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February 2, 2006

Thursday, February 2nd, 2006 – running time 50:00
45Mbps to our homes, Wikipedia blocks United States Congress IP addresses, Starforce reports boing boing to the FBI, Why you shouldn't uncap your internet connection, Bill Gates too rich for tax computer to handle, Harrison Ford on Indiana Jones 4, Girls encrypted USB stick locks parents out.

Ryan Gosling ( 40:53, 40:53 ) Harrison Ford ( 40:08, 40:59, 40:08, 40:59 ) Justin Timberlake ( 40:29, 40:29 ) Indiana Jones ( 40:00, 40:00 ) Ryan Gosling ( 40:53, 40:53 ) Harrison Ford ( 40:08, 40:59, 40:08, 40:59 ) Justin Timberlake ( 40:29, 40:29 ) Indiana Jones ( 40:00, 40:00 )

Automatically Generated Transcript(may not be 100% accurate) ( more )

" This week's edition of Diggnation brought to you by and cash -- out there what -- Florida."

" The times have changed."

" And welcome to Diggnation."

" For the better."

" Well the -- episode number thirty he'll get those knocked out Diggnation of course covers some of the top stories on these social and bookmark site."

" When the truth is it is socially bookmark site is accurate simpler I what I have written outskirts delusional unions. We are thinking we -- Francisco get these moves the direction of the cow yes we -- getting -- you the paled Akram was sort of boring hit but we have handles the back and now we just to spice it up. You can easily consume anything that can zoom in Canada again and we did that because he flies too hot yes he alone now. But hot holiday episode was it was quite who's kind of sentence that was that hot Urbina."

" Still -- years we were fortunate enough we're gonna do this we talked about last weekend in top vote lower Reno richer. Snowboard and Prager was -- graciously -- and reconnaissance. And these guys from silver. Gave us these she I enormous. He's appeared and these are called -- dollars which large African like. --"

" Who -- ban the use they at first saw this coming and I thought it stands -- them and -- this though the logos like -- it's pretty sure this is -- hits the ground now but because there's like it's time well that's. As -- there isn't noises something."

" I have -- I had suggesting that's."

" Kaiser's my has little -- and -- Is -- is this -- PIP. As the weeks."

" So it's gonna over the term. Problem is that -- can reboot. Solomon."

" It's all over the there's one -- kindred and did not hear and -- was here out. Isn't and is here he's been complaining about. So yes I solidity in top posts -- not quite sure where but. Since. This. Bytes. That's going to be directed at you like EPA. And that's that's it yeah. Like that'll it is and has been a sponsor. Which -- did this existence this mean your other electric. -- better share them with this one we. -- Yeah you like this week can be undone all kinds of and I began believes it is is it anyway. Long story short terror if you head over to visit Reno Tahoe dot com slash dig nation. We're gonna put a lot more information it we're gonna shoot the show live from the slopes. -- Thursday march 23. All that's right there's my point that the card game. So what's happened is where we're nicer idea but they're putting their gonna put together packages you can actually buy a package deal fly out lifting its places day. Thursday she Diggnation -- all they obviously Friday some wearing all day or scheme -- but -- And then Friday night and try to set up with one casinos and actual text -- all the big should that would he -- how awesome is that I don't sort of you know we planned pregnancy and company card and some money -- even on Saturday possibly -- It's gonna -- freaking Diggnation weekend it's huge and easy late this site it's crazy Apple information you there it -- to download movies and believe some competition. Contest might be coming up but can't it much about it but that means maybe. Chips. Chips for -- to. To top as well look you've got information back and that's visit top Reno Tahoe the top dot com slash. Diggnation there will be -- gonna have gone."

" The -- to get like just a big pack of geeks on the hill. And -- somebody's not answer your -- really stuff. Does the man has a few times like doing is slam down like in just you can't do the asteroid twenty minutes yes yes that is happening. Out plus that would animate them that -- and -- is it I've broken collarbone twice some."

" Both in the same place. That's no good."

" Now it was fun. An important -- I woke up like that. Trapped now I'd like that are not yet person but I like Johnson Michael rails is the fact that ailing aroused -- found. A our -- it's not good to have gone for a patent on its in the two years I mean it's not. It's look at a Mike Garrett -- worry us that -- in the vertigo as you don't. The show yes -- do it that's due. First story today this is get one why you shouldn't and -- your Internet connection 1567. People but the story submitted by storm -- zero pieces in 2000 Q thirteen residents. Of Toledo Ohio had their homes searched and electronics confiscated by the FBI after it was cover they had and -- their cable connections seven residences. Faced -- degree felony charges punishable by one year prison the charges were eventually dropped. But is the extra speed really worth a visit from the FBI so here's a everybody is -- a little bit DS double but. If you have a cable modem there are certain ways there's certain hacks out there for certain models of cable modem. That you can go in and open up modifications -- open and select you know you normally get like 45 megabit down six whenever. These guys is that here that they it basically altered is that they altered his motive to handle 100 megabit per second up and down. That's for a -- he. -- But it's -- problem. Yes that's true I mean he would mean if you do a hundred mega bits -- and rate -- and also you open up BitTorrent. Call somebody's gonna notice what -- is that it was oh. So it's right now. -- during the undisputed and so they're gonna notice that something is going bare with go yeah I have I -- I am human --"

" But anyway he has the -- to -- bought -- that -- It's. Thanks to -- But the real. I didn't use --"

" But anyway he's got it is."

" He likes his race it was extremely sensitive -- and literally he got you know from its -- the site com."

" You seem to be pushing it in large amount of data back and forth per month those that you said that it was like a warning."

" No no he just said. Yes that's funny act prost is feisty because like oh my god what's going on -- sigh. Okay and then it turned off the flak for his account."

" They were like okay we just wanted enough right we want to make sure what the problem is absolutely using his."

" Right right but -- yet its artists it they still agrees. Would you would you go in and captive if it was so you could double -- triplets. What is fast enough. I mean it ethnic out of not to probably try well let's try it gives us -- specialized software things like it's flashing like a raw or something I -- do is click flattened it out -- you restored. By. But yeah I mean I'm might do it once and then -- download a cracked tonne of stuff. And then put it back you need is definitely think it's that is like in his sleep at night you know 2 o'clock in the and all that and that there is downloaded into Gigabit supports its a it's nice they didn't receive any jail time so yes and ideas. Everybody was happy well. Next next door start force reports Boingboing into the FB side of Sydney. 1880 of that story submitted by Troy Google's seven star force the copy protection provider which is do you spies by all game fans and allegedly screws up computers is threatening to call the feds on blank line. -- over the proposed that they've made supposedly they're blog post broke. You -- international laws and they were being contacted by there. US. So who was the was escorted posted and yes probably yes Cory Cory said you know like outlook being suited. Settings that says like you know is coming so let's start force puts. It. It puts on a copy protection for a lot of -- to basically do you know sort of like locked on the games cotton -- but. You know these guys cognizant that a lot of people having problems -- it install the games and that computer crash but not because of the game software because of these -- force. Incident -- around the other no he just at the this -- I don't do it wouldn't eleven international suppose that laws that were broad you know the music is this the emails he gets from Dennis does it -- It -- the and he says you know by you know calling it Star Wars anti copying not malware is enough to cause us to press charges. Eric -- of the coast and then it says because it's full of insults lies false accusations and rumors. Your article violates approximately eleven international -- not disclosed and then it it is. Our US lawyer with no space between you and it and I will contact you shortly and it says I've also contacted the FBI what you are doing he's harassment. Which I for free told free speech and how about the truth about heat map yeah. And everybody's they yeah and now -- and it updates and -- it like. That is what crises down at that you response I have. Amended by regional post right. And -- due to the chilling effect project as part of a permanent record of abusive attempts by companies to sign on immigrants so I guess I never heard chilling effect project to project where people who. Having getting seated in getting -- just because a criticize them online. Then that's going up but video update it looks like this is the first time mr. zip lost skiers it -- has sent threatening threats to critics of his company check out this email he sent -- Which opens. Dear senator. Now this is really think this starts dear sir Colin star forward -- are forced anti spyware copying now where anti not copying malware is good enough. To cause me oppressors here it says eraser colleagues are -- Florio's -- kicks like Sasser virus is good enough to cause to press charges. It's the same now like no other crappy company that's his reminder to say stopped -- back up."

