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January 12, 2007

Saturday, January 20th, 2007 – running time 40:04
Sony discontinues ALL computer monitors, iPhone & LG KE850: separated at birth? Crazy Flipping Japanese Roller Coaster. World's Smallest Country up for Sale?!?! The Worlds First External Graphics Card: Asus XG Station EN7900GS. Seagate Anounces 1TB Consumer Hard drive. Google Earth 4 Officially Released.

hard drive ( 26:14, 26:29, 26:48, 27:28, 26:14, 26:29, 26:48, 27:28 ) operating system ( 4:47, 4:47 ) Lazard ( 9:38, 9:38 ) Diggnation ( 0:42, 2:52, 21:16, 21:19, 34:43, 36:34, 37:07, 38:05, 39:24, 0:42, 2:52, 21:16, 21:19, 34:43, 36:34, 37:07, 38:05, 39:24 ) hard drive ( 26:14, 26:29, 26:48, 27:28, 26:14, 26:29, 26:48, 27:28 ) operating system ( 4:47, 4:47 ) Lazard ( 9:38, 9:38 ) Diggnation ( 0:42, 2:52, 21:16, 21:19, 34:43, 36:34, 37:07, 38:05, 39:24, 0:42, 2:52, 21:16, 21:19, 34:43, 36:34, 37:07, 38:05, 39:24 )

Automatically Generated Transcript(may not be 100% accurate) ( more )

" This week's episode of -- has brought to buy Microsoft Zune. Cachefly dot com and bears circles may even 100% barrier as well. Hello my name up and Diggnation episode number 81 on out I'll -- governor resignation covers some of the weekly top stories of the stories that we. That's good to see the details coming up -- bad -- and I. --"

" At -- Digg headquarters. I saw the cold some sort for going to be years and these -- we -- and his peers and you have to try this at. A and these fears are brought to us courtesy of Brian who -- is they'd contest the winner is actually a blog. -- worth of experience dot com there was experience I come. And I his little extra Brian right here -- Thanks for coming out that. At at at at. Nobody was illegally -- years. Why he won this contest from blogging and not just a kind of shadow the -- crew all day long -- what we do the office over -- and the stuff we're doing. He brought some -- for us and -- so much for coming out Andy's the Great Lakes brewing company's. Door monitor gold yes and he said they look good because they have a metal on the outside. Nice if they win medals rather when metal because they're like these are big music what they went medals if that's okay that's the kiss goodnight moon. Although a huge metal on the -- I don't know if that's a little reward or not let's get this really does get yeah I will elect."

" drink my coffee. West I agree that that's good beer yeah this is good to have branch that you it's -- sort out what to say. And play around Vista smart. And I didn't get used to go over some or something I really about it because at Macworld is a little bit of well we audiences was not into it which is -- but -- some of the things I really love about and I know exactly in -- but on this finally -- put in search. Into the into the searching applications and your emails and documents -- and yes I know that's been Mac for awhile but the leaders there really amazing is it now you can save all those searches as folders and -- have a folder save like for Diggnation -- saying we call them smart folders and constant yes and they're called folders."

" And now."

" And -- but the other thing they did it really that I know I loved is -- finally put the desktop in the alt tab. -- which to me is like. Genius -- hanging like I've went every time as all touting as always like Nat down bottom and chick click show desktop -- up. And did the paging -- is really fun. At this -- partly you know thing."

" You know I've played with that percent like. I don't know its -- my site exposition that."

" Yeah except you know nothing would expose it and I that I don't like is when you go to the -- up and that's the day I always feel like I'm doing something wrong. Why because all the windows -- like hiding -- it's like I'm still an expose the not just push all the -- does away. They're like hiding on the side because how would you pull them back otherwise."

" Down at the bottom market down at the bottom and they -- but -- seems to me that you want a quick jump back and think and this morning to exist up really quick I'm fully have a file them back to back."

" That's outline if I -- this up because in doing something else."

" Although I really like this has hall -- what I really like this look there has a little preview under the thing -- that the toolbar you can actually see. It's usually isn't yes all the time. As I forget what window which which I mean rather than I you know what I can't remember which -- you know whatever and I've just hover over Michael Ian Wright -- I admit ages there's without a doubt this is a better -- much much better much better backsliding into them aren't -- up that I like about it let's go I love this indeed the sourcing is awesome to be able to just hit me and it into and it opens up with lower."

" When that's it would work out I -- not. Yet the united -- start run and that's -- how are no patch yet the -- he's boom in there and -- I do the same thing actually with. With spotlight spotlight as a new Apple space in the type the first of letters and -- you."

" It's so it's so nice it's it's just a -- it just feels like a really good operating system and amana ball -- put my. Falcon northwest laptop they've banned in schools so and I so want to get some of those -- functions."

" Out as I can already. So is that let's go first order shall we can get Sony just continues all computer monitors is sort of big news. 1847. People that the stories submitted by weird looking guy. -- Sony after dropping trying to -- monitors is now drop all LCD monitors. So this is big news. And Sony had."

" I used to love them in the Sony Chandra monitors were like the the CRTC. RT -- today absolutely and then even their flat panels were always the super stylized ones unity mean boom I think that's."

" The kind of lost it was named -- and it Ellison will deli lunch right because I'm they have the cheapest flat panels that you can get. I get nineteen inch swing into medicine at 23 inch Dell. Yeah -- it was on sale for like 599 or something like that a C I have the Samsung and I I'd love it I think it's amazing how big is it 21 point -- again. You wouldn't want to point -- hey I think there it. There's not only the big difference for me between different brands I do have some gaming I know this in the well that's right I was the refreshment and I it would this one's right really. Enemies and this one's nice it's twit Peterson turned sideways stands that's -- we can militants does not -- on port six him and I hope it rates."

" This has -- luckily. Movies. And I can cut out there ecstasy -- nine other my laptop a sixteen by nine so I like having more realistic and invest up but at the end of the day."

" Most web sites are designed to perform at your computer does he do video editing and enjoy use system and I monorail from you anything that isn't that once they have."

" Is -- yeah. But but the it's syncing up to find out about this is that they actually sold three point seven million units in 2005. Like what company goes we're selling three million monitors and now it's gonna stop doing that we're now whenever means stop I don't know will what they do -- 2006."

" This path."

" I don't know what it in 2006 but dumb but the interesting thing was the site actually so that there are gonna be -- launching new models of the G series minors by year's end so sort of like weird might want. That you're not making monitors in my and then now we'll look and monitor what answer I don't know it's weird. I mean you know I don't I don't ever like to see companies stop doing things. Doesn't -- people for them a little Sony you."

" I don't know what it TV steel and rock I don't know and let us on and on their longtime TV agree absolutely. It's still have that brand Rivlin thanks Soyuz fuels like the little bit better I just kind of two it's on TV to Vega."

" I'll -- flats green thing or not -- of the --"

" It's so funny that my dad is so stuck on Sony. That he won't -- another TV. So you're right I'm like listen I might contact Robert -- disease did you labs and fast at the PC mag and he's like this is the -- awesome does this this area that's transplant my dad is like so it's better as it as -- has is that there's a Sony. I think it. I mean yeah like I know -- ways. Yes Kevin you know what that mean you're out -- figured that. Yeah I was implying Andy Apple Valley when you yeah. As an expert should show well. I think there's a little Aaron general Ron yes Sony's darting about monitored but I'm still varieties. Not blue gas well. The iPhone and the LG KE 850 separated at birth question mark. 2027. People by the stories submitted by Byrd's sister Wanda. It's you that's. His sister water sister Wanda that the name. To move sparsely buttoned large touch screen phones the Apple iPhone in the elegy K 8850. Which already won the international forum designed product award of 2007. Separated at birth or possible lawsuit to number two for Apple if you decide."

