a computer it -- was little light you know you want take you use the enhanced features. It's gotta you'll you know -- don't -- probably are only gets mixed review -- should turn out or -- even that -- likely to their server and give you -- tidbits about all the author in my purse on our. Whatever is you think it's cool happening. This is very uncool stuff happening basically Sony is implanting a rootkit on your system. Without your knowing -- is worsened spyware guys is like back opening back doors. On your system cool and -- this guy mark went through a but he seems really extensive stuff he."

" He did a great -- because he started off with rootkit -- I think is with the -- right he had -- has an allegation that kind of looks for these these hidden root -- and normally this is like malware -- like really really like -- almost like -- have virus -- you have really hides itself from anything else on your computer yeah and and he discovered a bunch of stuff running these is a little what what what's on my computer -- this is started digging in a little bit further in the country -- where it came from -- it turns out Sony. So Frick and -- and they're doing all kind. Kinds of weird things I think our word what you're doing with his songs of -- trying to rip yeah like what you're it's it's really shouldn't it's really super sheep."

" Anomaly that. He went through there's nothing in the -- that says any thing about Sony being authorized to install software on your computers and now. California the state of California is suing Sony over written in the entire country of Italy. Is -- I think he's a giant man to the trying to drink as fast as I can just get it down the hatch is disgusting good times. Says -- we do here will drink with friends here. For you so this is really very I mean this is crazy and like I said there were a bunch look. I like to -- even read and I did every bit number of Diggs hot stuff knowing did. I and I said submitted by. If you'd maybe I'm just."

" How in ruby and -- people I mean was the top -- 109. Where else I don't know sort of -- at a -- combine it was as I can do with like. Dead though the original wind velocity is only news I found more but the lawsuits you know all the stuff on. Another police are involved and it's crazy idea that has a list this is actually another -- for the Downey is if that's has a list of the CD's that have this. There's software installments really crazy the end user license agreement. Not many people read Douglas no matter I don't was have you read it in these who has not once everybody says yes and then the next thing -- because you figure I thought -- suffered and I'm gonna screw me. -- this is really weird things who begins and as I -- like it 00 good if you file for bankruptcy you're not allowed to you to remove your guys are rumored all of the music."

" I'm Leo how are you have if you if you file for bankruptcy. I'm really what's that. It doesn't make it says C could probably Google with you'll lose is the reason why lawyers get paid so much is -- read through all of that crap right amid but he leasing contracts and software's just like. At the end of the day and it and it even today. You know. My lawyer friend is as it. Basically all they should say is it would just be one small form it says the bank is responsible for nothing. It could -- Mike at the end of the day that's all they're doing is covering their ass from every angle angle. And -- you'd be surprised how many angles NASA has to get sent to us."

" Quite an -- if."

" But it's it's that was -- look out for an -- and links of plenty. And also a couple of stories and -- a minute profile Diggnation -- yeah I would do a couple the one but the bottom on top stories page who share alone -- stand you know whenever. Yeah so well. Crazy -- yes right next great Sony. How Sony's. I don't know I was like Sony at this point -- and -- Next story how scientists change the NBA forever or at least one week isn't really agent is a really interesting article one doesn't three of the deceased people to the -- is emitted by Carlsberg. He's is how distract the player during a free throw. And I think like free throw technique is really is normal let's do that but but -- ripped what happened is a scientist -- album. And he noticed. That speech -- need to look at the stats in the NBA back into -- look I -- every major like if NBA you -- stadium -- go into the hand -- these little things to -- in the background out of the Packers right had a clear glass every single one has let -- now I've -- for the of -- yeah. So basically everyone -- an exact same direction. -- But all -- the same time I -- all going unison at the same time and left -- right after a vision exactly you think you kind of swaying hash and they if -- let's get this right so the scientists sent email to mark -- human -- said hey this is what I'm thinking you know can do the shot he got the email and you know his course big Lincoln and guys on Clinton's grand idea online. I -- it and actually. Hired some guys are got some -- us in the cheerleading dudes or whatever. What they call two -- dudes that's really needs some had a I don't know male cheerleaders that is -- called. What books tiger was that for well what he's -- Good sense to me that. But anyway it looks -- yeah. Perhaps though this is what they did is some. They got those guys go okay left right left right they didn't end they lower the percentage."

" Laughter has made so that is are some pretty interesting. Science strikes again -- that lets. Good read."

" I was."

" dude today -- pictures sober yes we had a huge lunch so. It was that would we have the Mexican yes. Slapcast. And there was no way this is really cool very sad about this but a little scary. Ghost busters fury. 660. Look at this story submitted by -- well."

" Of course being the true name of Superman move. -- is it is simply no music if that's okay veco oil."

" Fed to new Harold ray Amos revealed -- act -- has written -- new script called ghost busters in the hell. An arraignment is keen to get the project started he tells in focus magazine he wants Ben Stiller to join. Act dried and -- in the sequel."

" Boom."

" I think about this well I've got some very strong views. I. Ben Stiller is funny at times yeah but he's got a very. A very. Stake -- him. You know I mean like when when Ben Stiller on TV you know it's been silly doing something funny."

" Rice you mannered very LA and it's not really like joking joke funny it's like I'm an awkward situation is not all Wilson funny."

" Right you turn any and I don't wasn't -- like. It's funny because he just says something he truly believe that that's what he's saying in that situation -- Ben Stiller he's he's doing funny stuff has this weird random character that you never believe his Treo. But they TV think about the original late -- you know how Paramus new good to see -- the -- him back. He's sort of big and it doesn't I don't he does not act anymore of the electoral campaign as these director now let predominantly -- does now. Let down. But like you know you look at zinc many. Are could actually be like they are fields and it really be real people so that the comedy comes from a different place on my right Zoolander where it's just like this is just. -- and crazy and random you know and I mean some a little nervous that is not gonna mention that way. But also."

" We're still mar that's you heard it like -- mare I think you're gonna take down."

" know releasing Metafile have like a falling out there have been no ads it's it's good."

" Don't go right I mean this is no come on it can be revived my hat goes clusters -- the problem is attorney replied to me."

" About. But up."

" you know any of your views on same -- go right -- Jesse blue shirt I'm not Ericsson about that but whatever completely different casts. Can't ask the heat but."

" I think it makes it's taken -- why joke about how they -- there were no I'm not saying that on this -- night I'm -- does seem like old movies well I don't know if you bring back the old -- these are the whole fresh group of like new ghostbusters. Personally trying ink. Bring a little eighties flavor back to it."

" Hash them."

" Big deal ladies and nowadays -- dad who -- that -- kind of them in the look here's the deal okay and you can make it like you know that like ray and closer Lawrence's character mean. -- recently that. So the Stanley. Someone yet. Sometimes people I don't know. Yeah yeah yeah so let's Internet this is whether we need to go live audience assuming we'll look into the ads is it a reds -- reason -- think. --"

" If they had like snack good is a ray. And kind of man like you know vegan diet yeah yeah yeah and in my -- was like ease in Bermuda I don't know because ghostbusters to had its moments. You know what they got from Ally McBeal with this Derek all in it. Was good as you on -- little painting assistant. And MC hammer was then I was a little for the body around. There's -- those hammer was it. The -- goes bust into hat handed to cool to cold the company goes buses and -- so we're US a militant I don't I have a weird sponge -- We just absorbed got a what's a movie once and all I can quote the movie -- this is -- that it's difficult to -- there's only so. I'm gonna say I I -- the nerve this. But I'm excited you know because I do I really love that franchise it's it's a shame that it didn't go that it didn't continue to go I just wish that. Bill Murray would be in an enemy and I keep me he really made -- and I would love to see you got back enemy inside an elf like Ben -- is gonna -- think he'd gone news sun maybe go."

