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February 22, 2007

Saturday, February 24th, 2007 – running time 42:34
Episode Description: How to mathematically crack a Masterlock combination pad-lock. 8 Things You Must Do If Your Identity Is Stolen. Biggest Google Bomb Ever. HowTo: Free and Huge custom poster for your wall. Face composites of attractive/unattractive women. Hardest. Video Game Boss. Ever!!!!! The true impact of Fiji bottled water--absoluetly staggering!

Big Dig ( 19:25, 19:25 ) video game ( 25:03, 27:32, 25:03, 27:32 ) search engine ( 15:04, 15:04 ) high school ( 4:16, 4:16 ) Big Dig ( 19:25, 19:25 ) video game ( 25:03, 27:32, 25:03, 27:32 ) search engine ( 15:04, 15:04 ) high school ( 4:16, 4:16 )

Automatically Generated Transcript(may not be 100% accurate) ( more )

" This week's episode -- is brought you by Cachefly dot com and Craig Oda. It restricts your -- here."

" Oh look at the -- an episode number 86 I'm Kevin Rose about some recognition covers some of the hottest user's submitted stories on these social news website. -- economic DNA GG. Dot costs corrects is correct we -- and it very strange location."

" underground layers her idea of -- hurricane. And -- is it active like that's wait to call whoever. We have Revision 3 has nuances and serves as go downtown this is kind of underground. If there is an earthquake you will not see this footage and will be debt. So well let the fun to take -- some of your watching tape and we're that we -- Good thing and now right now is now. Be we had somebody rat rabbit -- so kind and you know New Year's."

" Thing -- crazy I have but the corona extra won't switch it will say without line. It's not saying it's not hidden that they actually build and one like."

" The 21 century and dynamic you can't build line flavoring your -- I don't want that what real fresh squeezed lime in Madrid knowingly or if there are burned out there was a capsule you can drop it. Back -- mind wing that you pull off the top -- out what it alive flags. No not -- I'm gonna get good in the bottle -- yeah that's that's -- genetically modified. There's this there's a little -- capsule of a liquid. Obama and we cracked back that the -- has to make a bid to break sit in the line just goes into the bottle."

" That's huge that would --"

" Maybe not. Happen. I think in -- day."

" I don't know because most had suddenly find out like ten years later light bulbs are that land use. -- causes brain cancer rates let and then Ahmanson's you know bunch of Johnson now have brain cancer that was very down as dinner I episodes -- Which also has."

" There is the government warning but we continue to consume and -- well. Well thank letting -- pregnant women and a company that really mind he had that gap as it where yes. -- Story today how to mathematically crack a master lock combination padlock. 2645. People -- the stories submitted by laying. This guy shows you. How you can break the combination of any mass -- padlock he uses math to bring down the possible number of combination from 64000. To 100. That idea well at first up. So the only answer video it won't be too hard you'll only have to do a hundred count Egyptian rights. But it's still let's let's let's say you lost the culmination of something -- you don't want to one's been money on the wire cutters or is that so whether it. It's a pretty cool -- basically. You start off and also the video or general rule in the video here but -- flexibility -- CRA on the mean when he pulled up here. -- you start up with just blocked by itself. And you slightly pull out T feel that clicking you're talking -- knows -- little we have to do where you just hold back and I go until we give. And then weekly. I don't think that was done way to break into Witter analyst with. That's the -- that -- of the dead. -- breaking the PHP is that takes us a different logo. -- But anyway if you go to website you click through on is broken because of Digg and receive that -- just slide down. Yeah dislike all the way down into -- Hey lacy circling the -- a -- slight click -- back in high school there's -- whole thing where you could -- you can just put a little bit ago it's a little click and the like first where none -- that's the first number though you think is a wears them. Comes right so we need using twist a little bit further and then it'll put you somewhere between two numbers. -- You know it's it's a long six minute video but. You can see hero passport a little bit he keeps warning people don't do -- at home. Scene always finding is the number of being between the two numbers you write that number down you do that all the way around T have like twelve numbers. Once you have those twelve numbers you look at the ones that in with a common number lead the others divide biceps. That's -- that -- I really think this is one does get a lot of like you know that thing where lake. Give me any two numbers think of any -- embarrassed I had I think -- T adds -- minus fifty years they with the seven in the united asset and I. Is no way seven. Yeah what I think we're at the reason why the six minute video as we get so much new the united by the end it like that -- just totally open -- there's not without any information. This you know he also did -- the company we should totally. This is a great viral video that you could to make this up he knows combination give it all doesn't do is come over those numbers the end yes you can totally."

" And they get another."

" More like something like the Barack Ike was. That's messed four. Well -- the old divisions aren't right it's a little less on on paper you wrote that I use the little calculator built and nobody is the enemy lines. Anyway I think I'll try it out let us know send us an email did you get to work his own theory on things that you all. Alone right don't do this on things that you don't own -- yeah that's illegal. That's -- lawyers tell us to say threat to we have no idea. And prayers are actually cropped or cut it -- lot of tax -- will last night and my accountant lawyer Eric guy in the show -- again he's getting odd right next story eight things you must do with your identity is stolen."

" 100640. People that this person and -- G-8."

" BD easy. When your identity is stolen you stand to lose everything here are eight steps you must take immediately to protect yourself."

" And this is -- printers Andy has we had a friend. That added that -- don't want somebody work in like coffee house for fifty years under his name which for an. Our own -- the idea. So but this is really good because it's basically a list that says look -- your identity is stolen. Just go and DE eight and immediately I had no right I. Yeah there was some meetings he had to do once there a name store button click credit cards cancel -- law that's in -- but more so the first thing is it. It do. Is it said call one of the three major credit report agents right and that's our Equifax experience and trans union as they call you only need call one."

" Because as soon as they get information somebody's any stolen they will contact there."

" Other people that's that's that's where it's -- that. Answer basically happens is it put a fraud credit real alert on here cracked. So basically he's a little sign on credits and it. Anybody tries to get a credit card says fraud alert here they have called perspective there's more -- who lives the hoops that the abductors or --"

" Oops didn't seem right I think that is an."

" But so nice and you do that then the agency vote will allow you to have a review of your credits so basically -- earlier credit cards seeking check to see you which credit cards. Our ears right. -- that's an -- want to do is if the perpetrators were able to open new accounts."

" So you go to the credit fraud reporting agency to say yes here's your credit report in and a six credit card you've never heard what. They said then you want context each of a cracker creditors and notified of that it was fraudulently activated."

" And then they will have you -- obviously a lot of fraud affidavit."

" Catches up its case affidavit -- should send -- an illegal thing like let scientists."

" So for those and then the third thing is for those accounts -- open. Not compromise contacting creditors and informed them that that you're at -- has been stolen so all your old credit cards. So that's anything -- man -- did this is why you don't want this to happen. So that's three and -- know credit cards yet need it what up somebody's dumb stuff."

" Let's jacket and and they said that most the time they were actually step through."

" Each of your caps and find out what it when it was stolen. When it fraudulent activities we're finding in the list apart so how did catch the guy and you've always that's on our website but there is no -- so there's no not look at steadily -- protect your -- because the end. Scrutiny on where the guy less. Yeah daily with -- about intensely generally doing it yeah it's a woman's right taken. Which would be experiencing engineers it and put it into effect. Step or contact your local police and alert them of the fraud on your name a detectable beside the case and -- you should get. Details such as."

" The detective's name badge number and the case number because you wanna you know well -- this comes up again -- have filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission not the FTC by calling 1877. ID theft. It already fit. -- Six you want to change it all of your online passports and why because they say do it."

