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March 9, 2006

Saturday, March 11th, 2006 – running time 38:15
Ask-a-ninja, Microsoft finally unveils its Origami, Silicon valley fight club, Google to acquire Writely, Quake3 on 24 monitor display, New Digg Comment System Released!, X3 Trailer, Real Google Calendar, Shotgun on shuttle.

Big Dig ( 32:33, 32:33 ) space station ( 26:50, 27:56, 26:50, 27:56 ) movies Trailer ( 21:15, 21:15 ) GigaOM ( 8:57, 8:57 ) Big Dig ( 32:33, 32:33 ) space station ( 26:50, 27:56, 26:50, 27:56 ) movies Trailer ( 21:15, 21:15 ) GigaOM ( 8:57, 8:57 )

Automatically Generated Transcript(may not be 100% accurate) ( more )

" Okay. The neat thing is brought by GoDaddy now testified that count and -- nick bottom it that can happen at the bottom that's -- rated. -- that in Israel it grandma used to -- it didn't do it yet so I got."

" And welcome to dig nation."

" They had better."

" Well what they did mason episode number 36. Topic basically -- Some of the most top students or is of that social bookmark -- The -- Jack on one thing asking engine dot com for next sponsors it's a great gas it was taken out Eric goes for iTunes download it it's. And that interest on its infectious yes that's yes so answers is -- this week as. My apartments. -- Alex is sick as a dog I've been sick for the last two weeks ever since he's -- I it was actually we we shot in opposite logic and -- to use and as ago that was right after we did go to my right after the whole debacle. Who lives in -- And then I think that -- at -- throw -- my body just like now you know do the live show. Drink up just arm yeah she got an episode technology. You can be -- and it woke up the next morning just sick an innocent it's unique that it would not and I gotta -- got mine."

" So as it into outlines flying here not so -- designs thanks. And you."

" Beer drinking not -- good music that we -- team this week having him be the team activity is you know came all sickness at and T and I mean it's good whites and uses his -- he had what it's it's -- it's crisp."

" So what is it -- white -- I don't know I and it's -- and Chris yes a little like just."

" water giving expert if you you'd that would do we got it wants as anyway now. Mucous. That's moved all right the first story of the week this is a good one. Microsoft finally deals origami project right now 2503. People that the stories submitted by -- judgment is now. With that's funny. It is now with powerful processors big bright displays. Easy input options and support for the latest activities that are out. Also mobile PCs are ready for your life on the go now this must've been written by amateurs --"

" It is okay. No duty that -- You ready for years might on the bet that it you're ready and you can do you unite with the new. It's you know is this for the tablet PC is we'll go as the -- have a -- 2000 violently. Because I saw the video I was hooked it viral marketing night."

" And I was excited. Here's the tablet PCs for me I never liked them because -- sides of the -- book I don't get you know I mean come on I want entity you know right when they're the -- the notebook."

" With little bit in use the keyboard it's a notebook right right. So I think it so much smaller much much super cool sizable book."

" Share medium sized movies you've pants. The -- like whatever peace. But is this could -- exactly and dead ends that I think. That that's the read the books. -- all kids any luck."

" That's Arnold and advocating indicated that candidates KP did that. Not even good. No it's not but I think I'm sick about that can be punchy I'm like kind is that thing is we're thinking about it this is it. Tell -- like low key not drink he. Episode but the bottom line is I'm sick like pop up in -- like there's no. Kennedy just yes so okay and you just you'd we're talking about the origami project. There's an Oregon. And is -- paper or whatever but -- code -- port. But they're using paper and and I don't know if there's no. Reason yes but I will say one thing if you take a look at the video. I keep them -- that they have this unique keyboard now where. Actually this green becomes the keyboard you can see that I -- divided into like that it's really chemicals bullet that Microsoft ergonomically. Right exactly but I don't dont like science. Those who are now going to go. Is it. But it and it exactly it is -- good anyway he and Hillary now. So you can type on it and this as. I think that's what they'll say two things that don't like about one of the screen resolution is like 600 by three point it's little that they and that that's a good thing let's more than 800 by 600 select browsing the web. Not so much fun stuff now is designed that way for us and 68 apps is that -- crappy web experience which is but why not what it's -- I still want to do that means well but that's. What's the point."

" Offered for -- documents was -- and it's not -- documents is for your life on ago yeah it's for taking pictures and put them on his eyes were watching movies or playing video games. It's port checking on ago would like I did you get it is. Play video games they showed halo hit -- being run on it exactly."

" Right 1989 my old school. Oh yes because the PSP could run -- assessment not what brought this is four times as of yesterday is not what exactly. It's at least ten anyway here's the deal -- come on yourself the bottom line nobody's actually we have seen I have no one -- got our hands on any vapor -- no it's coming out but it'll be a little while in. The problem is like. They're they're outsourcing the designs like an aces is making line in like Toshiba in the whole look crappy and and the need to get some good design and that's where Apple has kicks."

" They should it be that is on that Xbox-360. As -- it's slipping in -- it. Experiment on you to do with Silicon Valley fight club exposed this is super cool 1883 people dinosaurs and -- stolen Bayer."

" Video correct. As a brands as -- Software engineers show us what they're made out so here's the deal."

" This is an actual. It's in its business in the Bay Area. A CBS news this story and it's the whole deal is. It's a group of software engineers know that -- have all studied martial arts and get together on the weekends and they beat the (%expletive). --"

" He spends I was what's the video and it's Liz Taylor is they take at all."

" Oprah magazines Obama is like weapons and -- knives like science and stop and have like sticks it's. It's from years it is weird would you do."

" Probably ninth. I don't know I supposed to I would love to do which is not worth it like. -- itself. I mean this -- and they're really just."

" They seemed like that but just letting programmers wrestling on the ground now and the best part is is that he's the -- is -- games run at the connect and shorts it's."

" To me and -- other brother the sort them podcast."

" Another brother he's the fellow like computer geek mean. He won it beating his man with a pipe second I think it's actually these are ladies gonna kick. -- as eighties Hawaii pain it's funny they use they were using what was it tens like pipes pipes and like hello cutie -- congress. So there's a little bit of that we your backyard wrestling -- right but they really kicked the crap and -- I don't know I can feel lake fight club was a cool movie. I heard it was a book. Now -- and clicking. On -- breed like bridge club. That would be like what we hear okay it will play brits ought to mean that like spike let -- like economic and -- people I am I right am I right come on -- I am sick and the rest."