" We'll see we'll see. I is a scripture out why we haven't it's pretty Artur -- this. A little bit yet they go get they get like they get sucked into like another dimension a narrower universe can be cool now made me. Peter Jackson directed. Dude. I would be how it is -- are you kidding me if Peter Jackson did it out -- who might have done had you forget I'm scared us the working. Things aren't -- making comments good night next article -- it AMD passes Intel has big news 1001 arguably the source nearby Sherlock. It can't do -- and acid burn. For all these city the in the like the beard. No need like a bunch of like or just use like arsenic. I usually drink orange -- but wouldn't I think they don't know how origin is sources -- data can I do grape fruits of a grapefruit that like begins to -- yeah the memorial on the freak -- window and out. Nothing -- makes people sad anyway. When doesn't want people to the stories in the by Sherlock. -- he has -- Advanced Micro Devices sold more chips. -- industry giant Intel in US retail stores in October according to a report released Tuesday by market researcher current analysis tonight in Munich and according to researcher at least I AMD. --"

" I hated the and I did -- thing I couldn't let it take it at home. There's not they don't care anymore -- start to make about the Israelis now this is this is big news though this is really cool -- that it you know being. It's time coming I mean even. Processors and Intel for quite."

" Brad equipment to -- the car has tied up activity that's as -- do you make I know it makes nose makes no evidence and I don't want to read."

" Labels that's and I don't stupid theme -- why -- you know there's think you know what this -- in the file that I have in my brain of what -- Sleeper that they get they ask me."

" Has to be like there's some guy this is a super uber geek that works in like Intel marketing. Music we shall call up the 2730 that -- Mac fourteen it's I don't know what that means is none of the globe editing and I say it's great. Dad doesn't make any sense but big news -- AMD. They're starting kicks in but how else are stuck doing do you know I don't know what they're stock Indy oh right yeah goods big charts -- condemned in -- New -- come. Quick little this is stock quotes -- and a quick little plug -- get some money for up but when. The missing other -- I'm just curious just curious isn't it can but not so. I had little to do it -- here I don't know sleeping in Telecom related to. Big huge hits for one. Thing offense like."

" If they don't know the scandal where big file a lawsuit thing yeah we're out not that -- because mad -- think it'll. But. I think you can edit really."

" When noon and my fellow her sister says. -- loss in marketshare there little -- big charts background that's it's big news new."

" The Indians present form will I -- switch -- that bit AMD president had now is the second handy add but it was just like. The year goes for Thomas whichever I don't know if it's and the effects to three the 30000 plus it's okay it's good works good. Steve I hear the boot torrent find it did you just give -- his signal -- now he didn't. I just saw the some sort of -- not like was he just. -- finder yes 2694. People that the stories submitted by a whole lot it."

" Best or inserts site search top -- it's. They're considered. Off torrent sites from one page moon that's a TS dot -- Taba dot com. The hugely effective by -- this is really cool he did was he took. All of the torrent it didn't that the current armed services like me you know. Live torrents. Parents day I -- ISO hunt. And put in a one can -- is -- you. Do a search for torrent and it'll show you the results from all the different torrent sites are just really really cool moon that's a good thing it probably half the television -- that watch a download from Torrance. -- nowadays. So it's really cool you know it's sort of like dog pile -- check it out and you think can't. Come but this search a bunch of this up like a deal lots of options right off the top of the things to use search but it's got some -- cynic. Tom it's got like this I just don't think there is no yeah I so -- pirates they knew torrents. -- reacted -- which I think was down pro level whatever it smart core role. Under the ten you add to torrents but it also has Gould a bit -- dual boot. BitTorrent -- as the official want to ever -- Leap day. That's pretty cool yet. Can you tell she. Am. Pirate kingdom by 02 Wayne's plant. -- of them but anyway so -- you sit there -- I liked it you know they got I like the results -- negative these web pages not these scenes like the different ones and them back thanks so let's get high end. Stuff. Very go to a copycat Blackburn finders. It's a little -- also piston yeah and pretend."

" Supernova. Why does not bad for you step on how -- it -- doesn't you know Jesus for data down."

" There's pirate's thing -- to put I -- eyes on him isn't. They're doing things -- yet right. Read people's first comments about the iPod in October of 2001. And these are hysterical but doesn't there -- did people did this story. This link to Mac rumors discussions started in October 2001 this minute. You mom let's consider this your --"

" Wait capitol records somebody call you might know 1000 to give by your mom well okay this must slept right through -- slapped."

" I -- and they are the the night your iPod has a releases people were saying this won't sell. And somewhere betting money on it funny read four years later they lost money this. I got that this is actually really funny. Take a look at you can drunk that this little bit. I'd take a look at the cited because at least like the first thread discussion that happen like immediately after the iPod was where at least one infinite. --"

" And it's coming up are in and slow yeah yeah okay Sosa this is like to discover leeson's it's like here's the new big product that we're waiting for writes in so so many people are paying guests. I mean if he goes through here like this they go sounds very revolutionary and you like a really upset angry they always liked them as did the mr. what was then the bad. Face was all government -- at night Amanda poison. Welcome back where kids now are nervous and pleasant."

" Not poison to contemplate and -- they didn't like good boys and oh yes and you're also given humor and get man with dead dead this early phase of that ugly face you get the stickers and you put on a bottles and they were no did you know and I think."

" Mr. your your story and how it's going to put that the Indian my -- sort of the CA."

" Went and has a lot of poison. I missed they don't there's isn't there is ha got knocked up not. Okay right well it looks like. On the finance -- you CK you have to search and the smiley face -- are -- talking about our way to get month."

" I don't mean this -- I don't beyond my goodness yup now look -- think. He's got this brainchild. Now that's a reasonable vandalizing game."

" Urban dictionary -- mom -- always the reply I can't read it here but did this when it is right here look isn't that right yes my aunt to --"

" I guess that's what this guy says -- and he does and here's an idea for Apple rather than into the world's hot. -- think -- toys in tricks like these little money and sorting out. You're crap. The server lineup this is really pissed off there's always -- like iPod will not work this will never work who cares about any -- you're there I want something new think different. So basically no I'm of the -- I'd -- I cry."

" Your dork. A transcendent music is that basically it's like pages and page Steve Jobs isn't this cool it's never been as fast or easy before me. All know."

" There's a bunch of pissed off people we love that although you -- really commented that what ended on big. What do you say about deformed thing. Is -- said okay so this -- Broadway said and all so he's quoting someone else -- a meals at all the hype for MP3 player. Breakthrough digital device. He does the reality distortion field is starting a war Steve's mind in the something easy if he thinks for 12 this is gonna take off when second and so -- I I didn't -- is is and and so it's shown that no one in the form should ever be listened to ever. Here here it's follow nonfarm people yes -- do -- but it's true because they -- performs just like rampant you know I mean it's like it's like dead."

" Telephone game gone wild the united mean merits of what -- I like I like Susie connecting you know it's like EP it's."

" Telephoned king know you like you get no get the latest -- is that I did that did you yeah."

" CN."

" It's red hair did didn't they they thought about a minute he's he's lately this is always -- who have. -- change this and -- Well that's how I keep throughout. How to keep it's when he's drunk on water right."