" They don't steal passwords when nobody don't know if it's somebody's been able -- don't know how it is involved in -- name or something like -- doesn't change and every Pasadena where I second that doesn't make sense because they can just go and change your password for you. Now why would you change your existing passwords. Because if they found your passwords on how I don't like my passwords right we you don't doubt your drunken trying to and I don't check."

" And she was like what she certainly like bad actors say it's -- you know any ideas and he gives them that so change your online absurd."

" It's that 719 barbarity."

" Step seven if you lost your entire wallet says go to the stepping it is actually quite easy it's keep. All of the things that you do all the dealings with creditors all this -- write everything down because they said that in the future. They might catch the guy doing something else and some -- come to life. That you can use to get your money back."

" If you don't have full records of all the things you've said we talked what they said where you went all the case numbers. It may be more difficult in the future do you to record right now I'm gonna. Of the reasons is that adds it basically comes. Seek state -- but -- shredded this and it's good. This is from whom the threw everything being -- with -- it."

" So anyway so hopefully -- that doesn't happen to you but it so this is actually pretty decent robust. A list of things that you should do down to cover your boo Tay yeah they technically."

" Check it out on -- And keep that somewhere safe yes -- closer. Next biggest Google bought."

" Ever 2051 people there is risen by French thirteen. Was trying to find some information on my student loans in this huge Google -- it showed up all 100 pages of the search for of the exact same link. Help Google fix this in submit a report that the rule to stop these guys. So damn -- yet and biased. This is tricky it's harder. To protecting it discuss that I -- I mean positions here term they're actually -- in -- come up. I'm trying to find a link right here. Have you seen. What these guys did with home get the link you have a link I'm proud I was probably as today. You're linguists. We had basically hello and yes. So I took -- student loans affect --"

" So this the first sources ash that's -- easy they haven't we -- faces he he and I go to page you watch -- gets."

" They heat heat is an."

" Nice wow."

" Like yes yes yes wow is basically a bunch of results and enjoy issuing a video. Of the case why easy allow. Show me one."

" That's clear easy you is nice. What has happened here regularly so -- that and yeah."

" Let me let's I was thinking like your like where is it we -- of particular files. Don't put my -- your -- man."

" All right taste like S. Side of the music edit the so I Google its blog it still happens they've gotten a lot better -- it I mean it is -- for me I might let. This and about it he does it bother you that not results might be manipulated. Not now."

" Because you could give champion Venus but you spend time making 27 website so say I can fix your -- Clark. Fine if I'm not smart enough to realize that it's probably been manipulated. I'm the eight."

" And my by the scorching go up -- down which of course -- know what you're typing in a standard Google search term like we were something -- and that's not all result in it as -- result number one into -- So the have been not naturally place they're -- actually. As -- goes back to."

" I can't imagine that I would be a first I'm not shocks. Right and Munich of course that's gonna happen and it isn't it I mean -- anybody in the got a call it it's a battle we."

" I would dig as well I mean there's people -- there's. Hundreds of attempts at data trying get stores -- the start page right brought to -- like what he -- certain size it's bound it to happen in somewhere -- in this we'll just have to be a big. Kind of I have a feeling that cool all the tracks a certain like that. Probably 95% of their. There there are nomadic tribes and what does that mean search is that are done daily bases are probably watching in the index house changing and a that this is such obscure set of results -- actually typed in. How student loans affect -- score in the the page in and now it's basically a bomb. I don't know. Yeah I mean it's really hard there's so many of the there's such a long tail of search results really strange. So you just type in fight those -- wouldn't you wouldn't get the same results you get it cleaned list or wouldn't be. Back. -- I was fine. No Mac clones are on there."

" Yeah I mean it doesn't bother -- you know I mean. I feel bad for Google but I also feel like you know what price of -- you want to beat them world's."

" Most."

" GI enormous search engine then you've got to deal with the fact that people are gonna come after it was true in any and that's just the price of admission. And in a little an and I feel I mean I feel bad that happens is -- feel bad for like. You know the poor kid he's going to you know -- or whatever and needs a fight he scored in -- and it gets up there is like over so we can be like."

" I hop all go to this website they could you're gonna be able. Eight election they tell me out of these -- you're I mean I was talking to I got over Yahoo! that actually works -- their spam division and I think they have were in search. I was told them around twelve full time engineers that are fighting spam in the search vision alive it's crazy."

" That's not splendid it was C need to admit. I but it's and it doesn't really get on my skin. As much but then that not that set I have yet to go to something I really wanted just something just searched."

" In Google on the first three pages where you platform that's like god and these stupid spam right and than saying this is such in the near term then know that -- and also at the very high tolerance for spam."

" Because of many years ago I gave up -- a lot spam fine. Adds we'll find out why you know I mean they will find me I need to be mad at it and throw my computer. And a blank computer or any channel Peres and just say you know lot."

" Hats off to the same way about the big use you get -- brought it up and got up over mud dock up. To share. I am still not buying you up by -- thinks it's evil but good on yes that you know I mean it's -- click back. Now it was in and they are made the mistake and it was sitting there and they're like they're like there's so much difference that being gay it -- like -- Who is making money out this out it is that we don't and is likely that -- 5%. And it's enough money that it still -- people how. Well I want to see what it looked like I went through and it was like they'll like we can -- the United States known to be discrete envelope and like. -- need Viagra but you know you want to get some that's where you might now. What you mean if you're trying to fire. Why what I have tried and Randy really tell -- that silences is freaking crazy like seriously twelve hours like this could go. Hula hoping that she's okay. That's launch I think it's like time I think I -- however you had a weird effect. Exe is was called doctor like the last play of colors yeah panic clinical. Constant erection -- prolonged erection or whatever you heard that or mountains getting gave out. In the UK you can get there in London. You didn't have to have a prescription and we can just get. Of the -- like V today in London metal prongs Viagra out of ships. Sailors -- kissing women totally correct yeah."

" But I think -- I don't know man I motivate you don't look at the count in the brits are awesome. They say he's got a lynch -- That's awesome and on Valentine's and unless that's right and that is thinking in terms -- planet thinking man's skin. How are he's. We got there I don't know the movie -- and is able -- Google -- we were and I."

" Mac how to free and huge custom poster for your wall. Three -- and it by fat Mike here and I want to quickly illustrate how to create huge up to twenty meters."

" Awesome looking raster -- posters using previously mentioned raster data. It's free easy use piece of software. And the whole procedure won't take you more than five or ten minutes not including -- printing in putting anyone --"

" Enjoy now we've talked about -- a lot of Nam but you know what this kinda stuff. I'll let you know what this is a -- raster nation happen. So the way it works is that you. Raster -- piece of software it's free software and -- and any image and basically break it up into as many."

" Pieces as -- walked a half by eleven -- has silently standards size is that what -- legal paper."

" Any principal -- newspaper right and -- the reason why you do this is because you can take a picture. And you can print out the eight by ten squares of the picture I would totally do -- totally news which do you like Big Dig nation. Logo some."

" Have huge -- buses will you heard it does a wall where you are yes and this has got basically said step like get estimated downloaded -- ballot here beloved about rug rats then select the source and she got a nice present."

" Select the paper size alliance -- basically say I wanna you know."

" The 84. It normal. Page but I want laid -- he can do it like you know. Along with this way or you can print them up this way however you want it to understand the 43 things like her paper yet if -- is normal. Who I sufficiency in half by eleven think well what's a three not normal."

" Not coming out of my printer so I don't give it crap. That's right my craft had been achieved total. Solaris basically to find out what's does -- at what point but paperback points up paper from set the rest debate option and then and it comes out and some. It comes out in able raster B folder. I don't know who -- it wasn't clear if it comes out in light. 150 different images like. Images files that you have an open up and print individually network it's like one file that -- can somehow print. Or watch an exact that was not unclear but it's actually really cool poster. What I'd like Kevin I'm -- at this port at. Probably I'm gonna guess eight branch. Film. Isn't a difference in us French press room. Some weird sex -- back."