" Just one of those things where you EU. This is this is something that this person's tasks to do. They realize that there's a lot of bad press going around they realize is a lot blog post is -- people pockets yet they don't fix your product well. Stating that CD that's what -- what people mean they they says they Haiti's you know lawyers sit down and read send emails being published Rubicam that this complete."

" At the PlayStation 3. Is gonna have this crazy."

" DR ram. I know that is going to force you to play only news. So I have three is where I put."

" License. It's it's a false rumor is a --"

" We want you play games -- you've played just like I play. Whatever is around 10000 -- on my PlayStation 3. You can't use it on your PlayStation 3 because they want to cripple the I'm pretty recent -- Because Sony is getting mad at the resale market is taking over for a lot of suck this one obviously gaming can get hold of fifty people."

" it's like it's for online play but obviously can't do that with computers are connected here. Because you've put in the machine -- ignited back to Sony and let them know that it hasn't been used before."

" Yankees issue but again as he was. Just I expect tonight of free online service and you're sort with it -- of -- which has expertise on screen --"

" Frog popular solutions like it looked at us we have topical or -- anyway. I expect to sixteen you ordered ordered it you ordered it because he's honest let's it was -- would -- let's go. So it's and spartans there was there was Xbox-360 tracker dot com but as part of been. -- go to that site in they're constantly updating the list of all -- of viewers on the sports music and like I -- and you've got everything 900 dollars. I just -- safety."

" 64. Might work I mean I wasn't this phenomenon is like I -- like -- Winston -- think this is freaking high yet though. You -- because it was a gift from your grow from blah at. So Alex is like you know you should really get -- now I -- on -- how to Greenstock yes it I was really lucky dude you rock out like god I and it -- like -- boxers that's lot of money but you know what I really want one anyway. Let's do it side is -- went on their body doesn't like the next day you I -- ordered -- Thursday morning I got it."

" Friday."

" Which is -- Off all economic two days later I'd -- on Xbox Live now and itself for in the high delegate fight night fight night 30 hi. Unbelievable amount of --"

" And I say."

" Or is it one thing about as real quick I'm not a huge writers at the end of the desktop operating system or anything else they view. But I'll tell you the Xbox 360s really well done in the new system. The gambling of teams. Just the able to jump back to the dashboard in any given time. The that cool like wireless remote this this is so cool because -- circle because when you turn on the Xbox. It sits is the breaking communication between the wireless like in the -- of the -- as little as just if you're off to ever have to worry about audit and control are majoring in Houston is -- there's sparked India."

" And you can turn off on Xbox from Detroit postage and graphic element but it's it's like it's a very well done and you -- yet you can jump onto the desktop without -- used to be -- to get to the desktop right. But the thing is that the desktop is is critter how to do but it is running on a completely different system like you when he came is load it. You can hit that middle -- C people who are on Xbox Live in any game it's just the great schools --"

" Everything is as well time now it's like it really is a good system anyway I love -- yes so anyway so we're not sure about the PlayStation 3 but now there's and in the rumors that there was a story with the -- through I know it's not everybody is about the answer that kind guests is written has been through them and yes so that was. But -- with the rumored that negative rumors that was out there now it's sort of -- thousand dollars."

" You know they needed the need to know -- and I can't Apple think need to put a you laid out there's some -- demo and have them in anyway moving on -- story. Girls encrypted USB stick locks parents out of diary an innocent messenger 940 packet to the stores and the like Tyson HY. Is that -- thought safe is encrypted USB stick with its own version of the missing messenger as marketing young girls who want to keep that private diary and keep their parents and others -- spying on their control or or controlling their -- and activities."

" Still my first thought is then there's no stopping and getting into an enlisted on on affair with somebody -- 37 and being that."

" Yes they're true. -- have you but the thing."

" It in front of it looks like a little kind of compact like a little lipstick case like the way it's like a little USB lipstick over -- it is cool."

" What it's not that --"

" School or chemical like little thing go and."

" The acted diary sort of -- no I'm not a big I mean I'm. Just -- all the bad stuff that you hear about girls online like little girls got. -- I think you're being my kids and in my case -- at that dateline thing. Currently my apologies to my goodness and they literally pretend you like. Kids you -- I am you that this is is you. The host David I think at this Catholic but they pretend to be I had to be kids and they asked people to meet -- house."

" You know offered."

" And that unity currently raking in thirty people want okay what thirty freaking got one -- teacher ones like psychiatry as well as in Britain for charity. Do it was not it was not so they're pulling and right. The cut out of guys not kinda they weren't attacked a little Red Hat and the secret and with only one of them got arrested."

" They showed the -- out we can't arrest one. That's crazy and that's the first not pretty cool idea the data -- it's just the luckiest man and I don't know where they'll even all the things like their -- it like it's like. This is that if the if from dead. From the girls to talk to the people online that's an odd thing is that it can't ignore it and see what they're attacked the problem."

" On this like let's say you know. You have a young daughter or son that is is chatting online and they have all -- in its did not missile devices they can take anywhere they want to write and then the parents have like no way to get access to -- basically they they could tonight it's all encrypted that have to like. It just seems like a -- for like diary keeping things I love that stuff but it's something's going wrong yeah the parent should have the ability to override all that include in their somehow and I don't think to have that -- with in this case well we can't inaugural line. -- what I could be good for. You don't like you know the Brothers and sisters with media that's cool it was a little password things and made him look in my diary like happened. But I think we think it. Encrypting is it's pretty cool."

" Fifth how we talk and a little automatic I was tired and it's really a nation where. How far out of the hall so that is to do that -- valuable -- billion UK DUI and that's why I don't think it's working is there is yes. We need to be ignorant like ask god is now being led by a child pornography is rampant rumor. And it's relay. The bears get access them."

" And here is really good I was a little worried I told you at doctors was somehow like it doesn't look this shady percent and actually you know it just it came the weird containers -- just keep going I think the Rogen. Would have risen patrol was clear rules canceled."

" now."

" Plug into his. Cabinet just like you know is letting -- letting -- wasn't that ago."

" Are you aren't you."

" You know personal attributed that somebody you could --"

" If -- if they're good. He does tightly name and Google to detect indeed have figured out well as my picture comes up. A Catholic and if they anybody else to do that to the picture normally doesn't pop music and wonder why and I know. Google congress now that people type that it day in someone's name to go directly to images to look for that person. They learn it on Matt and and now they're automatically displaying its not go to Google tentative agencies picture like about that tainted it ain't that. --"

" grateful that's it sorry about this is cool and obviously you couldn't you know. That it. There is it back. That is -- forbidden pictures. And then expect start 'cause of me. Is it okay good -- spring. Wikipedia blocks United States congress IP -- is this is really cool. 200 and now. 2002. Dozen candidate people that this person to -- button. Wikipedia has recently blocked a range of IP addresses belonging to the United States congress. Due to staffers who had been engaging in revert wars. Regarding content associated with frequent politicians and the RFC. Was started to centralize and that discussion on the violation. A Wikipedia policies and alleged libelous behavior so what's happened is that -- actually congress staffers. Are going in and pulling -- Adam curry. Changing. --"

" Contrary to didn't that we can't look at that that's called now the -- were -- Atlantic -- and very."

" This of the -- in Poland Hungary and it's changing around like you know. Whether the senator from Colorado it you know he likes attach dogs you know content. And the right thing that he now and putting in the know they're riding in -- and in the person changes anything goes and gets now that's it would become the thing that -- that's the reaper regulators can change it back aboard. As a Wikipedia finally says right congressman. No more access from IP addresses from in the united it's time that's good how awesome that's -- lots. Well first up -- rappers to have a -- battle on the and the."

" Yeah editors and editors I know as well as zoom into Puget. But did you know Wikipedia is awesome for as much -- is they get. I think get a lot of crap from people like water it's like you know that they act -- there inaccurate it's like trying their best they have this huge like human powered. On my dictionary it's free and working in Atlanta it's very accurate yeah. -- I really like what they're doing."