" Alright next story -- family guy creator Seth MacFarlane is 1995. Student film 1121 people -- the story submitted by salary. Which is latest animated now. This is set the fire -- students don't from 1995. Entitled life of Larry. The short film is full of flashbacks and scenes which would actually event he eventually end up in episodes of family guy it's also allowed. For second Seth MacFarlane is first first to break into the industry I can't talk at all today."

" This show what a student film award for -- from my Hanna Barbera."

" Who eventually hired MacFarlane does is really cool on family guy site they have like clips that stuff fox wouldn't let the matter is the official from the inside until some family eyesight yeah. And it -- shows like clips of clips that it's called co Hobbits five news as -- clips that wouldn't make it to TV. But one of the things they got is the life of Larry."

" And it's really freaking funny is it is so lake in Houston the same -- is that those are very close in the same ways as well Lois is obviously in as well. But it's like oh look this is all you in this -- and for those ride later yeah."

" So it's clearly not and that's clearly second finding new ways but Brian and the dog is there he's I'm the guy -- sounds about like Peter Peter moved the that I do like a flashback to a couple different flashes an event like -- The drive by arguments in Britain who was in a Democrat said the Star -- climate -- it was an episode. So it's -- really funny to see. That you can see I mean you can so tell where this guy is kind of brain was at the other in -- fans when whose family guy who went to -- get it released."

" Buy three years ago."

" So at three years ago we're talking like two dozen to someone that -- him to -- Bluetooth doesn't want to doesn't do it and he made the pilot in 95 that's crazy. In any and I like to block yet so clearly he had the concept for a for a long time."

" Yes up -- stuff I guess hemorrhaging that video online wait before the serious guy dude iris and that they call this Christmas the Christmas episode episode yeah."

" What I remember seeing that in college somebody other hands -- that talk about it early viral marketing you know I mean because it wasn't even just. It was like I remember our friend had but Taylor to VHS copy of it. And copied it gave me a copy -- any -- was that a physical. Sort of viral marketing instead of now it."

" The -- difference now. Let's go and kid next door the day our time. Leave yourself a secret note for the year 20/20 five who seek it 1730. Have you to let this person to -- spider. Forbes dot com we'll let you create an email tiny capsule was what they're calling it a cup does it automatically email you up to twenty years later surprise that you in the future. -- account of the protocol that it will give this aim the last warning though but."

" They said they gonna do their -- our will keep."

" Ice get -- info on -- into discontinued. Them. And."

" And I am no they say like we'll try our best to get this to you for whatever it through whatever medium five years ten years fifteen point."

" Did you like ten minutes these -- like reminding yourself for something different. It's cool though it's it's really creepy when you go there."

" I distrust in the C go to the site right in his that warm yeah it doesn't -- who's from goods to and choose like you -- a link ten years of twenty years. What could be him and his team didn't send an even longer before you send mail on cabinet. So the couple."

" And that the reason I know I went to the site has like okay."

" Because I don't know and what it what should they send it. They you know they go for an ad that says they're gonna my girlfriend -- who was really good at or Chicago to a new and I'm married."

" And you can unite honey semi -- Aha so finally -- I don't know what it'll explain what you're creating. --"

" Ha ha continue to be good don't we don't I'm not you guys you guys K implying that I will would you give you like is said he doesn't like. Your -- in your -- you know."

" I have created like you. I maybe you have -- I'm sure broken up any -- integrated about it next in it and I think."

" Kids on your arm nearly -- take that for download so clearly it. Intact yes fun little. Thing there and Forbes will be around so we know that certain yes we know that for a fact -- from."

" So real photos of Hong Kong's your."

" And architecture this is actually quite weird. 70990. Able to of the stories submitted by crummy TS architecture of density. An exhibition of large scale color to the photographs by Michael -- reveals that sheer density. Of living in Hong Kong you have to check these. Pictures out it's. I'm not believable that people. That this is out of the city is laid out I mean senate is they're basically. Really. High quality images of like. Apartment complicate that. The business of apartment complexes and Hong Kong that are like these halt. Like honeycomb -- the department cluster -- Bluetooth looking -- stuff at it will make good. Feel like we're in the -- in Blake you know if you 1984. United mean and I mean the year I mean and book."

" It's it's I mean senate although it wires and stuff I think basically the its its -- sky scrapers is we've received a giant sky every huge apartment likes it she's. Condensed look at this they look like they're about like each house is about like a ten by ten box -- just. Packed together that it is people's clothes hanging out over the outside the windows air conditioning units but this is healthy for people."

" Well bird --"

" Ireland implement them whereas -- a corporate lose it's around there. -- I mean talk about feeling like completely non unique yeah I mean I just one of the big days they had us on other things it's like 94 and a couple of those you know mom. -- fine kind of things of losing your identity and in Timberlake eat you know it's like I okay I live in an apartment."

" You know any and I was just like that when they -- that's and the blue many Frick an apartment and in this you never see apart accomplices like this and you can't be you know what you see crap that's happening just like this it may not be like -- apartment complexes but."

" Drive around -- they know I know yeah like house after house that does is like standout exact and I say yeah I can't do that couldn't that are house yeah it's just for you I can't allies that that's that's how you doing your own house who would. I think that went the way of the go go my friend Hank gets it that -- that's like eventually rally in deficit is like just like go up or again."

" Find itself -- plot lands -- streamers through."

" You salmon from time. But this like it was apart -- that the summer her bent to move my head like a little what they -- dogleg or something like that -- Still this log cabin design it himself as a huge property and that there's only one. Only -- guest bathroom. Has no view of the calendar that's whom every -- bill does and every single room and house except for biking guest bathroom. As a view of the Potomac river committee dissenting clicking on that atoms pentagon. And so -- do it's vacation moment. That's what. --"

" Sure maybe a high speed Internet but you got to meet you got mediator Diego I know and now as of the times that eventually the high speed and it will be up their by the time. It's wireless. So like Google then Google. Guy and."

" That's it writes well we actually get through I equate to concisely we've got one thing -- mention has upgrades hosting plans. After just 335 a month you can get five gigabytes of disk space. 250. Gigabytes -- with. 500 email accounts of friends your neighbors yes. Everybody wants an image and Ross county not have any doubt. It can have an answer you can get things such as forms blogs for the dollars and much more -- of these no annual commitment. And -- support is available 247. So 395 a month did you want to get 10% off of any order or the even the three and 51 use the code Kevin key."

" In your cart and check out I guess that's good jobs we liked them because they date and keep us going. Also we should mention creates point four. We're any cat union next week so we're gonna shoot Diggnation Friday November 18 at 10:30 AM. In Chattanooga Tennessee -- And one of the things that -- that got to create my -- mention was that they actually have a few more spots open. For teens who -- peace doughnuts in the web design Europe is like."

" I'm telling the caller pretty doable let the now for Clinton now be normal yeah. I mean we deal like the laughing sector bank and good what is Karen I salute but that Helen that and you print that had no really globally were drinking and down."

" There's some XML. Yeah. We'll be -- got a tax. So anyway -- they want us to tell you that they also a big moves in the the extended the online registration deadlines of the sixteenth. They keep it close but then now we keep talking and -- of -- like which extend -- the people who orange in becoming a team and coming -- and then listening come -- CS they've been set us up and Mike is huge auditory down where it have like a whole bunch of stuff really. -- There's a bunch in the book on and I did -- we got a lot of emails the Diggnation vans that are I gotta go I don't know up and it's. -- my -- relics who is a guy hosts slack. On at -- radio which is I -- is radio show which are now doing with Joshua rent out. Oh really yeah max's lap to go home whenever you Q4 -- from -- screens every -- day used to run the Lan party it's consumers. He's a big proponent terrorist act itself that's will be there would reduce together but anyway he's -- my Michigan where he is."