" nice motorcycle -- but that is very artsy. So anyways so."

" the software -- be your parts content. A little too much Michael blind listeners that they Diggnation logo raster data and yes she had a net view she is -- over your wall incidences that picture of it will will get in in the future -- but. Yahoo! assembling Brazill rest of eloquence."

" Shall we move on let's do it and then -- the door thinly veiled masturbation jokes yeah. Face composites of attractive slash unattractive women 2000 translate to people that the stories and by Samsung and six point five. These women do not exist. They each are composites of thirty faces that I created. To find out the current standard of good looks on the Internet. However most -- images show that fat is not attractive. The high score images tend to have Niro faces I leave it to you define what differences and a similar project for men. So he's the same going to than men when his morning news that aren't aren't so here's picture. This the first time we've seen this I yes. A series of images starting out."

" With what is considered to be after getting the rating system one to ten a one point oh woman. To three point 43 book project -- notebook for all the way up to a nine point five to ten. I have to say Andy here's the average is what the average person thought was intractable. And where you fall. Soon. And yeah. It's interesting isn't it because it's like these not these women exist completely artificially. And they're changing facial structure and and they so when you tend to put him. How are cheekbones a little more definition. The rating goes up. Obviously a little bit morbid chin rating goes down -- the changing hairstyle little -- a little more like kind of."

" I think I think it point 58 point nine. I think anywhere past. Six point five is cool. And that's a good. Yeah yeah. I'm not it's 606 forced I don't have for the tip."

" We know the I don't know how most Abu it was you remind us right all I was and am I clamor if you look at movies that's problem of these bobcat -- having an essay here."

" And that -- I also like attractive when right so you're aware that weigh and balance that's in the hat. That is what is right. It's an interesting concept they've done a lot of these different contemplated it -- the candidate with babies now. It is study that babies that babies are actually didn't try to engage more with attractive people. Then not attracted people that's weird the other at this you know they do that like neutral cutting Vanilla Canadian and it does the person on baby's chances are totally neutral face. And abatement lanky target it and get that scientist. -- But it was in the had a little box it came up there was like a face and the faces like."

" I think you have there been any I didn't and it."

" Put -- people box and put attract people in the box."

" And the babies like you got we're like who who would have come help me to be attractive people are often they are -- people like us. Really sizable difference there -- it. Notable. Difference bills to book. As noted by scientists. That's interesting now I heard about that I don't think here's the deal and they did the other side is that they're doing men's one as well -- great one what kind of feeling you know I mean. And that sort cliche but beauty is in the united holders so true you know I mean like they're times. --"

" Me. Check this take care of my car off even entertaining and then other times -- like wow she's smoking hot -- and then. So it's really truly is in the united all of them so check that out rumors were members of good rating system. Speaking I -- intuition stuff hardest video game boss ever 3390. People that source nearby. Do you think that's chasm Morgan. Bank -- morning."

" Cut podcasts. Unless you're mastic kissed I don't understand how playing this boss would even be remotely fun. As far as I know no one has ever be used box without at least one continue. Watch the video and you'll see like this."

" Is ray well first of all it's my hands releasing as well. They didn't really don't see it finds it. It's got -- really funny because it is she didn't delegates he needs yelling and --"

" Yeah I think well of course is not an English but dude it's like ridiculous there's like a gazillion things on the screen and then -- to like go go go up. It's crazy and he's even dodging. These missiles and I need to look -- anytime there's at least 700 missiles and Australia native is they knew they want us into every night as like I could never attacked. With the help what what happened in enemy and I like how how come -- got it at in the ghost world movements -- swirls stuff."

" Then there's like super -- where this world -- coming together."

" And then like it like sprays everything comes out make it's just a it's ridiculous that the bus ticket so basically it's Sox."

" Up about bad."

" Ten continues heed this guy did in about four and -- thought I thought okay."

" But leave it to the Japanese and of course and for the first up we do not have confirmation this is the final. Boss right is that she inbox there is a chance that we would actually have to fight on other."

" Boss though because it says is the hardest -- ever we're assuming -- would put that person. Right because the Internet like there's -- yeah it looks tame. And we -- in Japan we saw a lot of crazy games."

" We have."

" Would they are kids are strong there this -- strong -- people did that end that's much in the US led arcade because they have games like well I don't know for the more clues there did."

" I will -- anyway this is like although in my eyes out of the stick with blasphemy let our daily -- it."

" And alone in Japan. I think when your that it -- I was going to go to movie and a -- and the you're having fun. News deer hunting you get -- millions of years -- hundreds whenever. You know play it's it's awesome."

" Team that that it's insane it's like up this agri this is not fun NASA not."

" So we don't now what video game it is they don't have it listed on the site you I wouldn't however down discipline is on my experts who safety. If they offer this looks very much like it's very much like was -- one -- jeweled not mutual."

" Was the one -- again no crystal. What. With -- invited Kristol a GO what's the what do you geometry worries geometry. It's it's a lot like."

" I can't that be that you -- crystal caves or whatever where it's like pitfalls. Is intelligent wears off the -- very much like him to worth for the info only thing that -- check out this video of the final bottle from that."

" And oh and now is that you have a one. -- password because the police. So what is this oh there's really gain any ground that. My -- ultra super -- is what it's called. The last time Abbas."

" I."

" I this and add value of money ID OAP. It and we now know. That is insane that's right. Wow. -- I know this is this stupid this is with Steve he would be verified. Went."

" That the kids have Malcolm that's how your guns don't blow up a little thing that she that you that the event at all cool basically."

" Kind of create a waltz greeted his purple liberal little bit of is is filled and a regular guy in the corner like I don't fear god."

" Please please -- me. Billions of good."

" Hook it up all off. I can tell you track I would tell attack technique punching the screen. Last I read today that true impact of Fiji bottled water absolutely staggering 3200 what you -- the stores -- about pop three. The production of one liter bottle of the Fiji water uses 26 times more water. Then the bottle contains 26. The production also consumes almost one kilogram a fossil fuel and emits. Over one pound of CO2. This is an important story from want to check out casts. I am rich to be heavier than you actually hired a combo -- just a really good website -- you have yes. It's he's only got like the bios cubes or some now we're only that the industry and so with that -- is right at my kids. Who who who -- the --"

" He's from Ron and -- and ensuring things don't get me excited because I'm an."

" An earpiece so how was like you've -- house."

" And it was just like all hardwood floors -- you want to end of the trees but don't you think that how that is actually really and eight in the very hypocritical to have a tree house built in countries with. Hardwood floors. You had to -- and cheese I think that's not yeah you may assume Biden pressed mosque then flooring is from me."

" Preston mosques mind that they can make it look like Tara was California people's Boca burgers and here's like the hamburger that's really like. No. Nobody is ever picked up above governor got us. And now and Australia hamburger that the -- this five ounces of recycled cardboard a whole lot better I don't sweat and others like it and I know there's a lot of media is out there and I like -- a little piece of me ever want to lock. Class."

" I have to say have you tried the book that I woke up right where it's like okay -- all of it say it is. If you go any two of faux meat. No -- it will never taste or -- know or feel like you have brought up. Bennett can be a good experience. Then you haven't yeah. Is not tell the sausages fake it. Right they can make anything they can take -- it's a huge precious kind of car you can chop they cannot in putting your eggs you like I'm -- meanings and make it."

" Yeah shopper dot because you as a whole Democrats think they've."