" These phones look so much alike. They look so much like it and."

" Right I mean it's I have no Dave no and."

" And I haven't you can't say that these two funds do not learning so much to my dad and think look at the -- I want to three people because then they're both this exact size."

" Black I don't touch screen you cute couple of different things like you can this. And I know I. Believe."

" Only you can go."

" I am just saying what you're saying. I can't believe you're looking at that this is what I said take -- Joe the Apple that's you. You can't and don't. No backbone and say that phone does not look almost exactly like I thought you let me say couple I mean exactly put Lazard put a sliver of other fun there it. Like the iPhone goes Drupal. At the -- it let me let me show in the same I think people can see into the Apple's new graphics."

" July thank you jelly attitudes and predicting found right now my kids -- look at. If that I'm saying involves here's the deal the phones if you have a touch screen phone."

" In your creating that stylish form factor like that's the same sizes which really isn't it. Oh my gosh -- yeah I admit it meant you routers in a Linksys routers are -- the -- antennas need to move around the same you're just you're there are there currently owns. About things you're saying like this is fine that's the -- only reason why these are being compared. That alone doesn't exactly like the phone will -- black yes. He's in the right people yeah it is not high right now I just don't understand how. --"

" You like two pictures of iphones would different OS's and they're like hey this is an -- fun that's nice but it doesn't -- and -- which are not just up the anybody in my view for Motorola and the blackjack from Samsung."

" They look exactly like how they do not -- close to each other you can hold us on the next to each -- XIROS. I just say yeah I think it's funny that you're saying that these two excellent and."

" Sony and Apple copied now no I do not. Not a -- then why doesn't happen."

" Because it's exactly because this exact same font is because it shows a by the people's you know -- paint because Apple made of found LG without the exact same -- component people like. First of all there aren't you have a link to the functionality LG phone you don't know if that's the same teacher I know -- about the stories about these stories about the these -- exact same phones. Any LG was actually winning design awards let's great contrast LG. That's a well -- they can't make cool phone it what I buy an LG phone now."

" Right because it does have an Apple I don't honestly I'm that'd be a candidate -- and I think and it -- and -- eject that it. I -- factor that can. He'll ask united licking the alas this tell us about yeah. It the reasonable the reason I'm gonna buy a phone is not because it has the Apple logo is because of all the functionality that he can do and can -- full screen that's page on the algae I doubt it probably are you kidding me your -- zooming and images I doubt it yeah interactive Google maps no."

" I mean it's what the phone can do that the reason -- and the blacks and you're not saying that this night backing up and saying that they do look exactly like. The weird. Isn't it. It's funny because my roommate and I first saw this is that you know out like as it wow okay this is we should talk about this because this phone look exactly like the iPhone -- comes in it was like I don't want -- and I think. I ask you -- here's -- look."

" And I don't know the exact same dimensions you the -- loans and why does it dimension. You're -- you're trying to tell me. -- copied LG I."

" Outlook for stuff I don't know maybe -- this show I do not know they -- a whole lot ally and not enough it's it's it's just you know accidental. But the fact that Sony's other Apple's already being sued by you know Cisco over the name. The question of this was. Are they gonna get -- algae is LG and commando Didi can't make the same bucket and we're making -- a somebody else's name what can -- for the ultimately I'm just curious."

" The it's hot your own genetic trademark infringement was that trademark patent patent of the patent maybe -- there's a patent is that I just. Being completely realistic to the grandparent and equation it's is slim phone yeah that's black and it's touch screen. Lot of devices are like that no really really simple UK -- look at the picture."

" It that's like saying that like to fix of the Mona Lisa are like well what they're both paintings they're both about women I mean how could you still now."

" Can picture."

" You -- analyzing it to make Apple feel good coming out of the picture."

" Aside from the design look at the screen interface what's the same that -- in fact have that one through zero like the numbers look almost exactly the same."

" The I -- logos on the bottom look the same the with the widget think your the clock looks almost the same no -- that feature a garment Apple's. If you had that would it would be -- percent of Centre like that just like that cost and -- in the Clinton doll old -- anyway anyway it's fun to see -- get all hot about it because somebody's mad on Mac Apple and I again we'll say I think the iPhone is cool you should I didn't know -- I am I didn't -- act at. Act you know I include -- Google can probably have third party applications."

" As well and I wouldn't do that there's like Apple come on you need to do developed -- that he that's the only reason I had so -- runs for all the shareware should the people made."

" And first you know strip poker. -- moving on so unheeded and that was an awesome won't the world."

" First external graphics card. -- actually these in the book crazy good crazy flip and Japanese roller coaster go crazy let them. So crazy I stopped talking about it 2668. People that the stories submitted by digger Mike 82. This is -- want to -- intense coasters in the world named. EGT cod. At the GQ highland in Japan to get back top speed we do have to go back a 126 kilometer power. That's like sixty miles an hour you just -- that's like 300. US. An angle of descent of 89 degrees. That's nearly straight -- man and a fourteen inch versions apparently and you Guinness record nice but that's not all the individual seats can rotate 360 degrees flipping the writer. Cannot -- this is basically."

" He must isn't it just victims you know -- on time. Steve -- add to that looks just like great America wait wait in -- way not -- a Japanese writing -- me see this TT -- ago. There's something that doesn't let -- evidence and blue up now that they're facing straight down as a drop down."

" Car. Is like this -- it well I will tell you get sick and coasters. Not most testers some coasters -- to magic man management yes excitement man whatever color -- they're closing. Exactly. But out there's over rollercoaster like this camera is coming than an -- I would did you do did you who made me but it has that rotating seats -- I'll tell you. Not only was I sick after this rollercoaster it hurt. It's not comfortable to be spun around 360 while the roller -- going the other direction I mean my head I was like my head was in the thing and I got -- like. Sox fan but I like it I mean just like the next -- it does it he's got an outline somebody kicks -- in the balls and hit him pays and then throws you off the -- it. And you're like wow how do adrenaline rush is crazy altered and I got Clinton advocates. Yeah it it like I want you step outside of -- relaying your flash up I think it's."

" I hate to say this because I had were still young well you're thirty but I amendment one is oh now give it a month and -- it. The only key I just cant hate this stuff anymore what this is -- is -- the day but in the Davis parts of months ago. But did it take -- years ago not and I aunt and I was seriously like about. It reminded me of -- the time I couldn't do longer and I global program did the best."

" indeed it's sometimes it really does that we went does Six Flags. And down there was nobody there I was there and we -- whenever there's nobody there -- lines were easy we went. On bad and the revenge or whatever Batman and joker that in -- and -- We went on as it. We got up we like gives the -- adding ads we are about back on again we like and we got up house like this goes without we're here I am a governor is no. Now. She's like I was -- totally be like yeah and she's like you know what. I'm old enough to know I feel like (%expletive) let's sit desperate attitudes. You know they need as things where when your kids like yeah -- is it."

" tightening down on them and kills him and it but this -- look at that giant can loop."

" And they're fun but."

" Fun and stupid to."

" So here in the Japan in the -- Q could -- it's the John I he cocked."

" Which is I think exactly paths in the fact that."

" This again -- to them. Contents next thought it world's smallest country up for sale 1865. People that this person and by using their cats. Yeah -- art World War II forks in the North Sea perfect that was settled forty years ago and he cleared the states. -- with its own self proclaimed -- family is up for sale it's called ceiling and which began life as the tower in 1941 which is 550 square. Meter steel platform men burst onto concrete towers. Which is Levin."