" You're driving down to go to him yeah any dozen Beers and I -- so yet here and now."

" Come and a female mouse so this first one is from a guy named Sean Ferguson and in Scotland. Which I have to comes Collins John. So -- I've never been oh yeah and noticed Alan an awesome I know all Scotland's me yeah I'd taken a vacation for like a year. So he says hey guys sitting here watching episode eighteen a my iBook and after. Exit nineteen on my iBook after a hard day's work. I'm enjoying the lovely -- blogger. He didn't get it over in the US -- track what titles have been -- Harlan Meier. That aside Kevin really need never seems to be able to pour beer -- did quite well today that in my because he said the seem -- of an -- A little -- to help you porn technique what the glass which is just never heard that before you tipped it at a 37 degree angle very specific English test that out whether 36 and 35. The problem was Laura we're gonna go ahead -- first disorder decent chance that have a huge head at first only. He says I feel that when you -- such a huge head I think it affects the taste the beer which I would agree -- And then he said a couple of things randomly just does. See going all off topic and rambling that that's not -- land. Diggnation episodes because that's how we roll. Yes yes so I think Sean."

" I love that and comments I didn't do the tip thing for talking well everybody knows that kids is that we would -- drink beforehand they don't care and -- for -- in. They don't get you know the best way."

" What the glass through the freezer."

" I -- first."

" It I want my I mean I just prefer that would like an icy muggers and like them -- you're saying but that's important to have some out port. That's true. Yeah I mean can somebody else -- bear no big Leo head don't. Tell -- that may end up yet now this one I have to say it. We pull this out in box you gotta -- something -- just have to be written do you think this is real. I."

" Don't know I don't know I'm."

" Does say I think so to look at the the -- you know -- that's from that's very that's a very -- you know address yes I guess so Renee. To say last things I savored the kiss of -- lot of sorry John for his sense that I. At least I didn't really got your email address edited that poured over them -- in his his -- sick. Rid -- and email says love the show. She says hey guys. I am one of your female listeners I just wanted to say how much a lot of shall we do because you don't know what I'm and we have -- there are portion America percentage aren't viewer what -- zero. Zero there's and I think this is the one this is no we have another one it was like tabulated contingent. We've got a few MySpace they've gotten some girl MySpace. In my -- yeah that's growing things and buttons and there. Go home but -- next one next paragraph. I don't other podcasts the podcasts in the video version of Diggnation. I listen to the podcast at the gym -- nice the video version. I always seem to watch in my computer in short segments during the week long getting ready for work or ready for bad."

" And chasing started did a little game just think continued it would get so far it still believable eight and an accurate yes consistent."

" that's such. Getting -- gourmet dinner for work I always seem to be watching you while in my bra and panties. -- even that much."

" I didn't mean that black thing Keith."

" I know you don't know me but I feel like I have this intimate relationship. With the bulk of users have always half naked when your faces are on my computer."

" I'm glad she's sitting computer who --"

" This so get those who don't like that. Yeah in the deer and well it -- thinks that they got out can exist he's he's. C'mon -- it's anyway and last last paragraph shall love the show you for the great work until we see the new stuff in store with them in the coming months."

" Well thank you Renee -- thanks for that clearly if you are a woman which I'm hoping you are."

" Is so be uncomfortable."

" We appreciate it but we appreciate it does it really -- when they hear from our fans can I was good to. Back the feedback left."

" And that that is its constituents and people got -- yes photos well corporation -- you I don't photos of -- and I where I'm sure she enjoyed and how are usually you want something both changed -- is back thank you know eloquent a broom and look. Well obviously can't I know I was mentally I keep I was asking for photos of her naked. I just want it I just wanted like a photo of her like okay that's her head shots. Send us ferret out I guess because of course random women have had shot its. Moving on that's right so all one and there are about to got a couple twin or about W girls or people. By -- was a top stories data comes last top stories. That's a -- up bunches of other stories that we didn't have time to guess what we had done by Xanadu want to check out the stories we've covered in today's episode -- subs who."

" Previous that's up to my previous client subsequent."

" And it is definitely committed any of these shows that we've ever done or ever may -- do you know."

" Dig that -- Jesus slash Diggnation in -- can follow along to the things it didn't happen and I."

" Let the nation -- estimation that's resentment in the nation's."

" destinations yeah I whatever it is an out and is not at first I think that this is slick and it is then well welcome. And please keep watching."

" And said pictures. -- put up. But also you want to check out this are is that we've been digging through the week you know also that in my profile I slash users slash Alex Albrecht war's last -- us. That's it for the student Diggnation thank you so much for listening and Xena. Time I'm Alex Albrecht. From Kevin Rose and -- I stuff laminate them."

" I can see me okay now. Yeah gentle."

" It's. I had them and it's. Just it's. On his -- his -- I'm a button and it's related -- and they can't figure -- Like -- that we are sampling a higher bodily functions ladies catch phrases. -- Yes do it again and again."

" Onside is that his --"

" As I know somebody betacast that I was it's. If in the old days it okay mega drive and I'll drink per episode the shadow -- we have we got."

" I'm gonna dig -- episode number one I'm out."

" These reserves -- to dig nation back to you by Godaddy I tell you. You know. And welcome to Diggnation. "

" We got back."


" Hello and welcome to Diggnation episode number twenty I and Alex Albrecht have Kevin Rose dig nation of course covers some of the weekly top story. On that's the IGG dot com yes and we're on number twenty yes twenty jumping to zero technically is is we haven't really had the week off. Oh never this for twenty weeks were up twenty weeks in a row and we don't. And so we're for the first time and now we're starting soberly as I we're gonna be very articulate and -- points right away but let's talk about where are located -- this week we're in San Francisco -- again."

" We're gonna be next week in Chattanooga."

" Which we'll talk about the festival right yeah next week and -- we -- that is Thanksgiving which we have a special special show for special show we got and that that we're in Japan Japan or Japanese show Japanese John and back in -- yeah."

" A -- you're gonna do though the footage of us in Japan when my beautiful that's a little clips here and narrow maybe. -- through some of the later episodes were a little bit -- pimple below her eye and -- burn through little later episodes and found them up."

" Alright here's illiteracy yes but we made a point."

" That we're gonna take a little bit of time and then not spilled beer all over my laptop and then lastly yes although we have a nice email from someone in Scotland is helping out there yes both are about."

" So."

" We've been trying out some I'm actually a big IP --"

" On these is actually court yes I know it's gotta freaking argument that dynasty -- I'm first tennis courts. -- course is that is his offensive is you get you get access Santa was a case of this is."

" I'm gonna say. Did you."

" Because he is. --"

" solutions I'm just not gonna it is good thank you Keith good purveyor of all. There is is an age he's Indian -- you had excellent."

" So lot of Minnesota's so this is that lobbyists maximize I don't know I show it to you because you can't really see it. But it's an IPA and I'm a big fan the idea you don't really like -- which -- the Indian parallel."