" And I don't know man who knows that I -- the watch and it -- be sure it justice -- That's the next story Google to acquire Writely 1114. People that the stores that buy and now it's nineteen. This is oh now like he's great blog about it if you object as -- do so with them it's. GigaOM dot com note that I am helium dot com features Google is going headlong into my sized backyard by potentially acquiring web based productivity suite. By Writely. The big is the big G biting off more than it can you. So this is usually Google okay okay Oklahoma you want to first -- they've announced go voters district court okay so here's the deal if you check out right at any given shot it's basically a web based word processor. It's fun it's full of tons of functionality tons of features it's almost like word but -- through any web browser -- Works great great. I I I see for the first time we're Google's going with -- because the air so it has been rumored lately we've -- create this huge storage drive you just -- like store all of your different kinds of files online. So you're basically getting rid of local hardware store. That's rumored to be coming out soon they have I am obviously are in agreement. And."

" It it just makes to me because now that productivity suite so it's gonna take you programs office off your computer on the way. Right but."

" I think they're really minister and his altogether so let's that -- document like and that this year is different right movements quick to say it saves it to your G drive or whatever online -- it secure want to share with someone. You choose who dropped out of context this the person -- G talk it was in this too. Boom shares it with that person that he grumbled at the same time in a Wiki stuff who knows but."

" You see that kind of trying to connect all these services again well now you're making that assumption right and I think it's obvious that's -- a we'll hear a thing about Google. I have been a die hard Google mail now -- It it they need to fix the freaking server is now pulling. Is -- when -- start to save stuff offline because it's so frustrating you try to loaded log in and get okay also need to be able to exit you."

" Is coming dude at the African -- did happy audience is clapping thinking you know its slowest don't. And here's the deal on putting all of my information online."

" Right that connection between -- information. Asked to be a constant. In fast so whose connection in and I feel like I am not in touch with my data even for a second. I am not like that giant hard I mean I'm Alex here that is going to be filled up my stuff there with a -- I pray that -- does it like right here building can have my stuff on this here but you know what the other than line in their -- on."

" But you're also those if you drop -- laptop and harder breaks that was read them I have control of you'd think I do. But it's I have more control over this and he is and yeah I'm not saying that this is gonna be like the service like when they -- the -- there's there was this -- by heart and we're just gonna use. -- and but you know what 345 years from now when they get all the bugs worked out you know -- this distributed that file system where they can store all your files securely with backup redundancy is Schneider I'm not worried I think the way."

" I think also it's gonna -- I'm writing documents."

" I personally don't want people word I have a Mac had gone -- at -- about student editions like you that discount so for instance could pirates that cracked in more innocent with the -- pot didn't work I tried it and it was like going out in the like. That's the real thing network had also have the same copy and like it's the end with -- I don't know you have but office okay so there painters portrait."

" It -- head that the bad day."

" to come on his -- like you know and I for that. You've been pirating were hit. Anyway."

" This'll be cool right because that's been Mike this is please share with with friends acting I'm so sick."

" Yeah are bastards that put itself anyway. I can't get into the good thing that was gonna do is and here's -- house aides to Google before you do all this stuff."

" Is allow me to be logged -- to multiple accounts please. -- Right as you can do yes yes bright yeah skate Canada I've got one that there. -- and my context -- and I wanted this of the genome don't notify her yet I'll have to -- to -- wouldn't see. I know this third party when they do it Allah from Google has now lying area got my it was a Dinah was. And advanced data angle I love that because that's close -- it -- at -- and eloquent blogs and."

" If there is he can't do it in in -- department -- because recession is not and get it I get it but that's my problem."

" I do not choose to design Google mail I didn't take a yeah it's not it's not. Google's choice either like when you open up a new tab they need to think that I don't mean to me like -- how many people in the world have more than one -- Gmail accounts mostly gonna have like ten."

" Right because the (%expletive) Gmail Russia 01 that wherever graduates according Gmail -- like -- nuggets of -- a -- cut I'd cut anchored code actors. Hacker whatever the opulent it was going. The ministry of big big giant you know I should have little woman was a month you -- dirty -- on the streets it was weird animal it was like getting -- we give away like hundreds of them and they would like it's like he some people like hundreds of again and they have. Not. Did I was pleased with where I use it's hard Firefox one. Right well (%expletive) now download you know. -- I don't like it anyway that's good but there. That's encryption. -- I didn't like it. You -- this Tina yeah. I talked to get that it -- it -- all -- my nose like air was that that I'm sick and all you'll analytic not quit I was just sort of like I've meddling at present."

" There is because I'm right Winger."

" Like I'm glad you're Aaron I'm glad you're like I did that last night when and skated in economic. At. This evening -- hot in here here you'll see I. Honestly did we have -- already hot. It would that there."

" I could use -- looking bitter nobody's holding me back from getting going to be -- didn't -- like that. It."

" We'll -- That is that it doesn't know where it but again getting their infantry. Is there may double the comes with the chairman -- quit."

" Three on 24 monitors display while driven by twelve Linux servers it's okay we dive over -- over to the candidates to."

" there. What does it simulate this are submitted by seeing I Wiki set up. Script how all so this is from look at this class K news is and plastic -- net. This is nuts quake three its amazing how much more fun games can play when you play them and it really large high resolution screens are glad -- America. Our lab has it 24 monitor display wall and as you can see for the pictures below I got -- running on it. So this is quake three running on 24. Monitor wall."

" Did did you. Poland. IKEA. Thing and I just -- it happens again well let's the idea that. Yeah."

" So here's the deal that got this going on a multi server -- multi."

" Multi monitor services instead of -- well -- servers and this is sweet you can see the picture."

" If you're playing this first off I would be so noxious you have to -- back and add them."

" I -- the -- like right for the first if they really get to -- legacies like the Jesus. In it is amazing -- because the servers and literally that. If you care about. And the back into the computer's not very interesting. Moving kind of familiar to you -- like how do you take the pictures that we'd abuse. That's pretty bad that is pretty that although look at the speed up this code again and there racking up a -- of speakers for those qualities. -- Dude are you kidding me -- speaking of which now addicted to it dungeons and dragons online yes you -- all my god this is my new every game in the war. So it's got to -- going down kind of don't say. -- there was guys I was not using daddy isn't we're not doing -- business I would suggest -- we're doing this and of the critical -- on its the other so that in order known as -- don't call us to think turbine is negated the game developer and they've been really cool it and put it. Are they Internet radio station do you agree dot com and be like in the browser in the launcher of the game that's going to be on the forms it's going to be they're gonna need like your fish to you is the visual radio station and we have the only talk about all that's -- that because like regular plan -- Sorry predated. Now it's really fun -- judge that but anyway I would love the latest attacks on line and when Obama arsenal and -- I would -- like spinning tumbling like mother."