" I -- you until you're on there on. Your. And that is what I'm -- you. Instantly -- well. My hands on that it but -- that's -- I absolutely agree Pittsburgh. This. But yeah -- level Wikipedia's. One you're right it's completely ambitious project. Because I look like on on an online that you know free. And it's also user sort of -- and have their staff that restaurant at the top of the most part it's the masses out that there but I also I also love the -- that these congressman I'm you know. And a huge fan of politics -- here. -- I'm but my dad he's been -- and hearing his stories and seen what actions on the news it's so funny how wrong we get. Like it's just a bunch deeds unity unity -- the bunch of people thought. I mean blank. He sat -- prankster they would play and in this in the Senate and -- Jokes that they would make out in my Al Ted you know all these different should be killed each since. -- to hearing his stories about -- on that on Capitol Hill. It's a completely different world that you think it yeah and that it's just a bunch of people hang out and try to do it. Via unity and like on the news not so I I eat pop. Negroponte. I have it at eight."

" I got a fair way on my -- he's here but down. But it's really funny. I don't know if you back. Ha -- and gestured. Next story mapping veins as a human bar code 300 sensitive to this story submitted by. Connects in 2006. And the reason I and that -- was actually just. That today -- a really good story because. It's as in the justice is small medical supply company called. Latex has developed a new method upon reading that hosts will rivals in the fingerprint and retina. It's hot. Now and I'm here let me do it again. And Internet and that address the stands as the perfect way to identify individuals the technology is based on an inference and of the blood cells running through the themes which has analyzed by computer. This is freaking crazy. Yes so this I'd stick your arm in this machine in it will pop up. -- you'd ever that they complex -- now I stick my main -- you know you put your arm -- in it -- you that you can tell based on like -- unique to you and you know what's going on that it. You know what's going on. We're gonna say I do -- biometrics is it's I think it's a very unique way it and giving users. And that should be out sometime soon but."

" Is like this keyboard. It's yeah -- it will never -- dude I you know I mean its its its its."

" walk a bus like flexible with -- entering a good first up with how greatly and he became it was like this page. I think it's gonna."

" Because the wounded. Knowing anything we can reorder the electorate now not it's like forget you know yeah I haven't and a -- a -- that -- Jupiter rookie of what it is -- like keyboards is like."

" If you wait to hear it utilities like about the good keyboard is I."

" Has a good filter."

" You. Both screens it's like oh I think it'll like that your fingers and -- you're you'd have to lie you know me."

" To have I have -- The site techie side to -- it mountains users. Jurors can majestic keyboard keypad lights -- yes yes designate him. It's you know the functionality that they sell is like an ambulance company on or off. 34 different things off and on the iron rocket Fox's house there's like this it's almost like."

" The old cars back in the ninety's -- now is that does your keyboard with. It's what he does it off so it's. Mikey no it doesn't matter anymore did -- with me on in the computers anymore."

" Why don't put in my computer's. There but it's but -- Sudan it's a -- it it feels good. I mean my keyboard so densely packed to respond sexually. To get an -- I see them. --"

" At home and aunts. To near humor that as. Oh my that's -- which I bumped into. Tom package in time oh -- from yeah. He's decently they'll. He did it was the chairman and editor from from the shadows of the popular yet and yet but it cast in it is not Antonin not -- go into dark and yet you went."

" But he he came back from parents and if that it."

" Give me yeah and reel -- brought back moonshine from parents. -- awesome government and answer which it. -- Yeah I get well -- what you don't do that illegal. Cynical here is there a legal."

" It's not -- papers that."

" At that absent lot acts and you."

" Yes it kind of like a week ago and the stuff from like kind policy that is that the thing you put like the ice -- each of you light it yes I never had that -- its its willingness to -- it's like it's like liquid pot hole it's not that it doesn't have a -- like effect it's like."

" I don't and this."

" Oath so I went to this party like -- suggest is gonna be off -- this is really really weird yeah how do really quickly. So which baskets to the story how firm in the know juvenile stuff anyway I would its order book it would police. Apart. And now. So there is these news couple girls of the -- and like India was in there as a dance like do rule of politics and -- follow up -- and rule city. Feel like they're heroes for want an upside Ocalan website on this -- guys where's Staten ball volume as the netcam yes. -- like you it is part -- like it's gonna party. So the four of us to go off and there's like three -- the guys do is there for the guys -- that we use it again in a week. Yeah exactly that's exactly they're like. -- into goth it was this part of Internet to be like little private partners -- people there. I like knowledgeably as you'd like that absent from Spain were like is -- bulletin it's like I'm like. Heard this before but what is it exactly school's part alcohol. But there's like this worm that worm what this and hat and the like so you know you try this we'll do that with a crazy as a arguments right when -- Just like your standard -- like kind of -- types. I mean it's mostly alcohol and from what I've read online it's like the storm will hit -- with police. That's what it's not that it's in mind altering drug it's that easy it's actually poisoned. And that's why it's not legal in the US says Robert. Yes so anyway it. I drink the poison and that I. Like -- I think that pretty cool I just like -- it happens in the likes to listen we'd like junker. No causality a few Beers yeah. After that you know that was just like it was one of the things -- and they are watching right. Sex in the city or something doesn't watching and so like I was really weird as the details get in here because I. -- There's really no big difference that. But you know it -- well it could -- in my feet you know constant sounds like they selling fake absent immediately."

" Now and I -- thousand dollars. Where did that can confront -- Google I. Think you're acting -- Bar code itself lags and -- is it a bit why -- we actually get story. Which -- damage. That's been was -- a budget stuff and -- but whatever we've all paid for forty megabytes a second to our own now demand it. 37. All 3170. -- that this story submitted by. US telcos have ripped us off they've promised the people of the US fiber to the curb. And because of that they were hurt. They've got all kinds of rate increases approved rates from the government it's time that we demand -- and I had no ID this is the heroic externally and I had absolutely no. Idea that this was true but what happened was. This actually added. 1000000200. Dollar -- dollar scandal that they have got tax breaks and states eased up. It out the baby bells Verizon it's SBC. BellSouth. Cool quest all the people have received over 200 billion dollars to get us Q 45 megabit a second. Up and down right from and they said back -- back in 1990. So what was his book just got put out all about this is the -- me right and what happened was back in 1990 -- you know."

" Quayle and gore do. If -- crop Clinton -- you're saying like I mean you aren't musical interests of -- Saturday you're right they had started this thing where they signed a deal that said. By 2006. 86 million homes will have fiber to courier. It'll be accessible by whoever pays its taxes and going to happen. They said that they've now had in this it's coming down to roughly 2000 dollars per person in the US per taxpayer US. That they've put in over the years and they said."

" Zero people have 45 megabytes --"

" Teeter back so is it gonna be some kind of like lawsuit filed their business and he just says that this is happening in popular starting to kind of figure out what's going on it like. They've got all sorts of crazy stuff is slated to be -- to -- related to the story it's exactly as NBC broad and bright it is well. Hasn't that we do not right now we do that so what happened was. Yet SBC Verizon BellSouth and qwest made commitments to rewire America state by state in nineteen."

" And they re wired zero will you know I have to say."

" That Verizon is doing some fiber to the they get -- 200 billion dollars over until -- eighteen years at last I heard I mean we were looking at number they have this whole."

" We're rollout -- did we're talking like New Jersey you're Delaware's so they pick like one small little so the idea is one part though is well. Yeah I never liked it is it was -- you. Four blocks -- directional --"

" It's not even do that -- mean like lightning -- I'm almost tempted history -- on but who wants to tell but the telephone. They can walk up there it. Who wants."

" All of them who that -- the whole companies."

" Like it because that's obviously got some sort of governments. Like well I'm glad the right to fight -- fight myself I mean obviously they can and captains cable modems and then push it to a hundred million bits and hopefully nobody came in kept ever writes for gaming listening you would not gonna get now. Question well yeah."

" We'll have to in some happens I think -- is awesome coming we got a decent because the end of the day."

" You know high speed and that 01 up for our for what we do. Internet based video. Bandwidth is the last thing and it's starting to get to a point where most people have brought him pretty much it ridiculous to us residents of the few people really -- that. -- elect. Me three days to hear that. And things. First of them and healthy people at that really and come a couples and violence counseling him. Your friend I was on dial up until I met -- up that's bush as -- that's just kind of public checking him it is. Alastair an immediate question. Well I think there's a few people like that."