" Meters off the coast -- the climbers up the coast. Eastern England. So this is not yet heard about the start before I had here about five is about ideas -- five years ago they had a story on wired magazine. Where they were building this Internet platform they're running all the spider to this new country pianist India plays work online gambling sites that have servers -- tonight you know porn sites -- legal certain countries camera. But it never really -- opt in that was a big deal for awhile and -- up for sales you can have your own country and I think how much. Nothing like if you know its -- the coast not too far away. From eastern England. And you can have your own little miniature country there if you one that want to buy it. These are the pictures I got sort of saw pictures and -- closer to what what you get. Music producers. So you get the tower there's not any and there's a place to sleep underneath one of the pillars he means is like a -- kind of like -- area that you going to be there's a big helicopter pad let's get on top that you can just bring your your cop -- into I'm not sure how you mean get -- it. Via a boat but."

" You know distance for some -- It's it's called Celia. So you and possibly find any. -- more -- but settlements like right there saying it's a little tiny platform. To pillars. Landing."

" At the top here."

" Yeah. I mean I might buy it but it would have to be like."

" I'm in the living quarters have to be would have to be they're credited their -- it's got to see it's got this little area right here people know when going to parties there you'll see it could. I -- country mainly just for entertainment purposes. Somebody's gotta do that though right. A clue I don't know who's rich enough and sort of domino college would you I don't think it would go that much money doesn't buy this for you look -- its own country. Answers yet about for a lot -- that I egos like guns human have to have a lot of guns you almost have to have little but some dealers did you literally go there get a -- his country is now via. Any candidate. That there it seems to do what's your -- up there you have your little votes. That would be an awesome party spot that you gotta admit it yet you helicopter England in that would technical helicopters and one -- there's about six people. That the Purcell and Minnesota and again not not as cool as -- for initially thoughts like ignition."

" Not Diggnation from C. Whoever buys it of the Diggnation standby that we are there -- president. Bringing the bringing your own -- can bring your own got to have your own health care it's true you can't be citizen anywhere it's that's hard."

" The hard let them in your own country they'll editing to the -- and there. No iChat they have the fiber all the connections in the Internet it could have been -- am I want. That's our beta countrymen it's an Italian."

" It's hard being a good domain."

" Next story of the world's first external graphics card -- XG station. EN -- 7900 GS. 01309. Some people but the stories megabyte. The world's first external video cards for laptop computers -- C yes unveiled in Las Vegas this freakish almost this is very freakish and up but very interesting. The XD station is connected. It says is connected via USB 2.0 but it's not it has a USB 2.0 connection in dolby digital headphone Jack. As -- that idea ought added audio audit and -- On the G at the XT station itself displays masses as master volume in GPU clock speed encouraging -- temperature in the frames per second it. This is really cool for somebody like me who you know my falcon northwest right I do gaming modes and so this -- a really good way to you have. A real high end graphics card and not have to worry about. Power drain not to worry about heat from your laptop I mean you know my -- gets and this is a full size desktop PC graphics card it to it eases the right now runs off the yen basis is the -- 7900 -- graphics -- to based on the Nvidia. Some 900 series and the idea of hardcore."

" Graphs -- that there -- a couple things out there that it's is it is that our internal display. You have to look up to an external monitors like it's right -- isn't that back plane right so we'll back in and day out here right."

" But basically you can have your you can have all the stuff that you want me to think about. Instead of carrying -- tower around and make carry your laptop and little tiny cards -- little tiny type thing Atlantis like you know -- have an update it's not that's our. And then your LCD panel right."

" As well."

" The that's the performance that we haven't seen it marks on again not sure how fast it really compares to the other it's is it connects via an express card. So present express card slots it's gonna be. Faster than he is because I thought originally that it connected by using any new electrical motors that's an Afghan with their on the idea."

" I bet they express slot is the new kind of form factor pleasant for peace in the -- AM."

" Or is that -- an express slot that it is press."

" Which I thought that adds a little."

" So that's not quite harmless this is this something spread that's of the many -- and that's the it's not it's not meaning PC MCI is an express card two different."

" Thing. And -- don't have anything. No ansari you MacBook -- that's the that's the mini the neat easings yeah."

" side and now it's nice Maceda. Has -- has an express card slot -- Anyway but citizens do we haven't seen any benchmarks I don't know how it's gonna interact with the different notebook CPU is mean you know yes the GP is important but also the CPU to process information to from the card right. But I mean think about like like this a Boise you know but does dual core two gave -- system two gigs of ram he's got it's it's robust."

" But of course it's got you know that. Built in whatever the graphics that mean the graphics that was always a thing in laptops."

" That was not as powerful as a gaming systems and in the CP user get fairly fast you can have two gigs of ram in these bad boys how much -- the -- for us. --"

" I'm curious that at some point but they do I get a mini computer that is tote around with mean I'm talking about yell and drag -- Greg marks that --"

" Well it depends because again it also. I mean yes that's what you're gonna do using you -- have a system that's like the zip but. You mean you could you could to have -- for -- is -- you can have all year you know gaming stuff."

" On this laptop and when you're not at a Lan party and you're like in I don't need huge massive frame rates as want to kind of hop on allowing you know. -- around this is still my laptop I game but in any means but given that I really want. Public the power of -- and go and admonishing Dornan -- it. Because he asks aces you know commodity you know a mistress is now not really bad. Of this thing so that's really gonna it's getting it again you know the one thing that laptops were sort of you know like -- try to -- goes into again as an expendable cards regions which amount but you know in most most gamers want to be able to have the fastest. Newest and graphics card for the processing. What I'm excited we'll see what the -- exactly let's have forms connected to my socket industry."

" Next hardware related story see it announces one terabyte consumer hard drive which is then followed by a Hitachi and Toshiba -- has announced it. Our thousands is that percentage of the stories smitten by flat -- Seagate Technology has just released information to daily tech -- doesn't have it -- his upcoming highest capacity hard drive to date at one terabyte. No other hundred minute fashion and catch up on them -- outlives that. -- the first drive to market. So this is I mean a lot of or confused by as I can say Canada. For awhile now they've been let's see -- another. Hard drive manufacturers have been. Releasing and selling one terabyte drives in enclosures well they're multiple drives from all wheel drive doesn't with the know that the oh you want to have a big is that the biggest is possible to actually there's two dozen there you know -- failure which -- Now you get the one actual true one terabyte drive which I think is awesome."

" Well I mean any -- has more I mean especially for video editing now people especially the fact that now people are doing their own video blogs and their own. Podcasts and stuff it's good because people are gonna need. Like -- I. I'd you know Heather's doing that girls on film show thing. So where god we've done like eight episodes and how hard drive is like. It to the bridge. I think -- telling and he he in the setting up pulling an Indy V and then you got you got of these scratched discs you know imported stuff then you've got the output it raw footage to compress and he got all. And after well if you don't. Get rid -- what's up with -- start blasting all out of the system and look real close up it adds up I -- I mean you know twenty minutes of footage is like. Eight gigs sixteen gigs and crap like that -- starts to get. Pretty narrow it pretty quakes these big hard drives are really important to -- the price and it hangs over the zillion dollars -- me a little pricey in the first and I need it well the first thing that ever I mean every time something new comes out it's always very expensive especially with -- like 1080 PTVs back and today them. -- attendee for fibre and it. Some -- so fast he's using like Tosca and I noted loses and say -- I didn't think they're gonna come down so fast to take digit is one of the reasons why didn't. I didn't violent because of that well nobody's gonna support out because another number and -- and -- wow. Of Xbox-360 is now 1080."