" Yeah that's that next story -- come at the earliest 4004. But it's -- about myself to those. Let me out. Now each user has the ability to -- rate their favorite comments by digging them if you see it off topic -- simply click here icon and shrink and remove the -- from view. The new features include threading editing and friends -- Could still really quick to want you -- up spew what this is if you haven't seen it become system. Go check it up -- the huge major revamp for us. It's good because it hasn't up and down little bombs -- thumbs up or thumbs down yeah like -- come into -- get feedback given thumbs up and get hired Digg count. And if you don't like you bury it in the entire comedy shrinks down yet couldn't honestly kind of collapse on you. Yet if it's below the viewing threshold will just appear as class but my favorite one and everything. And I really like that comes is is that if you have friends in and this -- friends by the way on that idea. -- have friends in your school into the comments if the president has done the comic turns the comic green and it shows the name of the -- the dot com. So like if you're going through it you know does what it does -- it was to use it comes to that in the school and that a thread had yes. -- and some more comments on it yeah it's growing sales going also boom boom couple green comments and then when my friends and actually in either posted something or had to become so."

" This early code is one -- to say about Digg it and it had sort of irked me if there was anything. Was that at some accounts which sell off topic move in any site I don't care and I love -- like it means is all those like those. New. Those as well as it has gone people tonight yes. Let's go through it gets realize that just like it's down to the really good information so. That's cool the stuff. And so when it -- they go air assets if you don't have an account like Ers on in your account and check out and that in -- get a big load viewing threshold was scheduled Allen and he says."

" God is -- there and a number of formats and."

" Meaning meaning. Amending funding. Aliens whenever."

" And is doing very interesting. Stuff Pamela there expend a lasting and theatrical trailer released. 3178. People that this are submitted by Joe tan boot and thank you Joe for bringing up that I've been trying my best to bring back in every case."

" Before but boot up -- will move jobs asked what happened -- you know is premised on an island. He -- interest where -- become just that yes so much fun -- cool one -- and an aggressive big bottles liquor outlets reminiscing sacking. Well it looks pretty sweet. As just a preview during tonight's episode of 24 click overview falling thriller Apple movies. Trailer. Link goes to a larger version of the -- so the X-Men trailer yes has been released. -- it looks great and people were greatly some of the pictures came out people are really really important that he got in the great -- good Powell. I -- kid I am I did -- because I love Beckman the original one link in that other dog hall accidentally. This going to have Phoenix it's gonna have juggernaut in Pawtucket I was ought to do it without breaking through walls as one dazzling your dad gonna kills agree Amber's and it look and they'll be easy these these does it look like bees will in real life nobody goes thankfully. Atlas liquid as -- you what -- an -- your editors at the the big Arabic and no I think that weird rule disease and you haven't bought seventeen -- in he's not real and the people with that they don't. People that outside coming here you boys did the Harry -- argument that -- But that said yet nobody looks like these but but that doesn't exist himself -- well that's it adds somebody out there's going to make it to look at the."

" And them."

" Excellent three after the and so when the pictures were released that. That people started the rumors that. The guy Brian Cox does just as house note Gumbel."

" Right so here now. -- is directing. Brett Ratner and Brett Ratner it was worried that brat brat."

" It was gonna sort of destroyed users because Bryan singer moved -- to go direct to Superman movie in which you becoming speaking of which you screen captures pursue an Xbox-360."

" Hold the -- and captain who plays Superman gains will hopefully a lot manner -- it let down that said."

" There was worried -- rhetoric instead of if you were like up in arms and an Internet was like this movie's gonna sockets -- This trailer. Definitely Klaus and that's great it looks great and excited yes."

" So that's all we have to say about it this is good to convince him oh okay."

" Next story real Google calendar AK ACLU screen -- plus and -- 3002 and assist people the the stories submitted by DM CA you know. Techcrunch escort a bunch of exquisite screen shots on the Google's upcoming calendar application it's apparently a long way from launch. I say -- Ziff Davis. Released some screen shots of what they were what we're Hoechst. Someone actually -- Photoshop and cracking and -- will people start to know everybody believes is that it's stupid it yet -- so anyway. Techcrunch which is a great website yeah actually scored the -- screen shots and post them and perhaps it looks pretty cool. Who now this is some."

" asking for Frontline at the count them so that and -- Atlanta and young. -- MySpace account but at the bottom line is at. I used. So I am logged in my Gmail account and I can also access my calendar setup -- to share that calendar with other people know is -- just talking about every time I'm -- kinds of putting it up and do it has seen no it's not something that this as I a lot of times. A lot of times they all have stuff that's like a -- beginning. And I just program and I either account yeah and you so but I and then like and I another I have Gmail -- outlook and -- allegations east I mean it's a very out of them. She says it is pleased that. It. Isn't this. I get sick and now we can't test parts -- could --"

" Anyway but their dazzling stuff comes out and I'm like I know I mean no -- don't make people calling get where I was thinking it. -- that's so you got it never happened that's."

" All -- it can if you got. You hook."

" I'd like but anyway my Italian if you got."

" The only guy I did I know -- it's probably didn't get the relevant to use the I don't have many of them -- think in -- bronchitis and oh. -- Madrid Obama couldn't."

" Does anyone has -- either keywords back in a."

" I didn't mean like it -- that that's not them -- respect it and you. Anyway that's at a very excited to be able have been only counted."

" I can share with friends. AKA. You know I'm telling you can amigo. It'll be awesome when you can create drag and little calendar entry in the meet up level blah. Which friends like to add an add my contact from boom boom boom send an email yes the end it's in the if I think it's it's the and we ought to be arguing that most of whom I hope cook couldn't cook. There's a market for a book but it's all interconnected that would you bargaining agent the cat like -- I haven't calendar entry from a friend and global blah and boom boom the only. Markkanen. Six months from now at all happen and all he worked."

" And everybody will be at the -- the right to have the boom that there boom and I'm excited so I wish I could drag and drop. There that's -- that's us and Canada -- Last story my story that."

" The -- on that -- sawed off shotgun on space station how could we not and I'm completely not pretty hot right we've -- it -- yes. 1608 people's that this -- bias and."

" How -- arms race -- blood Angela team Russian."

" Oh Yahoo!. I was playing with some Russian people on. It's weird. That -- converted to keyboard that weird like Russian keyboard and so I had a house like so we're gonna do just -- little lost and -- think."

" It's an accurate picture and give it up and -- like I don't speak Russian accent. I didn't think I'll edit it and that's like -- but I the ratchet that. That's Amanda is leading the group doesn't get something else these guys are obviously Russian."