" You know I'm sorry -- like it more and more really good in my. And we have to like to get in the halfway into the beer before you lose are enjoying it well hopefully won't need your beer won't have you know the -- taste as it did last time. So this is -- on brewed in Petaluma. So local do look at this year it's it's purple that's not beer it's. This -- its web gallery here oh what I like to try some flavor -- is that you need fruity and I mean I know literally fruity here. How do you say that these in this one it's Israel do you fear no I don't know. Was this. One. Graham was a limb where I'm sure it's that if the bill to mail. It says malt beverage with raspberry is added. This is actually sounds really good because you know we're not for beer probes. Noble we like only like Billy well we know we like it and we know what's the local shop and they know I I don't always know that read the not a good one well. That's I would do I would the shop -- a little bit about it says he knows me from local bar of Barley in Belgium and it's like aged in okay you know these all the keyword Israel I know -- go by that was good so -- very beat. This is actually really get. Let's get that -- to bring Kenosha. That's really -- it's got it's it's a little lab. Throws well as he hasn't really been in contrast beginning idea. -- got the football couldn't country chooses this -- a book content to its packet. A all. I just -- yeah. I can't read an anti does that lol I know like I don't got I got. Click on the guts doesn't it -- like it is a sour raspberry see if -- raspberry that you think are cool they're -- like a forest annuity check. And yes I think you know I'm regular -- and buries the -- a man. And you picked a very even many many. It -- adds up and up on. I warned that but the well report you know -- just didn't know you know this really is I don't pass no seriously it tastes like the -- certainly did anything. You have Doug -- the flavor certainly gone out yeah but without the goodness. -- and that's stands up and it's something I hop is better than that they're well lately because sometimes you get my laser of links and then didn't boo berry is well I'll go through it we'll see what the effects look we're not like. Well or certain things I've moved back to dinner Beers and that's good we've tried to -- experimental it'd get. We get that Budweiser select and I wanted to know why didn't want that actually the ones and we got actually -- was -- wasn't -- The girl though they grow is that the daughter of the guy on both the rendering her amber recommends -- of the license as they raise them. Schools -- I I would say this -- ago with this and I like eight if you like the add Diego for this lead going -- in the raspberry and that's not touch it all right. For story -- first 10 -- This is big news this big and we we picked ones are -- covered."

" By a bunch of different stories this week but we just picked one. And the more kind go ahead and talk about it but Sony's rootkit saga continues. At thirteen 109 people dug this story submitted by a I'm just getting my rang in my back pocket not anything else -- submitted by. SATA esteem million mark for -- shot of HMOs say Russian -- refresh did it sure looks at. Talks about Sony not wanting you to uninstalled there -- software. Great read if you guys have not been picking up finance. This is this sub in turn us is internals mom -- guy. It came out. That Sony. Has been and -- installing root kits onto people's computers. When they. Bob put -- the CD's that they buy from Sony music right into a computer it -- was little light you know you want take you use the enhanced features. It's gotta you'll you know -- don't -- probably are only gets mixed review -- should turn out or -- even that -- likely to their server and give you -- tidbits about all the author in my purse on our. Whatever is you think it's cool happening. This is very uncool stuff happening basically Sony is implanting a rootkit on your system. Without your knowing -- is worsened spyware guys is like back opening back doors. On your system cool and -- this guy mark went through a but he seems really extensive stuff he."

" He did a great -- because he started off with rootkit -- I think is with the -- right he had -- has an allegation that kind of looks for these these hidden root -- and normally this is like malware -- like really really like -- almost like -- have virus -- you have really hides itself from anything else on your computer yeah and and he discovered a bunch of stuff running these is a little what what what's on my computer -- this is started digging in a little bit further in the country -- where it came from -- it turns out Sony. So Frick and -- and they're doing all kind. Kinds of weird things I think our word what you're doing with his songs of -- trying to rip yeah like what you're it's it's really shouldn't it's really super sheep."

" Anomaly that. He went through there's nothing in the -- that says any thing about Sony being authorized to install software on your computers and now. California the state of California is suing Sony over written in the entire country of Italy. Is -- I think he's a giant man to the trying to drink as fast as I can just get it down the hatch is disgusting good times. Says -- we do here will drink with friends here. For you so this is really very I mean this is crazy and like I said there were a bunch look. I like to -- even read and I did every bit number of Diggs hot stuff knowing did. I and I said submitted by. If you'd maybe I'm just."

" How in ruby and -- people I mean was the top -- 109. Where else I don't know sort of -- at a -- combine it was as I can do with like. Dead though the original wind velocity is only news I found more but the lawsuits you know all the stuff on. Another police are involved and it's crazy idea that has a list this is actually another -- for the Downey is if that's has a list of the CD's that have this. There's software installments really crazy the end user license agreement. Not many people read Douglas no matter I don't was have you read it in these who has not once everybody says yes and then the next thing -- because you figure I thought -- suffered and I'm gonna screw me. -- this is really weird things who begins and as I -- like it 00 good if you file for bankruptcy you're not allowed to you to remove your guys are rumored all of the music."

" I'm Leo how are you have if you if you file for bankruptcy. I'm really what's that. It doesn't make it says C could probably Google with you'll lose is the reason why lawyers get paid so much is -- read through all of that crap right amid but he leasing contracts and software's just like. At the end of the day and it and it even today. You know. My lawyer friend is as it. Basically all they should say is it would just be one small form it says the bank is responsible for nothing. It could -- Mike at the end of the day that's all they're doing is covering their ass from every angle angle. And -- you'd be surprised how many angles NASA has to get sent to us."

" Quite an -- if."

" But it's it's that was -- look out for an -- and links of plenty. And also a couple of stories and -- a minute profile Diggnation -- yeah I would do a couple the one but the bottom on top stories page who share alone -- stand you know whenever. Yeah so well. Crazy -- yes right next great Sony. How Sony's. I don't know I was like Sony at this point -- and -- Next story how scientists change the NBA forever or at least one week isn't really agent is a really interesting article one doesn't three of the deceased people to the -- is emitted by Carlsberg. He's is how distract the player during a free throw. And I think like free throw technique is really is normal let's do that but but -- ripped what happened is a scientist -- album. And he noticed. That speech -- need to look at the stats in the NBA back into -- look I -- every major like if NBA you -- stadium -- go into the hand -- these little things to -- in the background out of the Packers right had a clear glass every single one has let -- now I've -- for the of -- yeah. So basically everyone -- an exact same direction. -- But all -- the same time I -- all going unison at the same time and left -- right after a vision exactly you think you kind of swaying hash and they if -- let's get this right so the scientists sent email to mark -- human -- said hey this is what I'm thinking you know can do the shot he got the email and you know his course big Lincoln and guys on Clinton's grand idea online. I -- it and actually. Hired some guys are got some -- us in the cheerleading dudes or whatever. What they call two -- dudes that's really needs some had a I don't know male cheerleaders that is -- called. What books tiger was that for well what he's -- Good sense to me that. But anyway it looks -- yeah. Perhaps though this is what they did is some. They got those guys go okay left right left right they didn't end they lower the percentage."

" Laughter has made so that is are some pretty interesting. Science strikes again -- that lets. Good read."

" I was."

" dude today -- pictures sober yes we had a huge lunch so. It was that would we have the Mexican yes. Slapcast. And there was no way this is really cool very sad about this but a little scary. Ghost busters fury. 660. Look at this story submitted by -- well."

" Of course being the true name of Superman move. -- is it is simply no music if that's okay veco oil."

" Fed to new Harold ray Amos revealed -- act -- has written -- new script called ghost busters in the hell. An arraignment is keen to get the project started he tells in focus magazine he wants Ben Stiller to join. Act dried and -- in the sequel."

" Boom."

" I think about this well I've got some very strong views. I. Ben Stiller is funny at times yeah but he's got a very. A very. Stake -- him. You know I mean like when when Ben Stiller on TV you know it's been silly doing something funny."

" Rice you mannered very LA and it's not really like joking joke funny it's like I'm an awkward situation is not all Wilson funny."