" Actually awhile lot HCG you'll look like he's fine yeah I got my 720. And but now all the issues dvds that I get there alternate need itself events of on the net price of the constant task was awesome deals Oscar. Although they did we did talk about them changing their. There returns policy thing. Well they're gonna change I was there were Christmas I was -- Christmas this and you bring back the damage done yet another haven't -- evident going to change it is they're like to -- you like gaming system it's girls have horrible thing that kills them a little."

" I'm. The."

" That is unable in the bringing back the day after that's -- you just change it during that month. They (%expletive) that's not a bad idea and in death you buy TV for the C -- you're keeping track that's funny. Or store credit. Right it's. Right now they're pretty right now and I ran the store credit possibly like. I guess a good feature today and that they didn't like. I -- we're gonna take eject it."

" And an account. I love the samples Jeremy is the reason isn't awesome gates doesn't get us up lesbian -- data those -- gonna cost than Saturday. So he'd like he's -- evening ladies and you've like cleaned it up to skip. That is awesome to watch may soon be shopping yeah like get a miscellaneous things whatever you now. And I would seriously go to the same booze over and over again indict -- into symbols on my dad he ambles. Yeah in a meeting deadlines I hated it because they have did several good things that makes the issue at. You can -- they don't pass all the pizza some easy. Real -- impressed thinking is that there you know this in the best in the world. Of the Pentagon spent there the best in the world and prior prior advertising if you think cast doubt."

" See that's a regular better it is odd number of times and it."

" It yeah they weren't there it'll be the easiest November like -- I have my budget is -- the things I."

" I asked -- pizza I'm making us yes that's bucket --"

" He's able to get -- woman. The I Google earth for officially released to dozens of 159 people that this source -- frank Apple or Google has officially released. Google earth for just six months after starting the data out one year after Google earth three was released."

" Find out why should upgrade and where to get it available for windows Mac and clinics. I have to say I'm not huge Google earth person. Some people love it it I think. It's not I just doesn't mean. You know it's it it's very interesting and cool. But I don't do I would spend time on it Google earth for has some real interest in such a tapestry modeling. 83 modeling with new building layers three building layers and add me textures on a three mile and stuff. But that's fun enough funny senator's time and an -- problem."

" For Google earth for me it's like I I use my Google maps to -- where want to go right. Google earth went flying around I see certain buildings is sticking out."

" I feel like I'm stuck in a really bad flight simulator for my eighty -- funny you should mention that they have controller support. Six yeah and the best of all these things wouldn't know so you."

" If latter had visited that I like flying his flight simulators went flying I don't want the trees to be pushed against the ground in flat. But also your flight like this big -- is cool and you looked down. And everything else is flat he cars. And there's flat you and I mean this was not a flight simulator. I know it seems like you can do better."

" Well they also a time animations -- an entire bar a tie bar that has to do the time stamps of when the different images were taken more. Don't really know what that matters there's a new look says -- GE four is much cleaner than G three. Man."

" I have to say."

" What what that is as about as customers is taking out is it. It will put little pins on different structures that you may want to explore more of like -- palace of fine -- a cool thing you see that you could -- it opens the window or a little cool window showing you more information about that you can routes if you travel in different countries is kind of wanna -- around the different neighborhoods -- cool you can do that which I think is."

" That's totally cool yet amid you know Google earth I remember it first came out my dad. -- was like I've seen this who think holy crap and get my dad was the fly and he my dad launches satellites and he's like it's like satellite footage is all put together it like -- thing I love other about it. Which is cool and neat like swore about a he would just he would. Do you -- time. And for me again. Not to just saying how are you use Google maps -- what this is."

" Cool I haven't seen a lot is features a camera yeah let's take a look at this I mean here's the talk all you kind of just mouse over it has discovery content built and yet watch little video. I mean. This is gonna be a great resource and they're getting pampered you know before you take a trip problem and -- I'm winning this regional -- that little bit about four actually get."

" And it is too because sometimes you see it like it's nice to see an actual overall layout pictures of -- to get a you know we get those like contextual thing of like. You know ugly if let's say going to Paris and you're like are right I'm going to -- wanted to Saddam want to go to you know the second can what go to them and -- In any -- ABC metro station -- so what are Cecile -- up laid out on an actual satellite image. Really would help contain actually where you're like okay I get wear -- do this from right in my hotel is not some whereas in a map -- sometimes you just sort of like. What do I am I going of his I want to go to -- went over what -- I mean which way am I pointing. What where does that -- what's the what about that spatula just passed in enemy and I can be good to get I got sort of contextual absolutely got special interests like Africa editor just sort of flat. And --"

" Well this is a good step of the good upgrade -- and features to Vienna and it's a free application out daylight check out balanced audibly horse -- and as well yes Mac clinics and when those nice."

" Don't so that's cool and -- dignity that didn't do it. Is that it doesn't -- up right -- S says. We'd like to think Microsoft Zune the support Diggnation in that it actually export that out of us. -- their New Zune or we'll put them Zune portable media player plays music via pictures radio supports AC WNAMP. Three WM VH 264. That for as wireless it's got eleven B and G."

" We just got another one in about protesting and I have yet to I'll tell you it and -- It'll tell you. All I just got another way of protesting you -- to -- offline. But I'm I'm interested to test up that Wi-Fi capability of being able to send files back and forth haven't yet had about what it's gonna be cool. If you do."

" When -- testing did didn't intend settle."

" But. One of these -- I'm just gonna stress again. You know flying up here I watched."

" TU. Two episodes a thirty rock solid and hazardous doesn't this happen episode of a discovery Everest. Freaking crazy Frick and I can't wait to go back home and watch residents as -- easily."

" The dying what that's that's entertainment but the one that -- say is here. It in the battery life on this thing is amazing. I'm only like two thirds done I'd like two -- my batteries left out of watched almost an hour of pure video. It's unbelievable I don't have to charge it Lama here -- can go watch all the way up watch all that gonna set. And it you know I mean like this I really think this device is great and I'm really excited about the zoo and version two I have seen it yet my -- sciences it was just like crazy knickers."

" Let me bring another turbulent do that was he would transfer files I it at godaddy godaddy get. I think dollars and there -- editors and how would you domain name at Each domain includes free webhosting. What's that Bill Burton free blogging and complete email and much more into the code Diggnation when you check out. And get your dot com domain name for just six dollars and 95 cents per year. Some restrictions apply see site for details get your piece of the Internet at godaddy dot."

" Dot com boss. Just I think you -- a much Cachefly helps to Libya content. If you have some awesome -- did you want to make it available fast from anywhere to a massive audience and Cachefly will hook you up. Go to got Cachefly at cash fly dot. Com. Emails delivers."

" Hey given our it's my brother nick and dying are avid Diggnation in consumerism for Christmas this year. I -- teacher it's nice here's a picture of us on our Segway is at the famous soccer fields -- Segway polo field. Inside the California. Nice oh this is the -- I would watch -- us let me hold it right here hurt and needs there is next to wise they announce you awesome next the laws -- and eight injured. This was a big SA ripple -- player which I've ever done. I have never gonna we should do it's dangerous."

" I'll come -- what you want to do it in greater danger is easy using whole -- I'm doing is it can be that. Bottom club. I was like I'm now yeah."

" I'm."

" In the end it can do that danger you put. -- get run over by tires and they -- now -- audacity and I I'm G these legs of them that's how did that happen."

" Well any say now. Let's -- it and it's on some instead Diggnation chair next to somebody famous that's awesome. To -- it's bigger wedge. Last week. In the neck."

" Sent -- a picture of him and his brother who was the head ranger at I had had regular Ed Abington does let's -- Lara yes please send another email -- just want to say sorry. But I tell -- Photoshop -- gives the -- teachers. That is like would have ankle and -- to Google and digging get so."