" That's cool. In 1965 Russian officials officials decided to pack it shotgun out of their spacecraft. -- this is because they over. They overshot their text on site and ended in the woods. And of course interaction that you're in the woods and don't have a shack on bad idea. Why there's sought out shotgun on the international space it's -- space station to fight -- alien invaders known case of war on the air at."

" So the cosmonauts can kill US astronauts know where did that come from is that it is it is but it's."

" It's not ultimately Patrick Norton -- know it."

" I think that it is not a tonight and in the middle of like that severe NC. So basically two cosmonauts in ninety -- is about to conduct. Over other -- outside by 1200000 found themselves in the deep forest with hungry wolves. That's when Russian space officials decided to act not all psyched out award every space skeptical Russian. Search drew more than two hours to locate the space -- for albums but smart. Impetus option elegant Jake he -- upshot."

" But you never know when you're in -- like that. I think when they landed an enemy territory."

" In in Russia told no they were shot -- it that's a far away every registered a big thing. --"

" They get shut and then the other one out and out it is funny that they're packing and it's awesome."

" Lord knows about space I would definitely bring them right. -- and -- it out but in the end of the day."

" Using is -- to articulate well what children's static again. In -- and when it's pretty -- yeah you'd think they'd -- like you know. Collection accounts of the and it's again. And an eight."

" Yeah so Eagles -- to get worse and worse it's. By the time it gets late going to fly -- like I was leaning don't ever fly this is that was handing my eyeballs pop. -- like sharp searing pain because -- there's some clouds and -- like. Is that I really honestly not like it what what would get -- it. It's rough and Hispanic."

" Right. See it comes domain registry registrar in the world and now with your -- don't yet. Now -- your domain registration you'll get hosting free blog complete email much much more plus as a nation listening which we know you are. Enter code -- that's Greg who or PR AG ER."

" When you check out and get your dot com name for just 690 that a year."

" Gave lesbian icon pictures of me yet registered at that it Huntington's."

" holly holly -- This Allegra. And Amazon meaning of the land tax purposes. Where. In it so I I invited. Literally twenty ligament. And it was Kathy from good outcomes. Customer service and it makes it quite. Nice and click. I don't know it's over -- if I'm currently whenever and it was like how does -- on -- go to -- customer service recently you had to balance if you questions and they choose the rock voted -- this."

" This next one Diggnation live recording from that Reno slash Tahoe area on the evening of Thursday march 23 at 7 -- we're -- be will be skiing -- snowboarding at mount rose. In Africa -- of course who wrote that. That you know you did its indignation and for the live audience. That's what has come billions of billions in the silver legacy resort in the casino in Reno that I. And nonviolence. And then. There is hope we get to the audience including like detriment Def playing in the future. Well if arts the arts is a -- punctuation in it. I mean there's -- with us there's also some super sweet. Super cheap package deals you can join us go get all the details at visit Reno Tahoe dot com slash Diggnation. And you know if -- ever get to regulate these coming out those relative time. We will be drinking and yes I will be better on and on other major company. And will it will go somewhere doesn't vote yes I it'll be -- so. Results of two ways to -- to gates to really got everything out preeminence this thing gets larger tickets lodging tickets."

" And the ways to do that -- DOT's."

" They're giving away outlook of the trips if you get Big Dig skills boosters it's when he a free tip get tree feeds you rip. Go to dot Dudack -- Diggnation guess the total number of Diggs on what an upcoming number of stories gets."

" Next week correct. Correct I was -- next guest next week if you're the first person to answer or you're the only person closest or audit you will win. A trip. For two. To Tahoe writes if you lock in your registration by purchasing. Some number of T have to say it."

" It is -- thing is when I was with a Z yeah and if you're just getting -- actually have is of the nation's amber gets out his stuff out I don't get a get that's a bunch of different like Diggnation these it was brilliant it was of like that. Really good stuff good gift for whoever numbing girlfriends without and actually not a ton of people -- a few hundred people see your chances are actually pretty good."

" 100 that's actually not also -- that comes by dollar payment for -- is giving away -- all licensed to trip paid. Foot two. -- I'm hurt me up if you ever use the Diggnation from a Catholic and you're already entered if you have not head over to Cachefly dot com slash Diggnation. And sign up I think that you as a month three."

" So sign up for an account and it will draw the winner from people who sign up using the stuff there too."

" So before we go and and talk about emails real quick idea want to say happy birthday it's my father well yeah my dad is turning. -- More on TV and where but is that this Friday and Saturday. And isn't -- but -- so. That as a gentleman on and on and so that's it emails we have a combination of email and yeah a teacher pictures actually not a picture from a teacher but we had to use is is is is so cool so we got in Stephen -- maker. Or hit maker had maker. Hey guys I'm a cartoonist and digital color is it just let it throw -- little Diggnation inspired to junior way. Thanks for the awesome and free content over the last year listening to you guys and other podcast. Well I work is great it's really. It and it really motivates me to get tons of stuff done on sitting in my computer and take care let's see there's also radiates my desktop now."

" So when you so much -- personal we have as I know Jimmy yeah I'm looking new -- Let's number I can not not merely do it yeah so eager. It would it would I think we're gonna put this I was. It isn't so I was so I don't it and it says is there's a school wrote in into Diggnation and she's like and the -- users must then agree mile. And that -- mile. I was not in in the nation now. Because she's like you're Bob. Mueller's illness for Kevin. The back this brouhaha. At least in the news that simulate this is the but."

" You know pass the up. Well -- you let me I was gonna respond back."

" But what what you're not acts -- of some Arab act like you looked like -- you did right back I think that is you."

" When you look like me crazy things in it's -- am glad that I was innocuous as digital equipment that."

" No matter what no matter what -- reiterated Monday that his --"

" Have a just like. If not. --"

" If you're really matters spots like you that -- you have loves you this year on might not sound horrible horrible and I candidate -- of sound mind -- body would like you're -- tiny and what. I'd -- that you see all the pictures that he look at posing of them. The one and only."

" that wins the wind in half -- here is -- It's strong. Is that rain and -- its engines."

" And he stuck it and cameras and Sony Pictures. Naked. Now. And out -- on. Yes he's our drinking. Grizzly."

