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Ringing in ears plagues Metallica drummer

Years of playing drums without protection left Lars Ulrich with a "constant ringing in the ears" that never went away. Except the ringing is not an actual sound -- it's a condition called tinnitus, a perception of sound where there is none.

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20 ways to get healthier for free

Celebrate the New Year with a new you -- by dipping into our smart batch of strategies to keep you happy and healthy (at no cost!) all year long.

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5 tips for getting what you need from your doctor

Doctors are often rushed, so patients must come to appointments prepared. Learn five steps to having a successful doctor appointment.

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Expert Q&A with Dr. Sanjay Gupta and team
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Get the reporting, research and analysis behind on-air stories straight from the CNN Medical Unit, led by chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta.
Get the reporting, research and analysis behind on-air stories straight from the CNN Medical Unit, led by chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta.
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