" Red -- but also this there's of the -- sausage patties throws me is a pretty give him the book I don't know but that annual list you -- but again it doesn't -- look or feel like sausage it -- you let go let dungy got to check back you're fine I know the Boca burger I'd always anxious to hear it -- like I Daryn."

" Guys that there if you watch from a little bit you know -- without office in the computing thing. Every once while conservative real problem -- go out kids go -- whole foods or any health food store type thing. Get the Boca brought worst. They'll sausages. Won -- I guess the microwave pulled out. Put conclude that little bug that'll be the mustered the bid chopped -- if you want a little big catch up done deal they're good yeah I."

" Really get it may taste good. I'm just saying they probably don't taste anything like sausage and I -- yet I G I can assume."

" And you're gonna get my house that while we're gonna -- the demands and what it means that I."

" But but if I wanted expo alternative if I wanted."

" Perhaps we're only exist because you -- I like him."

" I didn't I don't sing it like this like fake meat I'm just saying don't. Try to go edit thinking it's gonna take editing right."

" It's well and just like yeah this is senate given me just get my man cred back my -- woman got me into this though I it was at me going like I want them. They had taken. I guess that's surprising. After. So what I -- you teach meanwhile Fuji lot of not a bad blood there. So in summary. That any of this -- we started then the manufacture transport costs. Did you water. Would you rather. -- One kilogram bottle of water consumes 26 point eight -- to kilograms of why would seven point one gallons point. 849 kilograms of fossil fuels and -- five. Farris is two grams of greenhouse gas that's how we came up with this yet basically they found out of the bottles coming in from China. So the manufacture the plastic bottles fly amounts -- time. Then they have to filter the water the cost of running all machines to do all that. Putting into the bottles since shipping it back the United States transported to the stores they were they basically went. Down to like you know what is the actual cost to get the consumer's hands. And it's pretty intense. Okay -- Sly mathematical idea I -- I can see that there's a lot of division and colleges and you know we knowledge of it right."

" But my question to you is. -- I think then you're basically saying any product."

" Bottled water but anything I mean where how wealthy and well this coming out which account you know palace -- whatever that's bottled up and -- it up right next door -- lights went out."

" Well there's -- not but the question is it then you're taking attic basically you're saying that this is bad because it comes from China. Not because it comes -- without the only reason that it's saying it's bad right because that he all the travelers and they're not."

" Actually does slamming these immunity is that isn't there example this thing all bottled water. Is is bad because of what it takes to produce and shipping actually get it to -- better off buying. Of filtration system your house. That you can you know uses a small little cartridge the last three months ends. You're not doing as much environmental damage -- And changes in my patriot knocked it away interest that article to read your you know like to bring in the the green articles sometimes -- China. Not a -- man of."

" I like being green. But like Kermit it's not easy being me. Mr. Berenson. And -- book."

" Off as you go from unions."

" She get her roommate isn't it tank so."

" Her roommate has a book that's why I've had taken and takes hostage and fake chicken nuggets and there's two dozen -- I know I love it I didn't go like fake chicken nuggets and you get it's like the so -- Andy I'm I'm not ignoring they're a good -- and some."

" you -- know I mean. Smart."

" This release this when I mean they're not his fault. Anyway and."

" We live in California don't it is is there somewhere that doesn't know what these things are well trying to."

" Right I think that's right yeah really good to us sponsors. Do at -- be get your dot com name for just 199 with any new non domain purchase plus. As a special Diggnation viewer and -- could dig too."

" And with -- written -- it -- to add check out to save an additional five dollars off your order. Thirty dollars or mortgage appease the Internet today good -- cop she says -- needs --"

" I need you don't -- If they can think copyright -- loses and loses. Godaddy is freaking awesome man so are I have I didn't. I could stay up all my domains out of every of the provided as you -- everyone even is not transferred over to godaddy has do thank you for being as good sport actually having some of them into the phone yes. I Cachefly kept flag up to deliver your content if you have. Awesome content want to make it available from anywhere fast and friendly to massive audience. Then cache file hook you up good check out Cachefly. Add cash. Fly dot com that's how we send our files right to you."

" Yes we catch them and it guy around and in. It emails so I haven't emailed here are my you know and pieces from Lawrence. Take -- of -- watching episode 84 virgin America diet. I was in the presence of my friend who was always making funny because that I use in his words Mac. And he thought that dig nation was one of those damn Mac shadows. Well when I finished -- the Senate sent him a link to it and he said suggested Donna watches and tell me when you're done. When he changes don't really quick. Now he thinks the nation is the funny -- around which I wholeheartedly. Agree with that he's at wholeheartedly disagree with us because what complacent can be -- Anyway just thought -- get me let you guys know thanks Lawrence banks aren't and yeah and you -- we have we played with this a lot. Because of the fact that worked pod cast a lot of people in this world still don't realize that you don't need an iPod you."

" In a Mac in and you barely need an Internet connection to watch actually. --"

" Oh gosh yes and I'd like no owner no that's probably in a website -- Mac genius dot com is where is he -- this is from I mean he's clearly a Mac. Acts yet. Well that's the thing uses it went okay in any Mac genius dot com yeah."

" But I think it's I think it's interesting because that we I had said the same thing when -- I talk to cal. When I got. Had this sad because indignation pops up and and provocative question would."

" And it was really -- is usually screen savers."

" And he said you know honestly I -- not realize that I could watch your show a lot of people because they don't have an iPod I don't have a Mac you know I mean like it's really too bad and I -- that's -- wanted to change it but I feel like podcast this to concise and it's what that's what it is it'll always be that you know let's just."

" I got the we have more viewers now. Over that that I guess the media never went on to it solves. Oh yeah we get a lot more people at this than watch podcasts and he wants the intelligent."

" That's a Mac genius in saying. Blood alcohol. -- 68 I was also deficit. Tell everybody -- not just convert one little friend would set. A lot tell people think you as populous."

" We have an email from Stephanie has rights had a -- so. It knows that less Kennedy and friends lucky boyfriend. I exit out religiously. Is on your website. And what's your podcasting things you guys in the -- pair of techies to his podcast our anniversary agreed. And our anniversary January 20 ninth as their anniversary. As a while ago -- look at. Yes it does it will you know all it is gosh and that a kid's and that I would aren't. Yeah -- is somehow surprise -- can I haven't used on any idea and I is more surprising how many would be nice four anniversary. It got to watch this episode even XP machine."

" And -- city and some."

" How moon. Heat in the something -- expected to hit me when you guys are watching -- Macworld episode the third time."

" I just one insane -- as a happy anniversary and I love you from staff. Volume. Of your next that is so that you guessed it for him. You have to say I love you can -- to -- for -- a student fame as an arrow said that. I don't have any copy you guys but I took."

" And I hope you like get thinking slow much. Stephanie -- she can we hear from Whittier California. Now now let's take -- the fun out. This is cool it. -- This first stop it's just enough skin that we don't feel too weird because you have a boyfriend and he's a -- and we want to be like god yeah I know don't know which one is -- know which is also supposed to girls lay down what you -- in the audio version of this is our -- laptops -- better abilities are really that it that the ice topless on a beach yes and they have written -- and -- and that -- is a rose between the two of them rights and one laptop as MySpace going any other laptop -- As an episode of Diggnation -- rights. It's all -- so."

" What it's just a enough -- that it's."

" It's making but not so much that we don't feel bad for the guy right because Sony senior operatives rat we have we have -- savings are out and thank you did not that but yes yes -- So happy anniversary. To whoever is in that picture. Rights and how great would -- justices like two random people and like they just Photoshop minister of Canada that -- that. It probably is actually in the and again -- They handle it without result on the back just because it went right on their backs right lipstick -- I don't think so that -- Yeah that's that's anyway. Whenever it times K us and thanks for the story the email Stephanie and happy anniversary at Vienna -- to the -- he righteous. Right on his mind."

