Sports and leisure

Anglia Ruskin offers a great range of sports, active lifestyles opportunities and wellbeing sessions to help you relax while studying at Cambridge or Chelmsford.

Each Campus has it own fitness facilities, and access to sports hall and playing fields, all of which are enjoyed as part of the student package at Anglia Ruskin.

From Rowing on the River Cam, playing Cricket at Fenners*, bashing it up as an American footballer or playing Rugby, or how about indulging in the art of Tai Chi or giving it all in the various fitness classes? If this is too much, then experience the fantastic relaxing skills of the University's Complementary Medicines team or using the expertise of our sports scientists.

Furthermore for those that would consider themselves gifted sport people, why not apply for one of the University's Sports Scholarships or Bursaries

* As part of the Anglia Ruskin and Cambridge University School of excellence squad, known as the UCCE. We have a designated status as a University Centre of Cricketing Excellence.
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