" The email system. -- the -- is either yes let's do it have a story one three actually -- Bill Gates to which were streak one now without the last one. It's not elaborate yeah. -- it's too rich for attacks computer to handle 1000 there probably disbursement by Grande valley one. Microsoft founder Bill Gates the world's richest man said the tax office in the US fastest or financial data on -- special computer. Because his fortune is so vast. You wouldn't hear him but that is freaking awesome. And it's less so I was loved it makes so much money that they need a separate computer and how it hasn't let that it's it's it's I'm constantly getting these notices telling me that. I haven't paid for something what it's really just on the wrong computer."

" I think it."

" Well guys yeah late Bill Gates needs -- tax as these he said gates' fortune is put at 47. Million dollars hall."

" Yeah rules which has been heard reports and he's also one of the most -- generous and he gives us over there is the bill --"

" What yeah he's -- it's it's really crazy because I reckon I mean yeah well here's the question. Was rules which is man. Like you -- right. You get gates and jobs and sort of like started back Sony's are really sort of like it was like gates and gates John Wozniak was -- any kind amateurs and two -- every. But it's like beat goes of the two people that are kind of like. This sort of innovators. In our in our. Technologies. That who's gonna take -- the Google rather have a Google's sort of like what the -- lubricant."

" I think it's not my relatives. Does this you know it might take up -- take up the big challenge would be see him into it because -- and we -- do for really good technical break your you know seriously because what what ever Google is whatever but it's not Google's not Mac."

" You know I mean Google never reminders -- my name."

" Nobody wants to Google acts as much liquidity."

" Nobody wants a hula discovering know what it's gonna look how it -- duty at the latest cool video thanking her attorney community -- gonna -- a box. It. That even at the conference you could if if -- collegiate."

" And yes -- mean like who who can take up the fight you know from."

" I don't know man there's today you know I don't think it's of those things where it could be that someone out of nowhere I think you know it's it's underneath bill -- little -- training them now."

" Yeah I'd love to see you practice he says until you show me how good these are so awesome video editing anti the difference but I -- bad. At them like voters -- this book and also gates is really fun gates loves and find out what video witnesses."

" Strange you know his team which it was chosen to. Act out now called my --"

" The original -- original. After he runs Apple's hardware out there that makes shrink wrapped like no he does nine more than. There's more."

" The two I should ask. What I. It's good it's like well I think aliens that is that you like stuff in the box in. Italy. That's last sort of not how supposed to be all right okay so Bill Gates apprentice fifteen yes that -- Okay just in fact and it needed. Is it. On Indiana Jones 41400. 89. Harrison Ford says he's in the best shape of his life he's prepared and eager to move forward with you. Force why it's. Yes and that you'll he's in his description that it won't let --"

" Four. So it's out of this movie mean we all remember the loss today is episode where I."

" Says about the -- Justin Timberlake being in an entirely upon somebody in the face. And that somebody was this poor woman was walking by adds that it I hope they don't have to I'll just one. I literally go in -- protest. I would start like corporations. -- protest in -- or I would be there with you I think I'll wear it I have somewhere and you we are we should start my day not anybody but I mean Ryan Gosling I don't care. Anybody but just -- That said. So Harrison Ford says he's invested at night the deal is that people were worried. People weren't an old guy who's gonna let me is mice and he's gonna do love funds -- it and I want Indy back in wartime we don't you like the little room. You bet you candidate wit and he wants the -- so let's give it to. That's woody and I thought drinking and good stress that I want and that's out there for everybody that -- is you can. That -- real one yeah is mostly Africans the pinnacle. -- She got up busy -- keep topping. One of them it's Clinton. It was people were worried that he was gonna be like the guy whose teeth --"

" do get the snakes and picnic in daylight to reward it's the -- look here's what you on the."

" Yeah it was like quagmire. That. And as I get the bug that and that's it. In the coming up crap like that up -- that he's being. Watch. Firewall or you know spam. Blocker couldn't open it. -- Did you think is really didn't. -- got it is. Cisco firewall. That lately he's like you know jumping over here you rock."

" Yeah we're done now look at emails emails so that you -- so first up we decided it would consider doing something every week. And that is gonna featured a picture. One of our fans wearing -- relationship right so if you wanna get the nature which we hybrid mean you do because. Girls like you."

" No guarantee that."

" Epic and you know like -- would that. -- dot -- Dot com slash Diggnation. That's there was that should give girls and guys sure that your girl you happen."

" Secrets we. It says. Kevin is -- then again we'll stupid. Here it's good you don't constantly because it works anyway so what we wanted you to do is take a picture of you -- future yes on hopefully. Or we like -- You know my friend who lecture at. Now -- in fact it."

" a regular check up."

" If it."

" How efficiently than you realized you bring it."

" The public it Huntington. Of yours were hung on. Them so each week we're gonna put that up on the videos and an easier oh yes we're gonna feature during one -- yeah."

" We'll put it up there and it'll be like you know because because you know you get I am uncertain -- you know if it tells -- what it does -- 140 -- them to -- to see you -- this year yes -- resorted feature is the guy on jinx site that has won points with. Oh yes it just gonna feature I don't know but it has but that's somewhere yet so."

" email this one is from. Kelly. -- NS Kelly yes. I'm one of the point point 09 demographic if you know listeners Alex. Again please ask Kevin the details on the visit from his Japanese. Quote unquote we love the drama to Kelly thank you Kelly."

" So there's no cola did gee what happened people want to out inquiring minds one out."

" women in their hand yes and then there was a girl yes. And we what two some clubs and stuff like that in there. -- have to tell you as like a white -- in Japan yes we do very well I -- Yes he could very well obviously you lucky and in the in this and I."

" It was it was pretty cool although Japanese -- Pretty much one. In."

" So we're gonna and it -- living crazy I mean there is assessing his beautiful young little Japanese -- issue and there is -- and and friends when it."

" And."

" CEO -- Sony. Now so that doesn't sound too."

" Let your friends. So anyway not in big mean -- coming out it was a good then but I did. To going to do it. -- put her in Canada and --"

" It's an aide to Susie you know only through MySpace it was like. And indignant act -- repair and MySpace these very as good as what a terrible day she's really cool of the."

" This doesn't know we're going and and gates."

" It groups. Oh look at it's like don't hate it we like let's go to dinner. That night that I."

" Now on the Internet I would like that now -- gonna."

" And look like that it was once he didn't know. Like that the whole thing is like we we approach is like that's what losing out of the time there's a who do have yet to get the get get a box now can get up boxes that friend's blog will be in there friends box like dynamic -- and then there's like an excellent the next one as a state that -- open the box. And it -- it but it -- at a different think different blacks is not a duplicity anybody."

" Her bottom. And she's -- cougar."

" What are. Drunk and -- Sony's email us your pictures. Just yet we've percent -- nations was putting up. He made his Diggnation. Like tagging template. And tagging. And this is -- and yet it's in. The it's art or done and he monsters get sponsors and nowhere is this reminds us -- let's -- We'll be right back after this message from. Good icon maybe. It's game time right now godaddy has done is as low. As one on France and that's -- plus as he got special of course some -- on Sunday and because it touched down when you check out save ten dollars. On any order of fifty or more buried his offer expires."

" February 20 06. Yes and Cachefly they handle all our distribution bare with go to Catholic icons slash Diggnation. Use the coupon code T nation. And now when he sent out into the first month absolutely free. Great for distributing it into the files online for your business and media files offer whatever may -- also in digital we."

" I the pumped into. Amazon look on matter there was an audition -- get commercialized rates and T in -- She's like you're. Movements and he does. -- Page on. When she took it from cute yeah -- was wrong with me on Austin powers and I can. Junior as anyway but -- that so we're gonna start with the premiere episode. The easiest thing for ridiculous battle that's going to be the episode number one for digital it comes out February 6 article so check that that is Monday. And as a minor Revision 3 com slash so by the time you're hearing this and bridge team much meeting last year remembering your watching the video or listen to the audio on the four -- that was the other things we are now going to be out releasing that Diggnation episodes. Saturday at 7 PM Pacific. We decided we're kind of all over the place you know sometimes to release you know you. Ever at least it means -- of these. 1157. The so that communities it you know follower. To one seller color. Our audience analytic and you -- up -- a little bit like where's the episode. We are going to hit the episodes. Every Saturday being released four audio and video for members and audio only for non members. At 7 PM PST on Saturdays and -- you can set your clocks. You can log in your computer 7 -- watch the video it was the audio and we will do the same on Tuesday were releases them -- ago. That's it for this edition of Diggnation. I ballots out Kevin Rose the -- time."