" Right you turn any and I don't wasn't -- like. It's funny because he just says something he truly believe that that's what he's saying in that situation -- Ben Stiller he's he's doing funny stuff has this weird random character that you never believe his Treo. But they TV think about the original late -- you know how Paramus new good to see -- the -- him back. He's sort of big and it doesn't I don't he does not act anymore of the electoral campaign as these director now let predominantly -- does now. Let down. But like you know you look at zinc many. Are could actually be like they are fields and it really be real people so that the comedy comes from a different place on my right Zoolander where it's just like this is just. -- and crazy and random you know and I mean some a little nervous that is not gonna mention that way. But also."

" We're still mar that's you heard it like -- mare I think you're gonna take down."

" know releasing Metafile have like a falling out there have been no ads it's it's good."

" Don't go right I mean this is no come on it can be revived my hat goes clusters -- the problem is attorney replied to me."

" About. But up."

" you know any of your views on same -- go right -- Jesse blue shirt I'm not Ericsson about that but whatever completely different casts. Can't ask the heat but."

" I think it makes it's taken -- why joke about how they -- there were no I'm not saying that on this -- night I'm -- does seem like old movies well I don't know if you bring back the old -- these are the whole fresh group of like new ghostbusters. Personally trying ink. Bring a little eighties flavor back to it."

" Hash them."

" Big deal ladies and nowadays -- dad who -- that -- kind of them in the look here's the deal okay and you can make it like you know that like ray and closer Lawrence's character mean. -- recently that. So the Stanley. Someone yet. Sometimes people I don't know. Yeah yeah yeah so let's Internet this is whether we need to go live audience assuming we'll look into the ads is it a reds -- reason -- think. --"

" If they had like snack good is a ray. And kind of man like you know vegan diet yeah yeah yeah and in my -- was like ease in Bermuda I don't know because ghostbusters to had its moments. You know what they got from Ally McBeal with this Derek all in it. Was good as you on -- little painting assistant. And MC hammer was then I was a little for the body around. There's -- those hammer was it. The -- goes bust into hat handed to cool to cold the company goes buses and -- so we're US a militant I don't I have a weird sponge -- We just absorbed got a what's a movie once and all I can quote the movie -- this is -- that it's difficult to -- there's only so. I'm gonna say I I -- the nerve this. But I'm excited you know because I do I really love that franchise it's it's a shame that it didn't go that it didn't continue to go I just wish that. Bill Murray would be in an enemy and I keep me he really made -- and I would love to see you got back enemy inside an elf like Ben -- is gonna -- think he'd gone news sun maybe go."

" We'll see we'll see. I is a scripture out why we haven't it's pretty Artur -- this. A little bit yet they go get they get like they get sucked into like another dimension a narrower universe can be cool now made me. Peter Jackson directed. Dude. I would be how it is -- are you kidding me if Peter Jackson did it out -- who might have done had you forget I'm scared us the working. Things aren't -- making comments good night next article -- it AMD passes Intel has big news 1001 arguably the source nearby Sherlock. It can't do -- and acid burn. For all these city the in the like the beard. No need like a bunch of like or just use like arsenic. I usually drink orange -- but wouldn't I think they don't know how origin is sources -- data can I do grape fruits of a grapefruit that like begins to -- yeah the memorial on the freak -- window and out. Nothing -- makes people sad anyway. When doesn't want people to the stories in the by Sherlock. -- he has -- Advanced Micro Devices sold more chips. -- industry giant Intel in US retail stores in October according to a report released Tuesday by market researcher current analysis tonight in Munich and according to researcher at least I AMD. --"

" I hated the and I did -- thing I couldn't let it take it at home. There's not they don't care anymore -- start to make about the Israelis now this is this is big news though this is really cool -- that it you know being. It's time coming I mean even. Processors and Intel for quite."

" Brad equipment to -- the car has tied up activity that's as -- do you make I know it makes nose makes no evidence and I don't want to read."

" Labels that's and I don't stupid theme -- why -- you know there's think you know what this -- in the file that I have in my brain of what -- Sleeper that they get they ask me."

" Has to be like there's some guy this is a super uber geek that works in like Intel marketing. Music we shall call up the 2730 that -- Mac fourteen it's I don't know what that means is none of the globe editing and I say it's great. Dad doesn't make any sense but big news -- AMD. They're starting kicks in but how else are stuck doing do you know I don't know what they're stock Indy oh right yeah goods big charts -- condemned in -- New -- come. Quick little this is stock quotes -- and a quick little plug -- get some money for up but when. The missing other -- I'm just curious just curious isn't it can but not so. I had little to do it -- here I don't know sleeping in Telecom related to. Big huge hits for one. Thing offense like."

" If they don't know the scandal where big file a lawsuit thing yeah we're out not that -- because mad -- think it'll. But. I think you can edit really."

" When noon and my fellow her sister says. -- loss in marketshare there little -- big charts background that's it's big news new."

" The Indians present form will I -- switch -- that bit AMD president had now is the second handy add but it was just like. The year goes for Thomas whichever I don't know if it's and the effects to three the 30000 plus it's okay it's good works good. Steve I hear the boot torrent find it did you just give -- his signal -- now he didn't. I just saw the some sort of -- not like was he just. -- finder yes 2694. People that the stories submitted by a whole lot it."

" Best or inserts site search top -- it's. They're considered. Off torrent sites from one page moon that's a TS dot -- Taba dot com. The hugely effective by -- this is really cool he did was he took. All of the torrent it didn't that the current armed services like me you know. Live torrents. Parents day I -- ISO hunt. And put in a one can -- is -- you. Do a search for torrent and it'll show you the results from all the different torrent sites are just really really cool moon that's a good thing it probably half the television -- that watch a download from Torrance. -- nowadays. So it's really cool you know it's sort of like dog pile -- check it out and you think can't. Come but this search a bunch of this up like a deal lots of options right off the top of the things to use search but it's got some -- cynic. Tom it's got like this I just don't think there is no yeah I so -- pirates they knew torrents. -- reacted -- which I think was down pro level whatever it smart core role. Under the ten you add to torrents but it also has Gould a bit -- dual boot. BitTorrent -- as the official want to ever -- Leap day. That's pretty cool yet. Can you tell she. Am. Pirate kingdom by 02 Wayne's plant. -- of them but anyway so -- you sit there -- I liked it you know they got I like the results -- negative these web pages not these scenes like the different ones and them back thanks so let's get high end. Stuff. Very go to a copycat Blackburn finders. It's a little -- also piston yeah and pretend."

" Supernova. Why does not bad for you step on how -- it -- doesn't you know Jesus for data down."

" There's pirate's thing -- to put I -- eyes on him isn't. They're doing things -- yet right. Read people's first comments about the iPod in October of 2001. And these are hysterical but doesn't there -- did people did this story. This link to Mac rumors discussions started in October 2001 this minute. You mom let's consider this your --"

" Wait capitol records somebody call you might know 1000 to give by your mom well okay this must slept right through -- slapped."

" I -- and they are the the night your iPod has a releases people were saying this won't sell. And somewhere betting money on it funny read four years later they lost money this. I got that this is actually really funny. Take a look at you can drunk that this little bit. I'd take a look at the cited because at least like the first thread discussion that happen like immediately after the iPod was where at least one infinite. --"

" And it's coming up are in and slow yeah yeah okay Sosa this is like to discover leeson's it's like here's the new big product that we're waiting for writes in so so many people are paying guests. I mean if he goes through here like this they go sounds very revolutionary and you like a really upset angry they always liked them as did the mr. what was then the bad. Face was all government -- at night Amanda poison. Welcome back where kids now are nervous and pleasant."