" fiction literature. In. -- sent it is that is that it. That's I think that is yet well thanks for listening oh if you want to check out the stuff that we've talked about this or any previous episodes had a"

" Slash users slash Diggnation yes and can I dig a ton of stuff throughout the -- all kinds of cool stories that we don't need to talk about this isn't my profile advocate com slash user slash cameras and -- is a -- does this and the cons of the digging. And an Alex -- and yes and I'm over there slash users slash Alex Albrecht Anthony's friend -- sums I submit. -- story I know I think I did admitted that the second version and open -- didn't make it -- what do what I do. With due to what they do category that's why people complaining. Allen types that's it for this week's edition of Diggnation on Alex Albrecht and I have to --"

" Out Alex. Thought about that okay that CmdrTaco. That he -- pages that we killed captain cola. Particularly Houston I."

" Okay. The neat thing is brought by GoDaddy now testified that count and -- nick bottom it that can happen at the bottom that's -- rated. -- that in Israel it grandma used to -- it didn't do it yet so I got."

" And welcome to dig nation."

" They had better."

" Well what they did mason episode number 36. Topic basically -- Some of the most top students or is of that social bookmark -- The -- Jack on one thing asking engine dot com for next sponsors it's a great gas it was taken out Eric goes for iTunes download it it's. And that interest on its infectious yes that's yes so answers is -- this week as. My apartments. -- Alex is sick as a dog I've been sick for the last two weeks ever since he's -- I it was actually we we shot in opposite logic and -- to use and as ago that was right after we did go to my right after the whole debacle. Who lives in -- And then I think that -- at -- throw -- my body just like now you know do the live show. Drink up just arm yeah she got an episode technology. You can be -- and it woke up the next morning just sick an innocent it's unique that it would not and I gotta -- got mine."

" So as it into outlines flying here not so -- designs thanks. And you."

" Beer drinking not -- good music that we -- team this week having him be the team activity is you know came all sickness at and T and I mean it's good whites and uses his -- he had what it's it's -- it's crisp."

" So what is it -- white -- I don't know I and it's -- and Chris yes a little like just."

" water giving expert if you you'd that would do we got it wants as anyway now. Mucous. That's moved all right the first story of the week this is a good one. Microsoft finally deals origami project right now 2503. People that the stories submitted by -- judgment is now. With that's funny. It is now with powerful processors big bright displays. Easy input options and support for the latest activities that are out. Also mobile PCs are ready for your life on the go now this must've been written by amateurs --"

" It is okay. No duty that -- You ready for years might on the bet that it you're ready and you can do you unite with the new. It's you know is this for the tablet PC is we'll go as the -- have a -- 2000 violently. Because I saw the video I was hooked it viral marketing night."

" And I was excited. Here's the tablet PCs for me I never liked them because -- sides of the -- book I don't get you know I mean come on I want entity you know right when they're the -- the notebook."

" With little bit in use the keyboard it's a notebook right right. So I think it so much smaller much much super cool sizable book."

" Share medium sized movies you've pants. The -- like whatever peace. But is this could -- exactly and dead ends that I think. That that's the read the books. -- all kids any luck."

" That's Arnold and advocating indicated that candidates KP did that. Not even good. No it's not but I think I'm sick about that can be punchy I'm like kind is that thing is we're thinking about it this is it. Tell -- like low key not drink he. Episode but the bottom line is I'm sick like pop up in -- like there's no. Kennedy just yes so okay and you just you'd we're talking about the origami project. There's an Oregon. And is -- paper or whatever but -- code -- port. But they're using paper and and I don't know if there's no. Reason yes but I will say one thing if you take a look at the video. I keep them -- that they have this unique keyboard now where. Actually this green becomes the keyboard you can see that I -- divided into like that it's really chemicals bullet that Microsoft ergonomically. Right exactly but I don't dont like science. Those who are now going to go. Is it. But it and it exactly it is -- good anyway he and Hillary now. So you can type on it and this as. I think that's what they'll say two things that don't like about one of the screen resolution is like 600 by three point it's little that they and that that's a good thing let's more than 800 by 600 select browsing the web. Not so much fun stuff now is designed that way for us and 68 apps is that -- crappy web experience which is but why not what it's -- I still want to do that means well but that's. What's the point."

" Offered for -- documents was -- and it's not -- documents is for your life on ago yeah it's for taking pictures and put them on his eyes were watching movies or playing video games. It's port checking on ago would like I did you get it is. Play video games they showed halo hit -- being run on it exactly."

" Right 1989 my old school. Oh yes because the PSP could run -- assessment not what brought this is four times as of yesterday is not what exactly. It's at least ten anyway here's the deal -- come on yourself the bottom line nobody's actually we have seen I have no one -- got our hands on any vapor -- no it's coming out but it'll be a little while in. The problem is like. They're they're outsourcing the designs like an aces is making line in like Toshiba in the whole look crappy and and the need to get some good design and that's where Apple has kicks."

" They should it be that is on that Xbox-360. As -- it's slipping in -- it. Experiment on you to do with Silicon Valley fight club exposed this is super cool 1883 people dinosaurs and -- stolen Bayer."

" Video correct. As a brands as -- Software engineers show us what they're made out so here's the deal."

" This is an actual. It's in its business in the Bay Area. A CBS news this story and it's the whole deal is. It's a group of software engineers know that -- have all studied martial arts and get together on the weekends and they beat the (%expletive). --"

" He spends I was what's the video and it's Liz Taylor is they take at all."

" Oprah magazines Obama is like weapons and -- knives like science and stop and have like sticks it's. It's from years it is weird would you do."

" Probably ninth. I don't know I supposed to I would love to do which is not worth it like. -- itself. I mean this -- and they're really just."

" They seemed like that but just letting programmers wrestling on the ground now and the best part is is that he's the -- is -- games run at the connect and shorts it's."

" To me and -- other brother the sort them podcast."

" Another brother he's the fellow like computer geek mean. He won it beating his man with a pipe second I think it's actually these are ladies gonna kick. -- as eighties Hawaii pain it's funny they use they were using what was it tens like pipes pipes and like hello cutie -- congress. So there's a little bit of that we your backyard wrestling -- right but they really kicked the crap and -- I don't know I can feel lake fight club was a cool movie. I heard it was a book. Now -- and clicking. On -- breed like bridge club. That would be like what we hear okay it will play brits ought to mean that like spike let -- like economic and -- people I am I right am I right come on -- I am sick and the rest."

" And I don't know man who knows that I -- the watch and it -- be sure it justice -- That's the next story Google to acquire Writely 1114. People that the stores that buy and now it's nineteen. This is oh now like he's great blog about it if you object as -- do so with them it's. GigaOM dot com note that I am helium dot com features Google is going headlong into my sized backyard by potentially acquiring web based productivity suite. By Writely. The big is the big G biting off more than it can you. So this is usually Google okay okay Oklahoma you want to first -- they've announced go voters district court okay so here's the deal if you check out right at any given shot it's basically a web based word processor. It's fun it's full of tons of functionality tons of features it's almost like word but -- through any web browser -- Works great great. I I I see for the first time we're Google's going with -- because the air so it has been rumored lately we've -- create this huge storage drive you just -- like store all of your different kinds of files online. So you're basically getting rid of local hardware store. That's rumored to be coming out soon they have I am obviously are in agreement. And."