" This week's edition of Diggnation brought to you by and cash -- out there what -- Florida."

" The times have changed."

" And welcome to Diggnation."

" For the better."

" Well the -- episode number thirty he'll get those knocked out Diggnation of course covers some of the top stories on these social and bookmark site."

" When the truth is it is socially bookmark site is accurate simpler I what I have written outskirts delusional unions. We are thinking we -- Francisco get these moves the direction of the cow yes we -- getting -- you the paled Akram was sort of boring hit but we have handles the back and now we just to spice it up. You can easily consume anything that can zoom in Canada again and we did that because he flies too hot yes he alone now. But hot holiday episode was it was quite who's kind of sentence that was that hot Urbina."

" Still -- years we were fortunate enough we're gonna do this we talked about last weekend in top vote lower Reno richer. Snowboard and Prager was -- graciously -- and reconnaissance. And these guys from silver. Gave us these she I enormous. He's appeared and these are called -- dollars which large African like. --"

" Who -- ban the use they at first saw this coming and I thought it stands -- them and -- this though the logos like -- it's pretty sure this is -- hits the ground now but because there's like it's time well that's. As -- there isn't noises something."

" I have -- I had suggesting that's."

" Kaiser's my has little -- and -- Is -- is this -- PIP. As the weeks."

" So it's gonna over the term. Problem is that -- can reboot. Solomon."

" It's all over the there's one -- kindred and did not hear and -- was here out. Isn't and is here he's been complaining about. So yes I solidity in top posts -- not quite sure where but. Since. This. Bytes. That's going to be directed at you like EPA. And that's that's it yeah. Like that'll it is and has been a sponsor. Which -- did this existence this mean your other electric. -- better share them with this one we. -- Yeah you like this week can be undone all kinds of and I began believes it is is it anyway. Long story short terror if you head over to visit Reno Tahoe dot com slash dig nation. We're gonna put a lot more information it we're gonna shoot the show live from the slopes. -- Thursday march 23. All that's right there's my point that the card game. So what's happened is where we're nicer idea but they're putting their gonna put together packages you can actually buy a package deal fly out lifting its places day. Thursday she Diggnation -- all they obviously Friday some wearing all day or scheme -- but -- And then Friday night and try to set up with one casinos and actual text -- all the big should that would he -- how awesome is that I don't sort of you know we planned pregnancy and company card and some money -- even on Saturday possibly -- It's gonna -- freaking Diggnation weekend it's huge and easy late this site it's crazy Apple information you there it -- to download movies and believe some competition. Contest might be coming up but can't it much about it but that means maybe. Chips. Chips for -- to. To top as well look you've got information back and that's visit top Reno Tahoe the top dot com slash. Diggnation there will be -- gonna have gone."

" The -- to get like just a big pack of geeks on the hill. And -- somebody's not answer your -- really stuff. Does the man has a few times like doing is slam down like in just you can't do the asteroid twenty minutes yes yes that is happening. Out plus that would animate them that -- and -- is it I've broken collarbone twice some."

" Both in the same place. That's no good."

" Now it was fun. An important -- I woke up like that. Trapped now I'd like that are not yet person but I like Johnson Michael rails is the fact that ailing aroused -- found. A our -- it's not good to have gone for a patent on its in the two years I mean it's not. It's look at a Mike Garrett -- worry us that -- in the vertigo as you don't. The show yes -- do it that's due. First story today this is get one why you shouldn't and -- your Internet connection 1567. People but the story submitted by storm -- zero pieces in 2000 Q thirteen residents. Of Toledo Ohio had their homes searched and electronics confiscated by the FBI after it was cover they had and -- their cable connections seven residences. Faced -- degree felony charges punishable by one year prison the charges were eventually dropped. But is the extra speed really worth a visit from the FBI so here's a everybody is -- a little bit DS double but. If you have a cable modem there are certain ways there's certain hacks out there for certain models of cable modem. That you can go in and open up modifications -- open and select you know you normally get like 45 megabit down six whenever. These guys is that here that they it basically altered is that they altered his motive to handle 100 megabit per second up and down. That's for a -- he. -- But it's -- problem. Yes that's true I mean he would mean if you do a hundred mega bits -- and rate -- and also you open up BitTorrent. Call somebody's gonna notice what -- is that it was oh. So it's right now. -- during the undisputed and so they're gonna notice that something is going bare with go yeah I have I -- I am human --"

" But anyway he has the -- to -- bought -- that -- It's. Thanks to -- But the real. I didn't use --"

" But anyway he's got it is."

" He likes his race it was extremely sensitive -- and literally he got you know from its -- the site com."

" You seem to be pushing it in large amount of data back and forth per month those that you said that it was like a warning."

" No no he just said. Yes that's funny act prost is feisty because like oh my god what's going on -- sigh. Okay and then it turned off the flak for his account."

" They were like okay we just wanted enough right we want to make sure what the problem is absolutely using his."

" Right right but -- yet its artists it they still agrees. Would you would you go in and captive if it was so you could double -- triplets. What is fast enough. I mean it ethnic out of not to probably try well let's try it gives us -- specialized software things like it's flashing like a raw or something I -- do is click flattened it out -- you restored. By. But yeah I mean I'm might do it once and then -- download a cracked tonne of stuff. And then put it back you need is definitely think it's that is like in his sleep at night you know 2 o'clock in the and all that and that there is downloaded into Gigabit supports its a it's nice they didn't receive any jail time so yes and ideas. Everybody was happy well. Next next door start force reports Boingboing into the FB side of Sydney. 1880 of that story submitted by Troy Google's seven star force the copy protection provider which is do you spies by all game fans and allegedly screws up computers is threatening to call the feds on blank line. -- over the proposed that they've made supposedly they're blog post broke. You -- international laws and they were being contacted by there. US. So who was the was escorted posted and yes probably yes Cory Cory said you know like outlook being suited. Settings that says like you know is coming so let's start force puts. It. It puts on a copy protection for a lot of -- to basically do you know sort of like locked on the games cotton -- but. You know these guys cognizant that a lot of people having problems -- it install the games and that computer crash but not because of the game software because of these -- force. Incident -- around the other no he just at the this -- I don't do it wouldn't eleven international suppose that laws that were broad you know the music is this the emails he gets from Dennis does it -- It -- the and he says you know by you know calling it Star Wars anti copying not malware is enough to cause us to press charges. Eric -- of the coast and then it says because it's full of insults lies false accusations and rumors. Your article violates approximately eleven international -- not disclosed and then it it is. Our US lawyer with no space between you and it and I will contact you shortly and it says I've also contacted the FBI what you are doing he's harassment. Which I for free told free speech and how about the truth about heat map yeah. And everybody's they yeah and now -- and it updates and -- it like. That is what crises down at that you response I have. Amended by regional post right. And -- due to the chilling effect project as part of a permanent record of abusive attempts by companies to sign on immigrants so I guess I never heard chilling effect project to project where people who. Having getting seated in getting -- just because a criticize them online. Then that's going up but video update it looks like this is the first time mr. zip lost skiers it -- has sent threatening threats to critics of his company check out this email he sent -- Which opens. Dear senator. Now this is really think this starts dear sir Colin star forward -- are forced anti spyware copying now where anti not copying malware is good enough. To cause me oppressors here it says eraser colleagues are -- Florio's -- kicks like Sasser virus is good enough to cause to press charges. It's the same now like no other crappy company that's his reminder to say stopped -- back up."

" Just one of those things where you EU. This is this is something that this person's tasks to do. They realize that there's a lot of bad press going around they realize is a lot blog post is -- people pockets yet they don't fix your product well. Stating that CD that's what -- what people mean they they says they Haiti's you know lawyers sit down and read send emails being published Rubicam that this complete."

" At the PlayStation 3. Is gonna have this crazy."