" As much as we do not want you to begin thing assurance."

" by any Lucas up with the three tours of Segway in San Francisco on rides let's jump jump on this at times."

" Cool."

" Yeah thanks dude I want to mention we're sort on solely rad show. Was super super excited is gonna boldly becoming out you're releasing it yet no enthusiasm has is gonna be awesome we're -- service -- Some staff over the weekend and it's looks hot."

" Have excited so keep a lot about -- acts."

" you want to check out -- and sedition Diggnation or any of the other big nations you can head over to slash users slash. -- Just to those underneath our governments and you want to sends emails in business two dig nation stands at Gmail dot. Com that's it -- these these -- amounts -- tracked him down until next time. Don't kill him."

" This week's episode of -- has brought to buy Microsoft Zune. Cachefly dot com and bears circles may even 100% barrier as well. Hello my name up and Diggnation episode number 81 on out I'll -- governor resignation covers some of the weekly top stories of the stories that we. That's good to see the details coming up -- bad -- and I. --"

" At -- Digg headquarters. I saw the cold some sort for going to be years and these -- we -- and his peers and you have to try this at. A and these fears are brought to us courtesy of Brian who -- is they'd contest the winner is actually a blog. -- worth of experience dot com there was experience I come. And I his little extra Brian right here -- Thanks for coming out that. At at at at. Nobody was illegally -- years. Why he won this contest from blogging and not just a kind of shadow the -- crew all day long -- what we do the office over -- and the stuff we're doing. He brought some -- for us and -- so much for coming out Andy's the Great Lakes brewing company's. Door monitor gold yes and he said they look good because they have a metal on the outside. Nice if they win medals rather when metal because they're like these are big music what they went medals if that's okay that's the kiss goodnight moon. Although a huge metal on the -- I don't know if that's a little reward or not let's get this really does get yeah I will elect."

" drink my coffee. West I agree that that's good beer yeah this is good to have branch that you it's -- sort out what to say. And play around Vista smart. And I didn't get used to go over some or something I really about it because at Macworld is a little bit of well we audiences was not into it which is -- but -- some of the things I really love about and I know exactly in -- but on this finally -- put in search. Into the into the searching applications and your emails and documents -- and yes I know that's been Mac for awhile but the leaders there really amazing is it now you can save all those searches as folders and -- have a folder save like for Diggnation -- saying we call them smart folders and constant yes and they're called folders."

" And now."

" And -- but the other thing they did it really that I know I loved is -- finally put the desktop in the alt tab. -- which to me is like. Genius -- hanging like I've went every time as all touting as always like Nat down bottom and chick click show desktop -- up. And did the paging -- is really fun. At this -- partly you know thing."

" You know I've played with that percent like. I don't know its -- my site exposition that."

" Yeah except you know nothing would expose it and I that I don't like is when you go to the -- up and that's the day I always feel like I'm doing something wrong. Why because all the windows -- like hiding -- it's like I'm still an expose the not just push all the -- does away. They're like hiding on the side because how would you pull them back otherwise."

" Down at the bottom market down at the bottom and they -- but -- seems to me that you want a quick jump back and think and this morning to exist up really quick I'm fully have a file them back to back."

" That's outline if I -- this up because in doing something else."

" Although I really like this has hall -- what I really like this look there has a little preview under the thing -- that the toolbar you can actually see. It's usually isn't yes all the time. As I forget what window which which I mean rather than I you know what I can't remember which -- you know whatever and I've just hover over Michael Ian Wright -- I admit ages there's without a doubt this is a better -- much much better much better backsliding into them aren't -- up that I like about it let's go I love this indeed the sourcing is awesome to be able to just hit me and it into and it opens up with lower."

" When that's it would work out I -- not. Yet the united -- start run and that's -- how are no patch yet the -- he's boom in there and -- I do the same thing actually with. With spotlight spotlight as a new Apple space in the type the first of letters and -- you."

" It's so it's so nice it's it's just a -- it just feels like a really good operating system and amana ball -- put my. Falcon northwest laptop they've banned in schools so and I so want to get some of those -- functions."

" Out as I can already. So is that let's go first order shall we can get Sony just continues all computer monitors is sort of big news. 1847. People that the stories submitted by weird looking guy. -- Sony after dropping trying to -- monitors is now drop all LCD monitors. So this is big news. And Sony had."

" I used to love them in the Sony Chandra monitors were like the the CRTC. RT -- today absolutely and then even their flat panels were always the super stylized ones unity mean boom I think that's."

" The kind of lost it was named -- and it Ellison will deli lunch right because I'm they have the cheapest flat panels that you can get. I get nineteen inch swing into medicine at 23 inch Dell. Yeah -- it was on sale for like 599 or something like that a C I have the Samsung and I I'd love it I think it's amazing how big is it 21 point -- again. You wouldn't want to point -- hey I think there it. There's not only the big difference for me between different brands I do have some gaming I know this in the well that's right I was the refreshment and I it would this one's right really. Enemies and this one's nice it's twit Peterson turned sideways stands that's -- we can militants does not -- on port six him and I hope it rates."

" This has -- luckily. Movies. And I can cut out there ecstasy -- nine other my laptop a sixteen by nine so I like having more realistic and invest up but at the end of the day."

" Most web sites are designed to perform at your computer does he do video editing and enjoy use system and I monorail from you anything that isn't that once they have."

" Is -- yeah. But but the it's syncing up to find out about this is that they actually sold three point seven million units in 2005. Like what company goes we're selling three million monitors and now it's gonna stop doing that we're now whenever means stop I don't know will what they do -- 2006."

" This path."

" I don't know what it in 2006 but dumb but the interesting thing was the site actually so that there are gonna be -- launching new models of the G series minors by year's end so sort of like weird might want. That you're not making monitors in my and then now we'll look and monitor what answer I don't know it's weird. I mean you know I don't I don't ever like to see companies stop doing things. Doesn't -- people for them a little Sony you."

" I don't know what it TV steel and rock I don't know and let us on and on their longtime TV agree absolutely. It's still have that brand Rivlin thanks Soyuz fuels like the little bit better I just kind of two it's on TV to Vega."

" I'll -- flats green thing or not -- of the --"

" It's so funny that my dad is so stuck on Sony. That he won't -- another TV. So you're right I'm like listen I might contact Robert -- disease did you labs and fast at the PC mag and he's like this is the -- awesome does this this area that's transplant my dad is like so it's better as it as -- has is that there's a Sony. I think it. I mean yeah like I know -- ways. Yes Kevin you know what that mean you're out -- figured that. Yeah I was implying Andy Apple Valley when you yeah. As an expert should show well. I think there's a little Aaron general Ron yes Sony's darting about monitored but I'm still varieties. Not blue gas well. The iPhone and the LG KE 850 separated at birth question mark. 2027. People by the stories submitted by Byrd's sister Wanda. It's you that's. His sister water sister Wanda that the name. To move sparsely buttoned large touch screen phones the Apple iPhone in the elegy K 8850. Which already won the international forum designed product award of 2007. Separated at birth or possible lawsuit to number two for Apple if you decide."

" These phones look so much alike. They look so much like it and."

" Right I mean it's I have no Dave no and."

" And I haven't you can't say that these two funds do not learning so much to my dad and think look at the -- I want to three people because then they're both this exact size."

" Black I don't touch screen you cute couple of different things like you can this. And I know I. Believe."

" Only you can go."

" I am just saying what you're saying. I can't believe you're looking at that this is what I said take -- Joe the Apple that's you. You can't and don't. No backbone and say that phone does not look almost exactly like I thought you let me say couple I mean exactly put Lazard put a sliver of other fun there it. Like the iPhone goes Drupal. At the -- it let me let me show in the same I think people can see into the Apple's new graphics."