" It it just makes to me because now that productivity suite so it's gonna take you programs office off your computer on the way. Right but."

" I think they're really minister and his altogether so let's that -- document like and that this year is different right movements quick to say it saves it to your G drive or whatever online -- it secure want to share with someone. You choose who dropped out of context this the person -- G talk it was in this too. Boom shares it with that person that he grumbled at the same time in a Wiki stuff who knows but."

" You see that kind of trying to connect all these services again well now you're making that assumption right and I think it's obvious that's -- a we'll hear a thing about Google. I have been a die hard Google mail now -- It it they need to fix the freaking server is now pulling. Is -- when -- start to save stuff offline because it's so frustrating you try to loaded log in and get okay also need to be able to exit you."

" Is coming dude at the African -- did happy audience is clapping thinking you know its slowest don't. And here's the deal on putting all of my information online."

" Right that connection between -- information. Asked to be a constant. In fast so whose connection in and I feel like I am not in touch with my data even for a second. I am not like that giant hard I mean I'm Alex here that is going to be filled up my stuff there with a -- I pray that -- does it like right here building can have my stuff on this here but you know what the other than line in their -- on."

" But you're also those if you drop -- laptop and harder breaks that was read them I have control of you'd think I do. But it's I have more control over this and he is and yeah I'm not saying that this is gonna be like the service like when they -- the -- there's there was this -- by heart and we're just gonna use. -- and but you know what 345 years from now when they get all the bugs worked out you know -- this distributed that file system where they can store all your files securely with backup redundancy is Schneider I'm not worried I think the way."

" I think also it's gonna -- I'm writing documents."

" I personally don't want people word I have a Mac had gone -- at -- about student editions like you that discount so for instance could pirates that cracked in more innocent with the -- pot didn't work I tried it and it was like going out in the like. That's the real thing network had also have the same copy and like it's the end with -- I don't know you have but office okay so there painters portrait."

" It -- head that the bad day."

" to come on his -- like you know and I for that. You've been pirating were hit. Anyway."

" This'll be cool right because that's been Mike this is please share with with friends acting I'm so sick."

" Yeah are bastards that put itself anyway. I can't get into the good thing that was gonna do is and here's -- house aides to Google before you do all this stuff."

" Is allow me to be logged -- to multiple accounts please. -- Right as you can do yes yes bright yeah skate Canada I've got one that there. -- and my context -- and I wanted this of the genome don't notify her yet I'll have to -- to -- wouldn't see. I know this third party when they do it Allah from Google has now lying area got my it was a Dinah was. And advanced data angle I love that because that's close -- it -- at -- and eloquent blogs and."

" If there is he can't do it in in -- department -- because recession is not and get it I get it but that's my problem."

" I do not choose to design Google mail I didn't take a yeah it's not it's not. Google's choice either like when you open up a new tab they need to think that I don't mean to me like -- how many people in the world have more than one -- Gmail accounts mostly gonna have like ten."

" Right because the (%expletive) Gmail Russia 01 that wherever graduates according Gmail -- like -- nuggets of -- a -- cut I'd cut anchored code actors. Hacker whatever the opulent it was going. The ministry of big big giant you know I should have little woman was a month you -- dirty -- on the streets it was weird animal it was like getting -- we give away like hundreds of them and they would like it's like he some people like hundreds of again and they have. Not. Did I was pleased with where I use it's hard Firefox one. Right well (%expletive) now download you know. -- I don't like it anyway that's good but there. That's encryption. -- I didn't like it. You -- this Tina yeah. I talked to get that it -- it -- all -- my nose like air was that that I'm sick and all you'll analytic not quit I was just sort of like I've meddling at present."

" There is because I'm right Winger."

" Like I'm glad you're Aaron I'm glad you're like I did that last night when and skated in economic. At. This evening -- hot in here here you'll see I. Honestly did we have -- already hot. It would that there."

" I could use -- looking bitter nobody's holding me back from getting going to be -- didn't -- like that. It."

" We'll -- That is that it doesn't know where it but again getting their infantry. Is there may double the comes with the chairman -- quit."

" Three on 24 monitors display while driven by twelve Linux servers it's okay we dive over -- over to the candidates to."

" there. What does it simulate this are submitted by seeing I Wiki set up. Script how all so this is from look at this class K news is and plastic -- net. This is nuts quake three its amazing how much more fun games can play when you play them and it really large high resolution screens are glad -- America. Our lab has it 24 monitor display wall and as you can see for the pictures below I got -- running on it. So this is quake three running on 24. Monitor wall."

" Did did you. Poland. IKEA. Thing and I just -- it happens again well let's the idea that. Yeah."

" So here's the deal that got this going on a multi server -- multi."

" Multi monitor services instead of -- well -- servers and this is sweet you can see the picture."

" If you're playing this first off I would be so noxious you have to -- back and add them."

" I -- the -- like right for the first if they really get to -- legacies like the Jesus. In it is amazing -- because the servers and literally that. If you care about. And the back into the computer's not very interesting. Moving kind of familiar to you -- like how do you take the pictures that we'd abuse. That's pretty bad that is pretty that although look at the speed up this code again and there racking up a -- of speakers for those qualities. -- Dude are you kidding me -- speaking of which now addicted to it dungeons and dragons online yes you -- all my god this is my new every game in the war. So it's got to -- going down kind of don't say. -- there was guys I was not using daddy isn't we're not doing -- business I would suggest -- we're doing this and of the critical -- on its the other so that in order known as -- don't call us to think turbine is negated the game developer and they've been really cool it and put it. Are they Internet radio station do you agree dot com and be like in the browser in the launcher of the game that's going to be on the forms it's going to be they're gonna need like your fish to you is the visual radio station and we have the only talk about all that's -- that because like regular plan -- Sorry predated. Now it's really fun -- judge that but anyway I would love the latest attacks on line and when Obama arsenal and -- I would -- like spinning tumbling like mother."