" DR ram. I know that is going to force you to play only news. So I have three is where I put."

" License. It's it's a false rumor is a --"

" We want you play games -- you've played just like I play. Whatever is around 10000 -- on my PlayStation 3. You can't use it on your PlayStation 3 because they want to cripple the I'm pretty recent -- Because Sony is getting mad at the resale market is taking over for a lot of suck this one obviously gaming can get hold of fifty people."

" it's like it's for online play but obviously can't do that with computers are connected here. Because you've put in the machine -- ignited back to Sony and let them know that it hasn't been used before."

" Yankees issue but again as he was. Just I expect tonight of free online service and you're sort with it -- of -- which has expertise on screen --"

" Frog popular solutions like it looked at us we have topical or -- anyway. I expect to sixteen you ordered ordered it you ordered it because he's honest let's it was -- would -- let's go. So it's and spartans there was there was Xbox-360 tracker dot com but as part of been. -- go to that site in they're constantly updating the list of all -- of viewers on the sports music and like I -- and you've got everything 900 dollars. I just -- safety."

" 64. Might work I mean I wasn't this phenomenon is like I -- like -- Winston -- think this is freaking high yet though. You -- because it was a gift from your grow from blah at. So Alex is like you know you should really get -- now I -- on -- how to Greenstock yes it I was really lucky dude you rock out like god I and it -- like -- boxers that's lot of money but you know what I really want one anyway. Let's do it side is -- went on their body doesn't like the next day you I -- ordered -- Thursday morning I got it."

" Friday."

" Which is -- Off all economic two days later I'd -- on Xbox Live now and itself for in the high delegate fight night fight night 30 hi. Unbelievable amount of --"

" And I say."

" Or is it one thing about as real quick I'm not a huge writers at the end of the desktop operating system or anything else they view. But I'll tell you the Xbox 360s really well done in the new system. The gambling of teams. Just the able to jump back to the dashboard in any given time. The that cool like wireless remote this this is so cool because -- circle because when you turn on the Xbox. It sits is the breaking communication between the wireless like in the -- of the -- as little as just if you're off to ever have to worry about audit and control are majoring in Houston is -- there's sparked India."

" And you can turn off on Xbox from Detroit postage and graphic element but it's it's like it's a very well done and you -- yet you can jump onto the desktop without -- used to be -- to get to the desktop right. But the thing is that the desktop is is critter how to do but it is running on a completely different system like you when he came is load it. You can hit that middle -- C people who are on Xbox Live in any game it's just the great schools --"

" Everything is as well time now it's like it really is a good system anyway I love -- yes so anyway so we're not sure about the PlayStation 3 but now there's and in the rumors that there was a story with the -- through I know it's not everybody is about the answer that kind guests is written has been through them and yes so that was. But -- with the rumored that negative rumors that was out there now it's sort of -- thousand dollars."

" You know they needed the need to know -- and I can't Apple think need to put a you laid out there's some -- demo and have them in anyway moving on -- story. Girls encrypted USB stick locks parents out of diary an innocent messenger 940 packet to the stores and the like Tyson HY. Is that -- thought safe is encrypted USB stick with its own version of the missing messenger as marketing young girls who want to keep that private diary and keep their parents and others -- spying on their control or or controlling their -- and activities."

" Still my first thought is then there's no stopping and getting into an enlisted on on affair with somebody -- 37 and being that."

" Yes they're true. -- have you but the thing."

" It in front of it looks like a little kind of compact like a little lipstick case like the way it's like a little USB lipstick over -- it is cool."

" What it's not that --"

" School or chemical like little thing go and."

" The acted diary sort of -- no I'm not a big I mean I'm. Just -- all the bad stuff that you hear about girls online like little girls got. -- I think you're being my kids and in my case -- at that dateline thing. Currently my apologies to my goodness and they literally pretend you like. Kids you -- I am you that this is is you. The host David I think at this Catholic but they pretend to be I had to be kids and they asked people to meet -- house."

" You know offered."

" And that unity currently raking in thirty people want okay what thirty freaking got one -- teacher ones like psychiatry as well as in Britain for charity. Do it was not it was not so they're pulling and right. The cut out of guys not kinda they weren't attacked a little Red Hat and the secret and with only one of them got arrested."

" They showed the -- out we can't arrest one. That's crazy and that's the first not pretty cool idea the data -- it's just the luckiest man and I don't know where they'll even all the things like their -- it like it's like. This is that if the if from dead. From the girls to talk to the people online that's an odd thing is that it can't ignore it and see what they're attacked the problem."

" On this like let's say you know. You have a young daughter or son that is is chatting online and they have all -- in its did not missile devices they can take anywhere they want to write and then the parents have like no way to get access to -- basically they they could tonight it's all encrypted that have to like. It just seems like a -- for like diary keeping things I love that stuff but it's something's going wrong yeah the parent should have the ability to override all that include in their somehow and I don't think to have that -- with in this case well we can't inaugural line. -- what I could be good for. You don't like you know the Brothers and sisters with media that's cool it was a little password things and made him look in my diary like happened. But I think we think it. Encrypting is it's pretty cool."

" Fifth how we talk and a little automatic I was tired and it's really a nation where. How far out of the hall so that is to do that -- valuable -- billion UK DUI and that's why I don't think it's working is there is yes. We need to be ignorant like ask god is now being led by a child pornography is rampant rumor. And it's relay. The bears get access them."

" And here is really good I was a little worried I told you at doctors was somehow like it doesn't look this shady percent and actually you know it just it came the weird containers -- just keep going I think the Rogen. Would have risen patrol was clear rules canceled."

" now."

" Plug into his. Cabinet just like you know is letting -- letting -- wasn't that ago."

" Are you aren't you."

" You know personal attributed that somebody you could --"

" If -- if they're good. He does tightly name and Google to detect indeed have figured out well as my picture comes up. A Catholic and if they anybody else to do that to the picture normally doesn't pop music and wonder why and I know. Google congress now that people type that it day in someone's name to go directly to images to look for that person. They learn it on Matt and and now they're automatically displaying its not go to Google tentative agencies picture like about that tainted it ain't that. --"

" grateful that's it sorry about this is cool and obviously you couldn't you know. That it. There is it back. That is -- forbidden pictures. And then expect start 'cause of me. Is it okay good -- spring. Wikipedia blocks United States congress IP -- is this is really cool. 200 and now. 2002. Dozen candidate people that this person to -- button. Wikipedia has recently blocked a range of IP addresses belonging to the United States congress. Due to staffers who had been engaging in revert wars. Regarding content associated with frequent politicians and the RFC. Was started to centralize and that discussion on the violation. A Wikipedia policies and alleged libelous behavior so what's happened is that -- actually congress staffers. Are going in and pulling -- Adam curry. Changing. --"

" Contrary to didn't that we can't look at that that's called now the -- were -- Atlantic -- and very."

" This of the -- in Poland Hungary and it's changing around like you know. Whether the senator from Colorado it you know he likes attach dogs you know content. And the right thing that he now and putting in the know they're riding in -- and in the person changes anything goes and gets now that's it would become the thing that -- that's the reaper regulators can change it back aboard. As a Wikipedia finally says right congressman. No more access from IP addresses from in the united it's time that's good how awesome that's -- lots. Well first up -- rappers to have a -- battle on the and the."

" Yeah editors and editors I know as well as zoom into Puget. But did you know Wikipedia is awesome for as much -- is they get. I think get a lot of crap from people like water it's like you know that they act -- there inaccurate it's like trying their best they have this huge like human powered. On my dictionary it's free and working in Atlanta it's very accurate yeah. -- I really like what they're doing."

" I -- you until you're on there on. Your. And that is what I'm -- you. Instantly -- well. My hands on that it but -- that's -- I absolutely agree Pittsburgh. This. But yeah -- level Wikipedia's. One you're right it's completely ambitious project. Because I look like on on an online that you know free. And it's also user sort of -- and have their staff that restaurant at the top of the most part it's the masses out that there but I also I also love the -- that these congressman I'm you know. And a huge fan of politics -- here. -- I'm but my dad he's been -- and hearing his stories and seen what actions on the news it's so funny how wrong we get. Like it's just a bunch deeds unity unity -- the bunch of people thought. I mean blank. He sat -- prankster they would play and in this in the Senate and -- Jokes that they would make out in my Al Ted you know all these different should be killed each since. -- to hearing his stories about -- on that on Capitol Hill. It's a completely different world that you think it yeah and that it's just a bunch of people hang out and try to do it. Via unity and like on the news not so I I eat pop. Negroponte. I have it at eight."