" I'm not gonna say one left -- Yeah is it it's a bit. All right let's sit this week's edition Diggnation I'm out all right I'm Kevin Rose in -- next time we wish you beat me."

" Have a good time in."

" This week's episode -- is brought you by Cachefly dot com and Craig Oda. It restricts your -- here."

" Oh look at the -- an episode number 86 I'm Kevin Rose about some recognition covers some of the hottest user's submitted stories on these social news website. -- economic DNA GG. Dot costs corrects is correct we -- and it very strange location."

" underground layers her idea of -- hurricane. And -- is it active like that's wait to call whoever. We have Revision 3 has nuances and serves as go downtown this is kind of underground. If there is an earthquake you will not see this footage and will be debt. So well let the fun to take -- some of your watching tape and we're that we -- Good thing and now right now is now. Be we had somebody rat rabbit -- so kind and you know New Year's."

" Thing -- crazy I have but the corona extra won't switch it will say without line. It's not saying it's not hidden that they actually build and one like."

" The 21 century and dynamic you can't build line flavoring your -- I don't want that what real fresh squeezed lime in Madrid knowingly or if there are burned out there was a capsule you can drop it. Back -- mind wing that you pull off the top -- out what it alive flags. No not -- I'm gonna get good in the bottle -- yeah that's that's -- genetically modified. There's this there's a little -- capsule of a liquid. Obama and we cracked back that the -- has to make a bid to break sit in the line just goes into the bottle."

" That's huge that would --"

" Maybe not. Happen. I think in -- day."

" I don't know because most had suddenly find out like ten years later light bulbs are that land use. -- causes brain cancer rates let and then Ahmanson's you know bunch of Johnson now have brain cancer that was very down as dinner I episodes -- Which also has."

" There is the government warning but we continue to consume and -- well. Well thank letting -- pregnant women and a company that really mind he had that gap as it where yes. -- Story today how to mathematically crack a master lock combination padlock. 2645. People -- the stories submitted by laying. This guy shows you. How you can break the combination of any mass -- padlock he uses math to bring down the possible number of combination from 64000. To 100. That idea well at first up. So the only answer video it won't be too hard you'll only have to do a hundred count Egyptian rights. But it's still let's let's let's say you lost the culmination of something -- you don't want to one's been money on the wire cutters or is that so whether it. It's a pretty cool -- basically. You start off and also the video or general rule in the video here but -- flexibility -- CRA on the mean when he pulled up here. -- you start up with just blocked by itself. And you slightly pull out T feel that clicking you're talking -- knows -- little we have to do where you just hold back and I go until we give. And then weekly. I don't think that was done way to break into Witter analyst with. That's the -- that -- of the dead. -- breaking the PHP is that takes us a different logo. -- But anyway if you go to website you click through on is broken because of Digg and receive that -- just slide down. Yeah dislike all the way down into -- Hey lacy circling the -- a -- slight click -- back in high school there's -- whole thing where you could -- you can just put a little bit ago it's a little click and the like first where none -- that's the first number though you think is a wears them. Comes right so we need using twist a little bit further and then it'll put you somewhere between two numbers. -- You know it's it's a long six minute video but. You can see hero passport a little bit he keeps warning people don't do -- at home. Scene always finding is the number of being between the two numbers you write that number down you do that all the way around T have like twelve numbers. Once you have those twelve numbers you look at the ones that in with a common number lead the others divide biceps. That's -- that -- I really think this is one does get a lot of like you know that thing where lake. Give me any two numbers think of any -- embarrassed I had I think -- T adds -- minus fifty years they with the seven in the united asset and I. Is no way seven. Yeah what I think we're at the reason why the six minute video as we get so much new the united by the end it like that -- just totally open -- there's not without any information. This you know he also did -- the company we should totally. This is a great viral video that you could to make this up he knows combination give it all doesn't do is come over those numbers the end yes you can totally."

" And they get another."

" More like something like the Barack Ike was. That's messed four. Well -- the old divisions aren't right it's a little less on on paper you wrote that I use the little calculator built and nobody is the enemy lines. Anyway I think I'll try it out let us know send us an email did you get to work his own theory on things that you all. Alone right don't do this on things that you don't own -- yeah that's illegal. That's -- lawyers tell us to say threat to we have no idea. And prayers are actually cropped or cut it -- lot of tax -- will last night and my accountant lawyer Eric guy in the show -- again he's getting odd right next story eight things you must do with your identity is stolen."

" 100640. People that this person and -- G-8."

" BD easy. When your identity is stolen you stand to lose everything here are eight steps you must take immediately to protect yourself."

" And this is -- printers Andy has we had a friend. That added that -- don't want somebody work in like coffee house for fifty years under his name which for an. Our own -- the idea. So but this is really good because it's basically a list that says look -- your identity is stolen. Just go and DE eight and immediately I had no right I. Yeah there was some meetings he had to do once there a name store button click credit cards cancel -- law that's in -- but more so the first thing is it. It do. Is it said call one of the three major credit report agents right and that's our Equifax experience and trans union as they call you only need call one."

" Because as soon as they get information somebody's any stolen they will contact there."

" Other people that's that's that's where it's -- that. Answer basically happens is it put a fraud credit real alert on here cracked. So basically he's a little sign on credits and it. Anybody tries to get a credit card says fraud alert here they have called perspective there's more -- who lives the hoops that the abductors or --"

" Oops didn't seem right I think that is an."

" But so nice and you do that then the agency vote will allow you to have a review of your credits so basically -- earlier credit cards seeking check to see you which credit cards. Our ears right. -- that's an -- want to do is if the perpetrators were able to open new accounts."

" So you go to the credit fraud reporting agency to say yes here's your credit report in and a six credit card you've never heard what. They said then you want context each of a cracker creditors and notified of that it was fraudulently activated."

" And then they will have you -- obviously a lot of fraud affidavit."

" Catches up its case affidavit -- should send -- an illegal thing like let scientists."

" So for those and then the third thing is for those accounts -- open. Not compromise contacting creditors and informed them that that you're at -- has been stolen so all your old credit cards. So that's anything -- man -- did this is why you don't want this to happen. So that's three and -- know credit cards yet need it what up somebody's dumb stuff."

" Let's jacket and and they said that most the time they were actually step through."

" Each of your caps and find out what it when it was stolen. When it fraudulent activities we're finding in the list apart so how did catch the guy and you've always that's on our website but there is no -- so there's no not look at steadily -- protect your -- because the end. Scrutiny on where the guy less. Yeah daily with -- about intensely generally doing it yeah it's a woman's right taken. Which would be experiencing engineers it and put it into effect. Step or contact your local police and alert them of the fraud on your name a detectable beside the case and -- you should get. Details such as."

" The detective's name badge number and the case number because you wanna you know well -- this comes up again -- have filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission not the FTC by calling 1877. ID theft. It already fit. -- Six you want to change it all of your online passports and why because they say do it."

" They don't steal passwords when nobody don't know if it's somebody's been able -- don't know how it is involved in -- name or something like -- doesn't change and every Pasadena where I second that doesn't make sense because they can just go and change your password for you. Now why would you change your existing passwords. Because if they found your passwords on how I don't like my passwords right we you don't doubt your drunken trying to and I don't check."

" And she was like what she certainly like bad actors say it's -- you know any ideas and he gives them that so change your online absurd."

" It's that 719 barbarity."