" Yeah that's that next story -- come at the earliest 4004. But it's -- about myself to those. Let me out. Now each user has the ability to -- rate their favorite comments by digging them if you see it off topic -- simply click here icon and shrink and remove the -- from view. The new features include threading editing and friends -- Could still really quick to want you -- up spew what this is if you haven't seen it become system. Go check it up -- the huge major revamp for us. It's good because it hasn't up and down little bombs -- thumbs up or thumbs down yeah like -- come into -- get feedback given thumbs up and get hired Digg count. And if you don't like you bury it in the entire comedy shrinks down yet couldn't honestly kind of collapse on you. Yet if it's below the viewing threshold will just appear as class but my favorite one and everything. And I really like that comes is is that if you have friends in and this -- friends by the way on that idea. -- have friends in your school into the comments if the president has done the comic turns the comic green and it shows the name of the -- the dot com. So like if you're going through it you know does what it does -- it was to use it comes to that in the school and that a thread had yes. -- and some more comments on it yeah it's growing sales going also boom boom couple green comments and then when my friends and actually in either posted something or had to become so."

" This early code is one -- to say about Digg it and it had sort of irked me if there was anything. Was that at some accounts which sell off topic move in any site I don't care and I love -- like it means is all those like those. New. Those as well as it has gone people tonight yes. Let's go through it gets realize that just like it's down to the really good information so. That's cool the stuff. And so when it -- they go air assets if you don't have an account like Ers on in your account and check out and that in -- get a big load viewing threshold was scheduled Allen and he says."

" God is -- there and a number of formats and."

" Meaning meaning. Amending funding. Aliens whenever."

" And is doing very interesting. Stuff Pamela there expend a lasting and theatrical trailer released. 3178. People that this are submitted by Joe tan boot and thank you Joe for bringing up that I've been trying my best to bring back in every case."

" Before but boot up -- will move jobs asked what happened -- you know is premised on an island. He -- interest where -- become just that yes so much fun -- cool one -- and an aggressive big bottles liquor outlets reminiscing sacking. Well it looks pretty sweet. As just a preview during tonight's episode of 24 click overview falling thriller Apple movies. Trailer. Link goes to a larger version of the -- so the X-Men trailer yes has been released. -- it looks great and people were greatly some of the pictures came out people are really really important that he got in the great -- good Powell. I -- kid I am I did -- because I love Beckman the original one link in that other dog hall accidentally. This going to have Phoenix it's gonna have juggernaut in Pawtucket I was ought to do it without breaking through walls as one dazzling your dad gonna kills agree Amber's and it look and they'll be easy these these does it look like bees will in real life nobody goes thankfully. Atlas liquid as -- you what -- an -- your editors at the the big Arabic and no I think that weird rule disease and you haven't bought seventeen -- in he's not real and the people with that they don't. People that outside coming here you boys did the Harry -- argument that -- But that said yet nobody looks like these but but that doesn't exist himself -- well that's it adds somebody out there's going to make it to look at the."

" And them."

" Excellent three after the and so when the pictures were released that. That people started the rumors that. The guy Brian Cox does just as house note Gumbel."

" Right so here now. -- is directing. Brett Ratner and Brett Ratner it was worried that brat brat."

" It was gonna sort of destroyed users because Bryan singer moved -- to go direct to Superman movie in which you becoming speaking of which you screen captures pursue an Xbox-360."

" Hold the -- and captain who plays Superman gains will hopefully a lot manner -- it let down that said."

" There was worried -- rhetoric instead of if you were like up in arms and an Internet was like this movie's gonna sockets -- This trailer. Definitely Klaus and that's great it looks great and excited yes."

" So that's all we have to say about it this is good to convince him oh okay."

" Next story real Google calendar AK ACLU screen -- plus and -- 3002 and assist people the the stories submitted by DM CA you know. Techcrunch escort a bunch of exquisite screen shots on the Google's upcoming calendar application it's apparently a long way from launch. I say -- Ziff Davis. Released some screen shots of what they were what we're Hoechst. Someone actually -- Photoshop and cracking and -- will people start to know everybody believes is that it's stupid it yet -- so anyway. Techcrunch which is a great website yeah actually scored the -- screen shots and post them and perhaps it looks pretty cool. Who now this is some."

" asking for Frontline at the count them so that and -- Atlanta and young. -- MySpace account but at the bottom line is at. I used. So I am logged in my Gmail account and I can also access my calendar setup -- to share that calendar with other people know is -- just talking about every time I'm -- kinds of putting it up and do it has seen no it's not something that this as I a lot of times. A lot of times they all have stuff that's like a -- beginning. And I just program and I either account yeah and you so but I and then like and I another I have Gmail -- outlook and -- allegations east I mean it's a very out of them. She says it is pleased that. It. Isn't this. I get sick and now we can't test parts -- could --"

" Anyway but their dazzling stuff comes out and I'm like I know I mean no -- don't make people calling get where I was thinking it. -- that's so you got it never happened that's."

" All -- it can if you got. You hook."

" I'd like but anyway my Italian if you got."

" The only guy I did I know -- it's probably didn't get the relevant to use the I don't have many of them -- think in -- bronchitis and oh. -- Madrid Obama couldn't."

" Does anyone has -- either keywords back in a."

" I didn't mean like it -- that that's not them -- respect it and you. Anyway that's at a very excited to be able have been only counted."

" I can share with friends. AKA. You know I'm telling you can amigo. It'll be awesome when you can create drag and little calendar entry in the meet up level blah. Which friends like to add an add my contact from boom boom boom send an email yes the end it's in the if I think it's it's the and we ought to be arguing that most of whom I hope cook couldn't cook. There's a market for a book but it's all interconnected that would you bargaining agent the cat like -- I haven't calendar entry from a friend and global blah and boom boom the only. Markkanen. Six months from now at all happen and all he worked."

" And everybody will be at the -- the right to have the boom that there boom and I'm excited so I wish I could drag and drop. There that's -- that's us and Canada -- Last story my story that."

" The -- on that -- sawed off shotgun on space station how could we not and I'm completely not pretty hot right we've -- it -- yes. 1608 people's that this -- bias and."

" How -- arms race -- blood Angela team Russian."

" Oh Yahoo!. I was playing with some Russian people on. It's weird. That -- converted to keyboard that weird like Russian keyboard and so I had a house like so we're gonna do just -- little lost and -- think."

" It's an accurate picture and give it up and -- like I don't speak Russian accent. I didn't think I'll edit it and that's like -- but I the ratchet that. That's Amanda is leading the group doesn't get something else these guys are obviously Russian."

" That's cool. In 1965 Russian officials officials decided to pack it shotgun out of their spacecraft. -- this is because they over. They overshot their text on site and ended in the woods. And of course interaction that you're in the woods and don't have a shack on bad idea. Why there's sought out shotgun on the international space it's -- space station to fight -- alien invaders known case of war on the air at."

" So the cosmonauts can kill US astronauts know where did that come from is that it is it is but it's."