" Not poison to contemplate and -- they didn't like good boys and oh yes and you're also given humor and get man with dead dead this early phase of that ugly face you get the stickers and you put on a bottles and they were no did you know and I think."

" Mr. your your story and how it's going to put that the Indian my -- sort of the CA."

" Went and has a lot of poison. I missed they don't there's isn't there is ha got knocked up not. Okay right well it looks like. On the finance -- you CK you have to search and the smiley face -- are -- talking about our way to get month."

" I don't mean this -- I don't beyond my goodness yup now look -- think. He's got this brainchild. Now that's a reasonable vandalizing game."

" Urban dictionary -- mom -- always the reply I can't read it here but did this when it is right here look isn't that right yes my aunt to --"

" I guess that's what this guy says -- and he does and here's an idea for Apple rather than into the world's hot. -- think -- toys in tricks like these little money and sorting out. You're crap. The server lineup this is really pissed off there's always -- like iPod will not work this will never work who cares about any -- you're there I want something new think different. So basically no I'm of the -- I'd -- I cry."

" Your dork. A transcendent music is that basically it's like pages and page Steve Jobs isn't this cool it's never been as fast or easy before me. All know."

" There's a bunch of pissed off people we love that although you -- really commented that what ended on big. What do you say about deformed thing. Is -- said okay so this -- Broadway said and all so he's quoting someone else -- a meals at all the hype for MP3 player. Breakthrough digital device. He does the reality distortion field is starting a war Steve's mind in the something easy if he thinks for 12 this is gonna take off when second and so -- I I didn't -- is is and and so it's shown that no one in the form should ever be listened to ever. Here here it's follow nonfarm people yes -- do -- but it's true because they -- performs just like rampant you know I mean it's like it's like dead."

" Telephone game gone wild the united mean merits of what -- I like I like Susie connecting you know it's like EP it's."

" Telephoned king know you like you get no get the latest -- is that I did that did you yeah."

" CN."

" It's red hair did didn't they they thought about a minute he's he's lately this is always -- who have. -- change this and -- Well that's how I keep throughout. How to keep it's when he's drunk on water right."

" Alright next story -- family guy creator Seth MacFarlane is 1995. Student film 1121 people -- the story submitted by salary. Which is latest animated now. This is set the fire -- students don't from 1995. Entitled life of Larry. The short film is full of flashbacks and scenes which would actually event he eventually end up in episodes of family guy it's also allowed. For second Seth MacFarlane is first first to break into the industry I can't talk at all today."

" This show what a student film award for -- from my Hanna Barbera."

" Who eventually hired MacFarlane does is really cool on family guy site they have like clips that stuff fox wouldn't let the matter is the official from the inside until some family eyesight yeah. And it -- shows like clips of clips that it's called co Hobbits five news as -- clips that wouldn't make it to TV. But one of the things they got is the life of Larry."

" And it's really freaking funny is it is so lake in Houston the same -- is that those are very close in the same ways as well Lois is obviously in as well. But it's like oh look this is all you in this -- and for those ride later yeah."

" So it's clearly not and that's clearly second finding new ways but Brian and the dog is there he's I'm the guy -- sounds about like Peter Peter moved the that I do like a flashback to a couple different flashes an event like -- The drive by arguments in Britain who was in a Democrat said the Star -- climate -- it was an episode. So it's -- really funny to see. That you can see I mean you can so tell where this guy is kind of brain was at the other in -- fans when whose family guy who went to -- get it released."

" Buy three years ago."

" So at three years ago we're talking like two dozen to someone that -- him to -- Bluetooth doesn't want to doesn't do it and he made the pilot in 95 that's crazy. In any and I like to block yet so clearly he had the concept for a for a long time."

" Yes up -- stuff I guess hemorrhaging that video online wait before the serious guy dude iris and that they call this Christmas the Christmas episode episode yeah."

" What I remember seeing that in college somebody other hands -- that talk about it early viral marketing you know I mean because it wasn't even just. It was like I remember our friend had but Taylor to VHS copy of it. And copied it gave me a copy -- any -- was that a physical. Sort of viral marketing instead of now it."

" The -- difference now. Let's go and kid next door the day our time. Leave yourself a secret note for the year 20/20 five who seek it 1730. Have you to let this person to -- spider. Forbes dot com we'll let you create an email tiny capsule was what they're calling it a cup does it automatically email you up to twenty years later surprise that you in the future. -- account of the protocol that it will give this aim the last warning though but."

" They said they gonna do their -- our will keep."

" Ice get -- info on -- into discontinued. Them. And."

" And I am no they say like we'll try our best to get this to you for whatever it through whatever medium five years ten years fifteen point."

" Did you like ten minutes these -- like reminding yourself for something different. It's cool though it's it's really creepy when you go there."

" I distrust in the C go to the site right in his that warm yeah it doesn't -- who's from goods to and choose like you -- a link ten years of twenty years. What could be him and his team didn't send an even longer before you send mail on cabinet. So the couple."

" And that the reason I know I went to the site has like okay."

" Because I don't know and what it what should they send it. They you know they go for an ad that says they're gonna my girlfriend -- who was really good at or Chicago to a new and I'm married."

" And you can unite honey semi -- Aha so finally -- I don't know what it'll explain what you're creating. --"

" Ha ha continue to be good don't we don't I'm not you guys you guys K implying that I will would you give you like is said he doesn't like. Your -- in your -- you know."

" I have created like you. I maybe you have -- I'm sure broken up any -- integrated about it next in it and I think."

" Kids on your arm nearly -- take that for download so clearly it. Intact yes fun little. Thing there and Forbes will be around so we know that certain yes we know that for a fact -- from."

" So real photos of Hong Kong's your."

" And architecture this is actually quite weird. 70990. Able to of the stories submitted by crummy TS architecture of density. An exhibition of large scale color to the photographs by Michael -- reveals that sheer density. Of living in Hong Kong you have to check these. Pictures out it's. I'm not believable that people. That this is out of the city is laid out I mean senate is they're basically. Really. High quality images of like. Apartment complicate that. The business of apartment complexes and Hong Kong that are like these halt. Like honeycomb -- the department cluster -- Bluetooth looking -- stuff at it will make good. Feel like we're in the -- in Blake you know if you 1984. United mean and I mean the year I mean and book."

" It's it's I mean senate although it wires and stuff I think basically the its its -- sky scrapers is we've received a giant sky every huge apartment likes it she's. Condensed look at this they look like they're about like each house is about like a ten by ten box -- just. Packed together that it is people's clothes hanging out over the outside the windows air conditioning units but this is healthy for people."

" Well bird --"

" Ireland implement them whereas -- a corporate lose it's around there. -- I mean talk about feeling like completely non unique yeah I mean I just one of the big days they had us on other things it's like 94 and a couple of those you know mom. -- fine kind of things of losing your identity and in Timberlake eat you know it's like I okay I live in an apartment."

" You know any and I was just like that when they -- that's and the blue many Frick an apartment and in this you never see apart accomplices like this and you can't be you know what you see crap that's happening just like this it may not be like -- apartment complexes but."

" Drive around -- they know I know yeah like house after house that does is like standout exact and I say yeah I can't do that couldn't that are house yeah it's just for you I can't allies that that's that's how you doing your own house who would. I think that went the way of the go go my friend Hank gets it that -- that's like eventually rally in deficit is like just like go up or again."

" Find itself -- plot lands -- streamers through."