" July thank you jelly attitudes and predicting found right now my kids -- look at. If that I'm saying involves here's the deal the phones if you have a touch screen phone."

" In your creating that stylish form factor like that's the same sizes which really isn't it. Oh my gosh -- yeah I admit it meant you routers in a Linksys routers are -- the -- antennas need to move around the same you're just you're there are there currently owns. About things you're saying like this is fine that's the -- only reason why these are being compared. That alone doesn't exactly like the phone will -- black yes. He's in the right people yeah it is not high right now I just don't understand how. --"

" You like two pictures of iphones would different OS's and they're like hey this is an -- fun that's nice but it doesn't -- and -- which are not just up the anybody in my view for Motorola and the blackjack from Samsung."

" They look exactly like how they do not -- close to each other you can hold us on the next to each -- XIROS. I just say yeah I think it's funny that you're saying that these two excellent and."

" Sony and Apple copied now no I do not. Not a -- then why doesn't happen."

" Because it's exactly because this exact same font is because it shows a by the people's you know -- paint because Apple made of found LG without the exact same -- component people like. First of all there aren't you have a link to the functionality LG phone you don't know if that's the same teacher I know -- about the stories about these stories about the these -- exact same phones. Any LG was actually winning design awards let's great contrast LG. That's a well -- they can't make cool phone it what I buy an LG phone now."

" Right because it does have an Apple I don't honestly I'm that'd be a candidate -- and I think and it -- and -- eject that it. I -- factor that can. He'll ask united licking the alas this tell us about yeah. It the reasonable the reason I'm gonna buy a phone is not because it has the Apple logo is because of all the functionality that he can do and can -- full screen that's page on the algae I doubt it probably are you kidding me your -- zooming and images I doubt it yeah interactive Google maps no."

" I mean it's what the phone can do that the reason -- and the blacks and you're not saying that this night backing up and saying that they do look exactly like. The weird. Isn't it. It's funny because my roommate and I first saw this is that you know out like as it wow okay this is we should talk about this because this phone look exactly like the iPhone -- comes in it was like I don't want -- and I think. I ask you -- here's -- look."

" And I don't know the exact same dimensions you the -- loans and why does it dimension. You're -- you're trying to tell me. -- copied LG I."

" Outlook for stuff I don't know maybe -- this show I do not know they -- a whole lot ally and not enough it's it's it's just you know accidental. But the fact that Sony's other Apple's already being sued by you know Cisco over the name. The question of this was. Are they gonna get -- algae is LG and commando Didi can't make the same bucket and we're making -- a somebody else's name what can -- for the ultimately I'm just curious."

" The it's hot your own genetic trademark infringement was that trademark patent patent of the patent maybe -- there's a patent is that I just. Being completely realistic to the grandparent and equation it's is slim phone yeah that's black and it's touch screen. Lot of devices are like that no really really simple UK -- look at the picture."

" It that's like saying that like to fix of the Mona Lisa are like well what they're both paintings they're both about women I mean how could you still now."

" Can picture."

" You -- analyzing it to make Apple feel good coming out of the picture."

" Aside from the design look at the screen interface what's the same that -- in fact have that one through zero like the numbers look almost exactly the same."

" The I -- logos on the bottom look the same the with the widget think your the clock looks almost the same no -- that feature a garment Apple's. If you had that would it would be -- percent of Centre like that just like that cost and -- in the Clinton doll old -- anyway anyway it's fun to see -- get all hot about it because somebody's mad on Mac Apple and I again we'll say I think the iPhone is cool you should I didn't know -- I am I didn't -- act at. Act you know I include -- Google can probably have third party applications."

" As well and I wouldn't do that there's like Apple come on you need to do developed -- that he that's the only reason I had so -- runs for all the shareware should the people made."

" And first you know strip poker. -- moving on so unheeded and that was an awesome won't the world."

" First external graphics card. -- actually these in the book crazy good crazy flip and Japanese roller coaster go crazy let them. So crazy I stopped talking about it 2668. People that the stories submitted by digger Mike 82. This is -- want to -- intense coasters in the world named. EGT cod. At the GQ highland in Japan to get back top speed we do have to go back a 126 kilometer power. That's like sixty miles an hour you just -- that's like 300. US. An angle of descent of 89 degrees. That's nearly straight -- man and a fourteen inch versions apparently and you Guinness record nice but that's not all the individual seats can rotate 360 degrees flipping the writer. Cannot -- this is basically."

" He must isn't it just victims you know -- on time. Steve -- add to that looks just like great America wait wait in -- way not -- a Japanese writing -- me see this TT -- ago. There's something that doesn't let -- evidence and blue up now that they're facing straight down as a drop down."

" Car. Is like this -- it well I will tell you get sick and coasters. Not most testers some coasters -- to magic man management yes excitement man whatever color -- they're closing. Exactly. But out there's over rollercoaster like this camera is coming than an -- I would did you do did you who made me but it has that rotating seats -- I'll tell you. Not only was I sick after this rollercoaster it hurt. It's not comfortable to be spun around 360 while the roller -- going the other direction I mean my head I was like my head was in the thing and I got -- like. Sox fan but I like it I mean just like the next -- it does it he's got an outline somebody kicks -- in the balls and hit him pays and then throws you off the -- it. And you're like wow how do adrenaline rush is crazy altered and I got Clinton advocates. Yeah it it like I want you step outside of -- relaying your flash up I think it's."

" I hate to say this because I had were still young well you're thirty but I amendment one is oh now give it a month and -- it. The only key I just cant hate this stuff anymore what this is -- is -- the day but in the Davis parts of months ago. But did it take -- years ago not and I aunt and I was seriously like about. It reminded me of -- the time I couldn't do longer and I global program did the best."

" indeed it's sometimes it really does that we went does Six Flags. And down there was nobody there I was there and we -- whenever there's nobody there -- lines were easy we went. On bad and the revenge or whatever Batman and joker that in -- and -- We went on as it. We got up we like gives the -- adding ads we are about back on again we like and we got up house like this goes without we're here I am a governor is no. Now. She's like I was -- totally be like yeah and she's like you know what. I'm old enough to know I feel like (%expletive) let's sit desperate attitudes. You know they need as things where when your kids like yeah -- is it."

" tightening down on them and kills him and it but this -- look at that giant can loop."

" And they're fun but."

" Fun and stupid to."

" So here in the Japan in the -- Q could -- it's the John I he cocked."

" Which is I think exactly paths in the fact that."

" This again -- to them. Contents next thought it world's smallest country up for sale 1865. People that this person and by using their cats. Yeah -- art World War II forks in the North Sea perfect that was settled forty years ago and he cleared the states. -- with its own self proclaimed -- family is up for sale it's called ceiling and which began life as the tower in 1941 which is 550 square. Meter steel platform men burst onto concrete towers. Which is Levin."

" Meters off the coast -- the climbers up the coast. Eastern England. So this is not yet heard about the start before I had here about five is about ideas -- five years ago they had a story on wired magazine. Where they were building this Internet platform they're running all the spider to this new country pianist India plays work online gambling sites that have servers -- tonight you know porn sites -- legal certain countries camera. But it never really -- opt in that was a big deal for awhile and -- up for sales you can have your own country and I think how much. Nothing like if you know its -- the coast not too far away. From eastern England. And you can have your own little miniature country there if you one that want to buy it. These are the pictures I got sort of saw pictures and -- closer to what what you get. Music producers. So you get the tower there's not any and there's a place to sleep underneath one of the pillars he means is like a -- kind of like -- area that you going to be there's a big helicopter pad let's get on top that you can just bring your your cop -- into I'm not sure how you mean get -- it. Via a boat but."