" Step seven if you lost your entire wallet says go to the stepping it is actually quite easy it's keep. All of the things that you do all the dealings with creditors all this -- write everything down because they said that in the future. They might catch the guy doing something else and some -- come to life. That you can use to get your money back."

" If you don't have full records of all the things you've said we talked what they said where you went all the case numbers. It may be more difficult in the future do you to record right now I'm gonna. Of the reasons is that adds it basically comes. Seek state -- but -- shredded this and it's good. This is from whom the threw everything being -- with -- it."

" So anyway so hopefully -- that doesn't happen to you but it so this is actually pretty decent robust. A list of things that you should do down to cover your boo Tay yeah they technically."

" Check it out on -- And keep that somewhere safe yes -- closer. Next biggest Google bought."

" Ever 2051 people there is risen by French thirteen. Was trying to find some information on my student loans in this huge Google -- it showed up all 100 pages of the search for of the exact same link. Help Google fix this in submit a report that the rule to stop these guys. So damn -- yet and biased. This is tricky it's harder. To protecting it discuss that I -- I mean positions here term they're actually -- in -- come up. I'm trying to find a link right here. Have you seen. What these guys did with home get the link you have a link I'm proud I was probably as today. You're linguists. We had basically hello and yes. So I took -- student loans affect --"

" So this the first sources ash that's -- easy they haven't we -- faces he he and I go to page you watch -- gets."

" They heat heat is an."

" Nice wow."

" Like yes yes yes wow is basically a bunch of results and enjoy issuing a video. Of the case why easy allow. Show me one."

" That's clear easy you is nice. What has happened here regularly so -- that and yeah."

" Let me let's I was thinking like your like where is it we -- of particular files. Don't put my -- your -- man."

" All right taste like S. Side of the music edit the so I Google its blog it still happens they've gotten a lot better -- it I mean it is -- for me I might let. This and about it he does it bother you that not results might be manipulated. Not now."

" Because you could give champion Venus but you spend time making 27 website so say I can fix your -- Clark. Fine if I'm not smart enough to realize that it's probably been manipulated. I'm the eight."

" And my by the scorching go up -- down which of course -- know what you're typing in a standard Google search term like we were something -- and that's not all result in it as -- result number one into -- So the have been not naturally place they're -- actually. As -- goes back to."

" I can't imagine that I would be a first I'm not shocks. Right and Munich of course that's gonna happen and it isn't it I mean -- anybody in the got a call it it's a battle we."

" I would dig as well I mean there's people -- there's. Hundreds of attempts at data trying get stores -- the start page right brought to -- like what he -- certain size it's bound it to happen in somewhere -- in this we'll just have to be a big. Kind of I have a feeling that cool all the tracks a certain like that. Probably 95% of their. There there are nomadic tribes and what does that mean search is that are done daily bases are probably watching in the index house changing and a that this is such obscure set of results -- actually typed in. How student loans affect -- score in the the page in and now it's basically a bomb. I don't know. Yeah I mean it's really hard there's so many of the there's such a long tail of search results really strange. So you just type in fight those -- wouldn't you wouldn't get the same results you get it cleaned list or wouldn't be. Back. -- I was fine. No Mac clones are on there."

" Yeah I mean it doesn't bother -- you know I mean. I feel bad for Google but I also feel like you know what price of -- you want to beat them world's."

" Most."

" GI enormous search engine then you've got to deal with the fact that people are gonna come after it was true in any and that's just the price of admission. And in a little an and I feel I mean I feel bad that happens is -- feel bad for like. You know the poor kid he's going to you know -- or whatever and needs a fight he scored in -- and it gets up there is like over so we can be like."

" I hop all go to this website they could you're gonna be able. Eight election they tell me out of these -- you're I mean I was talking to I got over Yahoo! that actually works -- their spam division and I think they have were in search. I was told them around twelve full time engineers that are fighting spam in the search vision alive it's crazy."

" That's not splendid it was C need to admit. I but it's and it doesn't really get on my skin. As much but then that not that set I have yet to go to something I really wanted just something just searched."

" In Google on the first three pages where you platform that's like god and these stupid spam right and than saying this is such in the near term then know that -- and also at the very high tolerance for spam."

" Because of many years ago I gave up -- a lot spam fine. Adds we'll find out why you know I mean they will find me I need to be mad at it and throw my computer. And a blank computer or any channel Peres and just say you know lot."

" Hats off to the same way about the big use you get -- brought it up and got up over mud dock up. To share. I am still not buying you up by -- thinks it's evil but good on yes that you know I mean it's -- click back. Now it was in and they are made the mistake and it was sitting there and they're like they're like there's so much difference that being gay it -- like -- Who is making money out this out it is that we don't and is likely that -- 5%. And it's enough money that it still -- people how. Well I want to see what it looked like I went through and it was like they'll like we can -- the United States known to be discrete envelope and like. -- need Viagra but you know you want to get some that's where you might now. What you mean if you're trying to fire. Why what I have tried and Randy really tell -- that silences is freaking crazy like seriously twelve hours like this could go. Hula hoping that she's okay. That's launch I think it's like time I think I -- however you had a weird effect. Exe is was called doctor like the last play of colors yeah panic clinical. Constant erection -- prolonged erection or whatever you heard that or mountains getting gave out. In the UK you can get there in London. You didn't have to have a prescription and we can just get. Of the -- like V today in London metal prongs Viagra out of ships. Sailors -- kissing women totally correct yeah."

" But I think -- I don't know man I motivate you don't look at the count in the brits are awesome. They say he's got a lynch -- That's awesome and on Valentine's and unless that's right and that is thinking in terms -- planet thinking man's skin. How are he's. We got there I don't know the movie -- and is able -- Google -- we were and I."

" Mac how to free and huge custom poster for your wall. Three -- and it by fat Mike here and I want to quickly illustrate how to create huge up to twenty meters."

" Awesome looking raster -- posters using previously mentioned raster data. It's free easy use piece of software. And the whole procedure won't take you more than five or ten minutes not including -- printing in putting anyone --"

" Enjoy now we've talked about -- a lot of Nam but you know what this kinda stuff. I'll let you know what this is a -- raster nation happen. So the way it works is that you. Raster -- piece of software it's free software and -- and any image and basically break it up into as many."

" Pieces as -- walked a half by eleven -- has silently standards size is that what -- legal paper."

" Any principal -- newspaper right and -- the reason why you do this is because you can take a picture. And you can print out the eight by ten squares of the picture I would totally do -- totally news which do you like Big Dig nation. Logo some."

" Have huge -- buses will you heard it does a wall where you are yes and this has got basically said step like get estimated downloaded -- ballot here beloved about rug rats then select the source and she got a nice present."

" Select the paper size alliance -- basically say I wanna you know."

" The 84. It normal. Page but I want laid -- he can do it like you know. Along with this way or you can print them up this way however you want it to understand the 43 things like her paper yet if -- is normal. Who I sufficiency in half by eleven think well what's a three not normal."

" Not coming out of my printer so I don't give it crap. That's right my craft had been achieved total. Solaris basically to find out what's does -- at what point but paperback points up paper from set the rest debate option and then and it comes out and some. It comes out in able raster B folder. I don't know who -- it wasn't clear if it comes out in light. 150 different images like. Images files that you have an open up and print individually network it's like one file that -- can somehow print. Or watch an exact that was not unclear but it's actually really cool poster. What I'd like Kevin I'm -- at this port at. Probably I'm gonna guess eight branch. Film. Isn't a difference in us French press room. Some weird sex -- back."

" nice motorcycle -- but that is very artsy. So anyways so."