" I got a fair way on my -- he's here but down. But it's really funny. I don't know if you back. Ha -- and gestured. Next story mapping veins as a human bar code 300 sensitive to this story submitted by. Connects in 2006. And the reason I and that -- was actually just. That today -- a really good story because. It's as in the justice is small medical supply company called. Latex has developed a new method upon reading that hosts will rivals in the fingerprint and retina. It's hot. Now and I'm here let me do it again. And Internet and that address the stands as the perfect way to identify individuals the technology is based on an inference and of the blood cells running through the themes which has analyzed by computer. This is freaking crazy. Yes so this I'd stick your arm in this machine in it will pop up. -- you'd ever that they complex -- now I stick my main -- you know you put your arm -- in it -- you that you can tell based on like -- unique to you and you know what's going on that it. You know what's going on. We're gonna say I do -- biometrics is it's I think it's a very unique way it and giving users. And that should be out sometime soon but."

" Is like this keyboard. It's yeah -- it will never -- dude I you know I mean its its its its."

" walk a bus like flexible with -- entering a good first up with how greatly and he became it was like this page. I think it's gonna."

" Because the wounded. Knowing anything we can reorder the electorate now not it's like forget you know yeah I haven't and a -- a -- that -- Jupiter rookie of what it is -- like keyboards is like."

" If you wait to hear it utilities like about the good keyboard is I."

" Has a good filter."

" You. Both screens it's like oh I think it'll like that your fingers and -- you're you'd have to lie you know me."

" To have I have -- The site techie side to -- it mountains users. Jurors can majestic keyboard keypad lights -- yes yes designate him. It's you know the functionality that they sell is like an ambulance company on or off. 34 different things off and on the iron rocket Fox's house there's like this it's almost like."

" The old cars back in the ninety's -- now is that does your keyboard with. It's what he does it off so it's. Mikey no it doesn't matter anymore did -- with me on in the computers anymore."

" Why don't put in my computer's. There but it's but -- Sudan it's a -- it it feels good. I mean my keyboard so densely packed to respond sexually. To get an -- I see them. --"

" At home and aunts. To near humor that as. Oh my that's -- which I bumped into. Tom package in time oh -- from yeah. He's decently they'll. He did it was the chairman and editor from from the shadows of the popular yet and yet but it cast in it is not Antonin not -- go into dark and yet you went."

" But he he came back from parents and if that it."

" Give me yeah and reel -- brought back moonshine from parents. -- awesome government and answer which it. -- Yeah I get well -- what you don't do that illegal. Cynical here is there a legal."

" It's not -- papers that."

" At that absent lot acts and you."

" Yes it kind of like a week ago and the stuff from like kind policy that is that the thing you put like the ice -- each of you light it yes I never had that -- its its willingness to -- it's like it's like liquid pot hole it's not that it doesn't have a -- like effect it's like."

" I don't and this."

" Oath so I went to this party like -- suggest is gonna be off -- this is really really weird yeah how do really quickly. So which baskets to the story how firm in the know juvenile stuff anyway I would its order book it would police. Apart. And now. So there is these news couple girls of the -- and like India was in there as a dance like do rule of politics and -- follow up -- and rule city. Feel like they're heroes for want an upside Ocalan website on this -- guys where's Staten ball volume as the netcam yes. -- like you it is part -- like it's gonna party. So the four of us to go off and there's like three -- the guys do is there for the guys -- that we use it again in a week. Yeah exactly that's exactly they're like. -- into goth it was this part of Internet to be like little private partners -- people there. I like knowledgeably as you'd like that absent from Spain were like is -- bulletin it's like I'm like. Heard this before but what is it exactly school's part alcohol. But there's like this worm that worm what this and hat and the like so you know you try this we'll do that with a crazy as a arguments right when -- Just like your standard -- like kind of -- types. I mean it's mostly alcohol and from what I've read online it's like the storm will hit -- with police. That's what it's not that it's in mind altering drug it's that easy it's actually poisoned. And that's why it's not legal in the US says Robert. Yes so anyway it. I drink the poison and that I. Like -- I think that pretty cool I just like -- it happens in the likes to listen we'd like junker. No causality a few Beers yeah. After that you know that was just like it was one of the things -- and they are watching right. Sex in the city or something doesn't watching and so like I was really weird as the details get in here because I. -- There's really no big difference that. But you know it -- well it could -- in my feet you know constant sounds like they selling fake absent immediately."

" Now and I -- thousand dollars. Where did that can confront -- Google I. Think you're acting -- Bar code itself lags and -- is it a bit why -- we actually get story. Which -- damage. That's been was -- a budget stuff and -- but whatever we've all paid for forty megabytes a second to our own now demand it. 37. All 3170. -- that this story submitted by. US telcos have ripped us off they've promised the people of the US fiber to the curb. And because of that they were hurt. They've got all kinds of rate increases approved rates from the government it's time that we demand -- and I had no ID this is the heroic externally and I had absolutely no. Idea that this was true but what happened was. This actually added. 1000000200. Dollar -- dollar scandal that they have got tax breaks and states eased up. It out the baby bells Verizon it's SBC. BellSouth. Cool quest all the people have received over 200 billion dollars to get us Q 45 megabit a second. Up and down right from and they said back -- back in 1990. So what was his book just got put out all about this is the -- me right and what happened was back in 1990 -- you know."

" Quayle and gore do. If -- crop Clinton -- you're saying like I mean you aren't musical interests of -- Saturday you're right they had started this thing where they signed a deal that said. By 2006. 86 million homes will have fiber to courier. It'll be accessible by whoever pays its taxes and going to happen. They said that they've now had in this it's coming down to roughly 2000 dollars per person in the US per taxpayer US. That they've put in over the years and they said."

" Zero people have 45 megabytes --"

" Teeter back so is it gonna be some kind of like lawsuit filed their business and he just says that this is happening in popular starting to kind of figure out what's going on it like. They've got all sorts of crazy stuff is slated to be -- to -- related to the story it's exactly as NBC broad and bright it is well. Hasn't that we do not right now we do that so what happened was. Yet SBC Verizon BellSouth and qwest made commitments to rewire America state by state in nineteen."

" And they re wired zero will you know I have to say."

" That Verizon is doing some fiber to the they get -- 200 billion dollars over until -- eighteen years at last I heard I mean we were looking at number they have this whole."

" We're rollout -- did we're talking like New Jersey you're Delaware's so they pick like one small little so the idea is one part though is well. Yeah I never liked it is it was -- you. Four blocks -- directional --"

" It's not even do that -- mean like lightning -- I'm almost tempted history -- on but who wants to tell but the telephone. They can walk up there it. Who wants."

" All of them who that -- the whole companies."

" Like it because that's obviously got some sort of governments. Like well I'm glad the right to fight -- fight myself I mean obviously they can and captains cable modems and then push it to a hundred million bits and hopefully nobody came in kept ever writes for gaming listening you would not gonna get now. Question well yeah."

" We'll have to in some happens I think -- is awesome coming we got a decent because the end of the day."

" You know high speed and that 01 up for our for what we do. Internet based video. Bandwidth is the last thing and it's starting to get to a point where most people have brought him pretty much it ridiculous to us residents of the few people really -- that. -- elect. Me three days to hear that. And things. First of them and healthy people at that really and come a couples and violence counseling him. Your friend I was on dial up until I met -- up that's bush as -- that's just kind of public checking him it is. Alastair an immediate question. Well I think there's a few people like that."

" The email system. -- the -- is either yes let's do it have a story one three actually -- Bill Gates to which were streak one now without the last one. It's not elaborate yeah. -- it's too rich for attacks computer to handle 1000 there probably disbursement by Grande valley one. Microsoft founder Bill Gates the world's richest man said the tax office in the US fastest or financial data on -- special computer. Because his fortune is so vast. You wouldn't hear him but that is freaking awesome. And it's less so I was loved it makes so much money that they need a separate computer and how it hasn't let that it's it's it's I'm constantly getting these notices telling me that. I haven't paid for something what it's really just on the wrong computer."