" You know distance for some -- It's it's called Celia. So you and possibly find any. -- more -- but settlements like right there saying it's a little tiny platform. To pillars. Landing."

" At the top here."

" Yeah. I mean I might buy it but it would have to be like."

" I'm in the living quarters have to be would have to be they're credited their -- it's got to see it's got this little area right here people know when going to parties there you'll see it could. I -- country mainly just for entertainment purposes. Somebody's gotta do that though right. A clue I don't know who's rich enough and sort of domino college would you I don't think it would go that much money doesn't buy this for you look -- its own country. Answers yet about for a lot -- that I egos like guns human have to have a lot of guns you almost have to have little but some dealers did you literally go there get a -- his country is now via. Any candidate. That there it seems to do what's your -- up there you have your little votes. That would be an awesome party spot that you gotta admit it yet you helicopter England in that would technical helicopters and one -- there's about six people. That the Purcell and Minnesota and again not not as cool as -- for initially thoughts like ignition."

" Not Diggnation from C. Whoever buys it of the Diggnation standby that we are there -- president. Bringing the bringing your own -- can bring your own got to have your own health care it's true you can't be citizen anywhere it's that's hard."

" The hard let them in your own country they'll editing to the -- and there. No iChat they have the fiber all the connections in the Internet it could have been -- am I want. That's our beta countrymen it's an Italian."

" It's hard being a good domain."

" Next story of the world's first external graphics card -- XG station. EN -- 7900 GS. 01309. Some people but the stories megabyte. The world's first external video cards for laptop computers -- C yes unveiled in Las Vegas this freakish almost this is very freakish and up but very interesting. The XD station is connected. It says is connected via USB 2.0 but it's not it has a USB 2.0 connection in dolby digital headphone Jack. As -- that idea ought added audio audit and -- On the G at the XT station itself displays masses as master volume in GPU clock speed encouraging -- temperature in the frames per second it. This is really cool for somebody like me who you know my falcon northwest right I do gaming modes and so this -- a really good way to you have. A real high end graphics card and not have to worry about. Power drain not to worry about heat from your laptop I mean you know my -- gets and this is a full size desktop PC graphics card it to it eases the right now runs off the yen basis is the -- 7900 -- graphics -- to based on the Nvidia. Some 900 series and the idea of hardcore."

" Graphs -- that there -- a couple things out there that it's is it is that our internal display. You have to look up to an external monitors like it's right -- isn't that back plane right so we'll back in and day out here right."

" But basically you can have your you can have all the stuff that you want me to think about. Instead of carrying -- tower around and make carry your laptop and little tiny cards -- little tiny type thing Atlantis like you know -- have an update it's not that's our. And then your LCD panel right."

" As well."

" The that's the performance that we haven't seen it marks on again not sure how fast it really compares to the other it's is it connects via an express card. So present express card slots it's gonna be. Faster than he is because I thought originally that it connected by using any new electrical motors that's an Afghan with their on the idea."

" I bet they express slot is the new kind of form factor pleasant for peace in the -- AM."

" Or is that -- an express slot that it is press."

" Which I thought that adds a little."

" So that's not quite harmless this is this something spread that's of the many -- and that's the it's not it's not meaning PC MCI is an express card two different."

" Thing. And -- don't have anything. No ansari you MacBook -- that's the that's the mini the neat easings yeah."

" side and now it's nice Maceda. Has -- has an express card slot -- Anyway but citizens do we haven't seen any benchmarks I don't know how it's gonna interact with the different notebook CPU is mean you know yes the GP is important but also the CPU to process information to from the card right. But I mean think about like like this a Boise you know but does dual core two gave -- system two gigs of ram he's got it's it's robust."

" But of course it's got you know that. Built in whatever the graphics that mean the graphics that was always a thing in laptops."

" That was not as powerful as a gaming systems and in the CP user get fairly fast you can have two gigs of ram in these bad boys how much -- the -- for us. --"

" I'm curious that at some point but they do I get a mini computer that is tote around with mean I'm talking about yell and drag -- Greg marks that --"

" Well it depends because again it also. I mean yes that's what you're gonna do using you -- have a system that's like the zip but. You mean you could you could to have -- for -- is -- you can have all year you know gaming stuff."

" On this laptop and when you're not at a Lan party and you're like in I don't need huge massive frame rates as want to kind of hop on allowing you know. -- around this is still my laptop I game but in any means but given that I really want. Public the power of -- and go and admonishing Dornan -- it. Because he asks aces you know commodity you know a mistress is now not really bad. Of this thing so that's really gonna it's getting it again you know the one thing that laptops were sort of you know like -- try to -- goes into again as an expendable cards regions which amount but you know in most most gamers want to be able to have the fastest. Newest and graphics card for the processing. What I'm excited we'll see what the -- exactly let's have forms connected to my socket industry."

" Next hardware related story see it announces one terabyte consumer hard drive which is then followed by a Hitachi and Toshiba -- has announced it. Our thousands is that percentage of the stories smitten by flat -- Seagate Technology has just released information to daily tech -- doesn't have it -- his upcoming highest capacity hard drive to date at one terabyte. No other hundred minute fashion and catch up on them -- outlives that. -- the first drive to market. So this is I mean a lot of or confused by as I can say Canada. For awhile now they've been let's see -- another. Hard drive manufacturers have been. Releasing and selling one terabyte drives in enclosures well they're multiple drives from all wheel drive doesn't with the know that the oh you want to have a big is that the biggest is possible to actually there's two dozen there you know -- failure which -- Now you get the one actual true one terabyte drive which I think is awesome."

" Well I mean any -- has more I mean especially for video editing now people especially the fact that now people are doing their own video blogs and their own. Podcasts and stuff it's good because people are gonna need. Like -- I. I'd you know Heather's doing that girls on film show thing. So where god we've done like eight episodes and how hard drive is like. It to the bridge. I think -- telling and he he in the setting up pulling an Indy V and then you got you got of these scratched discs you know imported stuff then you've got the output it raw footage to compress and he got all. And after well if you don't. Get rid -- what's up with -- start blasting all out of the system and look real close up it adds up I -- I mean you know twenty minutes of footage is like. Eight gigs sixteen gigs and crap like that -- starts to get. Pretty narrow it pretty quakes these big hard drives are really important to -- the price and it hangs over the zillion dollars -- me a little pricey in the first and I need it well the first thing that ever I mean every time something new comes out it's always very expensive especially with -- like 1080 PTVs back and today them. -- attendee for fibre and it. Some -- so fast he's using like Tosca and I noted loses and say -- I didn't think they're gonna come down so fast to take digit is one of the reasons why didn't. I didn't violent because of that well nobody's gonna support out because another number and -- and -- wow. Of Xbox-360 is now 1080."

" Actually awhile lot HCG you'll look like he's fine yeah I got my 720. And but now all the issues dvds that I get there alternate need itself events of on the net price of the constant task was awesome deals Oscar. Although they did we did talk about them changing their. There returns policy thing. Well they're gonna change I was there were Christmas I was -- Christmas this and you bring back the damage done yet another haven't -- evident going to change it is they're like to -- you like gaming system it's girls have horrible thing that kills them a little."

" I'm. The."

" That is unable in the bringing back the day after that's -- you just change it during that month. They (%expletive) that's not a bad idea and in death you buy TV for the C -- you're keeping track that's funny. Or store credit. Right it's. Right now they're pretty right now and I ran the store credit possibly like. I guess a good feature today and that they didn't like. I -- we're gonna take eject it."