" the software -- be your parts content. A little too much Michael blind listeners that they Diggnation logo raster data and yes she had a net view she is -- over your wall incidences that picture of it will will get in in the future -- but. Yahoo! assembling Brazill rest of eloquence."

" Shall we move on let's do it and then -- the door thinly veiled masturbation jokes yeah. Face composites of attractive slash unattractive women 2000 translate to people that the stories and by Samsung and six point five. These women do not exist. They each are composites of thirty faces that I created. To find out the current standard of good looks on the Internet. However most -- images show that fat is not attractive. The high score images tend to have Niro faces I leave it to you define what differences and a similar project for men. So he's the same going to than men when his morning news that aren't aren't so here's picture. This the first time we've seen this I yes. A series of images starting out."

" With what is considered to be after getting the rating system one to ten a one point oh woman. To three point 43 book project -- notebook for all the way up to a nine point five to ten. I have to say Andy here's the average is what the average person thought was intractable. And where you fall. Soon. And yeah. It's interesting isn't it because it's like these not these women exist completely artificially. And they're changing facial structure and and they so when you tend to put him. How are cheekbones a little more definition. The rating goes up. Obviously a little bit morbid chin rating goes down -- the changing hairstyle little -- a little more like kind of."

" I think I think it point 58 point nine. I think anywhere past. Six point five is cool. And that's a good. Yeah yeah. I'm not it's 606 forced I don't have for the tip."

" We know the I don't know how most Abu it was you remind us right all I was and am I clamor if you look at movies that's problem of these bobcat -- having an essay here."

" And that -- I also like attractive when right so you're aware that weigh and balance that's in the hat. That is what is right. It's an interesting concept they've done a lot of these different contemplated it -- the candidate with babies now. It is study that babies that babies are actually didn't try to engage more with attractive people. Then not attracted people that's weird the other at this you know they do that like neutral cutting Vanilla Canadian and it does the person on baby's chances are totally neutral face. And abatement lanky target it and get that scientist. -- But it was in the had a little box it came up there was like a face and the faces like."

" I think you have there been any I didn't and it."

" Put -- people box and put attract people in the box."

" And the babies like you got we're like who who would have come help me to be attractive people are often they are -- people like us. Really sizable difference there -- it. Notable. Difference bills to book. As noted by scientists. That's interesting now I heard about that I don't think here's the deal and they did the other side is that they're doing men's one as well -- great one what kind of feeling you know I mean. And that sort cliche but beauty is in the united holders so true you know I mean like they're times. --"

" Me. Check this take care of my car off even entertaining and then other times -- like wow she's smoking hot -- and then. So it's really truly is in the united all of them so check that out rumors were members of good rating system. Speaking I -- intuition stuff hardest video game boss ever 3390. People that source nearby. Do you think that's chasm Morgan. Bank -- morning."

" Cut podcasts. Unless you're mastic kissed I don't understand how playing this boss would even be remotely fun. As far as I know no one has ever be used box without at least one continue. Watch the video and you'll see like this."

" Is ray well first of all it's my hands releasing as well. They didn't really don't see it finds it. It's got -- really funny because it is she didn't delegates he needs yelling and --"

" Yeah I think well of course is not an English but dude it's like ridiculous there's like a gazillion things on the screen and then -- to like go go go up. It's crazy and he's even dodging. These missiles and I need to look -- anytime there's at least 700 missiles and Australia native is they knew they want us into every night as like I could never attacked. With the help what what happened in enemy and I like how how come -- got it at in the ghost world movements -- swirls stuff."

" Then there's like super -- where this world -- coming together."

" And then like it like sprays everything comes out make it's just a it's ridiculous that the bus ticket so basically it's Sox."

" Up about bad."

" Ten continues heed this guy did in about four and -- thought I thought okay."

" But leave it to the Japanese and of course and for the first up we do not have confirmation this is the final. Boss right is that she inbox there is a chance that we would actually have to fight on other."

" Boss though because it says is the hardest -- ever we're assuming -- would put that person. Right because the Internet like there's -- yeah it looks tame. And we -- in Japan we saw a lot of crazy games."

" We have."

" Would they are kids are strong there this -- strong -- people did that end that's much in the US led arcade because they have games like well I don't know for the more clues there did."

" I will -- anyway this is like although in my eyes out of the stick with blasphemy let our daily -- it."

" And alone in Japan. I think when your that it -- I was going to go to movie and a -- and the you're having fun. News deer hunting you get -- millions of years -- hundreds whenever. You know play it's it's awesome."

" Team that that it's insane it's like up this agri this is not fun NASA not."

" So we don't now what video game it is they don't have it listed on the site you I wouldn't however down discipline is on my experts who safety. If they offer this looks very much like it's very much like was -- one -- jeweled not mutual."

" Was the one -- again no crystal. What. With -- invited Kristol a GO what's the what do you geometry worries geometry. It's it's a lot like."

" I can't that be that you -- crystal caves or whatever where it's like pitfalls. Is intelligent wears off the -- very much like him to worth for the info only thing that -- check out this video of the final bottle from that."

" And oh and now is that you have a one. -- password because the police. So what is this oh there's really gain any ground that. My -- ultra super -- is what it's called. The last time Abbas."

" I."

" I this and add value of money ID OAP. It and we now know. That is insane that's right. Wow. -- I know this is this stupid this is with Steve he would be verified. Went."

" That the kids have Malcolm that's how your guns don't blow up a little thing that she that you that the event at all cool basically."

" Kind of create a waltz greeted his purple liberal little bit of is is filled and a regular guy in the corner like I don't fear god."

" Please please -- me. Billions of good."

" Hook it up all off. I can tell you track I would tell attack technique punching the screen. Last I read today that true impact of Fiji bottled water absolutely staggering 3200 what you -- the stores -- about pop three. The production of one liter bottle of the Fiji water uses 26 times more water. Then the bottle contains 26. The production also consumes almost one kilogram a fossil fuel and emits. Over one pound of CO2. This is an important story from want to check out casts. I am rich to be heavier than you actually hired a combo -- just a really good website -- you have yes. It's he's only got like the bios cubes or some now we're only that the industry and so with that -- is right at my kids. Who who who -- the --"

" He's from Ron and -- and ensuring things don't get me excited because I'm an."

" An earpiece so how was like you've -- house."

" And it was just like all hardwood floors -- you want to end of the trees but don't you think that how that is actually really and eight in the very hypocritical to have a tree house built in countries with. Hardwood floors. You had to -- and cheese I think that's not yeah you may assume Biden pressed mosque then flooring is from me."

" Preston mosques mind that they can make it look like Tara was California people's Boca burgers and here's like the hamburger that's really like. No. Nobody is ever picked up above governor got us. And now and Australia hamburger that the -- this five ounces of recycled cardboard a whole lot better I don't sweat and others like it and I know there's a lot of media is out there and I like -- a little piece of me ever want to lock. Class."

" I have to say have you tried the book that I woke up right where it's like okay -- all of it say it is. If you go any two of faux meat. No -- it will never taste or -- know or feel like you have brought up. Bennett can be a good experience. Then you haven't yeah. Is not tell the sausages fake it. Right they can make anything they can take -- it's a huge precious kind of car you can chop they cannot in putting your eggs you like I'm -- meanings and make it."

" Yeah shopper dot because you as a whole Democrats think they've."

" Red -- but also this there's of the -- sausage patties throws me is a pretty give him the book I don't know but that annual list you -- but again it doesn't -- look or feel like sausage it -- you let go let dungy got to check back you're fine I know the Boca burger I'd always anxious to hear it -- like I Daryn."

