Lost & Found Sound

Big Mamma Revisited()  


December 31, 1999 Quest for Sound curator Jay Allison reviews our year in listener contributions, which all were entered into a database we called "Big Mamma."


The Loon Call()  


December 29, 2000 A remembrance by Brent Runyon about his grandfather, who taught family members how to do a loon call. Brent hasn't been able to master it.


How to Do the Loon Call()  

December 29, 2005 Loon Call Teaser


Twentieth Century Wars on Tape()  


December 24, 1999 Over 37 million men and women have served in the armed forces and fought in the major wars this century. They bequeathed us a legacy of recorded sound that captures the breadth of experience of war, as Quest for Sound Curator Jay Allison demonstrates.


Vermont's Archive of Folk Songs()  


December 24, 1999 Helen Hartness Flanders spent 35 years preserving Vermont's vanishing folk songs. She eventually collected more than 4,000 songs by carrying sound equipment to remote corners of the state -- and by charming residents into singing for her.


Walkin' Talkin' Bill Hawkins()  


December 17, 1999 Bill Hawkins was Cleveland’s first black disc jockey. He was known for a jiving, rhyming style that had influence throught the industry and earned him many imitators. He also had a son he never knew. Lost and Found Sound sends that son -- William Allen Taylor -- back to Cleveland to find out more about his father.


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