" And an account. I love the samples Jeremy is the reason isn't awesome gates doesn't get us up lesbian -- data those -- gonna cost than Saturday. So he'd like he's -- evening ladies and you've like cleaned it up to skip. That is awesome to watch may soon be shopping yeah like get a miscellaneous things whatever you now. And I would seriously go to the same booze over and over again indict -- into symbols on my dad he ambles. Yeah in a meeting deadlines I hated it because they have did several good things that makes the issue at. You can -- they don't pass all the pizza some easy. Real -- impressed thinking is that there you know this in the best in the world. Of the Pentagon spent there the best in the world and prior prior advertising if you think cast doubt."

" See that's a regular better it is odd number of times and it."

" It yeah they weren't there it'll be the easiest November like -- I have my budget is -- the things I."

" I asked -- pizza I'm making us yes that's bucket --"

" He's able to get -- woman. The I Google earth for officially released to dozens of 159 people that this source -- frank Apple or Google has officially released. Google earth for just six months after starting the data out one year after Google earth three was released."

" Find out why should upgrade and where to get it available for windows Mac and clinics. I have to say I'm not huge Google earth person. Some people love it it I think. It's not I just doesn't mean. You know it's it it's very interesting and cool. But I don't do I would spend time on it Google earth for has some real interest in such a tapestry modeling. 83 modeling with new building layers three building layers and add me textures on a three mile and stuff. But that's fun enough funny senator's time and an -- problem."

" For Google earth for me it's like I I use my Google maps to -- where want to go right. Google earth went flying around I see certain buildings is sticking out."

" I feel like I'm stuck in a really bad flight simulator for my eighty -- funny you should mention that they have controller support. Six yeah and the best of all these things wouldn't know so you."

" If latter had visited that I like flying his flight simulators went flying I don't want the trees to be pushed against the ground in flat. But also your flight like this big -- is cool and you looked down. And everything else is flat he cars. And there's flat you and I mean this was not a flight simulator. I know it seems like you can do better."

" Well they also a time animations -- an entire bar a tie bar that has to do the time stamps of when the different images were taken more. Don't really know what that matters there's a new look says -- GE four is much cleaner than G three. Man."

" I have to say."

" What what that is as about as customers is taking out is it. It will put little pins on different structures that you may want to explore more of like -- palace of fine -- a cool thing you see that you could -- it opens the window or a little cool window showing you more information about that you can routes if you travel in different countries is kind of wanna -- around the different neighborhoods -- cool you can do that which I think is."

" That's totally cool yet amid you know Google earth I remember it first came out my dad. -- was like I've seen this who think holy crap and get my dad was the fly and he my dad launches satellites and he's like it's like satellite footage is all put together it like -- thing I love other about it. Which is cool and neat like swore about a he would just he would. Do you -- time. And for me again. Not to just saying how are you use Google maps -- what this is."

" Cool I haven't seen a lot is features a camera yeah let's take a look at this I mean here's the talk all you kind of just mouse over it has discovery content built and yet watch little video. I mean. This is gonna be a great resource and they're getting pampered you know before you take a trip problem and -- I'm winning this regional -- that little bit about four actually get."

" And it is too because sometimes you see it like it's nice to see an actual overall layout pictures of -- to get a you know we get those like contextual thing of like. You know ugly if let's say going to Paris and you're like are right I'm going to -- wanted to Saddam want to go to you know the second can what go to them and -- In any -- ABC metro station -- so what are Cecile -- up laid out on an actual satellite image. Really would help contain actually where you're like okay I get wear -- do this from right in my hotel is not some whereas in a map -- sometimes you just sort of like. What do I am I going of his I want to go to -- went over what -- I mean which way am I pointing. What where does that -- what's the what about that spatula just passed in enemy and I can be good to get I got sort of contextual absolutely got special interests like Africa editor just sort of flat. And --"

" Well this is a good step of the good upgrade -- and features to Vienna and it's a free application out daylight check out balanced audibly horse -- and as well yes Mac clinics and when those nice."

" Don't so that's cool and -- dignity that didn't do it. Is that it doesn't -- up right -- S says. We'd like to think Microsoft Zune the support Diggnation in that it actually export that out of us. -- their New Zune or we'll put them Zune portable media player plays music via pictures radio supports AC WNAMP. Three WM VH 264. That for as wireless it's got eleven B and G."

" We just got another one in about protesting and I have yet to I'll tell you it and -- It'll tell you. All I just got another way of protesting you -- to -- offline. But I'm I'm interested to test up that Wi-Fi capability of being able to send files back and forth haven't yet had about what it's gonna be cool. If you do."

" When -- testing did didn't intend settle."

" But. One of these -- I'm just gonna stress again. You know flying up here I watched."

" TU. Two episodes a thirty rock solid and hazardous doesn't this happen episode of a discovery Everest. Freaking crazy Frick and I can't wait to go back home and watch residents as -- easily."

" The dying what that's that's entertainment but the one that -- say is here. It in the battery life on this thing is amazing. I'm only like two thirds done I'd like two -- my batteries left out of watched almost an hour of pure video. It's unbelievable I don't have to charge it Lama here -- can go watch all the way up watch all that gonna set. And it you know I mean like this I really think this device is great and I'm really excited about the zoo and version two I have seen it yet my -- sciences it was just like crazy knickers."

" Let me bring another turbulent do that was he would transfer files I it at godaddy godaddy get. I think dollars and there -- editors and how would you domain name at Each domain includes free webhosting. What's that Bill Burton free blogging and complete email and much more into the code Diggnation when you check out. And get your dot com domain name for just six dollars and 95 cents per year. Some restrictions apply see site for details get your piece of the Internet at godaddy dot."

" Dot com boss. Just I think you -- a much Cachefly helps to Libya content. If you have some awesome -- did you want to make it available fast from anywhere to a massive audience and Cachefly will hook you up. Go to got Cachefly at cash fly dot. Com. Emails delivers."

" Hey given our it's my brother nick and dying are avid Diggnation in consumerism for Christmas this year. I -- teacher it's nice here's a picture of us on our Segway is at the famous soccer fields -- Segway polo field. Inside the California. Nice oh this is the -- I would watch -- us let me hold it right here hurt and needs there is next to wise they announce you awesome next the laws -- and eight injured. This was a big SA ripple -- player which I've ever done. I have never gonna we should do it's dangerous."

" I'll come -- what you want to do it in greater danger is easy using whole -- I'm doing is it can be that. Bottom club. I was like I'm now yeah."

" I'm."

" In the end it can do that danger you put. -- get run over by tires and they -- now -- audacity and I I'm G these legs of them that's how did that happen."

" Well any say now. Let's -- it and it's on some instead Diggnation chair next to somebody famous that's awesome. To -- it's bigger wedge. Last week. In the neck."

" Sent -- a picture of him and his brother who was the head ranger at I had had regular Ed Abington does let's -- Lara yes please send another email -- just want to say sorry. But I tell -- Photoshop -- gives the -- teachers. That is like would have ankle and -- to Google and digging get so."

" As much as we do not want you to begin thing assurance."

" by any Lucas up with the three tours of Segway in San Francisco on rides let's jump jump on this at times."

" Cool."

" Yeah thanks dude I want to mention we're sort on solely rad show. Was super super excited is gonna boldly becoming out you're releasing it yet no enthusiasm has is gonna be awesome we're -- service -- Some staff over the weekend and it's looks hot."

" Have excited so keep a lot about -- acts."

" you want to check out -- and sedition Diggnation or any of the other big nations you can head over to slash users slash. -- Just to those underneath our governments and you want to sends emails in business two dig nation stands at Gmail dot. Com that's it -- these these -- amounts -- tracked him down until next time. Don't kill him."