" Guys that there if you watch from a little bit you know -- without office in the computing thing. Every once while conservative real problem -- go out kids go -- whole foods or any health food store type thing. Get the Boca brought worst. They'll sausages. Won -- I guess the microwave pulled out. Put conclude that little bug that'll be the mustered the bid chopped -- if you want a little big catch up done deal they're good yeah I."

" Really get it may taste good. I'm just saying they probably don't taste anything like sausage and I -- yet I G I can assume."

" And you're gonna get my house that while we're gonna -- the demands and what it means that I."

" But but if I wanted expo alternative if I wanted."

" Perhaps we're only exist because you -- I like him."

" I didn't I don't sing it like this like fake meat I'm just saying don't. Try to go edit thinking it's gonna take editing right."

" It's well and just like yeah this is senate given me just get my man cred back my -- woman got me into this though I it was at me going like I want them. They had taken. I guess that's surprising. After. So what I -- you teach meanwhile Fuji lot of not a bad blood there. So in summary. That any of this -- we started then the manufacture transport costs. Did you water. Would you rather. -- One kilogram bottle of water consumes 26 point eight -- to kilograms of why would seven point one gallons point. 849 kilograms of fossil fuels and -- five. Farris is two grams of greenhouse gas that's how we came up with this yet basically they found out of the bottles coming in from China. So the manufacture the plastic bottles fly amounts -- time. Then they have to filter the water the cost of running all machines to do all that. Putting into the bottles since shipping it back the United States transported to the stores they were they basically went. Down to like you know what is the actual cost to get the consumer's hands. And it's pretty intense. Okay -- Sly mathematical idea I -- I can see that there's a lot of division and colleges and you know we knowledge of it right."

" But my question to you is. -- I think then you're basically saying any product."

" Bottled water but anything I mean where how wealthy and well this coming out which account you know palace -- whatever that's bottled up and -- it up right next door -- lights went out."

" Well there's -- not but the question is it then you're taking attic basically you're saying that this is bad because it comes from China. Not because it comes -- without the only reason that it's saying it's bad right because that he all the travelers and they're not."

" Actually does slamming these immunity is that isn't there example this thing all bottled water. Is is bad because of what it takes to produce and shipping actually get it to -- better off buying. Of filtration system your house. That you can you know uses a small little cartridge the last three months ends. You're not doing as much environmental damage -- And changes in my patriot knocked it away interest that article to read your you know like to bring in the the green articles sometimes -- China. Not a -- man of."

" I like being green. But like Kermit it's not easy being me. Mr. Berenson. And -- book."

" Off as you go from unions."

" She get her roommate isn't it tank so."

" Her roommate has a book that's why I've had taken and takes hostage and fake chicken nuggets and there's two dozen -- I know I love it I didn't go like fake chicken nuggets and you get it's like the so -- Andy I'm I'm not ignoring they're a good -- and some."

" you -- know I mean. Smart."

" This release this when I mean they're not his fault. Anyway and."

" We live in California don't it is is there somewhere that doesn't know what these things are well trying to."

" Right I think that's right yeah really good to us sponsors. Do at -- be get your dot com name for just 199 with any new non domain purchase plus. As a special Diggnation viewer and -- could dig too."

" And with -- written -- it -- to add check out to save an additional five dollars off your order. Thirty dollars or mortgage appease the Internet today good -- cop she says -- needs --"

" I need you don't -- If they can think copyright -- loses and loses. Godaddy is freaking awesome man so are I have I didn't. I could stay up all my domains out of every of the provided as you -- everyone even is not transferred over to godaddy has do thank you for being as good sport actually having some of them into the phone yes. I Cachefly kept flag up to deliver your content if you have. Awesome content want to make it available from anywhere fast and friendly to massive audience. Then cache file hook you up good check out Cachefly. Add cash. Fly dot com that's how we send our files right to you."

" Yes we catch them and it guy around and in. It emails so I haven't emailed here are my you know and pieces from Lawrence. Take -- of -- watching episode 84 virgin America diet. I was in the presence of my friend who was always making funny because that I use in his words Mac. And he thought that dig nation was one of those damn Mac shadows. Well when I finished -- the Senate sent him a link to it and he said suggested Donna watches and tell me when you're done. When he changes don't really quick. Now he thinks the nation is the funny -- around which I wholeheartedly. Agree with that he's at wholeheartedly disagree with us because what complacent can be -- Anyway just thought -- get me let you guys know thanks Lawrence banks aren't and yeah and you -- we have we played with this a lot. Because of the fact that worked pod cast a lot of people in this world still don't realize that you don't need an iPod you."

" In a Mac in and you barely need an Internet connection to watch actually. --"

" Oh gosh yes and I'd like no owner no that's probably in a website -- Mac genius dot com is where is he -- this is from I mean he's clearly a Mac. Acts yet. Well that's the thing uses it went okay in any Mac genius dot com yeah."

" But I think it's I think it's interesting because that we I had said the same thing when -- I talk to cal. When I got. Had this sad because indignation pops up and and provocative question would."

" And it was really -- is usually screen savers."

" And he said you know honestly I -- not realize that I could watch your show a lot of people because they don't have an iPod I don't have a Mac you know I mean like it's really too bad and I -- that's -- wanted to change it but I feel like podcast this to concise and it's what that's what it is it'll always be that you know let's just."

" I got the we have more viewers now. Over that that I guess the media never went on to it solves. Oh yeah we get a lot more people at this than watch podcasts and he wants the intelligent."

" That's a Mac genius in saying. Blood alcohol. -- 68 I was also deficit. Tell everybody -- not just convert one little friend would set. A lot tell people think you as populous."

" We have an email from Stephanie has rights had a -- so. It knows that less Kennedy and friends lucky boyfriend. I exit out religiously. Is on your website. And what's your podcasting things you guys in the -- pair of techies to his podcast our anniversary agreed. And our anniversary January 20 ninth as their anniversary. As a while ago -- look at. Yes it does it will you know all it is gosh and that a kid's and that I would aren't. Yeah -- is somehow surprise -- can I haven't used on any idea and I is more surprising how many would be nice four anniversary. It got to watch this episode even XP machine."

" And -- city and some."

" How moon. Heat in the something -- expected to hit me when you guys are watching -- Macworld episode the third time."

" I just one insane -- as a happy anniversary and I love you from staff. Volume. Of your next that is so that you guessed it for him. You have to say I love you can -- to -- for -- a student fame as an arrow said that. I don't have any copy you guys but I took."

" And I hope you like get thinking slow much. Stephanie -- she can we hear from Whittier California. Now now let's take -- the fun out. This is cool it. -- This first stop it's just enough skin that we don't feel too weird because you have a boyfriend and he's a -- and we want to be like god yeah I know don't know which one is -- know which is also supposed to girls lay down what you -- in the audio version of this is our -- laptops -- better abilities are really that it that the ice topless on a beach yes and they have written -- and -- and that -- is a rose between the two of them rights and one laptop as MySpace going any other laptop -- As an episode of Diggnation -- rights. It's all -- so."

" What it's just a enough -- that it's."

" It's making but not so much that we don't feel bad for the guy right because Sony senior operatives rat we have we have -- savings are out and thank you did not that but yes yes -- So happy anniversary. To whoever is in that picture. Rights and how great would -- justices like two random people and like they just Photoshop minister of Canada that -- that. It probably is actually in the and again -- They handle it without result on the back just because it went right on their backs right lipstick -- I don't think so that -- Yeah that's that's anyway. Whenever it times K us and thanks for the story the email Stephanie and happy anniversary at Vienna -- to the -- he righteous. Right on his mind."

" I'm not gonna say one left -- Yeah is it it's a bit. All right let's sit this week's edition Diggnation I'm out all right I'm Kevin Rose in -- next time we wish you beat me."

" Have a good time in."