" It's not ultimately Patrick Norton -- know it."

" I think that it is not a tonight and in the middle of like that severe NC. So basically two cosmonauts in ninety -- is about to conduct. Over other -- outside by 1200000 found themselves in the deep forest with hungry wolves. That's when Russian space officials decided to act not all psyched out award every space skeptical Russian. Search drew more than two hours to locate the space -- for albums but smart. Impetus option elegant Jake he -- upshot."

" But you never know when you're in -- like that. I think when they landed an enemy territory."

" In in Russia told no they were shot -- it that's a far away every registered a big thing. --"

" They get shut and then the other one out and out it is funny that they're packing and it's awesome."

" Lord knows about space I would definitely bring them right. -- and -- it out but in the end of the day."

" Using is -- to articulate well what children's static again. In -- and when it's pretty -- yeah you'd think they'd -- like you know. Collection accounts of the and it's again. And an eight."

" Yeah so Eagles -- to get worse and worse it's. By the time it gets late going to fly -- like I was leaning don't ever fly this is that was handing my eyeballs pop. -- like sharp searing pain because -- there's some clouds and -- like. Is that I really honestly not like it what what would get -- it. It's rough and Hispanic."

" Right. See it comes domain registry registrar in the world and now with your -- don't yet. Now -- your domain registration you'll get hosting free blog complete email much much more plus as a nation listening which we know you are. Enter code -- that's Greg who or PR AG ER."

" When you check out and get your dot com name for just 690 that a year."

" Gave lesbian icon pictures of me yet registered at that it Huntington's."

" holly holly -- This Allegra. And Amazon meaning of the land tax purposes. Where. In it so I I invited. Literally twenty ligament. And it was Kathy from good outcomes. Customer service and it makes it quite. Nice and click. I don't know it's over -- if I'm currently whenever and it was like how does -- on -- go to -- customer service recently you had to balance if you questions and they choose the rock voted -- this."

" This next one Diggnation live recording from that Reno slash Tahoe area on the evening of Thursday march 23 at 7 -- we're -- be will be skiing -- snowboarding at mount rose. In Africa -- of course who wrote that. That you know you did its indignation and for the live audience. That's what has come billions of billions in the silver legacy resort in the casino in Reno that I. And nonviolence. And then. There is hope we get to the audience including like detriment Def playing in the future. Well if arts the arts is a -- punctuation in it. I mean there's -- with us there's also some super sweet. Super cheap package deals you can join us go get all the details at visit Reno Tahoe dot com slash Diggnation. And you know if -- ever get to regulate these coming out those relative time. We will be drinking and yes I will be better on and on other major company. And will it will go somewhere doesn't vote yes I it'll be -- so. Results of two ways to -- to gates to really got everything out preeminence this thing gets larger tickets lodging tickets."

" And the ways to do that -- DOT's."

" They're giving away outlook of the trips if you get Big Dig skills boosters it's when he a free tip get tree feeds you rip. Go to dot Dudack -- Diggnation guess the total number of Diggs on what an upcoming number of stories gets."

" Next week correct. Correct I was -- next guest next week if you're the first person to answer or you're the only person closest or audit you will win. A trip. For two. To Tahoe writes if you lock in your registration by purchasing. Some number of T have to say it."

" It is -- thing is when I was with a Z yeah and if you're just getting -- actually have is of the nation's amber gets out his stuff out I don't get a get that's a bunch of different like Diggnation these it was brilliant it was of like that. Really good stuff good gift for whoever numbing girlfriends without and actually not a ton of people -- a few hundred people see your chances are actually pretty good."

" 100 that's actually not also -- that comes by dollar payment for -- is giving away -- all licensed to trip paid. Foot two. -- I'm hurt me up if you ever use the Diggnation from a Catholic and you're already entered if you have not head over to Cachefly dot com slash Diggnation. And sign up I think that you as a month three."

" So sign up for an account and it will draw the winner from people who sign up using the stuff there too."

" So before we go and and talk about emails real quick idea want to say happy birthday it's my father well yeah my dad is turning. -- More on TV and where but is that this Friday and Saturday. And isn't -- but -- so. That as a gentleman on and on and so that's it emails we have a combination of email and yeah a teacher pictures actually not a picture from a teacher but we had to use is is is is so cool so we got in Stephen -- maker. Or hit maker had maker. Hey guys I'm a cartoonist and digital color is it just let it throw -- little Diggnation inspired to junior way. Thanks for the awesome and free content over the last year listening to you guys and other podcast. Well I work is great it's really. It and it really motivates me to get tons of stuff done on sitting in my computer and take care let's see there's also radiates my desktop now."

" So when you so much -- personal we have as I know Jimmy yeah I'm looking new -- Let's number I can not not merely do it yeah so eager. It would it would I think we're gonna put this I was. It isn't so I was so I don't it and it says is there's a school wrote in into Diggnation and she's like and the -- users must then agree mile. And that -- mile. I was not in in the nation now. Because she's like you're Bob. Mueller's illness for Kevin. The back this brouhaha. At least in the news that simulate this is the but."

" You know pass the up. Well -- you let me I was gonna respond back."

" But what what you're not acts -- of some Arab act like you looked like -- you did right back I think that is you."

" When you look like me crazy things in it's -- am glad that I was innocuous as digital equipment that."

" No matter what no matter what -- reiterated Monday that his --"

" Have a just like. If not. --"

" If you're really matters spots like you that -- you have loves you this year on might not sound horrible horrible and I candidate -- of sound mind -- body would like you're -- tiny and what. I'd -- that you see all the pictures that he look at posing of them. The one and only."

" that wins the wind in half -- here is -- It's strong. Is that rain and -- its engines."

" And he stuck it and cameras and Sony Pictures. Naked. Now. And out -- on. Yes he's our drinking. Grizzly."

" fiction literature. In. -- sent it is that is that it. That's I think that is yet well thanks for listening oh if you want to check out the stuff that we've talked about this or any previous episodes had a"

" Slash users slash Diggnation yes and can I dig a ton of stuff throughout the -- all kinds of cool stories that we don't need to talk about this isn't my profile advocate com slash user slash cameras and -- is a -- does this and the cons of the digging. And an Alex -- and yes and I'm over there slash users slash Alex Albrecht Anthony's friend -- sums I submit. -- story I know I think I did admitted that the second version and open -- didn't make it -- what do what I do. With due to what they do category that's why people complaining. Allen types that's it for this week's edition of Diggnation on Alex Albrecht and I have to --"

" Out Alex. Thought about that okay that CmdrTaco. That he -- pages that we killed captain cola. Particularly Houston I."