" You salmon from time. But this like it was apart -- that the summer her bent to move my head like a little what they -- dogleg or something like that -- Still this log cabin design it himself as a huge property and that there's only one. Only -- guest bathroom. Has no view of the calendar that's whom every -- bill does and every single room and house except for biking guest bathroom. As a view of the Potomac river committee dissenting clicking on that atoms pentagon. And so -- do it's vacation moment. That's what. --"

" Sure maybe a high speed Internet but you got to meet you got mediator Diego I know and now as of the times that eventually the high speed and it will be up their by the time. It's wireless. So like Google then Google. Guy and."

" That's it writes well we actually get through I equate to concisely we've got one thing -- mention has upgrades hosting plans. After just 335 a month you can get five gigabytes of disk space. 250. Gigabytes -- with. 500 email accounts of friends your neighbors yes. Everybody wants an image and Ross county not have any doubt. It can have an answer you can get things such as forms blogs for the dollars and much more -- of these no annual commitment. And -- support is available 247. So 395 a month did you want to get 10% off of any order or the even the three and 51 use the code Kevin key."

" In your cart and check out I guess that's good jobs we liked them because they date and keep us going. Also we should mention creates point four. We're any cat union next week so we're gonna shoot Diggnation Friday November 18 at 10:30 AM. In Chattanooga Tennessee -- And one of the things that -- that got to create my -- mention was that they actually have a few more spots open. For teens who -- peace doughnuts in the web design Europe is like."

" I'm telling the caller pretty doable let the now for Clinton now be normal yeah. I mean we deal like the laughing sector bank and good what is Karen I salute but that Helen that and you print that had no really globally were drinking and down."

" There's some XML. Yeah. We'll be -- got a tax. So anyway -- they want us to tell you that they also a big moves in the the extended the online registration deadlines of the sixteenth. They keep it close but then now we keep talking and -- of -- like which extend -- the people who orange in becoming a team and coming -- and then listening come -- CS they've been set us up and Mike is huge auditory down where it have like a whole bunch of stuff really. -- There's a bunch in the book on and I did -- we got a lot of emails the Diggnation vans that are I gotta go I don't know up and it's. -- my -- relics who is a guy hosts slack. On at -- radio which is I -- is radio show which are now doing with Joshua rent out. Oh really yeah max's lap to go home whenever you Q4 -- from -- screens every -- day used to run the Lan party it's consumers. He's a big proponent terrorist act itself that's will be there would reduce together but anyway he's -- my Michigan where he is."

" You're driving down to go to him yeah any dozen Beers and I -- so yet here and now."

" Come and a female mouse so this first one is from a guy named Sean Ferguson and in Scotland. Which I have to comes Collins John. So -- I've never been oh yeah and noticed Alan an awesome I know all Scotland's me yeah I'd taken a vacation for like a year. So he says hey guys sitting here watching episode eighteen a my iBook and after. Exit nineteen on my iBook after a hard day's work. I'm enjoying the lovely -- blogger. He didn't get it over in the US -- track what titles have been -- Harlan Meier. That aside Kevin really need never seems to be able to pour beer -- did quite well today that in my because he said the seem -- of an -- A little -- to help you porn technique what the glass which is just never heard that before you tipped it at a 37 degree angle very specific English test that out whether 36 and 35. The problem was Laura we're gonna go ahead -- first disorder decent chance that have a huge head at first only. He says I feel that when you -- such a huge head I think it affects the taste the beer which I would agree -- And then he said a couple of things randomly just does. See going all off topic and rambling that that's not -- land. Diggnation episodes because that's how we roll. Yes yes so I think Sean."

" I love that and comments I didn't do the tip thing for talking well everybody knows that kids is that we would -- drink beforehand they don't care and -- for -- in. They don't get you know the best way."

" What the glass through the freezer."

" I -- first."

" It I want my I mean I just prefer that would like an icy muggers and like them -- you're saying but that's important to have some out port. That's true. Yeah I mean can somebody else -- bear no big Leo head don't. Tell -- that may end up yet now this one I have to say it. We pull this out in box you gotta -- something -- just have to be written do you think this is real. I."

" Don't know I don't know I'm."

" Does say I think so to look at the the -- you know -- that's from that's very that's a very -- you know address yes I guess so Renee. To say last things I savored the kiss of -- lot of sorry John for his sense that I. At least I didn't really got your email address edited that poured over them -- in his his -- sick. Rid -- and email says love the show. She says hey guys. I am one of your female listeners I just wanted to say how much a lot of shall we do because you don't know what I'm and we have -- there are portion America percentage aren't viewer what -- zero. Zero there's and I think this is the one this is no we have another one it was like tabulated contingent. We've got a few MySpace they've gotten some girl MySpace. In my -- yeah that's growing things and buttons and there. Go home but -- next one next paragraph. I don't other podcasts the podcasts in the video version of Diggnation. I listen to the podcast at the gym -- nice the video version. I always seem to watch in my computer in short segments during the week long getting ready for work or ready for bad."

" And chasing started did a little game just think continued it would get so far it still believable eight and an accurate yes consistent."

" that's such. Getting -- gourmet dinner for work I always seem to be watching you while in my bra and panties. -- even that much."

" I didn't mean that black thing Keith."

" I know you don't know me but I feel like I have this intimate relationship. With the bulk of users have always half naked when your faces are on my computer."

" I'm glad she's sitting computer who --"

" This so get those who don't like that. Yeah in the deer and well it -- thinks that they got out can exist he's he's. C'mon -- it's anyway and last last paragraph shall love the show you for the great work until we see the new stuff in store with them in the coming months."

" Well thank you Renee -- thanks for that clearly if you are a woman which I'm hoping you are."

" Is so be uncomfortable."

" We appreciate it but we appreciate it does it really -- when they hear from our fans can I was good to. Back the feedback left."

" And that that is its constituents and people got -- yes photos well corporation -- you I don't photos of -- and I where I'm sure she enjoyed and how are usually you want something both changed -- is back thank you know eloquent a broom and look. Well obviously can't I know I was mentally I keep I was asking for photos of her naked. I just want it I just wanted like a photo of her like okay that's her head shots. Send us ferret out I guess because of course random women have had shot its. Moving on that's right so all one and there are about to got a couple twin or about W girls or people. By -- was a top stories data comes last top stories. That's a -- up bunches of other stories that we didn't have time to guess what we had done by Xanadu want to check out the stories we've covered in today's episode -- subs who."

" Previous that's up to my previous client subsequent."

" And it is definitely committed any of these shows that we've ever done or ever may -- do you know."

" Dig that -- Jesus slash Diggnation in -- can follow along to the things it didn't happen and I."

" Let the nation -- estimation that's resentment in the nation's."

" destinations yeah I whatever it is an out and is not at first I think that this is slick and it is then well welcome. And please keep watching."

" And said pictures. -- put up. But also you want to check out this are is that we've been digging through the week you know also that in my profile I slash users slash Alex Albrecht war's last -- us. That's it for the student Diggnation thank you so much for listening and Xena. Time I'm Alex Albrecht. From Kevin Rose and -- I stuff laminate them."

" I can see me okay now. Yeah gentle."

" It's. I had them and it's. Just it's. On his -- his -- I'm a button and it's related -- and they can't figure -- Like -- that we are sampling a higher bodily functions ladies catch phrases. -- Yes do it again and again."

" Onside is that his --"

" As I know somebody betacast that I was it's. If in the old days it okay mega drive and I'll drink per episode the shadow -- we have we got."

" I'm gonna dig -- episode number one I'm out."