" I think it."

" Well guys yeah late Bill Gates needs -- tax as these he said gates' fortune is put at 47. Million dollars hall."

" Yeah rules which has been heard reports and he's also one of the most -- generous and he gives us over there is the bill --"

" What yeah he's -- it's it's really crazy because I reckon I mean yeah well here's the question. Was rules which is man. Like you -- right. You get gates and jobs and sort of like started back Sony's are really sort of like it was like gates and gates John Wozniak was -- any kind amateurs and two -- every. But it's like beat goes of the two people that are kind of like. This sort of innovators. In our in our. Technologies. That who's gonna take -- the Google rather have a Google's sort of like what the -- lubricant."

" I think it's not my relatives. Does this you know it might take up -- take up the big challenge would be see him into it because -- and we -- do for really good technical break your you know seriously because what what ever Google is whatever but it's not Google's not Mac."

" You know I mean Google never reminders -- my name."

" Nobody wants to Google acts as much liquidity."

" Nobody wants a hula discovering know what it's gonna look how it -- duty at the latest cool video thanking her attorney community -- gonna -- a box. It. That even at the conference you could if if -- collegiate."

" And yes -- mean like who who can take up the fight you know from."

" I don't know man there's today you know I don't think it's of those things where it could be that someone out of nowhere I think you know it's it's underneath bill -- little -- training them now."

" Yeah I'd love to see you practice he says until you show me how good these are so awesome video editing anti the difference but I -- bad. At them like voters -- this book and also gates is really fun gates loves and find out what video witnesses."

" Strange you know his team which it was chosen to. Act out now called my --"

" The original -- original. After he runs Apple's hardware out there that makes shrink wrapped like no he does nine more than. There's more."

" The two I should ask. What I. It's good it's like well I think aliens that is that you like stuff in the box in. Italy. That's last sort of not how supposed to be all right okay so Bill Gates apprentice fifteen yes that -- Okay just in fact and it needed. Is it. On Indiana Jones 41400. 89. Harrison Ford says he's in the best shape of his life he's prepared and eager to move forward with you. Force why it's. Yes and that you'll he's in his description that it won't let --"

" Four. So it's out of this movie mean we all remember the loss today is episode where I."

" Says about the -- Justin Timberlake being in an entirely upon somebody in the face. And that somebody was this poor woman was walking by adds that it I hope they don't have to I'll just one. I literally go in -- protest. I would start like corporations. -- protest in -- or I would be there with you I think I'll wear it I have somewhere and you we are we should start my day not anybody but I mean Ryan Gosling I don't care. Anybody but just -- That said. So Harrison Ford says he's invested at night the deal is that people were worried. People weren't an old guy who's gonna let me is mice and he's gonna do love funds -- it and I want Indy back in wartime we don't you like the little room. You bet you candidate wit and he wants the -- so let's give it to. That's woody and I thought drinking and good stress that I want and that's out there for everybody that -- is you can. That -- real one yeah is mostly Africans the pinnacle. -- She got up busy -- keep topping. One of them it's Clinton. It was people were worried that he was gonna be like the guy whose teeth --"

" do get the snakes and picnic in daylight to reward it's the -- look here's what you on the."

" Yeah it was like quagmire. That. And as I get the bug that and that's it. In the coming up crap like that up -- that he's being. Watch. Firewall or you know spam. Blocker couldn't open it. -- Did you think is really didn't. -- got it is. Cisco firewall. That lately he's like you know jumping over here you rock."

" Yeah we're done now look at emails emails so that you -- so first up we decided it would consider doing something every week. And that is gonna featured a picture. One of our fans wearing -- relationship right so if you wanna get the nature which we hybrid mean you do because. Girls like you."

" No guarantee that."

" Epic and you know like -- would that. -- dot -- Dot com slash Diggnation. That's there was that should give girls and guys sure that your girl you happen."

" Secrets we. It says. Kevin is -- then again we'll stupid. Here it's good you don't constantly because it works anyway so what we wanted you to do is take a picture of you -- future yes on hopefully. Or we like -- You know my friend who lecture at. Now -- in fact it."

" a regular check up."

" If it."

" How efficiently than you realized you bring it."

" The public it Huntington. Of yours were hung on. Them so each week we're gonna put that up on the videos and an easier oh yes we're gonna feature during one -- yeah."

" We'll put it up there and it'll be like you know because because you know you get I am uncertain -- you know if it tells -- what it does -- 140 -- them to -- to see you -- this year yes -- resorted feature is the guy on jinx site that has won points with. Oh yes it just gonna feature I don't know but it has but that's somewhere yet so."

" email this one is from. Kelly. -- NS Kelly yes. I'm one of the point point 09 demographic if you know listeners Alex. Again please ask Kevin the details on the visit from his Japanese. Quote unquote we love the drama to Kelly thank you Kelly."

" So there's no cola did gee what happened people want to out inquiring minds one out."

" women in their hand yes and then there was a girl yes. And we what two some clubs and stuff like that in there. -- have to tell you as like a white -- in Japan yes we do very well I -- Yes he could very well obviously you lucky and in the in this and I."

" It was it was pretty cool although Japanese -- Pretty much one. In."

" So we're gonna and it -- living crazy I mean there is assessing his beautiful young little Japanese -- issue and there is -- and and friends when it."

" And."

" CEO -- Sony. Now so that doesn't sound too."

" Let your friends. So anyway not in big mean -- coming out it was a good then but I did. To going to do it. -- put her in Canada and --"

" It's an aide to Susie you know only through MySpace it was like. And indignant act -- repair and MySpace these very as good as what a terrible day she's really cool of the."

" This doesn't know we're going and and gates."

" It groups. Oh look at it's like don't hate it we like let's go to dinner. That night that I."

" Now on the Internet I would like that now -- gonna."

" And look like that it was once he didn't know. Like that the whole thing is like we we approach is like that's what losing out of the time there's a who do have yet to get the get get a box now can get up boxes that friend's blog will be in there friends box like dynamic -- and then there's like an excellent the next one as a state that -- open the box. And it -- it but it -- at a different think different blacks is not a duplicity anybody."

" Her bottom. And she's -- cougar."

" What are. Drunk and -- Sony's email us your pictures. Just yet we've percent -- nations was putting up. He made his Diggnation. Like tagging template. And tagging. And this is -- and yet it's in. The it's art or done and he monsters get sponsors and nowhere is this reminds us -- let's -- We'll be right back after this message from. Good icon maybe. It's game time right now godaddy has done is as low. As one on France and that's -- plus as he got special of course some -- on Sunday and because it touched down when you check out save ten dollars. On any order of fifty or more buried his offer expires."

" February 20 06. Yes and Cachefly they handle all our distribution bare with go to Catholic icons slash Diggnation. Use the coupon code T nation. And now when he sent out into the first month absolutely free. Great for distributing it into the files online for your business and media files offer whatever may -- also in digital we."

" I the pumped into. Amazon look on matter there was an audition -- get commercialized rates and T in -- She's like you're. Movements and he does. -- Page on. When she took it from cute yeah -- was wrong with me on Austin powers and I can. Junior as anyway but -- that so we're gonna start with the premiere episode. The easiest thing for ridiculous battle that's going to be the episode number one for digital it comes out February 6 article so check that that is Monday. And as a minor Revision 3 com slash so by the time you're hearing this and bridge team much meeting last year remembering your watching the video or listen to the audio on the four -- that was the other things we are now going to be out releasing that Diggnation episodes. Saturday at 7 PM Pacific. We decided we're kind of all over the place you know sometimes to release you know you. Ever at least it means -- of these. 1157. The so that communities it you know follower. To one seller color. Our audience analytic and you -- up -- a little bit like where's the episode. We are going to hit the episodes. Every Saturday being released four audio and video for members and audio only for non members. At 7 PM PST on Saturdays and -- you can set your clocks. You can log in your computer 7 -- watch the video it was the audio and we will do the same on Tuesday were releases them -- ago. That's it for this edition of Diggnation. I ballots out Kevin Rose the -- time."